-- | Wonderful echoes from morpheus.
-- Granular synthesis for morphing between waveforms.
-- It's a simplification of partikkel opcode for the case of morphing.
module Csound.Air.Granular.Morpheus(
        WaveAmp, WaveKey, MorphWave,
        MorphSpec(..), GrainDensity(..), GrainEnv(..),


        -- *  Sound files
        morphSnd1, morphSnd,

        -- * Amplitude modes

        -- * Oscillators
        morpheusOsc, morpheusOsc2
) where

import Control.Arrow
import Data.Default

import Csound.Typed
import Csound.Typed.Opcode
import Csound.Tab
import Csound.SigSpace

import Csound.Air.Granular(Pointer, csdPartikkel)
import Csound.Air.Wav
import Csound.Air.Wave
import Csound.Types(compareWhenD)

type WaveAmp = Sig
type WaveKey = Sig

type MorphWave = (Tab, WaveAmp, WaveKey, Pointer)

-- | Density of the grain stream.  
-- * @rate@ is how many grains per second is generated
-- * @size@ is the size of each grain in milliseconds (it's good to set it relative to grain rate)
-- * @skip@ skip is a skip ratio (0 to 1). It's the probability of grain skip. Zero means no skip and 1 means every grain is left out.
-- see docs for Csound partikkel opcode for more detailed information <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/partikkel.html>
data GrainDensity = GrainDensity
        { grainRate :: Sig
        , grainSize :: Sig
        , grainSkip :: Sig }

instance Default GrainDensity where
        def = GrainDensity
                        { grainRate = kGrainRate
                        , grainSize = kduration
                        , grainSkip = 0 }
                        kGrainDur       = 2.5                                                   -- length of each grain relative to grain rate 
                        kduration       = (kGrainDur*1000)/kGrainRate   -- grain dur in milliseconds, relative to grain rate
                        kGrainRate  = 12

-- | Parameters for grain envelope.
-- * attShape -- table that contains shape of the attack.
-- * decShape -- table that contains shape of the decay
-- * sustRatio -- how big is sustain phase relative to attack and decay
-- * attack to decay ration -- relative amount of attack decay ration. 0.5 means attack equals decay.
-- see docs for Csound partikkel opcode for more detailed information <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/partikkel.html>
data GrainEnv = GrainEnv
        { grainAttShape :: Tab
        , grainDecShape :: Tab
        , grainSustRatio :: Sig
        , grainAttDecRatio :: Sig }

instance Default GrainEnv where
        def = GrainEnv
                        { grainAttShape = sigmoidRise
                        , grainDecShape = sigmoidFall
                        , grainSustRatio = 0.25
                        , grainAttDecRatio = 0.5 }

-- sigmoidRise = guardPoint $ sines4 [(0.5, 1, 270, 1)]
-- sigmoidFall = guardPoint $ sines4 [(0.5, 1, 90, 1)]

-- | Specification of morphing synth. It has the default instance 
-- and the values in its records has default instances too
data MorphSpec = MorphSpec
        { morphGrainDensity :: GrainDensity
        , morphGrainEnv     :: GrainEnv

instance Default MorphSpec where
        def = MorphSpec
                { morphGrainDensity = def
                , morphGrainEnv     = def

-- | Synth that is based on partikkel. It allows easy morphing between unlimited number of waves.
-- While partikkel allows only 4 waves to be used. We can use as many as we like. Internally
-- the list is split on groups 4 elements or less in each and one partikkel is applied to each group.
-- Many parameters of partikel were simplified to get the good defaults for sound morphing behavior.
-- > morpheus spec waves frequencyScale
-- * spec -- contains many misc parameters
-- * waves list can contain up to four wave tables to read grains from.
-- * frequencyScale -- scaling factor for frequency. 1 means playing at the original frequency, 2 rises the pitch by octave. 
--     We can use negative values to play the grains in reverse.
morpheus :: MorphSpec -> [MorphWave] -> Sig -> SE Sig2
morpheus spec pwaves cps = sum $ fmap (\waves -> morpheus4 spec waves cps) (splitBy4 pwaves)

splitBy4 :: [a] -> [[a]]
splitBy4 xs = case xs of
    a:b:c:d:rest -> [a,b,c,d] : splitBy4 rest
    rest         -> [rest]

morpheus4 :: MorphSpec -> [MorphWave] -> Sig -> SE Sig2
morpheus4 spec pwaves cps = do
        iwaveamptab <- makeMorphTable amp1 amp2 amp3 amp4
        return $ csdPartikkel agrainrate kdistribution idisttab async kenv2amt ienv2tab
                                        ienv_attack ienv_decay ksustain_amount ka_d_ratio kduration kamp igainmasks
                        kwavfreq ksweepshape iwavfreqstarttab iwavfreqendtab awavfm
                        ifmamptab ifmenv icosine kTrainCps knumpartials
                        kchroma ichannelmasks krandommask kwaveform1 kwaveform2 kwaveform3 kwaveform4
                        iwaveamptab asamplepos1 asamplepos2 asamplepos3 asamplepos4
                        kwavekey1 kwavekey2 kwavekey3 kwavekey4 imax_grains
        wave1 : wave2 : wave3 : wave4 : _ = cycle pwaves

        async = 0
        kamp = 1

        ichannelmasks = skipNorm $ doubles [0, 0,  0.5]

        kdistribution = 1
        idisttab = setSize 16 $ startEnds [1, 16, -10, 0]

        -- grain shape settings
        grainEnv = morphGrainEnv spec
        ienv_attack = grainAttShape grainEnv
        ienv_decay  = grainDecShape grainEnv
        ksustain_amount = grainSustRatio grainEnv
        ka_d_ratio = grainAttDecRatio grainEnv
        kenv2amt = 0
        ienv2tab = eexps [1, 0.0001]

        -- grain density
        grainDensity = morphGrainDensity spec
        kGrainRate = grainRate grainDensity
        kduration = grainSize grainDensity

        kwavfreq = cps

        krandommask = grainSkip grainDensity

        -- waves

        kwavekey1 = getWaveKey wave1
        kwavekey2 = getWaveKey wave2
        kwavekey3 = getWaveKey wave3
        kwavekey4 = getWaveKey wave4

        asamplepos1 = getSamplePos wave1
        asamplepos2 = getSamplePos wave2
        asamplepos3 = getSamplePos wave3
        asamplepos4 = getSamplePos wave4

        kwaveform1 = getWaveForm wave1
        kwaveform2 = getWaveForm wave2
        kwaveform3 = getWaveForm wave3
        kwaveform4 = getWaveForm wave4

        amp1 = getAmp wave1
        amp2 = getAmp wave2
        amp3 = getAmp wave3
        amp4 = getAmp wave4

        imax_grains = 100

        getWaveKey (tab1, amp1, key1, ptr1) = key1 / sig (getTabLen tab1)

        getSamplePos (_, _, _, ptr) = ptr
        getWaveForm (form, _, _, _) = form
        getAmp (_, amp, _, _) = kr amp

        -- no trainlets
        icosine = cosine
        kTrainCps = kGrainRate
        knumpartials = 7
        kchroma = 3

        -- no FM
        kGrFmFreq = kGrainRate / 4
        kGrFmIndex = 0
        aGrFmSig = kGrFmIndex * osc kGrFmFreq
        agrainrate = kGrainRate + aGrFmSig * kGrainRate
        ifmenv = elins [0, 1, 0]
        ifmamptab = skipNorm $ doubles [0, 0, 1]
        awavfm = 0

        -- other params
        igainmasks = skipNorm $ doubles [0, 0,   1]
        ksweepshape = 0.5
        iwavfreqstarttab = skipNorm $ doubles [0, 0, 1]
        iwavfreqendtab = skipNorm $ doubles [0, 0, 1]

        makeMorphTable a1 a2 a3 a4 = do
                t <- newTab 64
                mapM_  (\(i, amp) -> tablew amp  (2 + sig (int i)) t ) (zip [0 .. ] [a1, a2, a3, a4])
                return t

getTabLen t = ftlen t / getSampleRate

-- | Creates four control signals out two signals. The control signals are encoded by the position
-- of the point on XY-plane. The four resulting signals are derived from the proximity of the point
-- to four squares of the ((0, 1), (0, 1)) square. It can be useful to control the morpheus with XY-pad controller.
pairToSquare :: (Sig, Sig) -> (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)
pairToSquare (x, y) = ((1 - x) * (1 - y), x * (1 - y) , x * y, (1 - x) * y)

-- | Morpheus synth for mono-audio files. The first cell in each tripple is occupied by file name.
-- The rest arguments are the same as for @morpheus@.
morphSnd1 :: MorphSpec -> [(String, WaveAmp, WaveKey)] -> Sig -> SE Sig2
morphSnd1 spec waves cps = morpheus spec (fmap fromSnd waves) cps
                fromSnd (file, amp, key) = (wavLeft file, amp, key, phasor (1 / sig (lengthSnd file)))

-- | Morpheus synth for stereo-audio files. The first cell in each tripple is occupied by file name.
-- The rest arguments are the same as for @morpheus@.
morphSnd :: MorphSpec -> [(String, WaveAmp, WaveKey)] -> Sig -> SE Sig2
morphSnd spec waves cps = morphSndByTab wavLeft spec waves cps + morphSndByTab wavRight spec waves cps

morphSndByTab :: (String -> Tab) -> MorphSpec -> [(String, WaveAmp, WaveKey)] -> Sig -> SE Sig2
morphSndByTab getTab spec waves cps = morpheus spec (fmap fromSnd waves) cps
                fromSnd (file, amp, key) = (getTab file, amp, key, phasor (1 / sig (lengthSnd file)))

-- | Morpheus oscillator.
-- > morpheusOsc spec (baseFrequency, table) cps
-- @baseFrequency@ is the frequency of the sample contained in the table. With oscillator
-- we can read the table on different frequencies. 
morpheusOsc :: MorphSpec -> (D, Tab) -> Sig -> SE Sig2
morpheusOsc spec (baseFreq, t) cps = morpheus spec waves ratio
                ratio = cps / sig baseFreq
                aptr = cycleTab t
                waves = [(t, 1, 1, aptr)]

cycleTab t = phasor $ sig $ recip $ getTabLen t

-- | Morpheus oscillator. We control the four tables with pair of control signals (see the function @pairToSquare@).
-- > morpheusOsc2 spec baseFrequency waves (x, y) cps = ...
morpheusOsc2 :: MorphSpec -> D -> [(Sig, Tab)] -> (Sig, Sig) -> Sig -> SE Sig2
morpheusOsc2 spec baseFreq ts (x, y) cps = morpheus spec waves ratio
                (a1, a2, a3, a4) = pairToSquare (x, y)
                ratio = cps / sig baseFreq
                waves = zipWith (\amp (key, t) -> (t, amp, key, cycleTab t)) (cycle [a1, a2, a3, a4]) ts

{- examples

main' = dac $ mul 0.2 $ morphSnd1 def [("floss/ClassGuit.wav", linseg [1, 3, 1, 3, 0], linseg [1, 3, 1, 3, 0]), ("floss/ClassGuit.wav", linseg [0, 3, 0, 3, 1], (-1))] 1

main = dac $ lift1 (\p -> mixAt 0.25 largeHall2 $ mixAt 0.6 (pingPong 0.124 0.5 0.7) $
	at (filt 2 (\cfq res x -> moogladder x cfq res) (env * 12000) 0.1) $ mul (0.2 * env) $ 
	morpheus (def { morphGrainDensity = def { grainRate = linseg [36, 18, 4], grainSize = linseg [ 1200, 6, 5700, 12, 750 ], grainSkip = 0.45 * uosc 0.17 }}) 
		(tabs p) (negate $ semitone (5))) (ujoy (0.5, 0.5)) 
			tabs (x, y) = [file a1 1, file a2 0.5, file2 a3 1, file3 a4 1]
				where (a1, a2, a3, a4) = pairToSquare (x, y)

			file a x = (wavl "floss/ClassGuit.wav", a, x, linseg [2.5, 18, 3.5])
			file2 a x = (wavl "floss/hd.wav", a, x, linseg [0.2, 18, 0.6])
			file3 a x = (wavl "floss/hd.wav", a, x, linseg [0.02, 18, 0.5])

			env = linseg [0, 1, 1, 3, 1] -- 10, 0]

			amp1 = linseg [1, 8, 1, 4, 0]
			amp2 = linseg [0, 6, 0, 6, 1]


-- todo
-- playing samples in chain


partWaveChain :: [Double] -> Sig -> (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)
partWaveChain xs pointer = case xs of
	[a, da] -> 
		let (amp1, amp2) = go1 a da pointer
		in  (amp1, amp2, 0, 0)
	[a, da, b, db] -> 		
		let (amp1, amp2, amp3) = go2 a da b db pointer
		in  (amp1, amp2, amp3, 0)
	[a, da, b, db, c, dc] -> 
		let (amp1, amp2, amp3, amp4) = go3 a da b db c dc pointer	
		in  (amp1, amp2, amp3, amp4)
	_ -> error "partWaveChain: wrong number of elements in the list. Should be [a, da], [a, da, b, db] or [a, da, b, db, c, dc]."		
		go1 a da ptr = (readTab t1 ptr, readTab t2 ptr)
				d = da / 2
				t1 = leftTab (a - d) (a + d)
				t2 = rightTab (a - d) (a + d)

		go2 a da b db = (readTab t1 ptr, readTab t2 ptr, readTab t3 ptr)
				da2 = da / 2
				db2 = db / 2
				t1 = leftTab (a - da2) (a + da2)
				t2 = centerTab (a - da2) (a + da2) (b - db2) (b + db2)
				t3 = rightTab (b - db2) (b + db2)

		go3 = undefined

		readTab t ptr = table ptr t1 `withD` 1
		leftTab a b c  = lins [1, a, 1, b, 0, c, 0] 
		rightTab a b c = lins [0, a, 0, b, 1, c, 1] 
		centerTab a b c d e = lins [0, a, 0, b, 1, c, 1, d, 0, e, 0]

partWaveChain2 :: Sig -> (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)
partWaveChain2 = partWaveChain [0.5, 0.25]

partWaveChain3 :: Sig -> (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig) 
partWaveChain3 = partWaveChain [1/3, 0.25, 1/3, 0.25]

partWaveChain4 :: Sig -> (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig) 
partWaveChain4 = partWaveChain [0.25, 0.2, 0.25, 0.2, 0.25, 0.2]

cfdChainWeights :: [Double] -> Sig -> [Sig]
cfdChainWeights xs ptr = getWeights ptr (getPairs xs)
		getPairs xs = case xs of
			a:b:rest -> (a, b) : getPairs rest
			_        -> []

		getPairs ptr xs = case xs of
			[] -> [1]
			[(a, rada)] -> go1 a rada ptr
			a : as -> goN a (init as) (zip lengs $ makeAdjacentPairs xs) (last as)
			go1 a da ptr = [readTab t1 ptr, readTab t2 ptr]
					d = da / 2
					t1 = leftTab (a - d) (a + d)
					t2 = rightTab (a - d) (a + d)

			goN (start, startRad) center (end, endRad) = 
				startTab ++ centerTabs ++ [endTab]
					startTab = leftTab (start - startRad) (2 * startRad) (1 - (start + startRad))
					endTab   = rightTab (1 - (end - endRad)) (2 * endRad) (end + endRad) 
					centerTabs = fmap toCenterTab center

					toCenterTab (leng, (a, rada), (b, radb)) = centerTab (leng - rada) (2 * rada)

			readTab t ptr = table ptr t1 `withD` 1
			leftTab a b c  = lins [1, a, 1, b, 0, c, 0] 
			rightTab a b c = lins [0, a, 0, b, 1, c, 1] 
			centerTab a b c d e = lins [0, a, 0, b, 1, c, 1, d, 0, e, 0]

			makeAdjacentPairs xs = case xs of
				[] -> []
				x:xs -> tail $ scanl (\(a, b) c -> (b, c)) (x, x) xs 

			lengs xs = tail $ scanl (\res (a, _) -> res + a) 0 xs 