module Copilot.Compile.C99.Translate where

import Control.Monad.State

import Copilot.Core
import Copilot.Compile.C99.Util

import qualified Language.C99.Simple as C

-- | Translates a Copilot expression into a C99 expression.
transexpr :: Expr a -> State FunEnv C.Expr
transexpr (Const ty x) = return $ constty ty x

transexpr (Local ty1 _ name e1 e2) = do
  e1' <- transexpr e1
  let cty1 = transtype ty1
      init = Just $ C.InitExpr e1'
  statetell ([C.VarDecln Nothing cty1 name init], [])

  transexpr e2

transexpr (Var _ n) = return $ C.Ident n

transexpr (Drop _ amount sid) = do
  let var    = streamname sid
      indexvar = indexname sid
      index  = case amount of
        0 -> C.Ident indexvar
        n -> C.Ident indexvar C..+ C.LitInt (fromIntegral n)
  return $ C.Index (C.Ident var) index

transexpr (ExternVar _ name _) = return $ C.Ident (excpyname name)

transexpr (Label _ _ e) = transexpr e -- ignore label

transexpr (Op1 op e) = do
  e' <- transexpr e
  return $ transop1 op e'

transexpr (Op2 op e1 e2) = do
  e1' <- transexpr e1
  e2' <- transexpr e2
  return $ transop2 op e1' e2'

transexpr (Op3 op e1 e2 e3) = do
  e1' <- transexpr e1
  e2' <- transexpr e2
  e3' <- transexpr e3
  return $ transop3 op e1' e2' e3'

-- | Translates a Copilot unary operator and arguments into a C99 expression.
transop1 :: Op1 a b -> C.Expr -> C.Expr
transop1 op e = case op of
  Not             -> (C..!) e
  Abs      _      -> funcall "abs"      [e]
  Sign     _      -> funcall "copysign" [C.LitDouble 1.0, e]
  Recip    _      -> C.LitDouble 1.0 C../ e
  Exp      _      -> funcall "exp"   [e]
  Sqrt     _      -> funcall "sqrt"  [e]
  Log      _      -> funcall "log"   [e]
  Sin      _      -> funcall "sin"   [e]
  Tan      _      -> funcall "tan"   [e]
  Cos      _      -> funcall "cos"   [e]
  Asin     _      -> funcall "asin"  [e]
  Atan     _      -> funcall "atan"  [e]
  Acos     _      -> funcall "acos"  [e]
  Sinh     _      -> funcall "sinh"  [e]
  Tanh     _      -> funcall "tanh"  [e]
  Cosh     _      -> funcall "cosh"  [e]
  Asinh    _      -> funcall "asinh" [e]
  Atanh    _      -> funcall "atanh" [e]
  Acosh    _      -> funcall "acosh" [e]
  BwNot    _      -> (C..~) e
  Cast     _ ty  -> C.Cast (transtypename ty) e
  GetField (Struct _)  _ f -> C.Dot e (accessorname f)

-- | Translates a Copilot binary operator and arguments into a C99 expression.
transop2 :: Op2 a b c -> C.Expr -> C.Expr -> C.Expr
transop2 op e1 e2 = case op of
  And          -> e1 C..&& e2
  Or           -> e1 C..|| e2
  Add      _   -> e1 C..+  e2
  Sub      _   -> e1 C..-  e2
  Mul      _   -> e1 C..*  e2
  Mod      _   -> e1 C..%  e2
  Div      _   -> e1 C../  e2
  Fdiv     _   -> e1 C../  e2
  Pow      _   -> funcall "pow" [e1, e2]
  Logb     _   -> funcall "log" [e2] C../ funcall "log" [e1]
  Eq       _   -> e1 C..== e2
  Ne       _   -> e1 C..!= e2
  Le       _   -> e1 C..<= e2
  Ge       _   -> e1 C..>= e2
  Lt       _   -> e1 C..<  e2
  Gt       _   -> e1 C..>  e2
  BwAnd    _   -> e1 C..&  e2
  BwOr     _   -> e1 C..|  e2
  BwXor    _   -> e1 C..^  e2
  BwShiftL _ _ -> e1 C..<< e2
  BwShiftR _ _ -> e1 C..>> e2
  Index    _   -> C.Index e1 e2

-- | Translates a Copilot ternaty operator and arguments into a C99 expression.
transop3 :: Op3 a b c d -> C.Expr -> C.Expr -> C.Expr -> C.Expr
transop3 op e1 e2 e3 = case op of
  Mux _ -> C.Cond e1 e2 e3

-- | Give a C99 literal expression based on a value and a type.
constty :: Type a -> a -> C.Expr
constty ty = case ty of
  Bool   -> C.LitBool
  Int8   -> C.LitInt . fromIntegral
  Int16  -> C.LitInt . fromIntegral
  Int32  -> C.LitInt . fromIntegral
  Int64  -> C.LitInt . fromIntegral
  Word8  -> C.LitInt . fromIntegral
  Word16 -> C.LitInt . fromIntegral
  Word32 -> C.LitInt . fromIntegral
  Word64 -> C.LitInt . fromIntegral
  Float  -> C.LitFloat
  Double -> C.LitDouble

-- | Translate a Copilot type to a C99 type.
transtype :: Type a -> C.Type
transtype ty = case ty of
  Bool      -> C.TypeSpec $ C.TypedefName "bool"
  Int8      -> C.TypeSpec $ C.TypedefName "int8_t"
  Int16     -> C.TypeSpec $ C.TypedefName "int16_t"
  Int32     -> C.TypeSpec $ C.TypedefName "int32_t"
  Int64     -> C.TypeSpec $ C.TypedefName "int64_t"
  Word8     -> C.TypeSpec $ C.TypedefName "uint8_t"
  Word16    -> C.TypeSpec $ C.TypedefName "uint16_t"
  Word32    -> C.TypeSpec $ C.TypedefName "uint32_t"
  Word64    -> C.TypeSpec $ C.TypedefName "uint64_t"
  Float     -> C.TypeSpec C.Float
  Double    -> C.TypeSpec C.Double
  Array ty' -> C.Array (transtype ty') size where
    size = Just $ C.LitInt $ fromIntegral $ tysize ty
  Struct s  -> C.TypeSpec $ C.Struct (typename s)

-- | Translate a Copilot type intro a C typename
transtypename :: Type a -> C.TypeName
transtypename ty = C.TypeName $ transtype ty