{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}

module Commonmark.Pandoc
  ( Cm(..)


import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Read as TR
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
import Commonmark.Types as C
import Commonmark.Entity (lookupEntity)
import Commonmark.Extensions.Math
import Commonmark.Extensions.Emoji
import Commonmark.Extensions.PipeTable
import Commonmark.Extensions.Strikethrough
import Commonmark.Extensions.Superscript
import Commonmark.Extensions.Subscript
import Commonmark.Extensions.DefinitionList
import Commonmark.Extensions.Attributes
import Commonmark.Extensions.Footnote
import Commonmark.Extensions.TaskList
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Data.Semigroup       (Semigroup, (<>))

newtype Cm b a = Cm { unCm :: a }
  deriving (Show, Semigroup, Monoid)

instance Functor (Cm b) where
  fmap f (Cm x) = Cm (f x)

instance Rangeable (Cm b B.Inlines) => IsInline (Cm b B.Inlines) where
  lineBreak = Cm B.linebreak
  softBreak = Cm B.softbreak
  str t = Cm $ B.text t
  entity t
    | illegalCodePoint t = Cm $ B.str "\xFFFD"
    | otherwise = Cm $ B.str $ fromMaybe t $ lookupEntity (T.drop 1 t)
  escapedChar c = Cm $ B.str $ T.singleton c
  emph ils = B.emph <$> ils
  strong ils = B.strong <$> ils
  link target title ils = B.link target title <$> ils
  image target title ils = B.image target title <$> ils
  code t = Cm $ B.code t
  rawInline (C.Format f) t = Cm $ B.rawInline f t

instance Rangeable (Cm () B.Inlines) where
  ranged _r x = x

instance Rangeable (Cm SourceRange B.Inlines) where
  ranged r = addAttributes [("data-pos", T.pack (show r))]

instance Walkable Inline b => ToPlainText (Cm a b) where
  toPlainText = stringify . walk unemoji . unCm

unemoji :: Inline -> Inline
unemoji (Span ("",["emoji"],[("data-emoji",alias)]) _)
          = Str (":" <> alias <> ":")
unemoji x = x

instance (Rangeable (Cm a B.Inlines),
          Rangeable (Cm a B.Blocks))
      => IsBlock (Cm a B.Inlines) (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  paragraph ils = Cm $ B.para $ unCm ils
  plain ils = Cm $ B.plain $ unCm ils
  thematicBreak = Cm B.horizontalRule
  blockQuote bs = B.blockQuote <$> bs
  codeBlock info t =
    Cm $ B.codeBlockWith attr $ fromMaybe t $ T.stripSuffix "\n" t
    where attr = ("", [lang | not (T.null lang)], [])
          lang = T.takeWhile (not . isSpace) info
  heading level ils = Cm $ B.header level $ unCm ils
  rawBlock (C.Format f) t = Cm $ B.rawBlock f t
  referenceLinkDefinition _ _ = Cm mempty
  list (C.BulletList _) lSpacing items =
    Cm . B.bulletList . handleSpacing lSpacing . map unCm $ items
  list (C.OrderedList startnum enumtype delimtype) lSpacing items =
    Cm . B.orderedListWith attr . handleSpacing lSpacing . map unCm $ items
    where sty = case enumtype of
                  C.Decimal    -> B.Decimal
                  C.UpperAlpha -> B.UpperAlpha
                  C.LowerAlpha -> B.LowerAlpha
                  C.UpperRoman -> B.UpperRoman
                  C.LowerRoman -> B.LowerRoman
          delim = case delimtype of
                    C.Period    -> B.Period
                    C.OneParen  -> B.OneParen
                    C.TwoParens -> B.TwoParens
          attr = (startnum, sty, delim)

instance Rangeable (Cm () B.Blocks) where
  ranged _r x = x

instance Rangeable (Cm SourceRange B.Blocks) where
  ranged r x = B.divWith ("",[],[("data-pos",T.pack (show r))]) <$> x

instance HasMath (Cm b B.Inlines) where
  inlineMath t = Cm $ B.math t
  displayMath t = Cm $ B.displayMath t

instance HasEmoji (Cm b B.Inlines) where
  emoji kw t = Cm $ B.spanWith ("",["emoji"],[("data-emoji",kw)])
                  $ B.text t

instance HasPipeTable (Cm a B.Inlines) (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  pipeTable aligns headerCells rows =
    Cm $ B.table B.emptyCaption colspecs
           (TableHead nullAttr (toHeaderRow headerCells))
           [TableBody nullAttr 0 [] $ map toRow rows]
           (TableFoot nullAttr [])
     toHeaderRow cells
       | null cells  = []
       | otherwise   = [toRow cells]
     toRow = Row nullAttr . map (B.simpleCell . B.plain . unCm)
     toPandocAlignment LeftAlignedCol = AlignLeft
     toPandocAlignment CenterAlignedCol = AlignCenter
     toPandocAlignment RightAlignedCol = AlignRight
     toPandocAlignment DefaultAlignedCol = AlignDefault
     colspecs = map (\al -> (toPandocAlignment al, ColWidthDefault))

instance (Rangeable (Cm a B.Inlines), Rangeable (Cm a B.Blocks))
  => HasDefinitionList (Cm a B.Inlines) (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  definitionList _ items =
    Cm $ B.definitionList $ map coerce items

instance (Rangeable (Cm a B.Inlines), Rangeable (Cm a B.Blocks))
  => HasTaskList (Cm a B.Inlines) (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  taskList _ spacing items =
    Cm $ B.bulletList $ handleSpacing spacing $ map toTaskListItem items

handleSpacing :: ListSpacing -> [B.Blocks] -> [B.Blocks]
handleSpacing TightList = map (B.fromList . map paraToPlain . B.toList)
handleSpacing LooseList = id

paraToPlain :: Block -> Block
paraToPlain (Para xs) = Plain xs
paraToPlain x = x

toTaskListItem :: (Bool, Cm a B.Blocks) -> B.Blocks
toTaskListItem (checked, item) = B.fromList $
  case B.toList $ coerce item of
    (Plain ils : rest) -> Plain (checkbox : Space : ils) : rest
    (Para  ils : rest) -> Plain (checkbox : Space : ils) : rest
    bs                 -> Plain [checkbox] : bs
    where checkbox = Str (if checked then "\9746" else "\9744")

instance Rangeable (Cm a B.Blocks)
  => HasDiv (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  div_ bs = B.divWith nullAttr <$> bs

instance HasStrikethrough (Cm a B.Inlines) where
  strikethrough ils = B.strikeout <$> ils

instance HasSuperscript (Cm a B.Inlines) where
  superscript ils = B.superscript <$> ils

instance HasSubscript (Cm a B.Inlines) where
  subscript ils = B.subscript <$> ils

instance Rangeable (Cm a B.Inlines) => HasSpan (Cm a B.Inlines) where
  spanWith attrs ils =
    B.spanWith (addToPandocAttr attrs nullAttr) <$> ils

instance HasAttributes (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  addAttributes attrs b = fmap (addBlockAttrs attrs) <$> b

instance HasAttributes (Cm a B.Inlines) where
  addAttributes attrs il = fmap (addInlineAttrs attrs) <$> il

addBlockAttrs :: [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> Block -> Block
addBlockAttrs attrs (Header n curattrs ils) =
  Header n (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) ils
addBlockAttrs attrs (CodeBlock curattrs s) =
  CodeBlock (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) s
addBlockAttrs attrs (Div curattrs bs) =
  Div (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) bs
addBlockAttrs attrs x =
  Div (addToPandocAttr attrs nullAttr) [x]

addInlineAttrs :: [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> Inline -> Inline
addInlineAttrs attrs (Link curattrs ils target) =
  Link (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) ils target
addInlineAttrs attrs (Image curattrs ils target) =
  Image (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) ils target
addInlineAttrs attrs (Span curattrs ils) =
  Span (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) ils
addInlineAttrs attrs (Code curattrs s) =
  Code (addToPandocAttr attrs curattrs) s
addInlineAttrs attrs x =
  Span (addToPandocAttr attrs nullAttr) [x]

addToPandocAttr :: Attributes -> Attr -> Attr
addToPandocAttr attrs attr = foldr go attr attrs
  go ("id", v) (_, cls, kvs) = (v, cls, kvs)
  go ("class", v) (ident, cls, kvs) = (ident, v:cls, kvs)
  go (k, v) (ident, cls, kvs) = (ident, cls, (k,v):kvs)

instance (Rangeable (Cm a B.Inlines), Rangeable (Cm a B.Blocks))
     => HasFootnote (Cm a B.Inlines) (Cm a B.Blocks) where
  footnote _num _lab _x = mempty
  footnoteList _xs = mempty
  footnoteRef _num _lab contents = B.note <$> contents

illegalCodePoint :: T.Text -> Bool
illegalCodePoint t =
  "&#" `T.isPrefixOf` t &&
  let t' = T.drop 2 $ T.filter (/=';') t
      badvalue (n, r) = not (T.null r) ||
                        n < 1 ||
                        n > (0x10FFFF :: Integer)
  case T.uncons t' of
       Nothing -> True
       Just (x, rest)
         | x == 'x' || x == 'X'
           -> either (const True) badvalue (TR.hexadecimal rest)
         | otherwise
           -> either (const True) badvalue (TR.decimal t')

stringify :: Walkable Inline a => a -> T.Text
stringify = query go . walk (deNote . deQuote)
  where go :: Inline -> T.Text
        go Space                                         = " "
        go SoftBreak                                     = " "
        go (Str x)                                       = x
        go (Code _ x)                                    = x
        go (Math _ x)                                    = x
        go (RawInline (B.Format "html") t)
           | "<br" `T.isPrefixOf` t                      = " "
        go LineBreak                                     = " "
        go _                                             = mempty

deNote :: Inline -> Inline
deNote (Note _) = Str ""
deNote x        = x

deQuote :: Inline -> Inline
deQuote (Quoted SingleQuote xs) =
  Span ("",[],[]) (Str "\8216" : xs ++ [Str "\8217"])
deQuote (Quoted DoubleQuote xs) =
  Span ("",[],[]) (Str "\8220" : xs ++ [Str "\8221"])
deQuote x = x