{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData        #-}

module Commonmark.Inlines
  ( mkInlineParser
  , defaultInlineParser
  , IPState
  , InlineParser
  , getReferenceMap
  , FormattingSpec(..)
  , defaultFormattingSpecs
  , BracketedSpec(..)
  , defaultBracketedSpecs
  , imageSpec
  , linkSpec
  , pLinkLabel
  , pLinkDestination
  , pLinkTitle
  , pEscaped
  , processEmphasis
  , processBrackets
  , pBacktickSpan
  , normalizeCodeSpan
  , withAttributes

import           Commonmark.Tag             (htmlTag, Enders, defaultEnders)
import           Commonmark.Tokens
import           Commonmark.TokParsers
import           Commonmark.ReferenceMap
import           Commonmark.Types
import           Control.Monad              (guard, mzero)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import           Data.List                  (foldl')
import           Data.Char                  (isAscii, isLetter)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict         as IntMap
import qualified Data.Map.Strict            as M
import           Data.Maybe                 (isJust, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set                   as Set
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import           Data.Monoid                ((<>))
import           Data.Text                  (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                  as T
import           Commonmark.Entity          (unEntity, charEntity, numEntity)
import           Text.Parsec                hiding (State, space)
import           Text.Parsec.Pos

mkInlineParser :: (Monad m, IsInline a)
               => [BracketedSpec a]
               -> [FormattingSpec a]
               -> [InlineParser m a]
               -> [InlineParser m Attributes]
               -> ReferenceMap
               -> [Tok]
               -> m (Either ParseError a)
mkInlineParser bracketedSpecs formattingSpecs ilParsers attrParsers rm toks = do
  let iswhite t = hasType Spaces t || hasType LineEnd t
  let attrParser = choice attrParsers
  let toks' = dropWhile iswhite . reverse . dropWhile iswhite . reverse $ toks
  res <- {-# SCC parseChunks #-} evalStateT
          (parseChunks bracketedSpecs formattingSpecs ilParsers
           attrParser rm toks') defaultEnders
  return $!
    case res of
       Left err     -> Left err
       Right chunks ->
         (Right .
          unChunks .
          processEmphasis .
          processBrackets bracketedSpecs rm) chunks

defaultInlineParser :: (Monad m, IsInline a) => InlineParser m a
defaultInlineParser =
  {-# SCC defaultInlineParser #-} try $ do
    tok@(Tok toktype _ t) <- anyTok
    case toktype of
        WordChars    -> return $ str t
        LineEnd      -> return softBreak
        Spaces       -> doBreak (T.length t) <|> return (str t)
        UnicodeSpace -> return $ str t
        Symbol '\\'  -> option (str "\\") doEscape
        Symbol '`'   -> doCodeSpan tok
        Symbol '&'   -> option (str "&") doEntity
        Symbol '<'   -> option (str "<") (doAutolink <|> doHtml tok)
        _            -> mzero
     doBreak len
       | len >= 2  = lineBreak <$ satisfyTok (hasType LineEnd)
       | otherwise = mempty <$ lookAhead (satisfyTok (hasType LineEnd))
     doEscape = do
       tok <- satisfyTok
                      Tok (Symbol c) _ _ -> isAscii c
                      Tok LineEnd _ _    -> True
                      _                  -> False)
       case tok of
           Tok (Symbol c) _ _ -> return $ escapedChar c
           Tok LineEnd    _ _ -> return lineBreak
           _                  -> fail "Should not happen"
     doEntity = do
       ent <- numEntity <|> charEntity
       return (entity ("&" <> untokenize ent))
     doAutolink = try $ do
       (target, lab) <- pUri <|> pEmail
       symbol '>'
       return $ link target "" (str lab)
     doHtml tok = rawInline (Format "html") . untokenize . (tok:) <$>
                  try htmlTag
     doCodeSpan tok = pBacktickSpan tok >>=
         Left ticks     -> return $ str (untokenize ticks)
         Right codetoks -> return $ code . normalizeCodeSpan . untokenize $

unChunks :: IsInline a => [Chunk a] -> a
unChunks = {-# SCC unChunks #-} foldl' mappend mempty . go
      go []     = []
      go (c:cs) =
        let (f, rest) =
             case cs of
               (Chunk (AddAttributes attrs) _pos _ts : ds) ->
                 (addAttributes attrs, ds)
               _ -> (id, cs) in
        case chunkType c of
          AddAttributes _ -> go rest
          Delim{ delimType = ch, delimSpec = mbspec } -> x : go rest
              where !x = f (ranged range (str txt))
                    txt = untokenize $ alterToks $ chunkToks c
                    alterToks =
                      case formattingWhenUnmatched <$> mbspec of
                        Just ch' | ch' /= ch ->
                           map (\t -> t{ tokContents =
                                         T.map (const ch') (tokContents t) })
                        _ -> id
                    range = SourceRange
                             [(chunkPos c,
                               incSourceColumn (chunkPos c) (T.length txt))]
          Parsed ils -> x : go rest
              where !x = f ils

parseChunks :: (Monad m, IsInline a)
            => [BracketedSpec a]
            -> [FormattingSpec a]
            -> [InlineParser m a]
            -> InlineParser m Attributes
            -> ReferenceMap
            -> [Tok]
            -> StateT Enders m (Either ParseError [Chunk a])
parseChunks bspecs specs ilParsers attrParser rm ts =
     (do case ts of
           t:_ -> setPosition (tokPos t)
           []  -> return ()
         many (pChunk specmap attrParser ilParsers isDelimChar) <* eof)
     IPState{ backtickSpans = getBacktickSpans ts,
              ipReferenceMap = rm,
              precedingTokTypes = precedingTokTypeMap,
              attributeParser = attrParser }
     "source" ts
   isDelimChar = (`Set.member` delimcharset)
   !delimcharset = Set.fromList delimchars
   delimchars = '[' : ']' : suffixchars ++
                  prefixchars ++ M.keys specmap
   specmap = mkFormattingSpecMap specs
   prefixchars = mapMaybe bracketedPrefix bspecs
   suffixchars = mapMaybe bracketedSuffixEnd bspecs
   precedingTokTypeMap = {-# SCC precedingTokTypeMap #-}fst $! foldl' go  (mempty, LineEnd) ts
   go (!m, !prevTy) (Tok !ty !pos _) =
     case ty of
       Symbol c | isDelimChar c -> (M.insert pos prevTy m, ty)
       _                        -> (m, ty)

data Chunk a = Chunk
     { chunkType :: ChunkType a
     , chunkPos  :: !SourcePos
     , chunkToks :: [Tok]
     } deriving Show

data ChunkType a =
       Delim{ delimType     :: !Char
            , delimCanOpen  :: !Bool
            , delimCanClose :: !Bool
            , delimLength   :: !Int
            , delimSpec     :: Maybe (FormattingSpec a)
     | Parsed a
     | AddAttributes Attributes
     deriving Show

data IPState m = IPState
     { backtickSpans        :: IntMap.IntMap [SourcePos]
                               -- record of lengths of
                               -- backtick spans so we don't scan in vain
     , ipReferenceMap       :: !ReferenceMap
     , precedingTokTypes    :: M.Map SourcePos TokType
     , attributeParser      :: InlineParser m Attributes

type InlineParser m = ParsecT [Tok] (IPState m) (StateT Enders m)

--- Formatting specs:

-- ^ Specifies delimiters for formatting, e.g. strong emphasis.
data FormattingSpec il = FormattingSpec
    { formattingDelimChar     :: !Char
                              -- ^ Character that triggers formatting
    , formattingIntraWord     :: !Bool
                              -- ^ True if formatting can start/end in a word
    , formattingIgnorePunctuation :: !Bool
                              -- ^ Treat punctuation like letters for
                              -- purposes of computing can open/can close
    , formattingSingleMatch   :: Maybe (il -> il)
                              -- ^ Constructor to use for text between
                              -- single delimiters.
    , formattingDoubleMatch   :: Maybe (il -> il)
                              -- ^ Constructor to use for text between
                              -- double delimiters.
    , formattingWhenUnmatched :: !Char -- ^ Fallback when not matched.

instance Show (FormattingSpec il) where
  show _ = "<FormattingSpec>"

type FormattingSpecMap il = M.Map Char (FormattingSpec il)

defaultFormattingSpecs :: IsInline il => [FormattingSpec il]
defaultFormattingSpecs =
  [ FormattingSpec '*' True False (Just emph) (Just strong) '*'
  , FormattingSpec '_' False False (Just emph) (Just strong) '_'

mkFormattingSpecMap :: [FormattingSpec il] -> FormattingSpecMap il
mkFormattingSpecMap fs = M.fromList [(formattingDelimChar s, s) | s <- fs]

--- Bracketed specs:

-- ^ Defines an inline element between square brackets.
data BracketedSpec il = BracketedSpec
     { bracketedName      :: !Text  -- ^ Name of bracketed text type.
     , bracketedNests     :: !Bool  -- ^ True if this can be nested.
     , bracketedPrefix    :: Maybe Char -- ^ Prefix character.
     , bracketedSuffixEnd :: Maybe Char -- ^ Suffix character.
     , bracketedSuffix    :: ReferenceMap
                          -> Text
                          -> Parsec [Tok] () (il -> il)
                          -- ^ Parser for suffix after
                          -- brackets.  Returns a constructor.
                          -- Second parameter is the raw key.

instance Show (BracketedSpec il) where
  show s = "<BracketedSpec " ++ show (bracketedName s) ++ ">"

-- It's important that specs with prefix chars come first:
defaultBracketedSpecs :: IsInline il
                      => [BracketedSpec il]
defaultBracketedSpecs =
  [ imageSpec
  , linkSpec

linkSpec :: IsInline il => BracketedSpec il
linkSpec = BracketedSpec
           { bracketedName = "Link"
           , bracketedNests = False  -- links don't nest inside links
           , bracketedPrefix = Nothing
           , bracketedSuffixEnd = Just ')'
           , bracketedSuffix = pLinkSuffix

imageSpec :: IsInline il => BracketedSpec il
imageSpec = BracketedSpec
            { bracketedName = "Image"
            , bracketedNests = True
            , bracketedPrefix = Just '!'
            , bracketedSuffixEnd = Just ')'
            , bracketedSuffix = pImageSuffix

pLinkSuffix :: IsInline il
            => ReferenceMap -> Text -> Parsec [Tok] s (il -> il)
pLinkSuffix rm key = do
  LinkInfo target title attrs <- pLink rm key
  return $! addAttributes attrs . link target title

pImageSuffix :: IsInline il
             => ReferenceMap -> Text -> Parsec [Tok] s (il -> il)
pImageSuffix rm key = do
  LinkInfo target title attrs <- pLink rm key
  return $! addAttributes attrs . image target title


-- Construct a map of n-length backtick spans, with source positions,
-- so we can avoid scanning forward when it will be fruitless.
getBacktickSpans :: [Tok] -> IntMap.IntMap [SourcePos]
getBacktickSpans = go 0 (initialPos "")
    go :: Int -> SourcePos -> [Tok] -> IntMap.IntMap [SourcePos]
    go n pos []
     | n > 0     = IntMap.singleton n [pos]
     | otherwise = IntMap.empty
    go n pos (t:ts) =
     case tokType t of
       Symbol '`'
         | n > 0     -> go (n+1) pos ts
         | otherwise -> go (n+1) (tokPos t) ts
       _ | n > 0     -> IntMap.alter (\x ->
                            case x of
                                 Nothing -> Just [pos]
                                 Just ps -> Just (pos:ps)) n $ go 0 pos ts
         | otherwise -> go 0 pos ts

pChunk :: (IsInline a, Monad m)
       => FormattingSpecMap a
       -> InlineParser m Attributes
       -> [InlineParser m a]
       -> (Char -> Bool)
       -> InlineParser m (Chunk a)
pChunk specmap attrParser ilParsers isDelimChar =
 do pos <- getPosition
    (res, ts) <- withRaw $
         {-# SCC attrParser #-} (AddAttributes <$> attrParser)
         {-# SCC pInline #-} (Parsed <$> pInline ilParsers)
    return $! Chunk res pos ts
  <|> {-# SCC pDelimChunk #-} pDelimChunk specmap isDelimChar
  <|> (do t <- anyTok
          endpos <- getPosition
          return $! Chunk
            (Parsed $ ranged (SourceRange [(tokPos t,endpos)])
              (str $ tokContents t))
            (tokPos t) [t])

pDelimChunk :: (IsInline a, Monad m)
            => FormattingSpecMap a
            -> (Char -> Bool)
            -> InlineParser m (Chunk a)
pDelimChunk specmap isDelimChar = do
  tok@(Tok (Symbol !c) !pos _) <-
      satisfyTok (\case
                    Tok (Symbol c) _ _ -> isDelimChar c
                    _                  -> False)
  let !mbspec = M.lookup c specmap
  more <- if isJust mbspec
             then many $ symbol c
             else return []
  let toks = tok:more
  st <- getState
  next <- option LineEnd (tokType <$> lookAhead anyTok)
  let precedingTokType = M.lookup pos (precedingTokTypes st)
  let precededByWhitespace = case precedingTokType of
                               Just Spaces        -> True
                               Just UnicodeSpace  -> True
                               Just LineEnd       -> True
                               _                  -> False
  let precededByPunctuation =
       case formattingIgnorePunctuation <$> mbspec of
         Just True -> False
         _         -> case precedingTokType of
                        Just (Symbol _) -> True
                        _               -> False
  let followedByWhitespace = next == Spaces ||
                             next == LineEnd ||
                             next == UnicodeSpace
  let followedByPunctuation =
       case formattingIgnorePunctuation <$> mbspec of
         Just True -> False
         _         -> not followedByWhitespace && next /= WordChars
  let leftFlanking = not followedByWhitespace &&
         (not followedByPunctuation ||
          precededByWhitespace ||
  let rightFlanking = not precededByWhitespace &&
         (not precededByPunctuation ||
          followedByWhitespace ||
  let !canOpen =
         leftFlanking &&
          (maybe True formattingIntraWord mbspec ||
           not rightFlanking ||
  let !canClose =
         rightFlanking &&
          (maybe True formattingIntraWord mbspec ||
           not leftFlanking ||

  let !len = length toks
  return $! Chunk Delim{ delimType = c
                       , delimCanOpen = canOpen
                       , delimCanClose = canClose
                       , delimSpec = mbspec
                       , delimLength = len
                       } pos toks

withAttributes :: (IsInline a, Monad m) => InlineParser m a -> InlineParser m a
withAttributes p = do
  x <- p
  attrParser <- attributeParser <$> getState
  option x $ (\attr -> addAttributes attr x) <$> attrParser

pInline :: (IsInline a, Monad m)
        => [InlineParser m a]
        -> InlineParser m a
pInline ilParsers =
  mconcat <$> many1 oneInline
     oneInline = withAttributes $ do
       toks <- getInput
       res <- choice ilParsers
       endpos <- getPosition
       let range = rangeFromToks
                 (takeWhile ((< endpos) . tokPos) toks) endpos
       return $! ranged range res

rangeFromToks :: [Tok] -> SourcePos -> SourceRange
rangeFromToks [] _ = SourceRange mempty
rangeFromToks (!z:zs) !endpos
  | sourceLine (tokPos z) == sourceLine endpos
    = SourceRange [(tokPos z, endpos)]
  | otherwise
    = SourceRange $ go (z:zs)
        go ts =
          case break (hasType LineEnd) ts of
             ([], [])     -> []
             ([], _:ys)   -> go ys
             (!x:_, [])   -> [(tokPos x, endpos)]
             (!x:_, !y:ys) ->
               case ys of
                 (Tok _ !pos _ : _) | sourceColumn pos == 1 -> go (x:ys)
                 _ -> (tokPos x, tokPos y) : go ys

getReferenceMap :: Monad m => InlineParser m ReferenceMap
getReferenceMap = ipReferenceMap <$> getState

pBacktickSpan :: Monad m
              => Tok -> InlineParser m (Either [Tok] [Tok])
pBacktickSpan tok = do
  ts <- (tok:) <$> many (symbol '`')
  let numticks = length ts
  st' <- getState
  case dropWhile (<= tokPos tok) <$> IntMap.lookup numticks (backtickSpans st') of
     Just (pos'':ps) -> do
          codetoks <- many $ satisfyTok (\tok' -> tokPos tok' < pos'')
          backticks <- many $ satisfyTok (hasType (Symbol '`'))
          guard $ length backticks == numticks
          updateState $ \st ->
            st{ backtickSpans = IntMap.insert numticks ps (backtickSpans st) }
          return $ Right codetoks
     _ -> return $ Left ts

normalizeCodeSpan :: Text -> Text
normalizeCodeSpan = removeSurroundingSpace . T.map nltosp
   nltosp '\n' = ' '
   nltosp c    = c
   removeSurroundingSpace s
     | not (T.null s)
     , not (T.all (== ' ') s)
     , T.head s == ' '
     , T.last s == ' ' = T.drop 1 $ T.dropEnd 1 s
     | otherwise = s

pUri :: Monad m => InlineParser m (Text, Text)
pUri = try $ do
  s <- pScheme
  _ <- symbol ':'
  let isURITok t =
       case tokType t of
            Spaces     -> False
            LineEnd    -> False
            (Symbol c) -> c > ' ' && c /= '<' && c /= '>'
            _          -> True
  ts <- many $ satisfyTok isURITok
  let uri = s <> ":" <> untokenize ts
  return (uri, uri)

pScheme :: Monad m => InlineParser m Text
pScheme = do
  t <- satisfyWord (\t -> case T.uncons t of
                               Nothing -> False
                               Just (c,rest) -> isAscii c && isLetter c &&
                                                T.all isAscii rest)
  ts <- many $ oneOfToks [WordChars, Symbol '+', Symbol '.', Symbol '-']
  let s = untokenize (t:ts)
  let len = T.length s
  guard $ len >= 2 && len <= 32
  return s

pEmail :: Monad m => InlineParser m (Text, Text)
pEmail = do
  let isEmailSymbolTok (Tok (Symbol c) _ _) =
         c == '.' || c == '!' || c == '#' || c == '$' || c == '%' ||
         c == '&' || c == '\'' || c == '*' || c == '+' || c == '/' ||
         c == '=' || c == '?' || c == '^' || c == '_' || c == '`' ||
         c == '{' || c == '|' || c == '}' || c == '~' || c == '-' ||
         c == ']'
      isEmailSymbolTok _ = False
  name <- many1 $ satisfyWord (T.all isAscii)
               <|> satisfyTok isEmailSymbolTok
  _ <- symbol '@'
  let domainPart = do
        x <- satisfyWord (T.all isAscii)
        xs <- many $ (symbol '-' <* notFollowedBy eof <* notFollowedBy (symbol '.'))
                  <|> satisfyWord (T.all isAscii)
        return $! (x:xs)
  d <- domainPart
  ds <- many (symbol '.' >> domainPart)
  let addr = untokenize name <> "@" <> T.intercalate "." (map untokenize (d:ds))
  return ("mailto:" <> addr, addr)

data DState a = DState
     { leftCursor     :: Cursor (Chunk a)
     , rightCursor    :: Cursor (Chunk a)
     , refmap         :: ReferenceMap
     , stackBottoms   :: M.Map Text SourcePos
     , absoluteBottom :: SourcePos

processEmphasis :: IsInline a => [Chunk a] -> [Chunk a]
processEmphasis xs =
  case break (\case
               (Chunk Delim{ delimCanOpen = True } _ _) -> True
               _ -> False) xs of
       (_,[]) -> xs
       (ys,z:zs) ->
           let startcursor = Cursor (Just z) (reverse ys) zs
           in  processEm DState{ leftCursor = startcursor
                               , rightCursor = startcursor
                               , refmap = emptyReferenceMap
                               , stackBottoms = mempty
                               , absoluteBottom = chunkPos z }

{- for debugging:
prettyCursors :: (IsInline a) => Cursor (Chunk a) -> Cursor (Chunk a) -> String
prettyCursors left right =
  toS (reverse $ befores left) <> (maybe "" (inBrs . toS . (:[])) (center left)) <>
  if (chunkPos <$> center left) == (chunkPos <$> center right)
     then toS (afters right)
     else toS (middles) <> (maybe "" (inBrs . toS . (:[])) (center right)) <>
          toS (afters right)
 where middles = take (length (afters left) - length (afters right) -
                         maybe 0 (const 1) (center right)) (afters left)
       toS = show . unChunks
       inBrs x = "{" ++ x ++ "}"

processEm :: IsInline a => DState a -> [Chunk a]
processEm st =
  let left = leftCursor st
      right = rightCursor st
      bottoms = stackBottoms st
  in  {-# SCC processEm #-} case -- trace (prettyCursors left right)
          (center left, center right) of
       (_, Nothing) -> reverse $
                         case center (rightCursor st) of
                            Nothing -> befores (rightCursor st)
                            Just c  -> c : befores (rightCursor st)

       (Nothing, Just (Chunk Delim{ delimType = c
                                  , delimCanClose = True } pos ts)) ->
           st{ leftCursor   = right
             , rightCursor  = moveRight right
             , stackBottoms = M.insert
                   (T.pack (c : show (length ts `mod` 3))) pos
                   $ stackBottoms st

       (Nothing, Just _) -> processEm
           st{ leftCursor = right
             , rightCursor = moveRight right

       (Just chunk, Just closedelim@(Chunk Delim{ delimType = c,
                                                  delimCanClose = True,
                                                  delimSpec = Just spec}
                                           closePos ts))
         | delimsMatch chunk closedelim ->
           let closelen = length ts
               opendelim = chunk
               contents = takeWhile (\ch -> chunkPos ch /= closePos)
                          (afters left)
               openlen = length (chunkToks opendelim)
               fallbackConstructor x = str (T.singleton c) <> x <>
                                       str (T.singleton c)
               (constructor, numtoks) =
                case (formattingSingleMatch spec, formattingDoubleMatch spec) of
                        (_, Just c2)
                          | min openlen closelen >= 2 -> (c2, 2)
                        (Just c1, _)     -> (c1, 1)
                        _                -> (fallbackConstructor, 1)
               (openrest, opentoks) =
                 splitAt (openlen - numtoks) (chunkToks opendelim)
               (closetoks, closerest) =
                 splitAt numtoks (chunkToks closedelim)
               addnewopen = if null openrest
                               then id
                               else (opendelim{ chunkToks = openrest } :)
               addnewclose = if null closerest
                                then id
                                else (closedelim{ chunkToks = closerest } :)
               emphtoks = opentoks ++ concatMap chunkToks contents ++ closetoks
               newelt = Chunk
                         (Parsed $
                           ranged (rangeFromToks emphtoks
                                     (incSourceColumn (chunkPos closedelim)
                                       numtoks)) $
                             constructor $ unChunks contents)
                         (chunkPos chunk)
               newcursor = Cursor (Just newelt)
                              (addnewopen (befores left))
                              (addnewclose (afters right))
           in processEm
              st{ rightCursor = moveRight newcursor
                , leftCursor = newcursor

         | Just (chunkPos chunk) <=
             M.lookup (T.pack (c: show (length ts `mod` 3))) bottoms ->
                  st{ leftCursor   = right
                    , rightCursor  = moveRight right
                    , stackBottoms =  M.insert
                        (T.pack (c : show (length ts `mod` 3)))
                        (chunkPos closedelim)
                        $ stackBottoms st

         | otherwise -> processEm st{ leftCursor = moveLeft left }

       _ -> processEm
            st{ rightCursor = moveRight right
              , leftCursor  = moveRight left }

-- This only applies to emph delims, not []:
delimsMatch :: IsInline a
            => Chunk a -> Chunk a -> Bool
delimsMatch (Chunk open@Delim{} _ opents) (Chunk close@Delim{} _ closets) =
  delimCanOpen open && delimCanClose close &&
      (delimType open == delimType close &&
           if (delimCanOpen open && delimCanClose open) ||
                (delimCanOpen close && delimCanClose close)
                then delimLength close `mod` 3 == 0 ||
                     (delimLength open + delimLength close) `mod` 3 /= 0
                else True) &&
    opents /= closets
delimsMatch _ _ = False

processBrackets :: IsInline a
                => [BracketedSpec a] -> ReferenceMap -> [Chunk a] -> [Chunk a]
processBrackets bracketedSpecs rm xs =
  case break (\case
               (Chunk Delim{ delimType = '[' } _ _) -> True
               _ -> False) xs of
       (_,[]) -> xs
       (ys,z:zs) ->
          let  startcursor = Cursor (Just z) (reverse ys) zs
          in   processBs bracketedSpecs
                 DState{ leftCursor = startcursor
                       , rightCursor = startcursor
                       , refmap = rm
                       , stackBottoms = mempty
                       , absoluteBottom = chunkPos z

data Cursor a = Cursor
     { center  :: Maybe a
     , befores :: [a]
     , afters  :: [a]
     deriving Show

moveLeft :: Cursor a -> Cursor a
moveLeft (Cursor Nothing  []     zs) = Cursor Nothing  [] zs
moveLeft (Cursor Nothing  (x:xs) zs) = Cursor (Just x) xs zs
moveLeft (Cursor (Just x) []     zs) = Cursor Nothing  [] (x:zs)
moveLeft (Cursor (Just x) (y:ys) zs) = Cursor (Just y) ys (x:zs)
{-# INLINE moveLeft #-}

moveRight :: Cursor a -> Cursor a
moveRight (Cursor Nothing zs  [])     = Cursor Nothing  zs     []
moveRight (Cursor Nothing zs  (x:xs)) = Cursor (Just x) zs     xs
moveRight (Cursor (Just x) zs [])     = Cursor Nothing  (x:zs) []
moveRight (Cursor (Just x) zs (y:ys)) = Cursor (Just y) (x:zs) ys
{-# INLINE moveRight #-}

processBs :: IsInline a
          => [BracketedSpec a] -> DState a -> [Chunk a]
processBs bracketedSpecs st =
  let left = leftCursor st
      right = rightCursor st
      bottoms = stackBottoms st
      bottom = absoluteBottom st
  -- trace (prettyCursors left right) $ return $! ()
  in  {-# SCC processBs #-} case (center left, center right) of
       (_, Nothing) -> reverse $
                         case center (rightCursor st) of
                            Nothing -> befores (rightCursor st)
                            Just c  -> c : befores (rightCursor st)

       (Nothing, Just chunk) ->
          processBs bracketedSpecs
                       st{ leftCursor = moveRight right
                         , rightCursor = moveRight right
                         , absoluteBottom = chunkPos chunk

       (Just chunk, Just chunk')
         | chunkPos chunk < bottom ->
            processBs bracketedSpecs
                       st { leftCursor = moveRight right
                          , rightCursor = moveRight right
                          , absoluteBottom = chunkPos chunk'

       (Just opener@(Chunk Delim{ delimCanOpen = True, delimType = '[' } _ _),
        Just closer@(Chunk Delim{ delimCanClose = True, delimType = ']'} closePos _)) ->
          let chunksinside = takeWhile (\ch -> chunkPos ch /= closePos)
                               (afters left)
              isBracket (Chunk Delim{ delimType = c' } _ _) =
                 c' == '[' || c' == ']'
              isBracket _ = False
              key = if any isBracket chunksinside
                       then ""
                         case untokenize (concatMap chunkToks chunksinside) of
                              ks | T.length ks <= 999 -> ks
                              _  -> ""
              prefixChar = case befores left of
                                 Chunk Delim{delimType = c} _ [_] : _
                                    -> Just c
                                 _  -> Nothing
              rm = refmap st

              specs = [s | s <- bracketedSpecs
                         , case bracketedPrefix s of
                                Just c  -> Just c == prefixChar
                                Nothing -> True
                         , maybe True  (< chunkPos opener)
                            (M.lookup (bracketedName s) bottoms) ]

              suffixToks = mconcat (map chunkToks (afters right))

              suffixPos = incSourceColumn closePos 1

          in case parse
                   (do setPosition suffixPos
                       (spec, constructor) <- choice $
                           map (\s -> (s,) <$> bracketedSuffix s rm key)
                       pos <- getPosition
                       return (spec, constructor, pos)))
                 "" suffixToks of
                   Left _ -> -- match but no link/image
                         processBs bracketedSpecs
                            st{ leftCursor = moveLeft (leftCursor st)
                              , rightCursor = fixSingleQuote $
                                    moveRight (rightCursor st) }
                   Right ((spec, constructor, newpos), desttoks) ->
                     let left' = case bracketedPrefix spec of
                                      Just _  -> moveLeft left
                                      Nothing -> left
                         openers = case bracketedPrefix spec of
                                        Just _ -> maybe id (:) (center left')
                                        Nothing -> [opener]
                         openerPos = case openers of
                                          (x:_) -> chunkPos x
                                          _     -> chunkPos opener
                         elttoks = concatMap chunkToks
                                     (openers ++ chunksinside ++ [closer])
                                      ++ desttoks
                         elt = ranged (rangeFromToks elttoks newpos)
                                  $ constructor $ unChunks $
                                       processEmphasis chunksinside
                         eltchunk = Chunk (Parsed elt) openerPos elttoks
                         afterchunks = dropWhile ((< newpos) . chunkPos)
                                         (afters right)
                         afterchunkpos = case afterchunks of
                                           [] -> newpos
                                           (ch:_) -> chunkPos ch
                         -- in the event that newpos is not at the
                         -- beginning of a chunk, we need to add
                         -- some tokens from that chunk...
                         missingtoks =
                           [t | t <- suffixToks
                              , tokPos t < afterchunkpos
                              , tokPos t >= newpos]
                         addMissing =
                           if null missingtoks
                              then id
                              else (Chunk (Parsed (ranged
                                       (rangeFromToks missingtoks newpos)
                                       (str (untokenize missingtoks))))
                                    newpos missingtoks :)

                     in case addMissing afterchunks of
                           []     -> processBs bracketedSpecs
                                      st{ rightCursor = Cursor Nothing
                                          (eltchunk : befores left') [] }
                           (y:ys) ->
                             let lbs = befores left'
                             in processBs bracketedSpecs st{
                                  leftCursor =
                                    Cursor (Just eltchunk) lbs (y:ys)
                                , rightCursor = fixSingleQuote $
                                    Cursor (Just y) (eltchunk:lbs) ys
                                , stackBottoms =
                                    -- if a link, we need to ensure that
                                    -- nothing matches as link containing it
                                    if bracketedNests spec
                                       then stackBottoms st
                                       else M.insert (bracketedName spec)
                                            (chunkPos opener)
                                            $ stackBottoms st

       (_, Just (Chunk Delim{ delimCanClose = True, delimType = ']' } _ _))
          -> processBs bracketedSpecs st{ leftCursor = moveLeft left }

       (Just _, Just (Chunk Delim{ delimCanOpen = True, delimType = '[' } _ _))
          -> processBs bracketedSpecs
                st{ leftCursor = right
                  , rightCursor = moveRight right }

       (_, _) -> processBs bracketedSpecs
                st{ rightCursor = moveRight right }

-- This just changes a single quote Delim that occurs
-- after ) or ] so that canOpen = False.  This is an ad hoc
-- way to prevent "[a]'s dog'" from being parsed wrong.
-- Ideally there'd be a way to put this restriction in
-- the FormattingSpec for smart ', but currently there
-- isn't.
fixSingleQuote :: Cursor (Chunk a) -> Cursor (Chunk a)
  (Cursor (Just (Chunk d@(Delim{ delimType = '\'' }) pos toks)) xs ys) =
  Cursor (Just (Chunk d{ delimCanOpen = False } pos toks)) xs ys
fixSingleQuote cursor = cursor

pLink :: ReferenceMap -> Text -> Parsec [Tok] s LinkInfo
pLink rm key = do
  pInlineLink <|> pReferenceLink rm key

pInlineLink :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] s m LinkInfo
pInlineLink = try $ do
  _ <- symbol '('
  optional whitespace
  target <- unEntity <$> pLinkDestination
  optional whitespace
  title <- option "" $
             unEntity <$> (pLinkTitle <* optional whitespace)
  _ <- symbol ')'
  return $! LinkInfo { linkDestination = target
                    , linkTitle = title
                    , linkAttributes = mempty }

pLinkDestination :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] s m [Tok]
pLinkDestination = pAngleDest <|> pNormalDest 0
    pAngleDest = do
      _ <- symbol '<'
      res <- many (noneOfToks [Symbol '<', Symbol '>', Symbol '\\',
                                LineEnd] <|> pEscaped)
      _ <- symbol '>'
      return res

    pNormalDest (numparens :: Int) = do
      res <- pNormalDest' numparens
      if null res
         then res <$ lookAhead (symbol ')')
         else return res

    pNormalDest' numparens
     | numparens > 32 = mzero
     | otherwise = (do
          t <- satisfyTok (\case
                           Tok (Symbol '\\') _ _ -> True
                           Tok (Symbol ')') _ _  -> numparens >= 1
                           Tok Spaces _ _        -> False
                           Tok LineEnd _ _       -> False
                           _                     -> True)
          case t of
            Tok (Symbol '\\') _ _ -> do
              t' <- option t $ satisfyTok asciiSymbol
              (t':) <$> pNormalDest' numparens
            Tok (Symbol '(') _ _ -> (t:) <$> pNormalDest' (numparens + 1)
            Tok (Symbol ')') _ _ -> (t:) <$> pNormalDest' (numparens - 1)
            _                    -> (t:) <$> pNormalDest' numparens)
          <|> ([] <$ guard (numparens == 0))

-- parses backslash + escapable character, or just backslash
pEscaped :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] s m Tok
pEscaped = do
  bs <- symbol '\\'
  option bs $ satisfyTok asciiSymbol <|> lineEnd

asciiSymbol :: Tok -> Bool
asciiSymbol (Tok (Symbol c) _ _) = isAscii c
asciiSymbol _                    = False

pLinkTitle :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] s m [Tok]
pLinkTitle = inbetween '"' '"' <|> inbetween '\'' '\'' <|> inbetween '(' ')'

inbetween :: Monad m => Char -> Char -> ParsecT [Tok] s m [Tok]
inbetween op cl =
  try $ between (symbol op) (symbol cl)
     (many (pEscaped <|> noneOfToks [Symbol op, Symbol cl]))

pLinkLabel :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] s m Text
pLinkLabel = try $ do
  lab <- untokenize
      <$> try (between (symbol '[') (symbol ']')
            (snd <$> withRaw (many
              (pEscaped <|> noneOfToks [Symbol ']', Symbol '[']))))
  guard $ T.length lab <= 999
  return lab

pReferenceLink :: ReferenceMap -> Text -> Parsec [Tok] s LinkInfo
pReferenceLink rm key = do
  lab <- option key pLinkLabel
  let key' = if T.null lab
                then key
                else lab
  maybe mzero return $! lookupReference key' rm