{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Array.Comfort.Shape (
ZeroBased(..), zeroBasedSplit,
Deferred(..), DeferredIndex(..), deferIndex, revealIndex,
Triangular(..), Lower(Lower), Upper(Upper),
LowerTriangular, UpperTriangular,
lowerTriangular, upperTriangular,
triangleSize, triangleRoot,
) where
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape.Set as ShapeSet
import Data.Array.Comfort.Shape.Utility (errorIndexFromOffset)
import qualified Foreign.Storable.Newtype as Store
import Foreign.Storable
(Storable, sizeOf, alignment, poke, peek, pokeElemOff, peekElemOff)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, castPtr)
import qualified GHC.Arr as Ix
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MS
import qualified Control.Monad.HT as Monad
import qualified Control.Applicative.Backwards as Back
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, pure, liftA2, liftA3, (<*>))
import Control.Applicative (Const(Const, getConst))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(Identity), runIdentity)
import Data.Function.HT (compose2)
import Data.Tagged (Tagged(Tagged, unTagged))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.List.HT (tails)
import Data.Tuple.HT (mapSnd, mapPair, swap, fst3, snd3, thd3)
import Data.Eq.HT (equating)
class C sh where
size :: sh -> Int
uncheckedSize :: sh -> Int
uncheckedSize = size
class C sh => Indexed sh where
{-# MINIMAL indices, (sizeOffset|offset), inBounds #-}
type Index sh :: *
indices :: sh -> [Index sh]
offset :: sh -> Index sh -> Int
offset sh = snd $ sizeOffset sh
uncheckedOffset :: sh -> Index sh -> Int
uncheckedOffset = offset
inBounds :: sh -> Index sh -> Bool
sizeOffset :: sh -> (Int, Index sh -> Int)
sizeOffset sh = (size sh, offset sh)
uncheckedSizeOffset :: sh -> (Int, Index sh -> Int)
uncheckedSizeOffset sh = (uncheckedSize sh, uncheckedOffset sh)
class Indexed sh => InvIndexed sh where
indexFromOffset :: sh -> Int -> Index sh
uncheckedIndexFromOffset :: sh -> Int -> Index sh
uncheckedIndexFromOffset = indexFromOffset
class (C sh, Eq sh) => Static sh where
static :: sh
data Zero = Zero
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance C Zero where
size Zero = 0
uncheckedSize Zero = 0
instance Static Zero where
static = Zero
instance C () where
size () = 1
uncheckedSize () = 1
instance Indexed () where
type Index () = ()
indices () = [()]
offset () () = 0
uncheckedOffset () () = 0
inBounds () () = True
instance InvIndexed () where
indexFromOffset () 0 = ()
indexFromOffset () k = errorIndexFromOffset "()" k
uncheckedIndexFromOffset () _ = ()
instance Static () where
static = ()
newtype ZeroBased n = ZeroBased {zeroBasedSize :: n}
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor ZeroBased where
fmap f (ZeroBased n) = ZeroBased $ f n
instance Applicative ZeroBased where
pure = ZeroBased
ZeroBased f <*> ZeroBased n = ZeroBased $ f n
instance (NFData n) => NFData (ZeroBased n) where
rnf (ZeroBased n) = rnf n
instance (Storable n) => Storable (ZeroBased n) where
sizeOf = Store.sizeOf zeroBasedSize
alignment = Store.alignment zeroBasedSize
peek = Store.peek ZeroBased
poke = Store.poke zeroBasedSize
instance (Integral n) => C (ZeroBased n) where
size (ZeroBased len) = fromIntegral len
uncheckedSize (ZeroBased len) = fromIntegral len
instance (Integral n) => Indexed (ZeroBased n) where
type Index (ZeroBased n) = n
indices (ZeroBased len) = indices $ Shifted 0 len
offset (ZeroBased len) = offset $ Shifted 0 len
uncheckedOffset _ ix = fromIntegral ix
inBounds (ZeroBased len) ix = 0<=ix && ix<len
instance (Integral n) => InvIndexed (ZeroBased n) where
indexFromOffset (ZeroBased len) k0 =
let k = fromIntegral k0
in if 0<=k && k<len
then k
else errorIndexFromOffset "ZeroBased" k0
uncheckedIndexFromOffset _ k = fromIntegral k
zeroBasedSplit :: (Real n) => n -> ZeroBased n -> ZeroBased n :+: ZeroBased n
zeroBasedSplit n (ZeroBased m) =
if n<0
then error "Shape.zeroBasedSplit: negative number of elements"
else let k = min n m in ZeroBased k :+: ZeroBased (m-k)
newtype OneBased n = OneBased {oneBasedSize :: n}
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor OneBased where
fmap f (OneBased n) = OneBased $ f n
instance Applicative OneBased where
pure = OneBased
OneBased f <*> OneBased n = OneBased $ f n
instance (NFData n) => NFData (OneBased n) where
rnf (OneBased n) = rnf n
instance (Storable n) => Storable (OneBased n) where
sizeOf = Store.sizeOf oneBasedSize
alignment = Store.alignment oneBasedSize
peek = Store.peek OneBased
poke = Store.poke oneBasedSize
instance (Integral n) => C (OneBased n) where
size (OneBased len) = fromIntegral len
uncheckedSize (OneBased len) = fromIntegral len
instance (Integral n) => Indexed (OneBased n) where
type Index (OneBased n) = n
indices (OneBased len) = indices $ Shifted 1 len
offset (OneBased len) = offset $ Shifted 1 len
uncheckedOffset _ ix = fromIntegral ix - 1
inBounds (OneBased len) ix = 0<ix && ix<=len
instance (Integral n) => InvIndexed (OneBased n) where
indexFromOffset (OneBased len) k0 =
let k = fromIntegral k0
in if 0<=k && k<len
then 1+k
else errorIndexFromOffset "OneBased" k0
uncheckedIndexFromOffset _ k = 1 + fromIntegral k
data Range n = Range {rangeFrom, rangeTo :: n}
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor Range where
fmap f (Range from to) = Range (f from) (f to)
instance (NFData n) => NFData (Range n) where
rnf (Range from to) = rnf (from,to)
instance (Ix.Ix n) => C (Range n) where
size (Range from to) = Ix.rangeSize (from,to)
uncheckedSize (Range from to) = Ix.unsafeRangeSize (from,to)
instance (Ix.Ix n) => Indexed (Range n) where
type Index (Range n) = n
indices (Range from to) = Ix.range (from,to)
offset (Range from to) ix = Ix.index (from,to) ix
uncheckedOffset (Range from to) ix = Ix.unsafeIndex (from,to) ix
inBounds (Range from to) ix = Ix.inRange (from,to) ix
instance (Ix.Ix n) => InvIndexed (Range n) where
indexFromOffset (Range from to) k =
if 0<=k && k < Ix.rangeSize (from,to)
then Ix.range (from,to) !! k
else errorIndexFromOffset "Range" k
uncheckedIndexFromOffset (Range from to) k = Ix.range (from,to) !! k
instance Storable n => Storable (Range n) where
{-# INLINE sizeOf #-}
{-# INLINE alignment #-}
{-# INLINE peek #-}
{-# INLINE poke #-}
sizeOf ~(Range l r) = sizeOf l + mod (- sizeOf l) (alignment r) + sizeOf r
alignment ~(Range l _) = alignment l
poke p (Range l r) =
let q = castToElemPtr p
in poke q l >> pokeElemOff q 1 r
peek p =
let q = castToElemPtr p
in Monad.lift2 Range (peek q) (peekElemOff q 1)
data Shifted n = Shifted {shiftedOffset, shiftedSize :: n}
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor Shifted where
fmap f (Shifted from to) = Shifted (f from) (f to)
instance (NFData n) => NFData (Shifted n) where
rnf (Shifted from to) = rnf (from,to)
instance (Integral n) => C (Shifted n) where
size (Shifted _offs len) = fromIntegral len
uncheckedSize (Shifted _offs len) = fromIntegral len
instance (Integral n) => Indexed (Shifted n) where
type Index (Shifted n) = n
indices (Shifted offs len) =
map snd $
takeWhile ((>0) . fst) $
(iterate (subtract 1) len)
(iterate (1+) offs)
offset (Shifted offs len) ix =
if ix<offs
then error "Shape.Shifted: array index too small"
let k = ix-offs
in if k<len
then fromIntegral k
else error "Shape.Shifted: array index too big"
uncheckedOffset (Shifted offs _len) ix = fromIntegral $ ix-offs
inBounds (Shifted offs len) ix = ix < offs+len
instance (Integral n) => InvIndexed (Shifted n) where
indexFromOffset (Shifted offs len) k0 =
let k = fromIntegral k0
in if 0<=k && k<len
then offs+k
else errorIndexFromOffset "Shifted" k0
uncheckedIndexFromOffset (Shifted offs _len) k = offs + fromIntegral k
instance Storable n => Storable (Shifted n) where
{-# INLINE sizeOf #-}
{-# INLINE alignment #-}
{-# INLINE peek #-}
{-# INLINE poke #-}
sizeOf ~(Shifted l n) = sizeOf l + mod (- sizeOf l) (alignment n) + sizeOf n
alignment ~(Shifted l _) = alignment l
poke p (Shifted l n) =
let q = castToElemPtr p
in poke q l >> pokeElemOff q 1 n
peek p =
let q = castToElemPtr p
in Monad.lift2 Shifted (peek q) (peekElemOff q 1)
{-# INLINE castToElemPtr #-}
castToElemPtr :: Ptr (f a) -> Ptr a
castToElemPtr = castPtr
data Enumeration n = Enumeration
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData (Enumeration n) where
rnf Enumeration = ()
instance (Enum n, Bounded n) => C (Enumeration n) where
size = uncheckedSize
uncheckedSize sh = intFromEnum sh maxBound - intFromEnum sh minBound + 1
instance (Enum n, Bounded n) => Indexed (Enumeration n) where
type Index (Enumeration n) = n
indices sh = [asEnumType sh minBound .. asEnumType sh maxBound]
offset = uncheckedOffset
uncheckedOffset sh ix = fromEnum ix - intFromEnum sh minBound
inBounds _sh _ix = True
instance (Enum n, Bounded n) => InvIndexed (Enumeration n) where
indexFromOffset sh k =
if 0<=k && k <= intFromEnum sh maxBound - intFromEnum sh minBound
then uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh k
else errorIndexFromOffset "Enumeration" k
uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh k = toEnum $ intFromEnum sh minBound + k
asEnumType :: Enumeration n -> n -> n
asEnumType Enumeration = id
intFromEnum :: (Enum n) => Enumeration n -> n -> Int
intFromEnum Enumeration = fromEnum
instance (Enum n, Bounded n) => Static (Enumeration n) where
static = Enumeration
instance Storable (Enumeration n) where
{-# INLINE sizeOf #-}
{-# INLINE alignment #-}
{-# INLINE peek #-}
{-# INLINE poke #-}
sizeOf ~Enumeration = 0
alignment ~Enumeration = 1
poke _p Enumeration = return ()
peek _p = return Enumeration
instance (Ord n) => C (Set n) where
size = uncheckedSize
uncheckedSize = Set.size
instance (Ord n) => Indexed (Set n) where
type Index (Set n) = n
indices = Set.toAscList
offset = ShapeSet.offset
uncheckedOffset = ShapeSet.uncheckedOffset
inBounds = flip Set.member
instance (Ord n) => InvIndexed (Set n) where
indexFromOffset = ShapeSet.indexFromOffset
uncheckedIndexFromOffset = ShapeSet.uncheckedIndexFromOffset
newtype Deferred sh = Deferred sh
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype DeferredIndex sh = DeferredIndex Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance (NFData sh) => NFData (Deferred sh) where
rnf (Deferred sh) = rnf sh
instance (C sh) => C (Deferred sh) where
size (Deferred sh) = size sh
uncheckedSize (Deferred sh) = uncheckedSize sh
instance (C sh) => Indexed (Deferred sh) where
type Index (Deferred sh) = DeferredIndex sh
indices (Deferred sh) = map DeferredIndex $ take (size sh) [0 ..]
offset (Deferred sh) (DeferredIndex k) = offset (ZeroBased $ size sh) k
uncheckedOffset _ (DeferredIndex k) = k
sizeOffset (Deferred sh) =
mapSnd (\offs (DeferredIndex k) -> offs k) $
sizeOffset (ZeroBased $ size sh)
uncheckedSizeOffset (Deferred sh) =
mapSnd (\ _offs (DeferredIndex k) -> k) $
uncheckedSizeOffset (ZeroBased $ size sh)
inBounds (Deferred sh) (DeferredIndex k) =
inBounds (ZeroBased $ size sh) k
instance (C sh) => InvIndexed (Deferred sh) where
indexFromOffset (Deferred sh) k =
DeferredIndex $ indexFromOffset (ZeroBased $ size sh) k
uncheckedIndexFromOffset _sh = DeferredIndex
deferIndex :: (Indexed sh, Index sh ~ ix) => sh -> ix -> DeferredIndex sh
deferIndex sh ix = DeferredIndex $ offset sh ix
revealIndex :: (InvIndexed sh, Index sh ~ ix) => sh -> DeferredIndex sh -> ix
revealIndex sh (DeferredIndex ix) = indexFromOffset sh ix
instance (Static sh) => Static (Deferred sh) where
static = Deferred static
instance Storable (DeferredIndex sh) where
{-# INLINE sizeOf #-}
{-# INLINE alignment #-}
{-# INLINE peek #-}
{-# INLINE poke #-}
sizeOf (DeferredIndex k) = sizeOf k
alignment (DeferredIndex k) = alignment k
poke p (DeferredIndex k) = poke (castPtr p) k
peek p = fmap DeferredIndex $ peek (castPtr p)
instance (C sh) => C (Tagged s sh) where
size (Tagged sh) = size sh
uncheckedSize (Tagged sh) = uncheckedSize sh
instance (Indexed sh) => Indexed (Tagged s sh) where
type Index (Tagged s sh) = Tagged s (Index sh)
indices (Tagged sh) = map Tagged $ indices sh
offset (Tagged sh) (Tagged k) = offset sh k
uncheckedOffset (Tagged sh) (Tagged k) = uncheckedOffset sh k
sizeOffset (Tagged sh) = mapSnd (. unTagged) $ sizeOffset sh
uncheckedSizeOffset (Tagged sh) =
mapSnd (. unTagged) $ uncheckedSizeOffset sh
inBounds (Tagged sh) (Tagged k) = inBounds sh k
instance (InvIndexed sh) => InvIndexed (Tagged s sh) where
indexFromOffset (Tagged sh) k = Tagged $ indexFromOffset sh k
uncheckedIndexFromOffset (Tagged sh) k =
Tagged $ uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh k
instance (Static sh) => Static (Tagged s sh) where
static = Tagged static
instance (C sh0, C sh1) => C (sh0,sh1) where
size (sh0,sh1) = size sh0 * size sh1
uncheckedSize (sh0,sh1) = uncheckedSize sh0 * uncheckedSize sh1
instance (Indexed sh0, Indexed sh1) => Indexed (sh0,sh1) where
type Index (sh0,sh1) = (Index sh0, Index sh1)
indices (sh0,sh1) = Monad.lift2 (,) (indices sh0) (indices sh1)
offset (sh0,sh1) =
offset sh0 . fst
mapSnd (.snd) (sizeOffset sh1)
uncheckedOffset (sh0,sh1) =
uncheckedOffset sh0 . fst
mapSnd (.snd) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh1)
sizeOffset (sh0,sh1) =
mapSnd (.fst) (sizeOffset sh0)
mapSnd (.snd) (sizeOffset sh1)
uncheckedSizeOffset (sh0,sh1) =
mapSnd (.fst) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh0)
mapSnd (.snd) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh1)
inBounds (sh0,sh1) (ix0,ix1) = inBounds sh0 ix0 && inBounds sh1 ix1
instance (InvIndexed sh0, InvIndexed sh1) => InvIndexed (sh0,sh1) where
indexFromOffset (sh0,sh1) k =
runInvIndex k $ liftA2 (,) (pickLastIndex sh0) (pickIndex sh1)
uncheckedIndexFromOffset (sh0,sh1) k =
runInvIndex k $ liftA2 (,) (uncheckedPickLastIndex sh0) (pickIndex sh1)
instance (Static sh0, Static sh1) => Static (sh0,sh1) where
static = (static, static)
instance (C sh0, C sh1, C sh2) => C (sh0,sh1,sh2) where
size (sh0,sh1,sh2) = size sh0 * size sh1 * size sh2
uncheckedSize (sh0,sh1,sh2) =
uncheckedSize sh0 * uncheckedSize sh1 * uncheckedSize sh2
instance (Indexed sh0, Indexed sh1, Indexed sh2) => Indexed (sh0,sh1,sh2) where
type Index (sh0,sh1,sh2) = (Index sh0, Index sh1, Index sh2)
indices (sh0,sh1,sh2) =
Monad.lift3 (,,) (indices sh0) (indices sh1) (indices sh2)
uncheckedOffset (sh0,sh1,sh2) =
uncheckedOffset sh0 . fst3
mapSnd (.snd3) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh1)
mapSnd (.thd3) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh2)
sizeOffset (sh0,sh1,sh2) =
mapSnd (.fst3) (sizeOffset sh0)
mapSnd (.snd3) (sizeOffset sh1)
mapSnd (.thd3) (sizeOffset sh2)
uncheckedSizeOffset (sh0,sh1,sh2) =
mapSnd (.fst3) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh0)
mapSnd (.snd3) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh1)
mapSnd (.thd3) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh2)
inBounds (sh0,sh1,sh2) (ix0,ix1,ix2) =
inBounds sh0 ix0 && inBounds sh1 ix1 && inBounds sh2 ix2
(InvIndexed sh0, InvIndexed sh1, InvIndexed sh2) =>
InvIndexed (sh0,sh1,sh2) where
indexFromOffset (sh0,sh1,sh2) k =
runInvIndex k $
liftA3 (,,) (pickLastIndex sh0) (pickIndex sh1) (pickIndex sh2)
uncheckedIndexFromOffset (sh0,sh1,sh2) k =
runInvIndex k $
liftA3 (,,) (uncheckedPickLastIndex sh0) (pickIndex sh1) (pickIndex sh2)
instance (Static sh0, Static sh1, Static sh2) => Static (sh0,sh1,sh2) where
static = (static, static, static)
runInvIndex :: s -> Back.Backwards (MS.State s) a -> a
runInvIndex k = flip MS.evalState k . Back.forwards
pickLastIndex ::
(InvIndexed sh) => sh -> Back.Backwards (MS.State Int) (Index sh)
pickLastIndex sh =
Back.Backwards $ MS.gets $ indexFromOffset sh
uncheckedPickLastIndex ::
(InvIndexed sh) => sh -> Back.Backwards (MS.State Int) (Index sh)
uncheckedPickLastIndex sh =
Back.Backwards $ MS.gets $ uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh
pickIndex :: (InvIndexed sh) => sh -> Back.Backwards (MS.State Int) (Index sh)
pickIndex sh =
fmap (uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh) $
Back.Backwards $ MS.state $ \k -> swap $ divMod k $ size sh
infixr 7 `combineOffset`, `combineSizeOffset`
{-# INLINE combineOffset #-}
combineOffset :: Num a => (ix -> a) -> (a, ix -> a) -> ix -> a
combineOffset offset0 (size1,offset1) ix = offset0 ix * size1 + offset1 ix
{-# INLINE combineSizeOffset #-}
combineSizeOffset :: Num a => (a, ix -> a) -> (a, ix -> a) -> (a, ix -> a)
combineSizeOffset (size0,offset0) (size1,offset1) =
(size0*size1, \ix -> offset0 ix * size1 + offset1 ix)
data Lower = Lower deriving (Eq, Show)
data Upper = Upper deriving (Eq, Show)
class TriangularPart part where
switchTriangularPart :: f Lower -> f Upper -> f part
instance TriangularPart Lower where switchTriangularPart f _ = f
instance TriangularPart Upper where switchTriangularPart _ f = f
getConstAs :: c -> Const a c -> a
getConstAs _ = getConst
caseTriangularPart :: (TriangularPart part) => part -> a -> a -> a
caseTriangularPart part lo up =
getConstAs part $ switchTriangularPart (Const lo) (Const up)
data Triangular part size =
Triangular {
triangularPart :: part,
triangularSize :: size
} deriving (Show)
newtype Equal part = Equal {getEqual :: part -> part -> Bool}
equalPart :: (TriangularPart part) => part -> part -> Bool
equalPart = getEqual $ switchTriangularPart (Equal (==)) (Equal (==))
instance (TriangularPart part, Eq size) => Eq (Triangular part size) where
x==y = compose2 equalPart triangularPart x y && equating triangularSize x y
type LowerTriangular = Triangular Lower
type UpperTriangular = Triangular Upper
lowerTriangular :: size -> LowerTriangular size
lowerTriangular = Triangular Lower
upperTriangular :: size -> UpperTriangular size
upperTriangular = Triangular Upper
newtype Flip f b a = Flip {getFlip :: f a b}
(TriangularPart part, NFData size) => NFData (Triangular part size) where
rnf (Triangular part sz) =
(flip getFlip part $
switchTriangularPart (Flip $ \Lower -> ()) (Flip $ \Upper -> ()),
instance (TriangularPart part, C size) => C (Triangular part size) where
size (Triangular _part sz) = triangleSize $ size sz
uncheckedSize (Triangular _part sz) = triangleSize $ uncheckedSize sz
(TriangularPart part, Indexed size) =>
Indexed (Triangular part size) where
type Index (Triangular part size) = (Index size, Index size)
indices (Triangular part sz) =
let ixs = indices sz
in concat $
caseTriangularPart part
(zipWith (\cs r -> map ((,) r) cs)
(NonEmpty.tail $ NonEmpty.inits ixs) ixs)
(zipWith (\r cs -> map ((,) r) cs) ixs $ tails ixs)
uncheckedOffset sh = snd $ uncheckedSizeOffset sh
sizeOffset (Triangular part sz) =
let (n, getOffset) = sizeOffset sz
in (triangleSize n, \(rs,cs) ->
let r = getOffset rs
c = getOffset cs
in if compareIndices part r c
then triangleOffset part n (r,c)
else error "Shape.Triangular.sizeOffset: wrong array part")
uncheckedSizeOffset (Triangular part sz) =
let (n, getOffset) = uncheckedSizeOffset sz
in (triangleSize n, \(rs,cs) ->
triangleOffset part n (getOffset rs, getOffset cs))
inBounds (Triangular part sz) ix@(r,c) =
inBounds (sz,sz) ix
let getOffset = offset sz
in compareIndices part (getOffset r) (getOffset c)
triangleOffset :: TriangularPart part => part -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> Int
triangleOffset part n (r,c) =
caseTriangularPart part
(triangleSize r + c)
(triangleSize n - triangleSize (n-r) + c-r)
compareIndices :: (TriangularPart part, Ord a) => part -> a -> a -> Bool
compareIndices part = caseTriangularPart part (>=) (<=)
(TriangularPart part, InvIndexed size) =>
InvIndexed (Triangular part size) where
indexFromOffset (Triangular part sz) k =
mapPair (indexFromOffset sz, indexFromOffset sz) $
caseTriangularPart part
(let r = floor (triangleRootDouble k)
in (r, k - triangleSize r))
(let n = size sz
triSize = triangleSize n
rr = ceiling (triangleRootDouble (triSize-k))
r = n - rr
in (r, k+r - (triSize - triangleSize rr)))
triangleSize :: Int -> Int
triangleSize n = div (n*(n+1)) 2
triangleRoot :: Floating a => a -> a
triangleRoot sz = (sqrt (8*sz+1)-1)/2
triangleRootDouble :: Int -> Double
triangleRootDouble = triangleRoot . fromIntegral
(TriangularPart part, Static size) =>
Static (Triangular part size) where
static = Triangular autoPart static
autoPart :: (TriangularPart part) => part
autoPart = runIdentity $ switchTriangularPart (Identity Lower) (Identity Upper)
infixr 5 :+:
data sh0:+:sh1 = sh0:+:sh1
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance (NFData sh0, NFData sh1) => NFData (sh0:+:sh1) where
rnf (sh0:+:sh1) = rnf (sh0,sh1)
instance (C sh0, C sh1) => C (sh0:+:sh1) where
size (sh0:+:sh1) = size sh0 + size sh1
uncheckedSize (sh0:+:sh1) = uncheckedSize sh0 + uncheckedSize sh1
instance (Indexed sh0, Indexed sh1) => Indexed (sh0:+:sh1) where
type Index (sh0:+:sh1) = Either (Index sh0) (Index sh1)
indices (sh0:+:sh1) = map Left (indices sh0) ++ map Right (indices sh1)
offset (sh0:+:sh1) ix =
case ix of
Left ix0 -> offset sh0 ix0
Right ix1 -> size sh0 + offset sh1 ix1
uncheckedOffset (sh0:+:sh1) ix =
case ix of
Left ix0 -> uncheckedOffset sh0 ix0
Right ix1 -> uncheckedSize sh0 + uncheckedOffset sh1 ix1
sizeOffset (sh0:+:sh1) =
let (n0, getOffset0) = sizeOffset sh0
(n1, getOffset1) = sizeOffset sh1
in (n0+n1, either getOffset0 ((n0+) . getOffset1))
uncheckedSizeOffset (sh0:+:sh1) =
let (n0, getOffset0) = uncheckedSizeOffset sh0
(n1, getOffset1) = uncheckedSizeOffset sh1
in (n0+n1, either getOffset0 ((n0+) . getOffset1))
inBounds (sh0:+:sh1) = either (inBounds sh0) (inBounds sh1)
instance (InvIndexed sh0, InvIndexed sh1) => InvIndexed (sh0:+:sh1) where
indexFromOffset (sh0:+:sh1) k =
let pivot = size sh0
in if k < pivot
then Left $ indexFromOffset sh0 k
else Right $ indexFromOffset sh1 $ k-pivot
uncheckedIndexFromOffset (sh0:+:sh1) k =
let pivot = size sh0
in if k < pivot
then Left $ uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh0 k
else Right $ uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh1 $ k-pivot
instance (Static sh0, Static sh1) => Static (sh0:+:sh1) where
static = static:+:static