combinatorial-0.1: Count, enumerate, rank and unrank combinatorial objects

Safe HaskellSafe



Count and create combinatorial objects. Also see combinat package.



permute :: [a] -> [[a]] Source #

Generate list of all permutations of the input list. The list is sorted lexicographically.

permuteFast :: [a] -> [[a]] Source #

Generate list of all permutations of the input list. It is not lexicographically sorted. It is slightly faster and consumes less memory than the lexicographical ordering permute.

permuteShare :: [a] -> [[a]] Source #

All permutations share as much suffixes as possible. The reversed permutations are sorted lexicographically.

permuteRep :: [(a, Int)] -> [[a]] Source #

choose :: Int -> Int -> [[Bool]] Source #

variateRep :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] Source #

Generate all choices of n elements out of the list x with repetitions. "variation" seems to be used historically, but I like it more than "k-permutation".

variate :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] Source #

Generate all choices of n elements out of the list x without repetitions. It holds variate (length xs) xs == permute xs

tuples :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] Source #

Generate all choices of n elements out of the list x respecting the order in x and without repetitions.

partitions :: [a] -> [([a], [a])] Source #

rectifications :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] Source #

Number of possibilities arising in rectification of a predicate in deductive database theory. Stefan Brass, "Logische Programmierung und deduktive Datenbanken", 2007, page 7-60 This is isomorphic to the partition of n-element sets into k non-empty subsets.

*Combinatorics> map (length . uncurry rectifications) $ do x<-[0..10]; y<-[0..x]; return (x,[1..y::Int])

setPartitions :: Int -> [a] -> [[[a]]] Source #

Their number is k^n.

chooseUnrank :: Integral a => a -> a -> a -> [Bool] Source #

chooseUnrank n k i == choose n k !! i

factorial :: Integral a => a -> a Source #

binomial :: Integral a => a -> a -> a Source #

Pascal's triangle containing the binomial coefficients.

binomialSeq :: Integral a => a -> [a] Source #

binomialGen :: (Integral a, Fractional b) => b -> a -> b Source #

multinomial :: Integral a => [a] -> a Source #

factorials :: Num a => [a] Source #

binomials :: Num a => [[a]] Source #

Pascal's triangle containing the binomial coefficients. Only efficient if a prefix of all rows is required. It is not efficient for picking particular rows or even particular elements.

catalanNumber :: Integer -> Integer Source #

catalanNumber n computes the number of binary trees with n nodes.

catalanNumbers :: Num a => [a] Source #

Compute the sequence of Catalan numbers by recurrence identity. It is catalanNumbers !! n == catalanNumber n

derangementNumbers :: Num a => [a] Source #

Number of fix-point-free permutations with n elements.

setPartitionNumbers :: Num a => [[a]] Source #

Number of partitions of an n element set into k non-empty subsets. Known as Stirling numbers

surjectiveMappingNumber :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer Source #

surjectiveMappingNumber n k computes the number of surjective mappings from a n element set to a k element set.

fibonacciNumbers :: [Integer] Source #

Number of possibilities to compose a 2 x n rectangle of n bricks.

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