Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A mini-DSL for ASCII drawing of structures.
From some structures there is also Graphviz and/or diagrams
( visualization support
(the latter in the separate libray combinat-diagrams
- data ASCII = ASCII {
- asciiSize :: (Int, Int)
- asciiLines :: [String]
- class DrawASCII a where
- emptyRect :: ASCII
- asciiXSize :: ASCII -> Int
- asciiYSize :: ASCII -> Int
- asciiString :: ASCII -> String
- printASCII :: ASCII -> IO ()
- asciiFromLines :: [String] -> ASCII
- asciiFromString :: String -> ASCII
- data HAlign
- data VAlign
- data Alignment = Align HAlign VAlign
- data HSep
- hSepSize :: HSep -> Int
- hSepString :: HSep -> String
- data VSep
- = VSepEmpty
- | VSepSpaces Int
- | VSepString [Char]
- vSepSize :: VSep -> Int
- vSepString :: VSep -> [Char]
- (|||) :: ASCII -> ASCII -> ASCII
- (===) :: ASCII -> ASCII -> ASCII
- hCatTop :: [ASCII] -> ASCII
- hCatBot :: [ASCII] -> ASCII
- vCatLeft :: [ASCII] -> ASCII
- vCatRight :: [ASCII] -> ASCII
- hCatWith :: VAlign -> HSep -> [ASCII] -> ASCII
- vCatWith :: HAlign -> VSep -> [ASCII] -> ASCII
- hPad :: Int -> ASCII -> ASCII
- vPad :: Int -> ASCII -> ASCII
- pad :: ASCII -> ASCII
- hExtendTo :: HAlign -> Int -> ASCII -> ASCII
- vExtendTo :: VAlign -> Int -> ASCII -> ASCII
- hExtendWith :: HAlign -> Int -> ASCII -> ASCII
- vExtendWith :: VAlign -> Int -> ASCII -> ASCII
- hIndent :: Int -> ASCII -> ASCII
- vIndent :: Int -> ASCII -> ASCII
- hCut :: HAlign -> Int -> ASCII -> ASCII
- vCut :: VAlign -> Int -> ASCII -> ASCII
- pasteOnto :: (Int, Int) -> ASCII -> ASCII -> ASCII
- pasteOnto' :: (Char -> Bool) -> (Int, Int) -> ASCII -> ASCII -> ASCII
- pasteOntoRel :: (HAlign, VAlign) -> (Int, Int) -> ASCII -> ASCII -> ASCII
- pasteOntoRel' :: (Char -> Bool) -> (HAlign, VAlign) -> (Int, Int) -> ASCII -> ASCII -> ASCII
- tabulate :: (HAlign, VAlign) -> (HSep, VSep) -> [[ASCII]] -> ASCII
- data MatrixOrder
- autoTabulate :: MatrixOrder -> Either Int Int -> [ASCII] -> ASCII
- caption :: String -> ASCII -> ASCII
- caption' :: Bool -> HAlign -> String -> ASCII -> ASCII
- asciiBox :: (Int, Int) -> ASCII
- roundedAsciiBox :: (Int, Int) -> ASCII
- filledBox :: Char -> (Int, Int) -> ASCII
- transparentBox :: (Int, Int) -> ASCII
- asciiNumber :: Int -> ASCII
- asciiShow :: Show a => a -> ASCII
The basic ASCII type
The type of a (rectangular) ASCII figure. Internally it is a list of lines of the same length plus the size.
Note: The Show instance is pretty-printing, so that it's convenient in ghci.
class DrawASCII a where Source #
A type class to have a simple way to draw things
Minimal complete definition
asciiXSize :: ASCII -> Int Source #
asciiYSize :: ASCII -> Int Source #
asciiString :: ASCII -> String Source #
printASCII :: ASCII -> IO () Source #
asciiFromLines :: [String] -> ASCII Source #
asciiFromString :: String -> ASCII Source #
Horizontal alignment
Vertical alignment
Horizontal separator
HSepEmpty | empty separator |
HSepSpaces Int |
HSepString String | some custom string, eg. |
hSepString :: HSep -> String Source #
Vertical separator
VSepEmpty | empty separator |
VSepSpaces Int |
VSepString [Char] | some custom list of characters, eg. |
vSepString :: VSep -> [Char] Source #
hPad :: Int -> ASCII -> ASCII Source #
Horizontally pads with the given number of spaces, on both sides
vPad :: Int -> ASCII -> ASCII Source #
Vertically pads with the given number of empty lines, on both sides
hExtendTo :: HAlign -> Int -> ASCII -> ASCII Source #
Extends an ASCII figure with spaces horizontally to the given width. Note: the alignment is the alignment of the original picture in the new bigger picture!
vExtendTo :: VAlign -> Int -> ASCII -> ASCII Source #
Extends an ASCII figure with spaces vertically to the given height. Note: the alignment is the alignment of the original picture in the new bigger picture!
hExtendWith :: HAlign -> Int -> ASCII -> ASCII Source #
Extend horizontally with the given number of spaces.
vExtendWith :: VAlign -> Int -> ASCII -> ASCII Source #
Extend vertically with the given number of empty lines.
hCut :: HAlign -> Int -> ASCII -> ASCII Source #
Cuts the given number of columns from the picture. The alignment is the alignment of the picture, not the cuts.
This should be the (left) inverse of hExtendWith
vCut :: VAlign -> Int -> ASCII -> ASCII Source #
Cuts the given number of rows from the picture. The alignment is the alignment of the picture, not the cuts.
This should be the (left) inverse of vExtendWith
pasteOnto :: (Int, Int) -> ASCII -> ASCII -> ASCII Source #
Pastes the first ASCII graphics onto the second, keeping the second one's dimension (that is, overlapping parts of the first one are ignored). The offset is relative to the top-left corner of the second picture. Spaces at treated as transparent.
tabulate (HCenter,VCenter) (HSepSpaces 2, VSepSpaces 1) [ [ caption (show (x,y)) $ pasteOnto (x,y) (filledBox '@' (4,3)) (asciiBox (7,5)) | x <- [-4..7] ] | y <- [-3..5] ]
:: (Char -> Bool) | transparency condition |
-> (Int, Int) | offset relative to the top-left corner of the second picture |
-> ASCII | picture to paste |
-> ASCII | picture to paste onto |
-> ASCII |
Pastes the first ASCII graphics onto the second, keeping the second one's dimension. The first argument specifies the transparency condition (on the first picture). The offset is relative to the top-left corner of the second picture.
pasteOntoRel :: (HAlign, VAlign) -> (Int, Int) -> ASCII -> ASCII -> ASCII Source #
A version of pasteOnto
where we can specify the corner of the second picture
to which the offset is relative:
pasteOntoRel (HLeft,VTop) == pasteOnto
pasteOntoRel' :: (Char -> Bool) -> (HAlign, VAlign) -> (Int, Int) -> ASCII -> ASCII -> ASCII Source #
tabulate :: (HAlign, VAlign) -> (HSep, VSep) -> [[ASCII]] -> ASCII Source #
Tabulates the given matrix of pictures. Example:
tabulate (HCenter, VCenter) (HSepSpaces 2, VSepSpaces 1) [ [ asciiFromLines [ "x=" ++ show x , "y=" ++ show y ] | x<-[7..13] ] | y<-[98..102] ]
data MatrixOrder Source #
Order of elements in a matrix
Eq MatrixOrder Source # | |
Defined in Math.Combinat.ASCII | |
Ord MatrixOrder Source # | |
Defined in Math.Combinat.ASCII Methods compare :: MatrixOrder -> MatrixOrder -> Ordering # (<) :: MatrixOrder -> MatrixOrder -> Bool # (<=) :: MatrixOrder -> MatrixOrder -> Bool # (>) :: MatrixOrder -> MatrixOrder -> Bool # (>=) :: MatrixOrder -> MatrixOrder -> Bool # max :: MatrixOrder -> MatrixOrder -> MatrixOrder # min :: MatrixOrder -> MatrixOrder -> MatrixOrder # | |
Read MatrixOrder Source # | |
Defined in Math.Combinat.ASCII Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS MatrixOrder # readList :: ReadS [MatrixOrder] # readPrec :: ReadPrec MatrixOrder # readListPrec :: ReadPrec [MatrixOrder] # | |
Show MatrixOrder Source # | |
Defined in Math.Combinat.ASCII Methods showsPrec :: Int -> MatrixOrder -> ShowS # show :: MatrixOrder -> String # showList :: [MatrixOrder] -> ShowS # |
:: MatrixOrder | whether to use row-major or column-major ordering of the elements |
-> Either Int Int |
-> [ASCII] | list of ASCII rectangles |
-> ASCII |
Automatically tabulates ASCII rectangles.
caption' :: Bool -> HAlign -> String -> ASCII -> ASCII Source #
Adds a caption to the bottom. The Bool
flag specifies whether to add an empty between
the caption and the figure
Ready-made boxes
Testing / miscellanea
asciiNumber :: Int -> ASCII Source #
An integer