{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
module Data.Type.Coercion.Sub(
  {- | @Sub a b@ witnesses a zero-cost conversion @a -> b@.

  @Sub@ is a newtype wrapper around 'Coercion', but made opaque to hide
  the ability to 'Data.Coerce.coerce' into other direction.

  This is convenient for newtype wrappers which give additional guarantees.

  As an example, think about the following code:

  > -- | A pair @(x::a, y::a)@, but guaranteed @x <= y@
  > newtype Range a = MkRange (a,a)
  > getRange :: Range a -> (a,a)
  > getRange = coerce
  > mkRange :: Ord a => a -> a -> Range a
  > mkRange x y = if x <= y then MkRange (x,y) else MkRange (y,x)

  If you want to provide this type from a library you maintain,
  you would want to keep @Range@ abstract from outside of the module.

  An user may want to convert @[Range a]@ to @[(a,a)]@ without actually
  traversing the list. This is possible if the user have access to the
  internals, or you export a @Coercion (Range a) (a,a)@ value. But doing so
  breaks the guarantee, because it also allows to use @Coercible@ in the other
  direction, as in @coerce (10,5) :: Range Int@.

  By exporting only @Sub (Range a) (a,a)@ value from your module,
  this user can get @Sub [Range a] [(a,a)]@ using 'mapR',
  without being able to make an invalid value.
  sub, toSub, upcastWith, equiv, gequiv,


  mapR, contramapR,
  bimapR, dimapR
) where

import           Data.Coerce
import           Data.Type.Coercion

import           Data.Bifunctor                  (Bifunctor)
import           Data.Functor.Contravariant      (Contravariant)
import           Data.Profunctor                 (Profunctor)

import           Data.Type.Coercion.Sub.Internal

-- | Make a witness for type-safe casting which respects direction.
sub :: Coercible a b => Sub a b
sub = Sub Coercion

toSub :: Coercion a b -> Sub a b
toSub = Sub

-- | Type-safe cast
upcastWith :: Sub a b -> a -> b
upcastWith (Sub Coercion) = coerce

-- | All 'Coercion' can be seen as 'Sub'
coercionIsSub :: Sub (Coercion a b) (Sub a b)
coercionIsSub = Sub Coercion

-- | `Sub` relation in both direction means there is `Coercion` relation.
equiv :: Sub a b -> Sub b a -> Coercion a b
equiv ab ba = gequiv ab ba Coercion

-- | Generalized 'equiv'
gequiv :: Sub a b -> Sub b a -> (Coercible a b => r) -> r
gequiv (Sub Coercion) (Sub Coercion) k = k


Note: evaluating both arguments of `equiv` is necessary.
One might notice the following typechecks.

    equiv :: Sub a b -> Sub b a -> Coercion a b
    equiv (Sub Coercion) _ = Coercion

But this implementation allows inverting `Sub a b` circumventing the restriction;

    bad :: Sub a b -> Sub b a
    bad ab =
      let ba = upcastWith coercionIsSub (equiv ab ba)
      in ba

This is prevented by evaluating both arguments of `equiv`, making `bad ab` a bottom.



-- | Extend subtype relation covariantly.
mapR :: ( forall x x'. Coercible x x' => Coercible (t x) (t x')
        , Functor t)
     => Sub a b -> Sub (t a) (t b)
mapR (Sub Coercion) = Sub Coercion

-- | Extend subtype relation contravariantly
contramapR :: ( forall x x'. Coercible x x' => Coercible (t x) (t x')
              , Contravariant t)
           => Sub a b -> Sub (t b) (t a)
contramapR (Sub Coercion) = Sub Coercion

bimapR :: ( forall x x' y y'.
              (Coercible x x', Coercible y y') => Coercible (t x y) (t x' y')
          , Bifunctor t)
       => Sub a a' -> Sub b b' -> Sub (t a b) (t a' b')
bimapR (Sub Coercion) (Sub Coercion) = Sub Coercion

dimapR :: ( forall x x' y y'.
              (Coercible x x', Coercible y y') => Coercible (t x y) (t x' y')
          , Profunctor t)
       => Sub a a' -> Sub b b' -> Sub (t a' b) (t a b')
dimapR (Sub Coercion) (Sub Coercion) = Sub Coercion