clplug- Create Core Lightning Plugins
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




plugin :: Value -> InitMonad s -> PluginApp s -> IO () Source #

Create main executable that can be installed as core lightning plugin.

release :: Id -> PluginMonad a () Source #

Helper function to allow node to continue default behaviour.

reject :: Id -> PluginMonad a () Source #

Helper function to prevent node default behaviour.

respond :: Value -> Id -> PluginMonad a () Source #

Respond with arbitrary Value, custom rpc hooks will pass back through to terminal.

type PluginApp a = PluginReq -> PluginMonad a () Source #

Function called on every event subscribed to in the manifest.

type PluginMonad a = ReaderT Plug (StateT a IO) Source #

Plugin stack contains ReaderT (ask - rpc handle & config), stateT (get/put - polymorphic state)

type InitMonad a = ReaderT Plug IO a Source #

Function called on initialization, returned value is the initial state.

data Plug Source #

Handles to lightning-rpc file and stdout plugin & configuration object.


