Copyright | (c) 2021 Xy Ren |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | unstable |
Portability | non-portable (GHC only) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module contains the IOE
effect together with a few primitives for using it, as well as interpretation
combinators for IO
-related effects. It is not usually needed because safe functionalities are re-exported in the
Cleff module.
This is an internal module and its API may change even between minor versions. Therefore you should be extra careful if you're to depend on this module.
- data IOE :: Effect
- primLiftIO :: IO a -> Eff es a
- primUnliftIO :: ((Eff es ~> IO) -> IO a) -> Eff es a
- class Monad m => MonadIO (m :: Type -> Type) where
- class MonadIO m => MonadUnliftIO (m :: Type -> Type) where
- withRunInIO :: ((forall a. m a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> m b
- thisIsPureTrustMe :: Eff (IOE ': es) ~> Eff es
- runIOE :: Eff '[IOE] ~> IO
- runPure :: Eff '[] a -> a
- runPureIO :: Eff '[] ~> IO
- type HandlerIO e es = forall esSend. Handling esSend e es => e (Eff esSend) ~> IO
- interpretIO :: IOE :> es => HandlerIO e es -> Eff (e ': es) ~> Eff es
- withToIO :: (Handling esSend e es, IOE :> es) => ((Eff esSend ~> IO) -> IO a) -> Eff es a
- fromIO :: (Handling esSend e es, IOE :> es) => IO ~> Eff esSend
The effect capable of lifting and unlifting the IO
monad, allowing you to use MonadIO
, MonadUnliftIO
, MonadCatch
, MonadThrow
and MonadMask
functionalities. This is the "final" effect that most
effects eventually are interpreted into. For example, you can do:
log ::IOE
:> es =>Eff
es () log =liftIO
"Test logging")
It is not recommended to use this effect directly in application code, as it is too liberal and allows arbitrary IO, therefore making it harder to do proper effect management. Ideally, this is only used in interpreting more fine-grained effects.
Technical details
Note that this is not a real effect and cannot be interpreted in any way besides thisIsPureTrustMe
. This is mainly for performance concern, but also that there doesn't really exist reasonable
interpretations other than the current one, given the underlying implementation of the Eff
can be a real effect though, and you can enable the dynamic-ioe
build flag to have that. However it is only
for reference purposes and should not be used in production code.
Primitive IO
primLiftIO :: IO a -> Eff es a Source #
primUnliftIO :: ((Eff es ~> IO) -> IO a) -> Eff es a Source #
Give a runner function a way to run Eff
actions as an IO
computation. This function is highly unsafe and
should not be used directly; use withRunInIO
instead, or if you're interpreting higher-order effects, use
Related classes
class Monad m => MonadIO (m :: Type -> Type) where #
Monads in which IO
computations may be embedded.
Any monad built by applying a sequence of monad transformers to the
monad will be an instance of this class.
Instances should satisfy the following laws, which state that liftIO
is a transformer of monads:
class MonadIO m => MonadUnliftIO (m :: Type -> Type) where #
Monads which allow their actions to be run in IO
While MonadIO
allows an IO
action to be lifted into another
monad, this class captures the opposite concept: allowing you to
capture the monadic context. Note that, in order to meet the laws
given below, the intuition is that a monad must have no monadic
state, but may have monadic context. This essentially limits
to ReaderT
and IdentityT
transformers on top of
Laws. For any value u
returned by askUnliftIO
, it must meet the
monad transformer laws as reformulated for MonadUnliftIO
unliftIO u . return = return
unliftIO u (m >>= f) = unliftIO u m >>= unliftIO u . f
Instances of MonadUnliftIO
must also satisfy the idempotency law:
askUnliftIO >>= \u -> (liftIO . unliftIO u) m = m
This law showcases two properties. First, askUnliftIO
doesn't change
the monadic context, and second, liftIO . unliftIO u
is equivalent to
IF called in the same monadic context as askUnliftIO
Since: unliftio-core-
withRunInIO :: ((forall a. m a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> m b #
Convenience function for capturing the monadic context and running an IO
action with a runner function. The runner function is used to run a monadic
action m
in IO
Since: unliftio-core-
MonadUnliftIO IO | |
Defined in Control.Monad.IO.Unlift | |
IOE :> es => MonadUnliftIO (Eff es) Source # | |
Defined in Cleff.Internal.Base | |
MonadUnliftIO m => MonadUnliftIO (ReaderT r m) | |
Defined in Control.Monad.IO.Unlift | |
MonadUnliftIO m => MonadUnliftIO (IdentityT m) | |
Defined in Control.Monad.IO.Unlift |
Unwrapping Eff
thisIsPureTrustMe :: Eff (IOE ': es) ~> Eff es Source #
Unsafely eliminate an IOE
effect from the top of the effect stack. This is mainly for implementing effects that
uses IO
but does not do anything really impure (i.e. can be safely used unsafeDupablePerformIO
on), such as a
State effect.
runPure :: Eff '[] a -> a Source #
Unwrap a pure Eff
computation into a pure value, given that all effects are interpreted.
Effect interpretation
type HandlerIO e es = forall esSend. Handling esSend e es => e (Eff esSend) ~> IO Source #
The type of an IO
effect handler, which is a function that transforms an effect e
into IO
This is used for interpretIO
Combinators for interpreting higher-order effects
withToIO :: (Handling esSend e es, IOE :> es) => ((Eff esSend ~> IO) -> IO a) -> Eff es a Source #
Temporarily gain the ability to unlift an
computation into Eff
. This is analogous to
, and is useful in dealing with higher-order effects that involves IO
. For example, the Resource
effect that supports bracketing:
data Resource m a where Bracket :: m a -> (a -> m ()) -> (a -> m b) -> Resource m b
can be interpreted into bracket
actions in IO
, by converting all effect computations into
computations via withToIO
runResource ::IOE
es =>Eff
(Resource : es) a ->Eff
es a runResource =interpret
\case Bracket alloc dealloc use ->withToIO
$ \toIO ->bracket
(toIO alloc) (toIO . dealloc) (toIO . use)
fromIO :: (Handling esSend e es, IOE :> es) => IO ~> Eff esSend Source #
Lift an IO
computation into
. This is analogous to Eff
, and is only useful in dealing with
effect operations with the monad type in the negative position, for example mask
data Mask ::Effect
where Mask :: ((m~>
m) -> m a) -> Mask m a ^ this "m" is in negative position
See how the restore :: IO a -> IO a
from mask
is "wrapped" into
esSend a -> Eff
esSend a
runMask ::IOE
es =>Eff
(Mask : es) a ->Eff
es a runMask =interpret
\case Mask f ->withToIO
$ \toIO ->mask
$ \restore -> f (fromIO
. restore . toIO)
Here, toIO
from withToIO
takes an
to Eff
, where it can be passed into the restore
and the returned IO
computation is recovered into Eff
with fromIO
Orphan instances
IOE :> es => MonadBase IO (Eff es) Source # | Compatibility instance; use |
IOE :> es => MonadBaseControl IO (Eff es) Source # | Compatibility instance; use |
IOE :> es => MonadIO (Eff es) Source # | |
IOE :> es => MonadThrow (Eff es) Source # | |
IOE :> es => MonadCatch (Eff es) Source # | |
IOE :> es => MonadMask (Eff es) Source # | |
IOE :> es => PrimMonad (Eff es) Source # | |
IOE :> es => MonadUnliftIO (Eff es) Source # | |