chp-plus- A set of high-level concurrency utilities built on Communicating Haskell Processes

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A module of operators for connecting processes together.



class Connectable l r whereSource

Indicates that its two parameters can be joined together automatically.

Rather than use connect directly, you will want to use the operators such as '(=)'. There are different forms of this operator for in the middle of a pipeline (where you still need further parameters to each process), and at the ends. See also pipelineConnect and pipelineConnectComplete.


connect :: ((l, r) -> CHP a) -> CHP aSource

Runs the given code with the two items connected.


Connectable (Chanin a) (Chanout a) 
Connectable (Chanout a) (Chanin a) 
Connectable (Chanin a) (Shared Chanout a) 
Connectable (Chanout a) (Shared Chanin a) 
Connectable (Shared Chanin a) (Chanout a) 
Connectable (Shared Chanout a) (Chanin a) 
(Connectable al ar, Connectable bl br) => Connectable (al, bl) (ar, br) 
Connectable (Enrolled PhasedBarrier ()) (Enrolled PhasedBarrier ()) 
Connectable (Shared Chanin a) (Shared Chanout a) 
Connectable (Shared Chanout a) (Shared Chanin a) 
Connectable l r => Connectable (ChannelPair l r) (ChannelPair l r) 
(Connectable al ar, Connectable bl br, Connectable cl cr) => Connectable (al, bl, cl) (ar, br, cr) 
(Connectable al ar, Connectable bl br, Connectable cl cr, Connectable dl dr) => Connectable (al, bl, cl, dl) (ar, br, cr, dr) 
(Connectable al ar, Connectable bl br, Connectable cl cr, Connectable dl dr, Connectable el er) => Connectable (al, bl, cl, dl, el) (ar, br, cr, dr, er) 

(<=>) :: Connectable l r => (a -> l -> CHP ()) -> (r -> b -> CHP ()) -> a -> b -> CHP ()Source

Joins together the given two processes and runs them in parallel.

(|<=>) :: Connectable l r => (l -> CHP ()) -> (r -> b -> CHP ()) -> b -> CHP ()Source

Joins together the given two processes and runs them in parallel.

(<=>|) :: Connectable l r => (a -> l -> CHP ()) -> (r -> CHP ()) -> a -> CHP ()Source

Joins together the given two processes and runs them in parallel.

(|<=>|) :: Connectable l r => (l -> CHP ()) -> (r -> CHP ()) -> CHP ()Source

Joins together the given two processes and runs them in parallel.

pipelineConnect :: Connectable l r => [r -> l -> CHP ()] -> r -> l -> CHP ()Source

Like foldl1 (=); connects a pipeline of processes together. If the list is empty, it returns a process that ignores both its arguments and returns instantly.

pipelineConnectComplete :: Connectable l r => (l -> CHP ()) -> [r -> l -> CHP ()] -> (r -> CHP ()) -> CHP ()Source

Connects the given beginning process, the list of middle processes, and the end process into a pipeline and runs them all in parallel. If the list is empty, it connects the beginning directly to the end.

cycleConnect :: Connectable l r => [r -> l -> CHP ()] -> CHP ()Source

Like pipelineConnect but also connects the last process into the first. If the list is empty, it returns immediately.

connectList :: Connectable l r => Int -> ([(l, r)] -> CHP a) -> CHP aSource

Like connect, but provides the process a list of items of the specified size, and runs it.

connectList_ :: Connectable l r => Int -> ([(l, r)] -> CHP a) -> CHP ()Source

Like connectList but ignores the results.

data ChannelPair l r Source

A pair of channels. The main use of this type is with the Connectable class, as it allows you to wire together two processes that take the exact same channel pair, e.g. both are of type ChannelPair (Chanin Int) (Chanout Int) -> CHP (). With the normal Connectable pair instances, one would need to be of type (Chanin Int, Chanout Int) -> CHP (), and the other of type (Chanout Int, Chanin Int) -> CHP ().


(Eq l, Eq r) => Eq (ChannelPair l r) 
(Show l, Show r) => Show (ChannelPair l r) 
Connectable l r => Connectable (ChannelPair l r) (ChannelPair l r) 

class ConnectableExtra l r whereSource

Like Connectable, but allows an extra parameter.

The API (and name) for this is still in flux, so do not rely on it just yet.

Associated Types

type ConnectableParam l r Source


connectExtra :: ConnectableParam l r -> ((l, r) -> CHP ()) -> CHP ()Source

Runs the given code with the two items connected.

connectWith :: ConnectableExtra l r => ConnectableParam l r -> (a -> l -> CHP ()) -> (r -> b -> CHP ()) -> a -> b -> CHP ()Source

Like '(=)' but with ConnectableExtra