ceilometer-common-0.2.2: Common Haskell types and encoding for ceilometer

Safe HaskellNone




Payload Raws

newtype PRSimple Source

Payload Raw Simple


PRSimple Word64 

data PRCompoundEvent Source

Payload Raw Compound Event

prCompoundEvent :: Iso' Word64 PRCompoundEvent Source

An "improper" iso to convert between a Word64 and the raw compound.

It is improper because the reserved 8 bytes are ignored on parsing/printing. So it doesn't satisfy a "roundtrip" between the serialised Word64 and the decoded Compound raw. This is fine since we don't care about the reserved bytes.

prCompoundPollster :: Iso' Word64 PRCompoundPollster Source

An "improper" iso to convert between a Word64 and the raw compound.

It is improper because we only preserve the value and status in a "roundtrip". This is fine for pollster since that's all we care about.

Payload Decoded Fields

Payload Decoded Points


class Valued a where Source

A family of lens that allows viewing/updating the payload value of decoded Ceilometer points.

note: this is a Lens and not just a Getter since we wish to reuse the logic for collector (making the points) and user (reading the points).

Associated Types

type PFValue a Source


value :: Lens' a (PFValue a) Source

data Timed value Source

Values with a TimeStamp.


Timed !Word64 value 


Functor Timed 
Foldable Timed 
Traversable Timed 
Show value => Show (Timed value) 
Valued a => Valued (Timed a) 
type PFValue (Timed a) = PFValue a 

time :: forall value. Lens' (Timed value) Word64 Source


data Env Source

Information needed to parse/fold Ceilometer types, supplied by users.