The generic guild channel type
data GuildChannel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Guild
(==) :: GuildChannel -> GuildChannel -> Bool #
(/=) :: GuildChannel -> GuildChannel -> Bool #
showsPrec :: Int -> GuildChannel -> ShowS #
show :: GuildChannel -> String #
showList :: [GuildChannel] -> ShowS #
Associated Types
type Rep GuildChannel :: Type -> Type #
from :: GuildChannel -> Rep GuildChannel x #
to :: Rep GuildChannel x -> GuildChannel #
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser GuildChannel #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [GuildChannel] #
rnf :: GuildChannel -> () #
showbPrec :: Int -> GuildChannel -> Builder #
showb :: GuildChannel -> Builder #
showbList :: [GuildChannel] -> Builder #
showtPrec :: Int -> GuildChannel -> Text #
showt :: GuildChannel -> Text #
showtList :: [GuildChannel] -> Text #
showtlPrec :: Int -> GuildChannel -> Text #
showtl :: GuildChannel -> Text #
showtlList :: [GuildChannel] -> Text #
Defined in Calamity.Internal.Updateable
type Updated GuildChannel Source #
update :: Updated GuildChannel -> GuildChannel -> GuildChannel Source #
Defined in Calamity.Utils.Message
mention :: GuildChannel -> Text Source #
A User's Permissions in a channel are their roles and overwrites
This will fetch the guild from the cache or http as needed
Defined in Calamity.Utils.Permissions
permissionsIn' :: forall (r :: EffectRow) u. (BotC r, HasID User u) => GuildChannel -> u -> Sem r Permissions Source #
getID :: GuildChannel -> Snowflake Channel Source #
getID :: GuildChannel -> Snowflake Guild Source #
getID :: GuildChannel -> Snowflake GuildChannel Source #
field' :: Lens GuildChannel GuildChannel Text Text #
field' :: Lens GuildChannel GuildChannel Int Int #
ParameterParser for channels in the guild the command was invoked in, this only looks in the cache. Use Snowflake Channel and use upgrade if you want to allow fetching from http.
Snowflake Channel
Defined in Calamity.Commands.CalamityParsers
type ParserResult GuildChannel
parameterInfo :: ParameterInfo
parameterDescription :: Text
parse :: Sem (ParserEffs c r) (ParserResult GuildChannel)
field' :: Lens GuildChannel GuildChannel (SnowflakeMap Overwrite) (SnowflakeMap Overwrite) #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Upgradeable
upgrade :: forall (r :: EffectRow). BotC r => Snowflake GuildChannel -> Sem r (Maybe GuildChannel) Source #
mention :: Snowflake GuildChannel -> Text Source #
A Member's Permissions in a channel are their roles and overwrites
This will fetch the guild and channel from the cache or http as needed
permissionsIn' :: forall (r :: EffectRow) u. (BotC r, HasID User u) => Snowflake GuildChannel -> u -> Sem r Permissions Source #
permissionsIn :: (Guild, GuildChannel) -> Member -> Permissions Source #
module Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Guild.Category
module Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Guild.Text
module Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Guild.Voice