calamity- A library for writing discord bots
Types of channels
data ChannelType Source #
Defined in Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.ChannelType
succ :: ChannelType -> ChannelType #
pred :: ChannelType -> ChannelType #
toEnum :: Int -> ChannelType #
fromEnum :: ChannelType -> Int #
enumFrom :: ChannelType -> [ChannelType] #
enumFromThen :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> [ChannelType] #
enumFromTo :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> [ChannelType] #
enumFromThenTo :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> ChannelType -> [ChannelType] #
(==) :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> Bool #
(/=) :: ChannelType -> ChannelType -> Bool #
showsPrec :: Int -> ChannelType -> ShowS #
show :: ChannelType -> String #
showList :: [ChannelType] -> ShowS #
Associated Types
type Rep ChannelType :: Type -> Type #
from :: ChannelType -> Rep ChannelType x #
to :: Rep ChannelType x -> ChannelType #
toJSON :: ChannelType -> Value #
toEncoding :: ChannelType -> Encoding #
toJSONList :: [ChannelType] -> Value #
toEncodingList :: [ChannelType] -> Encoding #
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ChannelType #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ChannelType] #
showbPrec :: Int -> ChannelType -> Builder #
showb :: ChannelType -> Builder #
showbList :: [ChannelType] -> Builder #
showtPrec :: Int -> ChannelType -> Text #
showt :: ChannelType -> Text #
showtList :: [ChannelType] -> Text #
showtlPrec :: Int -> ChannelType -> Text #
showtl :: ChannelType -> Text #
showtlList :: [ChannelType] -> Text #