{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, MultiWayIf #-}

module Bulletproofs.RangeProof.Prover where

import Protolude

import Crypto.Random.Types (MonadRandom(..))
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Generate as Crypto
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Prim as Crypto
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types as Crypto

import Bulletproofs.Curve
import Bulletproofs.Utils
import Bulletproofs.Fq as Fq
import Bulletproofs.RangeProof.Internal

import Bulletproofs.InnerProductProof as IPP

-- | Prove that a value lies in a specific range
  :: MonadRandom m
  => Integer  -- ^ Upper bound of the range we want to prove
  -> Integer  -- ^ Value we want to prove in range
  -> Integer  -- ^ Blinding factor
  -> ExceptT RangeProofError m RangeProof
generateProof upperBound v vBlinding = do
  unless (upperBound < q) $ throwE $ UpperBoundTooLarge upperBound

  case doubleLogM of
     Nothing -> throwE $ NNotPowerOf2 upperBound
     Just n -> do
       unless (checkRange n v) $ throwE $ ValueNotInRange v
       lift $ generateProofUnsafe upperBound v vBlinding

    doubleLogM :: Maybe Integer
    doubleLogM = do
     x <- logBase2M upperBound
     logBase2M x
     pure x

-- | Generate range proof from valid inputs
  :: MonadRandom m
  => Integer  -- ^ Upper bound of the range we want to prove
  -> Integer  -- ^ Value we want to prove in range
  -> Integer  -- ^ Blinding factor
  -> m RangeProof
generateProofUnsafe upperBound v vBlinding = do
  let n = logBase2 upperBound
      vFq = Fq.new v
      vBlindingFq = Fq.new vBlinding

  let aL = reversedEncodeBit n vFq
      aR = complementaryVector aL

  (sL, sR) <- chooseBlindingVectors n

  [aBlinding, sBlinding] <- replicateM 2 (Fq.random n)

  (aCommit, sCommit) <- commitBitVectors aBlinding sBlinding aL aR sL sR

  -- Oracle generates y, z from a, c
  let y = shamirY aCommit sCommit
      z = shamirZ aCommit sCommit y

  let lrPoly@LRPolys{..} = computeLRPolys n aL aR sL sR y z
      tPoly@TPoly{..} = computeTPoly lrPoly

  [t1Blinding, t2Blinding] <- replicateM 2 (Fq.random n)

  let t1Commit = commit t1 t1Blinding
      t2Commit = commit t2 t2Blinding

  -- Oracle generates x from previous data in transcript
  let x = shamirX aCommit sCommit t1Commit t2Commit y z

  let ls = l0 `fqAddV` ((*) x <$> l1)
      rs = r0 `fqAddV` ((*) x <$> r1)
      t = t0 + (t1 * x) + (t2 * fqSquare x)

  unless (t == dotp ls rs) $
    panic "Error on: t = dotp l r"

  unless (t1 == dotp l1 r0 + dotp l0 r1) $
    panic "Error on: t1 = dotp l1 r0 + dotp l0 r1"

  unless (t0 == (vFq * fqSquare z) + delta n y z) $
    panic "Error on: t0 = v * z^2 + delta(y, z)"

  let tBlinding = (fqSquare z * vBlindingFq) + (t2Blinding * fqSquare x) + (t1Blinding * x)
      mu = aBlinding + (sBlinding * x)

  let uChallenge = shamirU tBlinding mu t
      u = uChallenge `mulP` g
      hs' = zipWith (\yi hi-> inv yi `mulP` hi) (powerVector y n) hs
      commitmentLR = computeLRCommitment n aCommit sCommit t tBlinding mu x y z hs'
      productProof = IPP.generateProof
                        InnerProductBase { bGs = gs, bHs = hs', bH = u }
                        InnerProductWitness { ls = ls, rs = rs }

  pure RangeProof
      { tBlinding = tBlinding
      , mu = mu
      , t = t
      , aCommit = aCommit
      , sCommit = sCommit
      , t1Commit = t1Commit
      , t2Commit = t2Commit
      , productProof = productProof

-- | Compute l and r polynomials to prove knowledge of aL, aR without revealing them.
-- We achieve it by transferring the vectors l, r.
-- The two terms of the dot product above are set as the constant term,
-- while sL, sR are the coefficient of x^1 , in the following two linear polynomials,
-- which are combined into a quadratic in x:
-- l(x) = (a L − z1 n ) + s L x
-- r(x) = y^n ◦ (aR + z * 1^n + sR * x) + z^2 * 2^n
  :: Integer
  -> [Fq]
  -> [Fq]
  -> [Fq]
  -> [Fq]
  -> Fq
  -> Fq
  -> LRPolys
computeLRPolys n aL aR sL sR y z
  = LRPolys
        { l0 = aL `fqSubV` ((*) z <$> powerVector 1 n)
        , l1 = sL
        , r0 = (powerVector y n `hadamardp` (aR `fqAddV` z1n))
               ((*) (fqSquare z) <$> powerVector 2 n)
        , r1 = hadamardp (powerVector y n) sR
    z1n = (*) z <$> powerVector 1 n

-- | Compute polynomial t from polynomial r
-- t(x) = l(x) · r(x) = t0 + t1 * x + t2 * x^2
computeTPoly :: LRPolys -> TPoly
computeTPoly lrPoly@LRPolys{..}
  = TPoly
    { t0 = t0
    , t1 = (dotp (l0 `fqAddV` l1) (r0 `fqAddV` r1) - t0) - t2
    , t2 = t2
    t0 = dotp l0 r0
    t2 = dotp l1 r1