build-env- Compute, fetch and install Cabal build plans into a local environment
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



setupPackage prepares a package for building, returning instructions that compile its Setup script.

buildUnit computes build instructions to configure, build and install the unit using its Setup script. If the unit is a library, the instructions will also register it into a local package database using ghc-pkg.


Building packages

setupPackage Source #


:: Verbosity 
-> Compiler 
-> BuildPaths ForBuild

Overall build directory structure.

-> PkgDbDirs ForBuild

Package database directories (see getPkgDbDirsForBuild).

-> PkgDir ForPrep

Package directory (to find the Setup.hs).

-> PkgDir ForBuild

Package directory (to build the Setup.hs).

-> Map UnitId PlanUnit

All dependencies in the build plan.

-> ConfiguredUnit

The unit to build.

-> IO BuildScript 

Setup a single package.

Returns a build script which compiles the Setup script.

buildUnit Source #


:: Verbosity 
-> Compiler 
-> BuildPaths ForBuild

Overall build directory structure.

-> PkgDbDirs ForBuild

Package database directories (see getPkgDbDirsForBuild).

-> PkgDir ForBuild

This package's directory (see getPkgDir).

-> UnitArgs

Extra arguments for this unit.

-> Map UnitId PlanUnit

All dependencies in the build plan.

-> ConfiguredUnit

The unit to build.

-> BuildScript 

Return build steps to to configure, build and and installing the unit, including registering it in the package database if it is a library.

You can run the build script with executeBuildScript, or you can turn it into a shell script with script.

Note: executing the build script will fail if the unit has already been registered in the package database.

Package directory structure helpers

Note [Using two package databases]

We need two distinct package databases: we might want to perform the build in a temporary location, before everything gets placed into its final destination. The final package database might use a specific, baked-in installation prefix (in the sense of Setup configure --prefix pfx). As a result, this package database won't be immediately usable, as we won't have copied over the build products yet.

In order to be able to build packages in a temporary directory, we create a temporary package database that is used for the build, making use of it with Setup register --inplace. We also register the packages into the final package database using ghc-pkg --force: otherwise, ghc-pkg would error because the relevant files haven't been copied over yet.

data PkgDir use Source #

The package name-version string and its directory.




getPkgDir Source #


:: FilePath

Working directory (used only to relativise paths to local packages).

-> Paths use

Overall directory structure to base the computation off.

-> ConfiguredUnit

Any unit from the package in question.

-> PkgDir use 

Compute the package directory location.

data family PkgDbDirs use Source #

The package database directories.

See Note [Using two package databases].

getPkgDbDirsForPrep :: Paths ForPrep -> PkgDbDirs ForPrep Source #

Compute the paths of the package database directories we are going to use.

See Note [Using two package databases].

getPkgDbDirsForBuild :: Paths ForBuild -> IO (PkgDbDirs ForBuild) Source #

Compute the paths of the package database directories we are going to use, and create some semaphores to control access to them in order to avoid contention.

See Note [Using two package databases].