bricks- Bricks is a lazy functional language based on Nix.

Safe HaskellNone




Bricks is a lazy functional language that strongly resembles Nix.

Notable differences from Nix:

  • No built-in null, integer, or boolean types
  • No builtins and no infix operators (+, -, //)
  • No URI literals
  • No escape sequences in indented strings (''...'')
  • The inline comment keyword is -- rather than #
  • There are block comments in the form {-...-}
  • The concept of "set" is referred to as "dict" (this is not actually a language difference, we just use a different word to talk about the same concept)

The following modules are re-exported from this module in their entireties:

Other modules:



data Expression Source #


Expr'Var Str'Unquoted

A variable, such as x.

Expr'Str Str'Dynamic

A string may be quoted either in the traditional form using a single double-quote ("..."):


or in the "indented string" form using two single-quotes (''...''):


Both of these examples reduce to the same value, because leading whitespace is stripped from indented strings.

Either may contain "antiquotation" (also known as "string interpolation") to conveniently concatenate string-valued variables into the string.

"Hello, my name is ${name}!"

Normal strings may contain the following escape sequences:

  • \\\
  • \""
  • \${${
  • \n → newline
  • \r → carriage return
  • \t → tab

The indented string form does not interpret any escape sequences.

Expr'List List

A list is an ordered collection of expressions.

The empty list:

[ ]

A list containing three variables:

[ a b c ]

Lambdas, function applications, let-in expressions, and with expressions must be parenthesized when in a list.

  (x: f x y)
  (g y)
  (let a = y; in f a a)
  (with d; f x a)
Expr'Dict Dict

A dict is an unordered extensional mapping from strings.

The empty dict (with no bindings):

{ }

A dict with two bindings:

  a = "one";
  b = "one two";

By default, dict bindings cannot refer to each other. For that, you need the rec keyword to create a recursive dict.

rec {
  a = "one";
  b = "${a} two";

In either case, the order of the bindings does not matter.

The left-hand side of a dict binding may be a quoted string (in the traditional "..." style, not the indented-string '' style), which make it possible for them to be strings that otherwise couldn't be expressed unquoted, such as strings containing spaces:

{ "a b" = "c"; }

The left-hand side of a dict may even be an arbitrary expression, using the ${ ... } form:

let x = "a b"; in { ${x} = "c"; }

Dicts also support the inherit keyword:

{ inherit a; inherit (x) c d; }

The previous expression is equivalent to:

{ a = a; c = x.c; d = x.d; }
Expr'Dot Dot

A dot expression (named after the . character it contains) looks up the value in a dict.

The examples in this section all reduce to Z.

{ a = "Z"; }.a
let x = { a = "Z"; }; in x.a
{ x = { a = "Z"; }; }.x.a

The right-hand side of a dot may be a quoted string (in the traditional "..." style, not the indented-string '' style):

{ a = "Z"; }."a"

The right-hand side of a dot may even be an arbitrary expression, using the ${ ... } form:

{ a = "Z"; }.${ let b = "a"; in b }
Expr'Lambda Lambda

A lambda expression x: y where x is the parameter.

This is a function that turns a name into a greeting:

name: "Hello, ${name}!"

The function parameter can also be a dict pattern, which looks like this:

{ a, b, c ? "another" }: "Hello, ${a}, ${b}, and ${c}!"

That function accepts a dict and looks up the keys a, b, and c from it, applying the default value "another" to c if it is not present in the dict. Dict patterns therefore give us something that resembles functions with named parameters and default arguments.

By default, a lambda defined with a dict pattern fails to evaluate if the dict argument contains keys that are not listed in the pattern. To prevent it from failing, you can end the pattern with ...:

({ a, ... }: x) { a = "1"; b = "2"; }

Every function has a single parameter. If you need multiple parameters, you have to curry:

a: b: [ a b ]
Expr'Apply Apply

Function application:

f x

If a function has multiple (curried) parameters, you can chain them together like so:

f x y z
Expr'Let Let

A let-in expression:

  greet = x: "Hello, ${x}!";
  name = "Chris";
  greet name

Let bindings, like dict bindings, may also use the inherit keyword.

  d = { greet = x: "Hello, ${x}!"; name = "Chris"; }
  inherit (d) greet name;
  greet name

The previous example also demonstrates how the bindings in a let expression may refer to each other (much like a dict with the rec keyword). As with dicts, the order of the bindings does not matter.

Expr'With With

A with expression is similar to a let-in expression, but the bindings come from a dict.

with {
  greet = x: "Hello, ${x}!";
  name = "Chris";
  greet name


Show Expression Source #

This instance is designed for doctests and REPL experimentation. The format is designed to strike a balance in verbosity between the derived Show implementations (which are unwieldily long) and the Bricks language itself (which is quite terse but unsuitable for demonstrating the parser, as outputting a Bricks rendering of parse result wouldn't illumunate anyone's understanding of the AST that the Show instances are here to depict).

Binding Expression DictBinding Source # 

Rendering expressions

render'expression :: Render Expression Source #

Render an expression.

render'expression'listContext :: Render Expression Source #

Render an expression in a list context.

render'expression'dotLeftContext :: Render Expression Source #

Render an expression in the context of the left-hand side of a Dot.

render'expression'applyLeftContext :: Render Expression Source #

Render an expression in the context of the left-hand side of an Apply.

render'expression'applyRightContext :: Render Expression Source #

Render an expression in the context of the right-hand side of an Apply.

Parsing expressions

parse'expression :: Parser Expression Source #

The primary, top-level expression parser. This is what you use to parse a .nix file.

>>> parseTest parse'expression ""
parse error at (line 1, column 1):
unexpected end of input
expecting expression

parse'expression'paren :: Parser Expression Source #

Parser for a parenthesized expression, from opening parenthesis to closing parenthesis.

parse'expression'dictKey :: Parser Expression Source #

Parser for an expression in a context that is expecting a dict key.

One of:

  • an unquoted string
  • a quoted dynamic string
  • an arbitrary expression wrapped in antiquotes (${...})

Parsing lists of expressions

parse'expressionList :: Parser [Expression] Source #

Parser for a list of expressions in a list literal ([ x y z ]) or in a chain of function arguments (f x y z).

>>> parseTest parse'expressionList ""
>>> parseTest (length <$> parse'expressionList) "x \"one two\" (a: b) (c d)"
>>> parseTest (length <$> parse'expressionList) "(x \"one two\" (a: b) (c d))"

parse'expressionList'1 :: Parser Expression Source #

Parser for a single item within an expression list (expressionListP). This expression is not a lambda, a function application, a let-in expression, or a with expression.

>>> parseTest parse'expressionList'1 "ab.xy"
dot (var "ab") (str ["xy"])
>>> parseTest parse'expressionList'1 "(x: f x x) y z"
lambda (param "x") (apply (apply (var "f") (var "x")) (var "x"))
>>> parseTest parse'expressionList'1 "{ a = b; }.a y"
dot (dict [binding (str ["a"]) (var "b")]) (str ["a"])

parse'expressionList'1'noDot :: Parser Expression Source #

Like parse'expressionList'1, but with the further restriction that the expression may not be a Dot.

>>> parseTest parse'expressionList'1'noDot "ab.xy"
var "ab"
>>> parseTest parse'expressionList'1'noDot "(x: f x x) y z"
lambda (param "x") (apply (apply (var "f") (var "x")) (var "x"))
>>> parseTest parse'expressionList'1'noDot "{ a = b; }.a y"
dict [binding (str ["a"]) (var "b")]


str'escape :: Text -> Text Source #

Insert escape sequences for rendering normal double-quoted (") strings.

parse'str'within'normalQ :: Parser Text Source #

Parser for at least one normal character, within a normally-quoted string context, up to but not including the end of the string or the start of an antiquotation.

Static strings

type Str'Static = Text Source #

A fixed string value. We use the description "static" to mean the string may not contain antiquotation, in contrast with Str'Dynamic which can.

render'strStatic'unquotedIfPossible :: Render Str'Static Source #

Render a static string, in unquoted form if possible.

render'strStatic'quoted :: Render Str'Static Source #

Render a static string, in quoted form.

parse'strStatic :: Parser Str'Static Source #

Parser for a static string which may be either quoted or unquoted.

>>> parseTest parse'strStatic "\"hello\""
>>> parseTest parse'strStatic "hello"
>>> parseTest parse'strStatic "\"a b\""
"a b"
>>> parseTest parse'strStatic "a b"

By "static," we mean that the string may not contain antiquotation.

>>> parseTest parse'strStatic "\"a${x}b\" xyz"
parse error at (line 1, column 5):
antiquotation is not allowed in this context

parse'strStatic'quoted :: Parser Str'Static Source #

Parser for a static string that is quoted.

parse'strStatic'unquoted :: Parser Str'Static Source #

Parser for an unquoted static string.

Dynamic strings

newtype Str'Dynamic Source #

A quoted string expression, which may be a simple string like "hello" or a more complex string containing antiquotation like "Hello, my name is ${name}!". See Expr'Str.

We use the description "dynamic" to mean the string may contain antiquotation, in contrast with Str'Static which cannot.



render'strDynamic'unquotedIfPossible :: Render Str'Dynamic Source #

Render a dynamic string, in unquoted form if possible.

render'strDynamic'quoted :: Render Str'Dynamic Source #

Render a dynamic string, in quoted form.

parse'strDynamic'quoted :: Parser Str'Dynamic Source #

Parser for a dynamic string that is quoted. It may be a "normal" quoted string delimited by one double-quote "..." (parse'strDynamic'normalQ) or an "indented" string delimited by two single-quotes ''...'' (parse'strDynamic'indentedQ).

parse'strDynamic'normalQ :: Parser Str'Dynamic Source #

Parser for a dynamic string enclosed in "normal" quotes ("...").

parse'strDynamic'indentedQ :: Parser Str'Dynamic Source #

Parser for a dynamic string enclosed in "indented string" format, delimited by two single-quotes ''...''. This form of string does not have any escape sequences.

Unquoted strings

newtype Str'Unquoted Source #

A string that can be rendered unquoted. Unquoted strings are restricted to a conservative set of characters; see str'canRenderUnquoted for the full rules.

The constructor is tagged "unsafe" because it lets you construct and invalid value. Prefer str'tryUnquoted which does validate the text.

str'unquoted'orThrow :: Text -> Str'Unquoted Source #

Throws an exception if the string cannot render unquoted.

str'canRenderUnquoted :: Text -> Bool Source #

Whether a string having this name can be rendered without quoting it. We allow a string to render unquoted if all these conditions are met:

>>> str'canRenderUnquoted "-ab_c"
>>> str'canRenderUnquoted ""
>>> str'canRenderUnquoted "a\"b"
>>> str'canRenderUnquoted "let"

char'canRenderUnquoted :: Char -> Bool Source #

Letters, -, and _.

render'strUnquoted :: Render Str'Unquoted Source #

Render an unquoted string in unquoted form.

parse'strUnquoted :: Parser Str'Unquoted Source #

Parser for an unquoted string. Unquoted strings are restricted to a conservative set of characters, and they may not be any of the keywords.

>>> parseTest parse'strUnquoted "abc"
unquoted "abc"
>>> parseTest parse'strUnquoted "x{y"
unquoted "x"
>>> parseTest parse'strUnquoted "let"
parse error at (line 1, column 4):
unexpected end of input

String conversions

Indented strings

newtype InStr Source #

An "indented string literal," delimited by two single-quotes ''.

This type of literal is called "indented" because the parser automatically removes leading whitespace from the string (inStr'dedent), which makes it convenient to use these literals for multi-line strings within an indented expression without the whitespace from indentation ending up as part of the string.



inStr'join :: InStr -> Str'Dynamic Source #

Join InStrs with newlines interspersed.

inStr'level :: InStr -> Natural Source #

Determine how many characters of whitespace to strip from an indented string.

inStr'dedent :: InStr -> InStr Source #

Determine the minimum indentation of any nonempty line, and remove that many space characters from the front of every line.

inStr'trim :: InStr -> InStr Source #

Remove any empty lines from the beginning or end of an indented string.

render'inStr'1 :: Render InStr'1 Source #

Render one line of an indented string (InStr).

parse'inStr :: Parser InStr Source #

Parser for an indented string. This parser produces a representation of the lines from the source as-is, before the whitespace is cleaned up.

parse'inStr'1 :: Parser InStr'1 Source #

Parser for a single line of an InStr.

Single line of an indented string

data InStr'1 Source #

One line of an InStr.





inStr'1'nonEmpty :: InStr'1 -> Bool Source #

Determines whether an InStr'1 contains any non-space characters. The opposite of inStr'1'nonEmpty.

This is used to determine whether this line should be considered when calculating the number of space characters to strip in inStr'dedent.

inStr'1'modifyLevel :: (Natural -> Natural) -> InStr'1 -> InStr'1 Source #

Modify an InStr by applying a function to its number of leading spaces.


newtype List Source #

A list literal expression, starting with [ and ending with ]. See Expr'List.


List (Seq Expression) 


render'list :: Render List Source #

Render a list literal ([ ... ]).

parse'list :: Parser List Source #

Parser for a list expression ([ ... ]).

>>> parseTest parse'list "[]"
list []
>>> parseTest parse'list "[x \"one\" (a: b) (c d)]"
list [var "x", str ["one"], lambda (param "a") (var "b"), apply (var "c") (var "d")]


data Dict Source #

A dict literal expression, starting with { or rec { and ending with }. See Expr'Dict.





render'dict :: Render Dict Source #

Render a dict literal ({ ... }).

parse'dict :: Parser Dict Source #

Parser for a dict expression, either recursive (rec keyword) or not.

>>> parseTest parse'dict "{}"
dict []
>>> parseTest parse'dict "rec {  }"
rec'dict []
>>> parseTest parse'dict "{ a = b; inherit (x) y z \"s t\"; }"
dict [binding (str ["a"]) (var "b"), inherit'from (var "x") ["y", "z", "s t"]]

parse'dict'rec :: Parser (Seq DictBinding) Source #

Parser for a recursive (rec keyword) dict.

>>> parseTest parse'dict "rec {  }"
rec'dict []
>>> parseTest parse'dict "rec { a = \"1\"; b = \"${a}2\"; }"
rec'dict [binding (str ["a"]) (str ["1"]), binding (str ["b"]) (str [antiquote (var "a"), "2"])]

parse'dict'noRec :: Parser (Seq DictBinding) Source #

Parser for a non-recursive (no rec keyword) dict.

>>> parseTest parse'dict "{  }"
dict []
>>> parseTest parse'dict "{ a = \"1\"; b = \"${a}2\"; }"
dict [binding (str ["a"]) (str ["1"]), binding (str ["b"]) (str [antiquote (var "a"), "2"])]

Dict bindings

render'dictBinding :: Render DictBinding Source #

Render a binding within a Dict, without the trailing semicolon.

Dict lookup (dot)

data Dot Source #

An expression of the form that looks up a key from a dict. See Expr'Dot.




Show Dot Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Dot -> ShowS #

show :: Dot -> String #

showList :: [Dot] -> ShowS #

expression'applyDots Source #


:: Expression


-> [Expression]


-> Expression

Dot expression

render'dot :: Render Dot Source #

Render a dot expression (a.b).

parse'dot'rhs'chain :: Parser [Expression] Source #

Parser for a chain of dict lookups (like .a.b.c) on the right-hand side of a Dot expression.

>>> parseTest parse'dot'rhs'chain ""
>>> parseTest parse'dot'rhs'chain ".abc"
[str ["abc"]]
>>> parseTest parse'dot'rhs'chain ".a.${b}.\"c\".\"d${e}\""
[str ["a"],var "b",str ["c"],str ["d", antiquote (var "e")]]



data Lambda Source #

A function expression. See Expr'Lambda.





render'lambda :: Render Lambda Source #

Render a lambda expression (x: y).

parse'lambda :: Parser Lambda Source #

Parser for a lambda expression (x: y).

>>> parseTest parse'lambda "x: [x x \"a\"]"
lambda (param "x") (list [var "x", var "x", str ["a"]])
>>> parseTest parse'lambda "{a,b}:a"
lambda (pattern [param "a", param "b"]) (var "a")
>>> parseTest parse'lambda "{ ... }: \"x\""
lambda (pattern [] <> ellipsis) (str ["x"])
>>> parseTest parse'lambda "a@{ f, b ? g x, ... }: f b"
lambda (param "a" <> pattern [param "f", param "b" & def (apply (var "g") (var "x"))] <> ellipsis) (apply (var "f") (var "b"))
>>> parseTest parse'lambda "a: b: \"x\""
lambda (param "a") (lambda (param "b") (str ["x"]))

Function parameters

data Param Source #

A parameter to a Lambda. All functions have a single parameter, but it's more complicated than that because it may also include dict destructuring.


Param'Name Str'Unquoted

A simple single-parameter function

Param'DictPattern DictPattern

Dict destructuring, which gives you something resembling multiple named parameters with default values

Param'Both Str'Unquoted DictPattern

Both a param name and a dict pattern, separated by the @ keyword


render'param :: Render Param Source #

Render a lambda parameter: everything from the beginning of a lambda, up to but not including the : that separates the head from the body of the lambda.

parse'param :: Parser Param Source #

Parser for a function parameter (the beginning of a Lambda), including the colon. This forms part of parse'expression, so it backtracks in places where it has overlap with other types of expressions.

parse'param'var :: Parser Param Source #

Parser for a parameter that starts with a variable. This could be a simple param that consists only of only the variable, or the variable may be followed by a dict pattern.

parse'param'noVar :: Parser Param Source #

Parser for a param that has no variable, only a a dict pattern. This parser backtracks because the beginning of a dict pattern looks like the beginning of a dict expression.

Dict patterns

data DictPattern Source #

A type of function parameter (Param) that does dict destructuring.




data DictPattern'1 Source #

One item within a DictPattern.




render'dictPattern :: Render DictPattern Source #

Render a dict pattern ({ a, b ? c, ... }).

parse'dictPattern :: Parser DictPattern Source #

Parser for a dict pattern (the type of lambda parameter that does dict destructuring. This parser does not backtrack.

parse'dictPattern'start :: Parser () Source #

This is used in a lookahead by parse'param to determine whether we're about to start parsing a DictPattern.

Function application

data Apply Source #

A function application expression. See Expr'Apply.





expression'applyArgs Source #


:: Expression


-> [Expression]


-> Expression

Function application

render'apply :: Render Apply Source #

Render a function application expression (f x).


data Let Source #

A let-in expression. See Expr'Let.





Show Let Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Let -> ShowS #

show :: Let -> String #

showList :: [Let] -> ShowS #

render'let :: Render Let Source #

Render a let-in expression.

let bindings

data LetBinding Source #

A semicolon-terminated binding within the binding list of a Let expression.


LetBinding'Eq Str'Static Expression

A binding with an equals sign, of the form x = y;

LetBinding'Inherit Inherit

A binding using the inherit keyword, of the form inherit a b; or inherit (x) a b;

render'letBinding :: Render LetBinding Source #

Render a binding within a Let, without the trailing semicolon.


data With Source #

A with expression. See Expr'With.




render'with :: Render With Source #

Render a with expression.



keywords :: [Keyword] Source #

All of the keywords. This list is used when parsing and rendering because an unquoted string cannot have a name that is exactly the same as a keyword.

parse'keyword :: Keyword -> Parser () Source #

Backtracking parser for a particular keyword.

Comments and whitespace


type Render a = a -> Text Source #