bitcoin-address-0.1.2: Bitcoin address generation and rendering. Parsing coming soon.
Safe HaskellNone



This module exports hash constructions used by Bitcoin addresses.



data PubHash160 Source #

The hash160 of a Public key.


Instances details
Eq PubHash160 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Bitcoin.Address.Hash

Ord PubHash160 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Bitcoin.Address.Hash

Show PubHash160 Source #

Base-16 encoded.

Instance details

Defined in Bitcoin.Address.Hash

parsePubHash160 :: ByteString -> Maybe PubHash160 Source #

Create a PubHash160 from its 20 raw bytes.

pubHash160 :: Pub -> PubHash160 Source #

The hash160 of the compressed SEC representation of a Public key.

Usually, this is what you want.

pubUncompressedHash160 :: Pub -> PubHash160 Source #

The hash160 of the uncompressed SEC representation of a Public key.

It's very unlikely that you want this. Except if it's ten years ago or you are dealing with very old addresses.

WARNING do not use this with SegWit addresses P2WPKH, or in P2WSH Scripts.


scriptHash160 :: Script -> ScriptHash160 Source #

Hash a Script as required by P2SH.


parseScriptSHA256 :: ByteString -> Maybe ScriptSHA256 Source #

Create a ScriptSHA256 from its 32 raw bytes.

scriptSHA256 :: Script -> ScriptSHA256 Source #

Hash a Script as required by P2WSH.