module Combinatorics.Battleship.Count.ShortenShip.Distribution where
import qualified Combinatorics.Battleship.Count.ShortenShip as ShortenShip
import qualified Combinatorics.Battleship.Count.CountMap as CountMap
import qualified Combinatorics.Battleship.Count.Counter as Counter
import qualified Combinatorics.Battleship.Count.Frontier as Frontier
import qualified Combinatorics.Battleship.Fleet as Fleet
import qualified Combinatorics.Battleship.Size as Size
import Combinatorics.Battleship.Size (Nat, Zero, Succ, N10, Size(Size), size)
import Combinatorics.Battleship.Count.ShortenShip (countBoundedFromMap)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable, sizeOf, alignment, poke, peek)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, castPtr)
import Control.Monad.HT (void)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf, ($!!))
import qualified Data.StorableVector as SV
import qualified Data.List.HT as ListHT
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Tuple.HT (mapFst)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Monadic as QCM
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
newtype Distr w h a = Distr {getDistr :: SV.Vector a}
instance (Storable a) => NFData (Distr w h a) where
rnf = rnf . getDistr
countFromDistr :: (Storable a) => Distr w h a -> a
countFromDistr = SV.head . getDistr
rowsFromDistr :: (Storable a) => Size w -> Distr w h a -> [Row w a]
rowsFromDistr (Size width) =
map Row . SV.sliceVertical width . SV.tail . getDistr
heightType :: Size h -> Distr w h a -> Distr w h a
heightType _ = id
newtype Size2 w h = Size2 Int
size2FromSizes :: Size w -> Size h -> Size2 w h
size2FromSizes (Size width) (Size height) = Size2 (1 + width*height)
size2 :: (Nat w, Nat h) => Size2 w h
size2 = size2FromSizes size size
instance (Nat w, Nat h, Storable a) => Storable (Distr w h a) where
sizeOf = sizeOfWithSize size2
alignment (Distr xs) = alignment (SV.head xs)
poke ptr (Distr xs) = SV.poke (castPtr ptr) xs
peek = peekWithSize size2
sizeOfWithSize :: (Storable a) => Size2 w h -> Distr w h a -> Int
sizeOfWithSize (Size2 n) (Distr xs) = n * sizeOf (SV.head xs)
peekWithSize ::
(Storable a) => Size2 w h -> Ptr (Distr w h a) -> IO (Distr w h a)
peekWithSize (Size2 n) ptr = fmap Distr $ SV.peek n (castPtr ptr)
(Nat w, Nat h, Counter.C a, Storable a) => Counter.C (Distr w h a) where
zero = constant size2
one = constant size2
add (Distr x) (Distr y) = Distr $ SV.zipWith Counter.add x y
constant :: (Storable a) => Size2 w h -> a -> Distr w h a
constant (Size2 n) = Distr . SV.replicate n
newtype Row w a = Row {getRow :: SV.Vector a}
avg :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
avg x y =
case divMod (x+y) 2 of
(z,0) -> z
_ -> error "avg: odd sum"
symmetric :: (Integral a, Storable a) => Row w a -> Row w a
symmetric (Row xs) = Row $ SV.zipWith avg xs (SV.reverse xs)
type Count = Word64
type CountMap = CountMap.T Count
CountMap.mergeMany :: [CountDistrMap N10 Zero] -> CountDistrMap N10 Zero
type CountDistr w h = Distr w h Count
type CountDistrMap w h = CountMap.T w (CountDistr w h)
type CountDistrPath w h = CountMap.Path w (CountDistr w h)
rowFromFrontier :: (Nat w) => Size w -> Count -> Frontier.T w -> Row w Count
rowFromFrontier width cnt =
Row .
Frontier.mapToVector width (\x -> if x == Frontier.Free then 0 else cnt)
addRowToDistr :: Row w Count -> CountDistr w h -> CountDistr w (Succ h)
addRowToDistr (Row row) (Distr xs) =
Distr $ SV.concat [SV.take 1 xs, row, SV.tail xs]
addFrontierToDistr ::
(Nat w) => Frontier.T w -> CountDistr w h -> CountDistr w (Succ h)
addFrontierToDistr frontier cntDistr =
addRowToDistr (rowFromFrontier size (countFromDistr cntDistr) frontier) cntDistr
baseCase :: (Nat w) => CountDistrMap w Zero
baseCase = CountMap.singleton (Frontier.empty, Fleet.empty)
nextFrontierBoundedExternal ::
(Nat w, Nat h) =>
Size w -> Fleet.T -> CountDistrPath w (Succ h) -> CountDistrMap w h -> IO ()
nextFrontierBoundedExternal width maxFleet dst =
CountMap.writeSorted dst .
(\((frontier,fleet), cntDistr) ->
map (\key ->
(ShortenShip.canonicalFrontier . Frontier.dilate width)
addFrontierToDistr (fst key) cntDistr)) $
width maxFleet frontier fleet)) .
ListHT.sliceVertical bucketSize .
bucketSize :: Int
bucketSize = 2^(11::Int)
tmpPath :: Size h -> CountDistrPath w h
tmpPath (Size height) = ShortenShip.tmpPath height
reportCount :: (Nat w, Nat h) => Fleet.T -> CountDistrPath w h -> IO ()
reportCount fleet path = do
putStrLn ""
cd <- countBoundedFromMap fleet <$> CountMap.readFile path
print $ countFromDistr cd
putStr $ unlines $
map (unwords . map show . SV.unpack . getRow . symmetric) $
rowsFromDistr size cd
withReport ::
(Nat w, Nat h) =>
Bool -> Fleet.T -> (CountDistrPath w h -> IO ()) -> IOCountDistrPath w h
withReport report fleet act =
IOCountDistrPath $
case tmpPath size of
path -> do
act path
when report $ reportCount fleet path
return path
IOCountDistrPath w h =
IOCountDistrPath {runIOCountDistrPath :: IO (CountDistrPath w h)}
distributionBoundedExternal ::
(Nat w, Nat h) => Bool -> Fleet.T -> IO (CountDistrPath w h)
distributionBoundedExternal report fleet =
runIOCountDistrPath $
(withReport report fleet $ \path ->
CountMap.writeFile path baseCase)
(withReport report fleet $ \path ->
nextFrontierBoundedExternal size fleet path
=<< CountMap.readFile
=<< distributionBoundedExternal report fleet)
countExternal :: IO ()
countExternal =
void (distributionBoundedExternal True Fleet.german :: IO (CountDistrPath N10 N10))
distributionExternalList ::
(Nat w, Nat h) => Size w -> Size h -> Fleet.T -> IO (Count, [[Count]])
distributionExternalList w h fleet = do
cdm <-
(return $!!) . countBoundedFromMap fleet =<<
CountMap.readFile =<< distributionBoundedExternal False fleet
(countFromDistr cdm,
map (SV.unpack . getRow . symmetric) $
rowsFromDistr w $ heightType h cdm)
propCountExternalTotal :: QC.Property
propCountExternalTotal =
QC.forAllShrink (QC.choose (0,6)) QC.shrink $ \width ->
QC.forAllShrink (QC.choose (0,10)) QC.shrink $ \height ->
QC.forAllShrink ShortenShip.genFleet QC.shrink $ \fleet ->
Size.reifyInt width $ \w ->
Size.reifyInt height $ \h -> QCM.monadicIO $ do
(c,cd) <- $ distributionExternalList w h fleet
QCM.assert $
Counter.toInteger c
* fromIntegral (sum $ map (uncurry (*)) $ Fleet.toList fleet)
(sum $ map (Counter.toInteger . Counter.sum) cd)
propCountExternalSimple :: QC.Property
propCountExternalSimple =
QC.forAllShrink (QC.choose (0,6)) QC.shrink $ \width ->
QC.forAllShrink (QC.choose (0,10)) QC.shrink $ \height ->
QC.forAllShrink ShortenShip.genFleet QC.shrink $ \fleet ->
Size.reifyInt width $ \w ->
Size.reifyInt height $ \h -> QCM.monadicIO $ do
(c,_cd) <- $ distributionExternalList w h fleet
ce <- $ ShortenShip.countExternalReturn (w,height) fleet
QCM.assert $ Counter.toInteger ce == Counter.toInteger c
propCountExternalSymmetric :: QC.Property
propCountExternalSymmetric =
QC.forAllShrink (QC.choose (0,6)) QC.shrink $ \sz ->
QC.forAllShrink ShortenShip.genFleet QC.shrink $ \fleet ->
Size.reifyInt sz $ \n -> QCM.monadicIO $ do
(_c,cd) <- $ distributionExternalList n n fleet
QCM.assert $ cd == List.transpose cd
propCountExternalTransposed :: QC.Property
propCountExternalTransposed =
QC.forAllShrink (QC.choose (0,6)) QC.shrink $ \width ->
QC.forAllShrink (QC.choose (0,6)) QC.shrink $ \height ->
QC.forAllShrink ShortenShip.genFleet QC.shrink $ \fleet ->
Size.reifyInt width $ \w ->
Size.reifyInt height $ \h -> QCM.monadicIO $ do
(c0,cd0) <- $ distributionExternalList w h fleet
(c1,cd1) <- $ distributionExternalList h w fleet
QCM.assert $ c0 == c1
QCM.assert $ List.transpose cd0 == cd1