{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- |
-- Module    : Aura.Types
-- Copyright : (c) Colin Woodbury, 2012 - 2020
-- License   : GPL3
-- Maintainer: Colin Woodbury <colin@fosskers.ca>
-- Core Aura types.

module Aura.Types
  ( -- * Package Types
    Package(..), pname, pprov, pver, dividePkgs
  , Dep(..), parseDep, renderedDep
  , Buildable(..)
  , Prebuilt(..)
  , SimplePkg(..), simplepkg, simplepkg', bToSP, pToSP
    -- * Typeclasses
  , Flagable(..)
    -- * Package Building
  , VersionDemand(..), _VersionDemand
  , InstallType(..)
    -- * Errors
  , DepError(..)
  , Failure(..)
    -- * Language
  , Language(..)
    -- * Other Wrappers
  , PkgName(..)
  , PkgGroup(..)
  , Provides(..)
  , PackagePath, packagePath, ppPath
  , Pkgbuild(..)
  , Environment
  , User(..)
  ) where

import           Aura.Utils
import           Data.Aeson (FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey)
import           Data.Bitraversable
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc hiding (list, space)
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal
import           Data.Versions hiding (Traversal')
import           Lens.Micro
import           RIO hiding (try)
import           RIO.FilePath
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import           Text.Megaparsec
import           Text.Megaparsec.Char


-- | Types whose members can be converted to CLI flags.
class Flagable a where
  asFlag :: a -> [Text]

instance Flagable Text where
  asFlag t = [t]

instance (Foldable f, Flagable a) => Flagable (f a) where
  asFlag = foldMap asFlag

-- | A package to be installed.
data Package = FromRepo Prebuilt | FromAUR Buildable deriving (Eq)

-- | The name of a `Package`.
pname :: Package -> PkgName
pname (FromRepo pb) = pName pb
pname (FromAUR b)   = bName b

-- | Other names which allow this `Package` to be satisfied as a dependency.
pprov :: Package -> Provides
pprov (FromRepo pb) = pProvides pb
pprov (FromAUR b)   = bProvides b

-- | The version of a `Package`.
pver :: Package -> Versioning
pver (FromRepo pb) = pVersion pb
pver (FromAUR b)   = bVersion b

dividePkgs :: NonEmpty Package -> These (NonEmpty Prebuilt) (NonEmpty Buildable)
dividePkgs = partNonEmpty f
    f :: Package -> These Prebuilt Buildable
    f (FromRepo p) = This p
    f (FromAUR b)  = That b

-- TODO Figure out how to do this more generically.
instance Ord Package where
  compare (FromAUR a) (FromAUR b)   = compare a b
  compare (FromRepo a) (FromRepo b) = compare a b
  compare (FromAUR a) (FromRepo b)  = compare (bToSP a) (pToSP b)
  compare (FromRepo a) (FromAUR b)  = compare (pToSP a) (bToSP b)

-- | A `Package` from the AUR that's buildable in some way on the user's machine.
data Buildable = Buildable
  { bName       :: !PkgName
  , bVersion    :: !Versioning
  , bBase       :: !PkgName
  , bProvides   :: !Provides
  , bDeps       :: ![Dep]
  , bPkgbuild   :: !Pkgbuild
  , bIsExplicit :: !Bool }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

-- | A prebuilt `Package` from the official Arch repositories.
data Prebuilt = Prebuilt
  { pName     :: !PkgName
  , pVersion  :: !Versioning
  , pBase     :: !PkgName
  , pProvides :: !Provides }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

-- | A dependency on another package.
data Dep = Dep
  { dName   :: !PkgName
  , dDemand :: !VersionDemand }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

-- | Parse a dependency entry as it would appear in a PKGBUILD:
-- @
-- >>> parseDep "pacman>1.2.3"
-- Just (Dep {name = PkgName {name = "pacman"}, demand = >1.2.3})
-- @
parseDep :: Text -> Maybe Dep
parseDep = hush . parse dep "dep"
  where dep = Dep <$> n <*> v
        n   = PkgName <$> takeWhile1P Nothing (\c -> c /= '<' && c /= '>' && c /= '=')
        v   = do
          end <- atEnd
          if end
            then pure Anything
            else choice [ char '<'    *> fmap LessThan versioning'
                        , string ">=" *> fmap AtLeast  versioning'
                        , char '>'    *> fmap MoreThan versioning'
                        , char '='    *> fmap MustBe   versioning'
                        , pure Anything ]

-- | Renders the `Dep` into a form that @pacman -T@ understands. The dual of
-- `parseDep`.
renderedDep :: Dep -> Text
renderedDep (Dep n ver) = pnName n <> asT ver
    asT :: VersionDemand -> Text
    asT (LessThan v) = "<"  <> prettyV v
    asT (AtLeast  v) = ">=" <> prettyV v
    asT (MoreThan v) = ">"  <> prettyV v
    asT (MustBe   v) = "="  <> prettyV v
    asT Anything     = ""

-- | The versioning requirement of some package's dependency.
data VersionDemand = LessThan Versioning
                   | AtLeast  Versioning
                   | MoreThan Versioning
                   | MustBe   Versioning
                   | Anything
                   deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show VersionDemand where
  show (LessThan v) = T.unpack $ "<"  <> prettyV v
  show (AtLeast  v) = T.unpack $ ">=" <> prettyV v
  show (MoreThan v) = T.unpack $ ">"  <> prettyV v
  show (MustBe   v) = T.unpack $ "="  <> prettyV v
  show Anything     = "Anything"

-- | Attempt to zoom into the `Versioning` hiding within a `VersionDemand`.
_VersionDemand :: Traversal' VersionDemand Versioning
_VersionDemand f (LessThan v) = LessThan <$> f v
_VersionDemand f (AtLeast v)  = AtLeast  <$> f v
_VersionDemand f (MoreThan v) = MoreThan <$> f v
_VersionDemand f (MustBe v)   = MustBe   <$> f v
_VersionDemand _ p            = pure p

-- | The installation method.
data InstallType = Pacman PkgName | Build Buildable deriving (Eq)

-- | A package name with its version number.
data SimplePkg = SimplePkg
  { spName    :: !PkgName
  , spVersion :: !Versioning }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

bToSP :: Buildable -> SimplePkg
bToSP b = SimplePkg (bName b) (bVersion b)

pToSP :: Prebuilt -> SimplePkg
pToSP p = SimplePkg (pName p) (pVersion p)

-- | Attempt to create a `SimplePkg` from filepaths like
--   @\/var\/cache\/pacman\/pkg\/linux-3.2.14-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz@
simplepkg :: PackagePath -> Maybe SimplePkg
simplepkg (PackagePath t) =
  uncurry SimplePkg <$> bitraverse hush hush (parse n "name" t', parse v "version" t')
    t' :: Text
    t' = T.pack $ takeFileName t

    n :: Parsec Void Text PkgName
    n = PkgName . T.pack <$> manyTill anySingle (try finished)

    -- | Assumes that a version number will never start with a letter,
    -- and that a package name section (i.e. abc-def-ghi) will never start
    -- with a number.
    finished = char '-' *> lookAhead digitChar
    v    = manyTill anySingle (try finished) *> ver
    ver  = try (fmap Ideal semver' <* post) <|> try (fmap General version' <* post) <|> fmap Complex mess'
    post = char '-' *> (string "x86_64" <|> string "any") *> string ".pkg.tar.xz"

-- | Attempt to create a `SimplePkg` from text like:
--     xchat 2.8.8-19
simplepkg' :: Text -> Maybe SimplePkg
simplepkg' = hush . parse parser "name-and-version"
  where parser = SimplePkg <$> (PkgName <$> takeWhile1P Nothing (/= ' ')) <*> (space *> versioning')

-- | Filepaths like:
--   * \/var\/cache\/pacman\/pkg\/linux-3.2.14-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
--   * \/var\/cache\/pacman\/pkg\/wine-1.4rc6-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
--   * \/var\/cache\/pacman\/pkg\/ruby-1.9.3_p125-4-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
newtype PackagePath = PackagePath { ppPath :: FilePath }
  deriving (Eq, Generic)

-- | If they have the same package names, compare by their versions.
-- Otherwise, do raw comparison of the path string.
instance Ord PackagePath where
  compare a b | nameA /= nameB = compare (ppPath a) (ppPath b)
              | otherwise      = compare verA verB
      (nameA, verA) = f a
      (nameB, verB) = f b

      f :: PackagePath -> (Maybe PkgName, Maybe Versioning)
      f = (fmap spName &&& fmap spVersion) . simplepkg

-- | Smart constructor for `PackagePath`.
packagePath :: FilePath -> Maybe PackagePath
packagePath fp = bool Nothing (Just $ PackagePath fp) $ isAbsolute fp

-- | The contents of a PKGBUILD file.
newtype Pkgbuild = Pkgbuild { pkgbuild :: ByteString }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

-- | All human languages available for text output.
data Language = English
              | Japanese
              | Polish
              | Croatian
              | Swedish
              | German
              | Spanish
              | Portuguese
              | French
              | Russian
              | Italian
              | Serbian
              | Norwegian
              | Indonesia
              | Chinese
              | Esperanto
              | Dutch
                deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded, Ord, Show)

-- | The various ways that dependency resolution can fail.
data DepError = NonExistant PkgName PkgName
              | VerConflict (Doc AnsiStyle)
              | Ignored (Doc AnsiStyle)
              | BrokenProvides PkgName Provides PkgName

-- | Some failure message that when given the current runtime `Language`
-- will produce a human-friendly error.
newtype Failure = Failure { failure :: Language -> Doc AnsiStyle }

instance Exception Failure

instance Show Failure where
  show (Failure _) = "There was some failure."

-- | Shell environment variables.
type Environment = Map Text Text

-- | The name of a user account on a Linux system.
newtype User = User { user :: Text }
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

-- | The name of an Arch Linux package.
newtype PkgName = PkgName { pnName :: Text }
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
  deriving newtype (Flagable, ToJSONKey, FromJSONKey, IsString)

-- | A group that a `Package` could belong too, like @base@, @base-devel@, etc.
newtype PkgGroup = PkgGroup { pgGroup :: Text }
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
  deriving newtype (Flagable)

-- | The dependency which some package provides. May not be the same name
-- as the package itself (e.g. cronie provides cron).
newtype Provides = Provides { provides :: PkgName }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)