{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase   #-}

-- |
-- Module    : Aura.Packages.AUR
-- Copyright : (c) Colin Woodbury, 2012 - 2020
-- License   : GPL3
-- Maintainer: Colin Woodbury <colin@fosskers.ca>
-- Module for connecting to the AUR servers, downloading PKGBUILDs and package
-- sources.

module Aura.Packages.AUR
  ( -- * Batch Querying
  , aurRepo
    -- * Single Querying
  , aurInfo
  , aurSearch
    -- * Source Retrieval
  , clone
  , pkgUrl
  ) where

import           Aura.Core
import           Aura.Languages
import           Aura.Pkgbuild.Fetch
import           Aura.Settings
import           Aura.Types
import           Aura.Utils
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import           Control.Scheduler (Comp(..), traverseConcurrently)
import           Data.Versions (versioning)
import           Lens.Micro (each, non, (^..))
import           Linux.Arch.Aur
import           Network.HTTP.Client (Manager)
import           RIO
import           RIO.Directory
import           RIO.FilePath
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Map as M
import qualified RIO.NonEmpty as NEL
import qualified RIO.Set as S
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import           System.Process.Typed


-- | Attempt to retrieve info about a given `Set` of packages from the AUR.
aurLookup :: Manager -> NonEmpty PkgName -> IO (Maybe (Set PkgName, Set Buildable))
aurLookup m names = runMaybeT $ do
  infos <- MaybeT . fmap hush . info m $ foldr (\(PkgName pn) acc -> pn : acc) [] names
  badsgoods <- lift $ traverseConcurrently Par' (buildable m) infos
  let (bads, goods) = partitionEithers badsgoods
      goodNames     = S.fromList $ goods ^.. each . to bName
  pure (S.fromList bads <> S.fromList (NEL.toList names) S.\\ goodNames, S.fromList goods)

-- | Yield fully realized `Package`s from the AUR.
aurRepo :: IO Repository
aurRepo = do
  tv <- newTVarIO mempty

  -- TODO Use `data-or` here to offer `Or (NESet PkgName) (NESet Package)`?
  -- Yes that sounds like a good idea :)
  let f :: Settings -> NonEmpty PkgName -> IO (Maybe (Set PkgName, Set Package))
      f ss ps = do
        --- Retrieve cached Packages ---
        cache <- readTVarIO tv
        let (uncached, cached) = fmapEither (\p -> note p $ M.lookup p cache) $ toList ps
        --- Lookup uncached Packages ---
        case NEL.nonEmpty uncached of
          Nothing -> pure $ Just (S.empty, S.fromList cached)
          Just uncached' -> runMaybeT $ do
            (bads, goods) <- MaybeT $ aurLookup (managerOf ss) uncached'
            let !pkgs = map FromAUR $ S.toList goods
            --- Update Cache ---
            let m = M.fromList $ map (pname &&& id) pkgs
            liftIO . atomically $ modifyTVar' tv (<> m)
            pure (bads, S.fromList $ cached <> pkgs)

  pure $ Repository tv f

buildable :: Manager -> AurInfo -> IO (Either PkgName Buildable)
buildable m ai = do
  let !bse = PkgName $ pkgBaseOf ai
      mver = hush . versioning $ aurVersionOf ai
  mpb <- getPkgbuild m bse  -- Using the package base ensures split packages work correctly.
  case (,) <$> mpb <*> mver of
    Nothing        -> pure . Left . PkgName $ aurNameOf ai
    Just (pb, ver) -> pure $ Right Buildable
      { bName     = PkgName $ aurNameOf ai
      , bVersion  = ver
      , bBase     = bse
      , bProvides = providesOf ai ^. to listToMaybe . non (aurNameOf ai) . to (Provides . PkgName)
      -- TODO This is a potentially naughty mapMaybe, since deps that fail to
      -- parse will be silently dropped. Unfortunately there isn't much to be
      -- done - `aurLookup` and `aurRepo` which call this function only report
      -- existence errors (i.e. "this package couldn't be found at all").
      , bDeps       = mapMaybe parseDep $ dependsOf ai ++ makeDepsOf ai
      , bPkgbuild   = pb
      , bIsExplicit = False }

aurLink :: FilePath
aurLink = "https://aur.archlinux.org"

-- | A package's home URL on the AUR.
pkgUrl :: PkgName -> Text
pkgUrl (PkgName pkg) = T.pack $ aurLink </> "packages" </> T.unpack pkg

-- | Attempt to clone a package source from the AUR.
clone :: Buildable -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
clone b = do
  ec <- runProcess . setStderr closed . setStdout closed
    $ proc "git" [ "clone", "--depth", "1", url ]
  case ec of
    ExitFailure _ -> pure Nothing
    ExitSuccess   -> do
      pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
      pure . Just $ pwd </> pathy
    pathy :: FilePath
    pathy = T.unpack . pnName $ bBase b

    url :: FilePath
    url = aurLink </> pathy <.> "git"

sortAurInfo :: Maybe BuildSwitch -> [AurInfo] -> [AurInfo]
sortAurInfo bs ai = L.sortBy compare' ai
  where compare' = case bs of
                     Just SortAlphabetically -> compare `on` aurNameOf
                     _ -> \x y -> compare (aurVotesOf y) (aurVotesOf x)

-- | Frontend to the `aur` library. For @-As@.
aurSearch :: Text -> RIO Env [AurInfo]
aurSearch regex = do
  ss  <- asks settings
  res <- liftMaybeM (Failure connectFailure_1) . fmap hush . liftIO $ search (managerOf ss) regex
  pure $ sortAurInfo (bool Nothing (Just SortAlphabetically) $ switch ss SortAlphabetically) res

-- | Frontend to the `aur` library. For @-Ai@.
aurInfo :: NonEmpty PkgName -> RIO Env [AurInfo]
aurInfo pkgs = do
  logDebug $ "AUR: Looking up " <> display (length pkgs) <> " packages..."
  m <- asks (managerOf . settings)
  sortAurInfo (Just SortAlphabetically) . fold
    <$> traverseConcurrently Par' (work m) (groupsOf 50 $ NEL.toList pkgs)
    work :: Manager -> [PkgName] -> RIO Env [AurInfo]
    work m ps = liftIO (info m $ map pnName ps) >>= \case
      Left (NotFound _) -> throwM (Failure connectFailure_1)
      Left BadJSON -> throwM (Failure miscAURFailure_3)
      Left (OtherAurError e) -> do
        let !resp = display $ decodeUtf8Lenient e
        logDebug $ "Failed! Server said: " <> resp
        throwM (Failure miscAURFailure_1)
      Right res -> pure res