amqp-worker-2.0.0: Type-safe AMQP workers
Copyright(c) 2023 Sean Hess
MaintainerSean Hess <>
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Type safe and simplified message queues with AMQP. Compatible with RabbitMQ


How to use this library

Define keys to identify how messages will be published and what the message type is

import Network.AMQP.Worker as Worker

data Greeting = Greeting
  { message :: Text }
  deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)

instance FromJSON Greeting
instance ToJSON Greeting

newGreetings :: Key Routing Greeting
newGreetings = key "greetings" & word "new"

Connect to AMQP and publish a message

conn <- Worker.connect (fromURI "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672")
Worker.publish conn newGreetings $ Greeting "hello"

Create a queue to receive messages. You can bind direclty to the Routing Key to ensure it is delivered once

q <- Worker.queue conn "new" newMessages :: IO (Queue Greeting)
m <- Worker.takeMessage conn q
print (value m)

Define dynamic Routing Keys to receive many kinds of messages

let anyMessages = key "messages" & any1
q <- Worker.queue conn "main" anyMessages
m <- Worker.takeMessage conn q
print (value m)

Create a worker to conintually process messages

forkIO $ Worker.worker conn q $ \m -> do
    print (value m)


connect :: MonadIO m => ConnectionOpts -> m Connection Source #

Connect to the AMQP server using simple defaults

conn <- connect (fromURI "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672")

fromURI :: String -> ConnectionOpts #

Parses amqp standard URI of the form amqp://user:passwordhost:port/vhost and returns a ConnectionOpts for use with openConnection'' | Any of these fields may be empty and will be replaced with defaults from amqp:/guest:guest@localhost:5672@

Binding and Routing Keys

newtype Key a msg Source #

Messages are published with a specific identifier called a Routing key. Queues can use Binding Keys to control which messages are delivered to them.

Routing keys have no dynamic component and can be used to publish messages

commentsKey :: Key Route Comment
commentsKey = key "posts" & word "new"

Binding keys can contain wildcards, only used for matching messages

commentsKey :: Key Bind Comment
commentsKey = key "posts" & any1 & word "comments" & many


Key [Bind] 


Instances details
Monoid (Key a msg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.AMQP.Worker.Key


mempty :: Key a msg #

mappend :: Key a msg -> Key a msg -> Key a msg #

mconcat :: [Key a msg] -> Key a msg #

Semigroup (Key a msg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.AMQP.Worker.Key


(<>) :: Key a msg -> Key a msg -> Key a msg #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Key a msg) -> Key a msg #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Key a msg -> Key a msg #

Show (Key a msg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.AMQP.Worker.Key


showsPrec :: Int -> Key a msg -> ShowS #

show :: Key a msg -> String #

showList :: [Key a msg] -> ShowS #

Eq (Key a msg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.AMQP.Worker.Key


(==) :: Key a msg -> Key a msg -> Bool #

(/=) :: Key a msg -> Key a msg -> Bool #

data Bind Source #


Instances details
Show Bind Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.AMQP.Worker.Key


showsPrec :: Int -> Bind -> ShowS #

show :: Bind -> String #

showList :: [Bind] -> ShowS #

Eq Bind Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.AMQP.Worker.Key


(==) :: Bind -> Bind -> Bool #

(/=) :: Bind -> Bind -> Bool #

key :: Text -> Key Route msg Source #

Start a new routing key (can also be used for bindings)

key "messages"
-- matches "messages"

word :: Text -> Key a msg -> Key a msg Source #

A specific word. Can be used to chain Routing keys or Binding keys

key "messages" & word "new"
-- matches ""

any1 :: Key a msg -> Key Bind msg Source #

Match any one word. Equivalent to *. Converts to a Binding key and can no longer be used to publish messaages

key "messages" & any1
-- matches ""
-- matches "messages.update"

many :: Key a msg -> Key Bind msg Source #

Match zero or more words. Equivalient to #. Converts to a Binding key and can no longer be used to publish messages

key "messages" & many
-- matches "messages"
-- matches ""
-- matches "messages.1234.update"

Sending Messages

publish :: (RequireRoute a, ToJSON msg, MonadIO m) => Connection -> Key a msg -> msg -> m () Source #

send a message to a queue. Enforces that the message type and queue name are correct at the type level

let newUsers = key "users" & word "new" :: Key Route User
publish conn newUsers (User "username")

Publishing to a Binding Key results in an error

-- Compiler error! This doesn't make sense
let users = key "users" & many :: Key Binding User
publish conn users (User "username")

Initializing queues

queue :: MonadIO m => Connection -> QueuePrefix -> Key a msg -> m (Queue msg) Source #

Create a queue to receive messages matching the Key with a name prefixed via queueName.

q <- Worker.queue conn "main" $ key "messages" & any1
Worker.worker conn def q onError onMessage

queueNamed :: MonadIO m => Connection -> QueueName -> Key a msg -> m (Queue msg) Source #

Create a queue to receive messages matching the binding key. Each queue with a unique name will be delivered a separate copy of the messsage. Workers will load balance if operating on the same queue, or on queues with the same name

data Queue msg Source #

A queue is an inbox for messages to be delivered


Queue (Key Bind msg) QueueName 


Instances details
Show (Queue msg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.AMQP.Worker.Queue


showsPrec :: Int -> Queue msg -> ShowS #

show :: Queue msg -> String #

showList :: [Queue msg] -> ShowS #

Eq (Queue msg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.AMQP.Worker.Queue


(==) :: Queue msg -> Queue msg -> Bool #

(/=) :: Queue msg -> Queue msg -> Bool #

queueName :: QueuePrefix -> Key a msg -> QueueName Source #

Name a queue with a prefix and the binding key name. Useful for seeing at a glance which queues are receiving which messages

-- "main"
queueName "main" (key "messages" & word "new")


takeMessage :: (MonadIO m, FromJSON a) => Connection -> Queue a -> m (Message a) Source #

Wait until a message is read from the queue. Throws an exception if the incoming message doesn't match the key type

m <- Worker.takeMessage conn queue
print (value m)

data Message a Source #

a parsed message from the queue





Instances details
Show a => Show (Message a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.AMQP.Worker.Message


showsPrec :: Int -> Message a -> ShowS #

show :: Message a -> String #

showList :: [Message a] -> ShowS #

Eq a => Eq (Message a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.AMQP.Worker.Message


(==) :: Message a -> Message a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Message a -> Message a -> Bool #


worker :: (FromJSON a, MonadIO m) => Connection -> Queue a -> (Message a -> m ()) -> m () Source #

Create a worker which loops and handles messages. Throws an exception if the incoming message doesn't match the key type. It is recommended that you catch errors in your handler and allow message parsing errors to crash your program.

Worker.worker conn queue $ \m -> do
  print (value m)