amazonka-opsworks-0.1.2: Amazon OpsWorks SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




Updates a specified app.

Required Permissions: To use this action, an IAM user must have a Deploy or Manage permissions level for the stack, or an attached policy that explicitly grants permissions. For more information on user permissions, see ManagingUser Permissions.



Request constructor

Request lenses

uaAppSource :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Source) Source

A Source object that specifies the app repository.

uaAttributes :: Lens' UpdateApp (HashMap AppAttributesKeys Text) Source

One or more user-defined key/value pairs to be added to the stack attributes.

uaDataSources :: Lens' UpdateApp [DataSource] Source

The app's data sources.

uaDescription :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Text) Source

A description of the app.

uaDomains :: Lens' UpdateApp [Text] Source

The app's virtual host settings, with multiple domains separated by commas. For example: '',''

uaEnableSsl :: Lens' UpdateApp (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether SSL is enabled for the app.

uaEnvironment :: Lens' UpdateApp [EnvironmentVariable] Source

An array of EnvironmentVariable objects that specify environment variables to be associated with the app. You can specify up to ten environment variables. After you deploy the app, these variables are defined on the associated app server instances.

This parameter is supported only by Chef 11.10 stacks. If you have specified one or more environment variables, you cannot modify the stack's Chef version.


Response constructor