amazonka-elb-0.0.5: Amazon Elastic Load Balancing SDK.

Safe HaskellNone




Returns detailed configuration information for all the load balancers created for the account. If you specify load balancer names, the action returns configuration information of the specified load balancers.

In order to retrieve this information, you must provide the same account credentials that was used to create the load balancer.



Request constructor

Request lenses

dlbLoadBalancerNames :: Lens' DescribeLoadBalancers [Text] Source

A list of load balancer names associated with the account.

dlbMarker :: Lens' DescribeLoadBalancers (Maybe Text) Source

An optional parameter used for pagination of results from this call. If specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker.

dlbPageSize :: Lens' DescribeLoadBalancers (Maybe Natural) Source

The number of results returned in each page. The default is 400. You cannot specify a page size greater than 400 or less than 1.


Response constructor

Response lenses

dlbrNextMarker :: Lens' DescribeLoadBalancersResponse (Maybe Text) Source

Specifies the value of next marker if the request returned more than one page of results.