algebraic-graphs-0.0.2: A library for algebraic graph construction and transformation

Copyright(c) Andrey Mokhov 2016-2017
LicenseMIT (see the file LICENSE)
Safe HaskellNone




This module exposes the implementation of adjacency maps. The API is unstable and unsafe. Where possible use non-internal module Algebra.Graph.IntAdjacencyMap instead.


Adjacency map

newtype IntAdjacencyMap Source #

The IntAdjacencyMap data type represents a graph by a map of vertices to their adjacency sets. We define a law-abiding Num instance as a convenient notation for working with graphs:

0           == vertex 0
1 + 2       == overlay (vertex 1) (vertex 2)
1 * 2       == connect (vertex 1) (vertex 2)
1 + 2 * 3   == overlay (vertex 1) (connect (vertex 2) (vertex 3))
1 * (2 + 3) == connect (vertex 1) (overlay (vertex 2) (vertex 3))

The Show instance is defined using basic graph construction primitives:

show (empty     :: IntAdjacencyMap Int) == "empty"
show (1         :: IntAdjacencyMap Int) == "vertex 1"
show (1 + 2     :: IntAdjacencyMap Int) == "vertices [1,2]"
show (1 * 2     :: IntAdjacencyMap Int) == "edge 1 2"
show (1 * 2 * 3 :: IntAdjacencyMap Int) == "edges [(1,2),(1,3),(2,3)]"
show (1 * 2 + 3 :: IntAdjacencyMap Int) == "graph [1,2,3] [(1,2)]"

The Eq instance satisfies all axioms of algebraic graphs:

  • overlay is commutative and associative:

          x + y == y + x
    x + (y + z) == (x + y) + z
  • connect is associative and has empty as the identity:

      x * empty == x
      empty * x == x
    x * (y * z) == (x * y) * z
  • connect distributes over overlay:

    x * (y + z) == x * y + x * z
    (x + y) * z == x * z + y * z
  • connect can be decomposed:

    x * y * z == x * y + x * z + y * z

The following useful theorems can be proved from the above set of axioms.

  • overlay has empty as the identity and is idempotent:

      x + empty == x
      empty + x == x
          x + x == x
  • Absorption and saturation of connect:

    x * y + x + y == x * y
        x * x * x == x * x

When specifying the time and memory complexity of graph algorithms, n and m will denote the number of vertices and edges in the graph, respectively.




  • adjacencyMap :: IntMap IntSet

    The adjacency map of the graph: each vertex is associated with a set of its direct successors.

consistent :: IntAdjacencyMap -> Bool Source #

Check if the internal graph representation is consistent, i.e. that all edges refer to existing vertices. It should be impossible to create an inconsistent adjacency map, and we use this function in testing.

consistent empty                  == True
consistent (vertex x)             == True
consistent (overlay x y)          == True
consistent (connect x y)          == True
consistent (edge x y)             == True
consistent (edges xs)             == True
consistent (graph xs ys)          == True
consistent (fromAdjacencyList xs) == True

Basic graph construction primitives

empty :: IntAdjacencyMap Source #

Construct the empty graph. Complexity: O(1) time and memory.

isEmpty     empty == True
hasVertex x empty == False
vertexCount empty == 0
edgeCount   empty == 0

vertex :: Int -> IntAdjacencyMap Source #

Construct the graph comprising a single isolated vertex. Complexity: O(1) time and memory.

isEmpty     (vertex x) == False
hasVertex x (vertex x) == True
hasVertex 1 (vertex 2) == False
vertexCount (vertex x) == 1
edgeCount   (vertex x) == 0

overlay :: IntAdjacencyMap -> IntAdjacencyMap -> IntAdjacencyMap Source #

Overlay two graphs. This is an idempotent, commutative and associative operation with the identity empty. Complexity: O((n + m) * log(n)) time and O(n + m) memory.

isEmpty     (overlay x y) == isEmpty   x   && isEmpty   y
hasVertex z (overlay x y) == hasVertex z x || hasVertex z y
vertexCount (overlay x y) >= vertexCount x
vertexCount (overlay x y) <= vertexCount x + vertexCount y
edgeCount   (overlay x y) >= edgeCount x
edgeCount   (overlay x y) <= edgeCount x   + edgeCount y
vertexCount (overlay 1 2) == 2
edgeCount   (overlay 1 2) == 0

connect :: IntAdjacencyMap -> IntAdjacencyMap -> IntAdjacencyMap Source #

Connect two graphs. This is an associative operation with the identity empty, which distributes over the overlay and obeys the decomposition axiom. Complexity: O((n + m) * log(n)) time and O(n + m) memory. Note that the number of edges in the resulting graph is quadratic with respect to the number of vertices of the arguments: m = O(m1 + m2 + n1 * n2).

isEmpty     (connect x y) == isEmpty   x   && isEmpty   y
hasVertex z (connect x y) == hasVertex z x || hasVertex z y
vertexCount (connect x y) >= vertexCount x
vertexCount (connect x y) <= vertexCount x + vertexCount y
edgeCount   (connect x y) >= edgeCount x
edgeCount   (connect x y) >= edgeCount y
edgeCount   (connect x y) >= vertexCount x * vertexCount y
edgeCount   (connect x y) <= vertexCount x * vertexCount y + edgeCount x + edgeCount y
vertexCount (connect 1 2) == 2
edgeCount   (connect 1 2) == 1

vertices :: [Int] -> IntAdjacencyMap Source #

Construct the graph comprising a given list of isolated vertices. Complexity: O(L * log(L)) time and O(L) memory, where L is the length of the given list.

vertices []            == empty
vertices [x]           == vertex x
hasVertex x . vertices == elem x
vertexCount . vertices == length . nub
vertexSet   . vertices == IntSet.fromList

edges :: [(Int, Int)] -> IntAdjacencyMap Source #

Construct the graph from a list of edges. Complexity: O((n + m) * log(n)) time and O(n + m) memory.

edges []          == empty
edges [(x, y)]    == edge x y
edgeCount . edges == length . nub
edgeList . edges  == nub . sort

fromAdjacencyList :: [(Int, [Int])] -> IntAdjacencyMap Source #

Construct a graph from an adjacency list. Complexity: O((n + m) * log(n)) time and O(n + m) memory.

fromAdjacencyList []                                  == empty
fromAdjacencyList [(x, [])]                           == vertex x
fromAdjacencyList [(x, [y])]                          == edge x y
fromAdjacencyList . adjacencyList                     == id
overlay (fromAdjacencyList xs) (fromAdjacencyList ys) == fromAdjacencyList (xs ++ ys)

Graph properties

edgeList :: IntAdjacencyMap -> [(Int, Int)] Source #

The sorted list of edges of a graph. Complexity: O(n + m) time and O(m) memory.

edgeList empty          == []
edgeList (vertex x)     == []
edgeList (edge x y)     == [(x,y)]
edgeList (star 2 [3,1]) == [(2,1), (2,3)]
edgeList . edges        == nub . sort

adjacencyList :: IntAdjacencyMap -> [(Int, [Int])] Source #

The sorted adjacency list of a graph. Complexity: O(n + m) time and O(m) memory.

adjacencyList empty               == []
adjacencyList (vertex x)          == [(x, [])]
adjacencyList (edge 1 2)          == [(1, [2]), (2, [])]
adjacencyList (star 2 [3,1])      == [(1, []), (2, [1,3]), (3, [])]
fromAdjacencyList . adjacencyList == id

Graph transformation

removeVertex :: Int -> IntAdjacencyMap -> IntAdjacencyMap Source #

Remove a vertex from a given graph. Complexity: O(n*log(n)) time.

removeVertex x (vertex x)       == empty
removeVertex x . removeVertex x == removeVertex x

removeEdge :: Int -> Int -> IntAdjacencyMap -> IntAdjacencyMap Source #

Remove an edge from a given graph. Complexity: O(log(n)) time.

removeEdge x y (edge x y)       == vertices [x, y]
removeEdge x y . removeEdge x y == removeEdge x y
removeEdge x y . removeVertex x == removeVertex x
removeEdge 1 1 (1 * 1 * 2 * 2)  == 1 * 2 * 2
removeEdge 1 2 (1 * 1 * 2 * 2)  == 1 * 1 + 2 * 2

gmap :: (Int -> Int) -> IntAdjacencyMap -> IntAdjacencyMap Source #

Transform a graph by applying a function to each of its vertices. This is similar to Functor's fmap but can be used with non-fully-parametric IntAdjacencyMap. Complexity: O((n + m) * log(n)) time.

gmap f empty      == empty
gmap f (vertex x) == vertex (f x)
gmap f (edge x y) == edge (f x) (f y)
gmap id           == id
gmap f . gmap g   == gmap (f . g)

induce :: (Int -> Bool) -> IntAdjacencyMap -> IntAdjacencyMap Source #

Construct the induced subgraph of a given graph by removing the vertices that do not satisfy a given predicate. Complexity: O(m) time, assuming that the predicate takes O(1) to be evaluated.

induce (const True)  x      == x
induce (const False) x      == empty
induce (/= x)               == removeVertex x
induce p . induce q         == induce (\x -> p x && q x)
isSubgraphOf (induce p x) x == True