{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}

---- |
---- Copyright   :  (c) Edward Kmett 2010-2015
---- License     :  BSD3
---- Maintainer  :  ekmett@gmail.com
---- Stability   :  experimental
---- Portability :  GHC only
---- Unsafe and often partial combinators intended for internal usage.
---- Handle with care.

module Numeric.AD.Internal.Forward.Double
  ( ForwardDouble(..)
  , bundle
  , unbundle
  , apply
  , bind
  , bind'
  , bindWith
  , bindWith'
  , transposeWith
  ) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative hiding ((<**>))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable, toList)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable, mapAccumL)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Traversable (mapAccumL)
import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Number.Erf
import Numeric.AD.Internal.Combinators
import Numeric.AD.Internal.Identity
import Numeric.AD.Jacobian
import Numeric.AD.Mode

data ForwardDouble = ForwardDouble { primal, tangent :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double }
  deriving (Read, Show)

unbundle :: ForwardDouble -> (Double, Double)
unbundle (ForwardDouble a da) = (a, da)
{-# INLINE unbundle #-}

bundle :: Double -> Double -> ForwardDouble
bundle = ForwardDouble
{-# INLINE bundle #-}

apply :: (ForwardDouble -> b) -> Double -> b
apply f a = f (bundle a 1)
{-# INLINE apply #-}

instance Mode ForwardDouble where
  type Scalar ForwardDouble = Double

  auto = flip ForwardDouble 0

  zero = ForwardDouble 0 0

  isKnownZero (ForwardDouble 0 0) = True
  isKnownZero _ = False

  isKnownConstant (ForwardDouble _ 0) = True
  isKnownConstant _ = False

  a *^ ForwardDouble b db = ForwardDouble (a * b) (a * db)
  ForwardDouble a da ^* b = ForwardDouble (a * b) (da * b)
  ForwardDouble a da ^/ b = ForwardDouble (a / b) (da / b)

(<+>) :: ForwardDouble -> ForwardDouble -> ForwardDouble
ForwardDouble a da <+> ForwardDouble b db = ForwardDouble (a + b) (da + db)

instance Jacobian ForwardDouble where
  type D ForwardDouble = Id Double

  unary f (Id dadb) (ForwardDouble b db) = ForwardDouble (f b) (dadb * db)

  lift1 f df (ForwardDouble b db) = ForwardDouble (f b) (dadb * db) where
    Id dadb = df (Id b)

  lift1_ f df (ForwardDouble b db) = ForwardDouble a da where
    a = f b
    Id da = df (Id a) (Id b) ^* db

  binary f (Id dadb) (Id dadc) (ForwardDouble b db) (ForwardDouble c dc) = ForwardDouble (f b c) $ dadb * db + dc * dadc

  lift2 f df (ForwardDouble b db) (ForwardDouble c dc) = ForwardDouble a da where
    a = f b c
    (Id dadb, Id dadc) = df (Id b) (Id c)
    da = dadb * db + dc * dadc

  lift2_ f df (ForwardDouble b db) (ForwardDouble c dc) = ForwardDouble a da where
    a = f b c
    (Id dadb, Id dadc) = df (Id a) (Id b) (Id c)
    da = dadb * db + dc * dadc

instance Eq ForwardDouble where
  (==)          = on (==) primal

instance Ord ForwardDouble where
  compare       = on compare primal

instance Num ForwardDouble where
  fromInteger 0  = zero
  fromInteger n = auto (fromInteger n)
  (+)          = (<+>) -- binary (+) 1 1
  (-)          = binary (-) (auto 1) (auto (-1)) -- TODO: <-> ? as it is, this might be pretty bad for Tower
  (*)          = lift2 (*) (\x y -> (y, x))
  negate       = lift1 negate (const (auto (-1)))
  abs          = lift1 abs signum
  signum a     = lift1 signum (const zero) a

instance Fractional ForwardDouble where
  fromRational 0 = zero
  fromRational r = auto (fromRational r)
  x / y        = x * recip y
  recip        = lift1_ recip (const . negate . join (*))

instance Floating ForwardDouble where
  pi       = auto pi
  exp      = lift1_ exp const
  log      = lift1 log recip
  logBase x y = log y / log x
  sqrt     = lift1_ sqrt (\z _ -> recip (auto 2 * z))
  ForwardDouble 0 0 ** ForwardDouble a _ = ForwardDouble (0 ** a) 0
  _ ** ForwardDouble 0 0                 = ForwardDouble 1 0
  x ** ForwardDouble y 0 = lift1 (**y) (\z -> y *^ z ** Id (y - 1)) x
  x ** y                 = lift2_ (**) (\z xi yi -> (yi * z / xi, z * log xi)) x y
  sin      = lift1 sin cos
  cos      = lift1 cos $ negate . sin
  tan      = lift1 tan $ recip . join (*) . cos
  asin     = lift1 asin $ \x -> recip (sqrt (auto 1 - join (*) x))
  acos     = lift1 acos $ \x -> negate (recip (sqrt (1 - join (*) x)))
  atan     = lift1 atan $ \x -> recip (1 + join (*) x)
  sinh     = lift1 sinh cosh
  cosh     = lift1 cosh sinh
  tanh     = lift1 tanh $ recip . join (*) . cosh
  asinh    = lift1 asinh $ \x -> recip (sqrt (1 + join (*) x))
  acosh    = lift1 acosh $ \x -> recip (sqrt (join (*) x - 1))
  atanh    = lift1 atanh $ \x -> recip (1 - join (*) x)

instance Enum ForwardDouble where
  succ                 = lift1 succ (const 1)
  pred                 = lift1 pred (const 1)
  toEnum               = auto . toEnum
  fromEnum             = fromEnum . primal
  enumFrom a           = withPrimal a <$> enumFrom (primal a)
  enumFromTo a b       = withPrimal a <$> enumFromTo (primal a) (primal b)
  enumFromThen a b     = zipWith (fromBy a delta) [0..] $ enumFromThen (primal a) (primal b) where delta = b - a
  enumFromThenTo a b c = zipWith (fromBy a delta) [0..] $ enumFromThenTo (primal a) (primal b) (primal c) where delta = b - a

instance Real ForwardDouble where
  toRational      = toRational . primal

instance RealFloat ForwardDouble where
  floatRadix      = floatRadix . primal
  floatDigits     = floatDigits . primal
  floatRange      = floatRange . primal
  decodeFloat     = decodeFloat . primal
  encodeFloat m e = auto (encodeFloat m e)
  isNaN           = isNaN . primal
  isInfinite      = isInfinite . primal
  isDenormalized  = isDenormalized . primal
  isNegativeZero  = isNegativeZero . primal
  isIEEE          = isIEEE . primal
  exponent = exponent
  scaleFloat n = unary (scaleFloat n) (scaleFloat n 1)
  significand x =  unary significand (scaleFloat (- floatDigits x) 1) x
  atan2 = lift2 atan2 $ \vx vy -> let r = recip (join (*) vx + join (*) vy) in (vy * r, negate vx * r)

instance RealFrac ForwardDouble where
  properFraction a = (w, a `withPrimal` pb) where
    pa = primal a
    (w, pb) = properFraction pa
  truncate = truncate . primal
  round    = round . primal
  ceiling  = ceiling . primal
  floor    = floor . primal

instance Erf ForwardDouble where
  erf = lift1 erf $ \x -> (2 / sqrt pi) * exp (negate x * x)
  erfc = lift1 erfc $ \x -> ((-2) / sqrt pi) * exp (negate x * x)
  normcdf = lift1 normcdf $ \x -> (recip $ sqrt (2 * pi)) * exp (- x * x / 2)

instance InvErf ForwardDouble where
  inverf = lift1_ inverf $ \x _ -> sqrt pi / 2 * exp (x * x)
  inverfc = lift1_ inverfc $ \x _ -> negate (sqrt pi / 2) * exp (x * x)
  invnormcdf = lift1_ invnormcdf $ \x _ -> sqrt (2 * pi) * exp (x * x / 2)

bind :: Traversable f => (f ForwardDouble -> b) -> f Double -> f b
bind f as = snd $ mapAccumL outer (0 :: Int) as where
  outer !i _ = (i + 1, f $ snd $ mapAccumL (inner i) 0 as)
  inner !i !j a = (j + 1, if i == j then bundle a 1 else auto a)

bind' :: Traversable f => (f ForwardDouble -> b) -> f Double -> (b, f b)
bind' f as = dropIx $ mapAccumL outer (0 :: Int, b0) as where
  outer (!i, _) _ = let b = f $ snd $ mapAccumL (inner i) (0 :: Int) as in ((i + 1, b), b)
  inner !i !j a = (j + 1, if i == j then bundle a 1 else auto a)
  b0 = f (auto <$> as)
  dropIx ((_,b),bs) = (b,bs)

bindWith :: Traversable f => (Double -> b -> c) -> (f ForwardDouble -> b) -> f Double -> f c
bindWith g f as = snd $ mapAccumL outer (0 :: Int) as where
  outer !i a = (i + 1, g a $ f $ snd $ mapAccumL (inner i) 0 as)
  inner !i !j a = (j + 1, if i == j then bundle a 1 else auto a)

bindWith' :: Traversable f => (Double -> b -> c) -> (f ForwardDouble -> b) -> f Double -> (b, f c)
bindWith' g f as = dropIx $ mapAccumL outer (0 :: Int, b0) as where
  outer (!i, _) a = let b = f $ snd $ mapAccumL (inner i) (0 :: Int) as in ((i + 1, b), g a b)
  inner !i !j a = (j + 1, if i == j then bundle a 1 else auto a)
  b0 = f (auto <$> as)
  dropIx ((_,b),bs) = (b,bs)

transposeWith :: (Functor f, Foldable f, Traversable g) => (b -> f a -> c) -> f (g a) -> g b -> g c
transposeWith f as = snd . mapAccumL go xss0 where
  go xss b = (tail <$> xss, f b (head <$> xss))
  xss0 = toList <$> as