{-# LANGUAGE CPP                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns         #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing      #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Fusion
-- Copyright   : [2012..2017] Manuel M T Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller, Trevor L. McDonell
--               [2014..2014] Frederik M. Madsen
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Trevor L. McDonell <tmcdonell@cse.unsw.edu.au>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- This module implements producer/producer and consumer/producer fusion as a
-- term rewriting of the Accelerate AST.
-- The function 'quench' perform the source-to-source fusion transformation,
-- while 'anneal' additionally makes the representation of embedded producers
-- explicit by representing the AST as a 'DelayedAcc' of manifest and delayed
-- nodes.

module Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Fusion (

  -- ** Types
  DelayedAcc, DelayedOpenAcc(..),
  DelayedAfun, DelayedOpenAfun,
  DelayedExp, DelayedFun, DelayedOpenExp, DelayedOpenFun,

  -- ** Conversion
  convertAcc, convertAfun,

) where

-- standard library
import Prelude                                          hiding ( exp, until )

-- friends
import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Error
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Base
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Shrink
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Simplify
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Substitution
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Representation       ( SliceIndex(..) )
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Sugar                ( Array, Arrays(..), ArraysR(..), ArrRepr
                                                        , Elt, EltRepr, Shape, Tuple(..), Atuple(..)
                                                        , IsAtuple, TupleRepr, eltType )
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Product
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Type

import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Debug            as Stats
import System.IO.Unsafe -- for debugging

-- Delayed Array Fusion
-- ====================

-- | Apply the fusion transformation to a closed de Bruijn AST
convertAcc :: Arrays arrs => Bool -> Acc arrs -> DelayedAcc arrs
convertAcc fuseAcc = withSimplStats . convertOpenAcc fuseAcc

-- | Apply the fusion transformation to a function of array arguments
convertAfun :: Bool -> Afun f -> DelayedAfun f
convertAfun fuseAcc = withSimplStats . convertOpenAfun fuseAcc

-- -- | Apply the fusion transformation to the array computations embedded
-- --   in a sequence computation.
-- convertSeq :: Bool -> Seq a -> DelayedSeq a
-- convertSeq fuseAcc (embedSeq (embedOpenAcc fuseAcc) -> ExtendSeq aenv s)
--   = withSimplStats (DelayedSeq (cvtE aenv) (convertOpenSeq fuseAcc s))
--   where
--     cvtE :: Extend OpenAcc aenv aenv' -> Extend DelayedOpenAcc aenv aenv'
--     cvtE BaseEnv                                          = BaseEnv
--     cvtE (PushEnv env a) | a' <- convertOpenAcc fuseAcc a = PushEnv (cvtE env) a'

withSimplStats :: a -> a
withSimplStats x = unsafePerformIO Stats.resetSimplCount `seq` x
withSimplStats x = x

-- | Apply the fusion transformation to an AST. This consists of two phases:
--    1. A bottom-up traversal that converts nodes into the internal delayed
--       representation, merging adjacent producer/producer pairs.
--    2. A top-down traversal that makes the representation of fused
--       consumer/producer pairs explicit as a 'DelayedAcc' of manifest and
--       delayed nodes.
-- TLM: Note that there really is no ambiguity as to which state an array will
--      be in following this process: an array will be either delayed or
--      manifest, and the two helper functions are even named as such! We should
--      encode this property in the type somehow...
convertOpenAcc :: Arrays arrs => Bool -> OpenAcc aenv arrs -> DelayedOpenAcc aenv arrs
convertOpenAcc fuseAcc = manifest fuseAcc . computeAcc . embedOpenAcc fuseAcc

-- Convert array computations into an embeddable delayed representation.
-- Reapply the embedding function from the first pass and unpack the
-- representation. It is safe to match on BaseEnv because the first pass
-- will put producers adjacent to the term consuming it.
delayed :: (Shape sh, Elt e) => Bool -> OpenAcc aenv (Array sh e) -> DelayedOpenAcc aenv (Array sh e)
delayed fuseAcc (embedOpenAcc fuseAcc -> Embed BaseEnv cc) =
  case cc of
    Done v                                -> Delayed (arrayShape v) (indexArray v) (linearIndex v)
    Yield (cvtE -> sh) (cvtF -> f)        -> Delayed sh f (f `compose` fromIndex sh)
    Step  (cvtE -> sh) (cvtF -> p) (cvtF -> f) v
      | Just Refl <- match sh (arrayShape v)
      , Just Refl <- isIdentity p
      -> Delayed sh (f `compose` indexArray v) (f `compose` linearIndex v)

      | f'        <- f `compose` indexArray v `compose` p
      -> Delayed sh f' (f' `compose` fromIndex sh)
    cvtE :: OpenExp env aenv t -> DelayedOpenExp env aenv t
    cvtE = convertOpenExp fuseAcc

    cvtF :: OpenFun env aenv f -> DelayedOpenFun env aenv f
    cvtF (Lam f)  = Lam (cvtF f)
    cvtF (Body b) = Body (cvtE b)

-- Convert array programs as manifest terms.
manifest :: Bool -> OpenAcc aenv a -> DelayedOpenAcc aenv a
manifest fuseAcc (OpenAcc pacc) =
  let fusionError = $internalError "manifest" "unexpected fusible materials"
  Manifest $ case pacc of
    -- Non-fusible terms
    -- -----------------
    Avar ix                 -> Avar ix
    Use arr                 -> Use arr
    Unit e                  -> Unit (cvtE e)
    Alet bnd body           -> alet (manifest fuseAcc bnd) (manifest fuseAcc body)
    Acond p t e             -> Acond (cvtE p) (manifest fuseAcc t) (manifest fuseAcc e)
    Awhile p f a            -> Awhile (cvtAF p) (cvtAF f) (manifest fuseAcc a)
    Atuple tup              -> Atuple (cvtAT tup)
    Aprj ix tup             -> Aprj ix (manifest fuseAcc tup)
    Apply f a               -> Apply (cvtAF f) (manifest fuseAcc a)
    Aforeign ff f a         -> Aforeign ff (cvtAF f) (manifest fuseAcc a)

    -- Producers
    -- ---------
    -- Some producers might still exist as a manifest array. Typically
    -- this is because they are the last stage of the computation, or the
    -- result of a let-binding to be used multiple times. The input array
    -- here should be an array variable, else something went wrong.
    Map f a                 -> Map (cvtF f) (delayed fuseAcc a)
    Generate sh f           -> Generate (cvtE sh) (cvtF f)
    Transform sh p f a      -> Transform (cvtE sh) (cvtF p) (cvtF f) (delayed fuseAcc a)
    Backpermute sh p a      -> Backpermute (cvtE sh) (cvtF p) (delayed fuseAcc a)
    Reshape sl a            -> Reshape (cvtE sl) (manifest fuseAcc a)

    Replicate{}             -> fusionError
    Slice{}                 -> fusionError
    ZipWith{}               -> fusionError

    -- Consumers
    -- ---------
    -- Embed producers directly into the representation. For stencils we
    -- make an exception. Since these consumers access elements of the
    -- argument array multiple times, we are careful not to duplicate work
    -- and instead force the argument to be a manifest array.
    Fold f z a              -> Fold     (cvtF f) (cvtE z) (delayed fuseAcc a)
    Fold1 f a               -> Fold1    (cvtF f) (delayed fuseAcc a)
    FoldSeg f z a s         -> FoldSeg  (cvtF f) (cvtE z) (delayed fuseAcc a) (delayed fuseAcc s)
    Fold1Seg f a s          -> Fold1Seg (cvtF f) (delayed fuseAcc a) (delayed fuseAcc s)
    Scanl f z a             -> Scanl    (cvtF f) (cvtE z) (delayed fuseAcc a)
    Scanl1 f a              -> Scanl1   (cvtF f) (delayed fuseAcc a)
    Scanl' f z a            -> Scanl'   (cvtF f) (cvtE z) (delayed fuseAcc a)
    Scanr f z a             -> Scanr    (cvtF f) (cvtE z) (delayed fuseAcc a)
    Scanr1 f a              -> Scanr1   (cvtF f) (delayed fuseAcc a)
    Scanr' f z a            -> Scanr'   (cvtF f) (cvtE z) (delayed fuseAcc a)
    Permute f d p a         -> Permute  (cvtF f) (manifest fuseAcc d) (cvtF p) (delayed fuseAcc a)
    Stencil f x a           -> Stencil  (cvtF f) (cvtB x) (delayed fuseAcc a)
    Stencil2 f x a y b      -> Stencil2 (cvtF f) (cvtB x) (delayed fuseAcc a) (cvtB y) (delayed fuseAcc b)
    -- Collect s               -> Collect  (cvtS s)

      -- Flatten needless let-binds, which can be introduced by the conversion to
      -- the internal embeddable representation.
      alet bnd body
        | Manifest (Avar ZeroIdx) <- body
        , Manifest x              <- bnd
        = x

        | otherwise
        = Alet bnd body

      cvtAT :: Atuple (OpenAcc aenv) a -> Atuple (DelayedOpenAcc aenv) a
      cvtAT NilAtup        = NilAtup
      cvtAT (SnocAtup t a) = cvtAT t `SnocAtup` manifest fuseAcc a

      cvtAF :: OpenAfun aenv f -> PreOpenAfun DelayedOpenAcc aenv f
      cvtAF (Alam f)  = Alam  (cvtAF f)
      cvtAF (Abody b) = Abody (manifest fuseAcc b)

      -- cvtS :: PreOpenSeq OpenAcc aenv senv s -> PreOpenSeq DelayedOpenAcc aenv senv s
      -- cvtS = convertOpenSeq fuseAcc

      -- Conversions for closed scalar functions and expressions
      cvtF :: OpenFun env aenv f -> DelayedOpenFun env aenv f
      cvtF (Lam f)  = Lam (cvtF f)
      cvtF (Body b) = Body (cvtE b)

      cvtE :: OpenExp env aenv t -> DelayedOpenExp env aenv t
      cvtE = convertOpenExp fuseAcc

      cvtB :: Boundary aenv t -> PreBoundary DelayedOpenAcc aenv t
      cvtB Clamp        = Clamp
      cvtB Mirror       = Mirror
      cvtB Wrap         = Wrap
      cvtB (Constant v) = Constant v
      cvtB (Function f) = Function (cvtF f)

convertOpenExp :: Bool -> OpenExp env aenv t -> DelayedOpenExp env aenv t
convertOpenExp fuseAcc exp =
  case exp of
    Let bnd body            -> Let (cvtE bnd) (cvtE body)
    Var ix                  -> Var ix
    Const c                 -> Const c
    Undef                   -> Undef
    Tuple tup               -> Tuple (cvtT tup)
    Prj ix t                -> Prj ix (cvtE t)
    IndexNil                -> IndexNil
    IndexCons sh sz         -> IndexCons (cvtE sh) (cvtE sz)
    IndexHead sh            -> IndexHead (cvtE sh)
    IndexTail sh            -> IndexTail (cvtE sh)
    IndexAny                -> IndexAny
    IndexSlice x ix sh      -> IndexSlice x (cvtE ix) (cvtE sh)
    IndexFull x ix sl       -> IndexFull x (cvtE ix) (cvtE sl)
    ToIndex sh ix           -> ToIndex (cvtE sh) (cvtE ix)
    FromIndex sh ix         -> FromIndex (cvtE sh) (cvtE ix)
    Cond p t e              -> Cond (cvtE p) (cvtE t) (cvtE e)
    While p f x             -> While (cvtF p) (cvtF f) (cvtE x)
    PrimConst c             -> PrimConst c
    PrimApp f x             -> PrimApp f (cvtE x)
    Index a sh              -> Index (manifest fuseAcc a) (cvtE sh)
    LinearIndex a i         -> LinearIndex (manifest fuseAcc a) (cvtE i)
    Shape a                 -> Shape (manifest fuseAcc a)
    ShapeSize sh            -> ShapeSize (cvtE sh)
    Intersect s t           -> Intersect (cvtE s) (cvtE t)
    Union s t               -> Union (cvtE s) (cvtE t)
    Foreign ff f e          -> Foreign ff (cvtF f) (cvtE e)
    Coerce e                -> Coerce (cvtE e)
    cvtT :: Tuple (OpenExp env aenv) t -> Tuple (DelayedOpenExp env aenv) t
    cvtT NilTup        = NilTup
    cvtT (SnocTup t e) = cvtT t `SnocTup` cvtE e

    -- Conversions for closed scalar functions and expressions
    cvtF :: OpenFun env aenv f -> DelayedOpenFun env aenv f
    cvtF (Lam f)  = Lam (cvtF f)
    cvtF (Body b) = Body (cvtE b)

    cvtE :: OpenExp env aenv t -> DelayedOpenExp env aenv t
    cvtE = convertOpenExp fuseAcc

convertOpenAfun :: Bool -> OpenAfun aenv f -> DelayedOpenAfun aenv f
convertOpenAfun c (Alam  f) = Alam  (convertOpenAfun c f)
convertOpenAfun c (Abody b) = Abody (convertOpenAcc  c b)

convertOpenSeq :: Bool -> PreOpenSeq OpenAcc aenv senv a -> PreOpenSeq DelayedOpenAcc aenv senv a
convertOpenSeq fuseAcc s =
  case s of
    Consumer c          -> Consumer (cvtC c)
    Reify ix            -> Reify ix
    Producer p s'       -> Producer p' (convertOpenSeq fuseAcc s')
        p' = case p of
               StreamIn arrs     -> StreamIn arrs
               ToSeq slix sh a   -> ToSeq slix sh (delayed fuseAcc a)
               MapSeq f x        -> MapSeq (cvtAF f) x
               ChunkedMapSeq f x -> ChunkedMapSeq (cvtAF f) x
               ZipWithSeq f x y  -> ZipWithSeq (cvtAF f) x y
               ScanSeq f e x     -> ScanSeq (cvtF f) (cvtE e) x
    cvtC :: Consumer OpenAcc aenv senv a -> Consumer DelayedOpenAcc aenv senv a
    cvtC c =
      case c of
        FoldSeq f e x        -> FoldSeq (cvtF f) (cvtE e) x
        FoldSeqFlatten f a x -> FoldSeqFlatten (cvtAF f) (manifest fuseAcc a) x
        Stuple t             -> Stuple (cvtCT t)

    cvtCT :: Atuple (Consumer OpenAcc aenv senv) t -> Atuple (Consumer DelayedOpenAcc aenv senv) t
    cvtCT NilAtup        = NilAtup
    cvtCT (SnocAtup t c) = SnocAtup (cvtCT t) (cvtC c)

    cvtAF :: OpenAfun aenv f -> PreOpenAfun DelayedOpenAcc aenv f
    cvtAF (Alam f)  = Alam  (cvtAF f)
    cvtAF (Abody b) = Abody (manifest fuseAcc b)

    cvtE :: OpenExp env aenv t -> DelayedOpenExp env aenv t
    cvtE = convertOpenExp fuseAcc

    cvtF :: OpenFun env aenv f -> DelayedOpenFun env aenv f
    cvtF (Lam f)  = Lam (cvtF f)
    cvtF (Body b) = Body (cvtE b)

-- | Apply the fusion transformation to the AST to combine and simplify terms.
-- This converts terms into the internal delayed array representation and merges
-- adjacent producer/producer terms. Using the reduced internal form limits the
-- number of combinations that need to be considered.
type EmbedAcc acc = forall aenv arrs. Arrays arrs => acc aenv arrs -> Embed acc aenv arrs
type ElimAcc  acc = forall aenv s t. acc aenv s -> acc (aenv,s) t -> Bool

embedOpenAcc :: Arrays arrs => Bool -> OpenAcc aenv arrs -> Embed OpenAcc aenv arrs
embedOpenAcc fuseAcc (OpenAcc pacc) =
  embedPreAcc fuseAcc (embedOpenAcc fuseAcc) elimOpenAcc pacc
    -- When does the cost of re-computation outweigh that of memory access? For
    -- the moment only do the substitution on a single use of the bound array
    -- into the use site, but it is likely advantageous to be far more
    -- aggressive here.
    -- SEE: [Sharing vs. Fusion]
    elimOpenAcc :: ElimAcc OpenAcc
    elimOpenAcc _bnd body
      | count False ZeroIdx body <= lIMIT = True
      | otherwise                         = False
        lIMIT = 1

        count :: UsesOfAcc OpenAcc
        count no ix (OpenAcc pacc) = usesOfPreAcc no count ix pacc

    :: forall acc aenv arrs. (Kit acc, Arrays arrs)
    => Bool
    -> EmbedAcc   acc
    -> ElimAcc    acc
    -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv arrs
    -> Embed      acc aenv arrs
embedPreAcc fuseAcc embedAcc elimAcc pacc
  = unembed
  $ case pacc of

    -- Non-fusible terms
    -- -----------------
    -- Solid and semi-solid terms that we generally do not wish to fuse, such
    -- as control flow (|?), array introduction (use, unit), array tupling and
    -- projection, and foreign function operations. Generally we also do not
    -- want to fuse past array let bindings, as this would imply work
    -- duplication. SEE: [Sharing vs. Fusion]
    Apply f a           -> applyD (cvtAF f) (cvtA a)
    Alet bnd body       -> aletD embedAcc elimAcc bnd body
    Aprj ix tup         -> aprjD embedAcc ix tup
    Acond p at ae       -> acondD embedAcc (cvtE p) at ae
    Awhile p f a        -> done $ Awhile (cvtAF p) (cvtAF f) (cvtA a)
    Atuple tup          -> done $ Atuple (cvtAT tup)
    Aforeign ff f a     -> done $ Aforeign ff (cvtAF f) (cvtA a)
    -- Collect s           -> collectD s

    -- Array injection
    Avar v              -> done $ Avar v
    Use arrs            -> done $ Use arrs
    Unit e              -> done $ Unit (cvtE e)

    -- Producers
    -- ---------
    -- The class of operations that given a set of zero or more input arrays,
    -- produce a _single_ element for the output array by manipulating a
    -- _single_ element from each input array. These can be further classified
    -- as value (map, zipWith) or index space (backpermute, slice, replicate)
    -- transformations.
    -- The critical feature is that each element of the output is produced
    -- independently of all others, and so we can aggressively fuse arbitrary
    -- sequences of these operations.
    Generate sh f       -> generateD (cvtE sh) (cvtF f)

    Map f a             -> mapD (cvtF f) (embedAcc a)
    ZipWith f a b       -> fuse2 (into zipWithD (cvtF f)) a b
    Transform sh p f a  -> transformD (cvtE sh) (cvtF p) (cvtF f) (embedAcc a)

    Backpermute sl p a  -> fuse (into2 backpermuteD      (cvtE sl) (cvtF p)) a
    Slice slix a sl     -> fuse (into  (sliceD slix)     (cvtE sl)) a
    Replicate slix sh a -> fuse (into  (replicateD slix) (cvtE sh)) a
    Reshape sl a        -> reshapeD (embedAcc a) (cvtE sl)

    -- Consumers
    -- ---------
    -- Operations where each element of the output array depends on multiple
    -- elements of the input array. To implement these operations efficiently in
    -- parallel, we need to know how elements of the array depend on each other:
    -- a parallel scan is implemented very differently from a parallel fold, for
    -- example.
    -- In order to avoid obfuscating this crucial information required for
    -- parallel implementation, fusion is separated into to phases:
    -- producer/producer, implemented above, and consumer/producer, which is
    -- implemented below. This will place producers adjacent to the consumer
    -- node, so that the producer can be directly embedded into the consumer
    -- during the code generation phase.
    Fold f z a          -> embed  (into2 Fold          (cvtF f) (cvtE z)) a
    Fold1 f a           -> embed  (into  Fold1         (cvtF f)) a
    FoldSeg f z a s     -> embed2 (into2 FoldSeg       (cvtF f) (cvtE z)) a s
    Fold1Seg f a s      -> embed2 (into  Fold1Seg      (cvtF f)) a s
    Scanl f z a         -> embed  (into2 Scanl         (cvtF f) (cvtE z)) a
    Scanl1 f a          -> embed  (into  Scanl1        (cvtF f)) a
    Scanl' f z a        -> embed  (into2 Scanl'        (cvtF f) (cvtE z)) a
    Scanr f z a         -> embed  (into2 Scanr         (cvtF f) (cvtE z)) a
    Scanr1 f a          -> embed  (into  Scanr1        (cvtF f)) a
    Scanr' f z a        -> embed  (into2 Scanr'        (cvtF f) (cvtE z)) a
    Permute f d p a     -> embed2 (into2 permute       (cvtF f) (cvtF p)) d a
    Stencil f x a       -> stencil  (cvtF f) (cvtB x) a
    Stencil2 f x a y b  -> stencil2 (cvtF f) (cvtB x) (cvtB y) a b

    -- If fusion is not enabled, force terms to the manifest representation
    unembed :: Embed acc aenv arrs -> Embed acc aenv arrs
    unembed x
      | fuseAcc         = x
      | otherwise       = done (compute x)

    cvtA :: Arrays a => acc aenv' a -> acc aenv' a
    cvtA = computeAcc . embedAcc

    cvtAT :: Atuple (acc aenv') a -> Atuple (acc aenv') a
    cvtAT NilAtup          = NilAtup
    cvtAT (SnocAtup tup a) = cvtAT tup `SnocAtup` cvtA a

    cvtAF :: PreOpenAfun acc aenv' f -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv' f
    cvtAF (Alam  f) = Alam  (cvtAF f)
    cvtAF (Abody a) = Abody (cvtA a)

    -- Helpers to shuffle the order of arguments to a constructor
    permute f p d a     = Permute f d p a

    -- Stencils can delay their argument arrays
        :: Stencil sh a stencil
        => PreFun      acc aenv (stencil -> b)
        -> PreBoundary acc aenv (Array sh a)
        ->             acc aenv (Array sh a)
        -> Embed       acc aenv (Array sh b)
    stencil f@(Lam (Body e)) x =
      trav1 (if ua <= lIMIT then id else force) (into2 Stencil f x)
        ua    = usesOfExp ZeroIdx e
        lIMIT = 1

        :: (Stencil sh a stencil1, Stencil sh b stencil2)
        => PreFun      acc aenv (stencil1 -> stencil2 -> c)
        -> PreBoundary acc aenv (Array sh a)
        -> PreBoundary acc aenv (Array sh b)
        ->             acc aenv (Array sh a)
        ->             acc aenv (Array sh b)
        -> Embed       acc aenv (Array sh c)
    stencil2 f@(Lam (Lam (Body e))) x y =
      trav2 (if ua <= lIMIT then id else force)
            (if ub <= lIMIT then id else force)
            (into3 op f x y)
        op f x y a b  = Stencil2 f x a y b
        ua            = usesOfExp (SuccIdx ZeroIdx) e
        ub            = usesOfExp ZeroIdx           e
        lIMIT         = 1

    -- Conversions for closed scalar functions and expressions. This just
    -- applies scalar simplifications.
    cvtF :: PreFun acc aenv' t -> PreFun acc aenv' t
    cvtF = simplify

    cvtE :: Elt t => PreExp acc aenv' t -> PreExp acc aenv' t
    cvtE = simplify

    cvtB :: PreBoundary acc aenv' t -> PreBoundary acc aenv' t
    cvtB Clamp        = Clamp
    cvtB Mirror       = Mirror
    cvtB Wrap         = Wrap
    cvtB (Constant c) = Constant c
    cvtB (Function f) = Function (cvtF f)

    -- Helpers to embed and fuse delayed terms
    into :: Sink f => (f env' a -> b) -> f env a -> Extend acc env env' -> b
    into op a env = op (sink env a)

    into2 :: (Sink f1, Sink f2)
          => (f1 env' a -> f2 env' b -> c) -> f1 env a -> f2 env b -> Extend acc env env' -> c
    into2 op a b env = op (sink env a) (sink env b)

    into3 :: (Sink f1, Sink f2, Sink f3)
          => (f1 env' a -> f2 env' b -> f3 env' c -> d) -> f1 env a -> f2 env b -> f3 env c -> Extend acc env env' -> d
    into3 op a b c env = op (sink env a) (sink env b) (sink env c)

    fuse :: Arrays as
         => (forall aenv'. Extend acc aenv aenv' -> Cunctation acc aenv' as -> Cunctation acc aenv' bs)
         ->       acc aenv as
         -> Embed acc aenv bs
    fuse op (embedAcc -> Embed env cc) = Embed env (op env cc)

    fuse2 :: (Arrays as, Arrays bs)
          => (forall aenv'. Extend acc aenv aenv' -> Cunctation acc aenv' as -> Cunctation acc aenv' bs -> Cunctation acc aenv' cs)
          ->       acc aenv as
          ->       acc aenv bs
          -> Embed acc aenv cs
    fuse2 op a1 a0
      | Embed env1 cc1  <- embedAcc a1
      , Embed env0 cc0  <- embedAcc (sink env1 a0)
      , env             <- env1 `append` env0
      = Embed env (op env (sink env0 cc1) cc0)

    embed :: (Arrays as, Arrays bs)
          => (forall aenv'. Extend acc aenv aenv' -> acc aenv' as -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv' bs)
          ->       acc aenv as
          -> Embed acc aenv bs
    embed = trav1 id

    embed2 :: forall aenv as bs cs. (Arrays as, Arrays bs, Arrays cs)
           => (forall aenv'. Extend acc aenv aenv' -> acc aenv' as -> acc aenv' bs -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv' cs)
           ->       acc aenv as
           ->       acc aenv bs
           -> Embed acc aenv cs
    embed2 = trav2 id id

    trav1 :: (Arrays as, Arrays bs)
          => (forall aenv'. Embed acc aenv' as -> Embed acc aenv' as)
          -> (forall aenv'. Extend acc aenv aenv' -> acc aenv' as -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv' bs)
          ->       acc aenv as
          -> Embed acc aenv bs
    trav1 f op (f . embedAcc -> Embed env cc)
      = Embed (env `PushEnv` inject (op env (inject (compute' cc)))) (Done ZeroIdx)

    trav2 :: forall aenv as bs cs. (Arrays as, Arrays bs, Arrays cs)
          => (forall aenv'. Embed acc aenv' as -> Embed acc aenv' as)
          -> (forall aenv'. Embed acc aenv' bs -> Embed acc aenv' bs)
          -> (forall aenv'. Extend acc aenv aenv' -> acc aenv' as -> acc aenv' bs -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv' cs)
          ->       acc aenv as
          ->       acc aenv bs
          -> Embed acc aenv cs
    trav2 f1 f0 op (f1 . embedAcc -> Embed env1 cc1) (f0 . embedAcc . sink env1 -> Embed env0 cc0)
      | env     <- env1 `append` env0
      , acc1    <- inject . compute' $ sink env0 cc1
      , acc0    <- inject . compute' $ cc0
      = Embed (env `PushEnv` inject (op env acc1 acc0)) (Done ZeroIdx)

    force :: Arrays as => Embed acc aenv' as -> Embed acc aenv' as
    force (Embed env cc)
      | Done{} <- cc = Embed env                                  cc
      | otherwise    = Embed (env `PushEnv` inject (compute' cc)) (Done ZeroIdx)

    -- -- Move additional bindings for producers outside of the sequence, so that
    -- -- producers may fuse with their arguments resulting in actual sequencing
    -- collectD :: PreOpenSeq acc aenv () arrs
    --          -> Embed acc aenv arrs
    -- collectD (embedSeq embedAcc -> ExtendSeq env s')
    --   = Embed (env `PushEnv` inject (Collect s')) (Done ZeroIdx)

-- Move additional bindings for producer outside of sequence, so
-- that producers may fuse with their arguments, resulting in
-- actual sequencing.
embedSeq :: forall acc aenv arrs. Kit acc
         => EmbedAcc acc
         -> PreOpenSeq acc aenv () arrs
         -> ExtendSeq       acc aenv () arrs
embedSeq embedAcc s
  = travS s BaseEnv
    travS :: forall senv aenv' arrs'.
             PreOpenSeq acc aenv senv arrs'
          -> Extend acc aenv aenv'
          -> ExtendSeq acc aenv senv arrs'
    travS s env =
      case s of
        Producer p s
          | ExtendSeq env' s' <- travS s env
          , ExtendProducer env'' p' <- travP p env'
          -> ExtendSeq (env' `append` env'') (Producer p' (sinkSeq env'' s'))
        Consumer c
          | c' <- travC c env
          -> ExtendSeq env (Consumer c')
        Reify ix
          -> ExtendSeq env (Reify ix)

    travP :: forall arrs' aenv' senv.
             Producer acc aenv senv arrs'
          -> Extend acc aenv aenv'
          -> ExtendProducer acc aenv' senv arrs'
    travP (ToSeq slix sh a) env
      | Embed env' cc <- embedAcc (sink env a)
      = ExtendProducer env' (ToSeq slix sh (inject (compute' cc)))
    travP (StreamIn arrs) _          = ExtendProducer BaseEnv (StreamIn arrs)
    travP (MapSeq f x) env           = ExtendProducer BaseEnv (MapSeq (cvtAF (sink env f)) x)
    travP (ChunkedMapSeq f x) env    = ExtendProducer BaseEnv (ChunkedMapSeq (cvtAF (sink env f)) x)
    travP (ZipWithSeq f x y) env     = ExtendProducer BaseEnv (ZipWithSeq (cvtAF (sink env f)) x y)
    travP (ScanSeq f e x) env        = ExtendProducer BaseEnv (ScanSeq (cvtF (sink env f)) (cvtE (sink env e)) x)

    travC :: forall arrs' aenv' senv.
             Consumer acc aenv senv arrs'
          -> Extend acc aenv aenv'
          -> Consumer acc aenv' senv arrs'
    travC (FoldSeq f e x) env = FoldSeq (cvtF (sink env f)) (cvtE (sink env e)) x
    travC (FoldSeqFlatten f a x) env = FoldSeqFlatten (cvtAF (sink env f)) (cvtA (sink env a)) x
    travC (Stuple t) env = Stuple (cvtCT t)
        cvtCT :: Atuple (Consumer acc aenv senv) t -> Atuple (Consumer acc aenv' senv) t
        cvtCT NilAtup        = NilAtup
        cvtCT (SnocAtup t c) = SnocAtup (cvtCT t) (travC c env)

    cvtE :: Elt t => PreExp acc aenv' t -> PreExp acc aenv' t
    cvtE = simplify

    cvtF :: PreFun acc aenv' t -> PreFun acc aenv' t
    cvtF = simplify

    cvtA :: Arrays a => acc aenv' a -> acc aenv' a
    cvtA = computeAcc . embedAcc

    cvtAF :: PreOpenAfun acc aenv' f -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv' f
    cvtAF (Alam  f) = Alam  (cvtAF f)
    cvtAF (Abody a) = Abody (cvtA a)

-- A sequence with additional bindings
data ExtendSeq acc aenv senv arrs where
  ExtendSeq :: forall acc aenv aenv' senv arrs.
                Extend acc aenv aenv'
             -> PreOpenSeq acc aenv' senv arrs
             -> ExtendSeq acc aenv senv arrs

-- A producer with additional bindings
data ExtendProducer acc aenv senv arrs where
  ExtendProducer :: forall acc aenv aenv' senv arrs.
                    Extend acc aenv aenv'
                 -> Producer acc aenv' senv arrs
                 -> ExtendProducer acc aenv senv arrs

-- Internal representation
-- =======================

-- Note: [Representing delayed array]
-- During the fusion transformation we represent terms as a pair consisting of
-- a collection of supplementary environment bindings and a description of how
-- to construct the array.
-- It is critical to separate these two. To create a real AST node we need both
-- the environment and array term, but analysis of how to fuse terms requires
-- only the array description. If the additional bindings are bundled as part of
-- the representation, the existentially quantified extended environment type
-- will be untouchable. This is problematic because the terms of the two arrays
-- are defined with respect to this existentially quantified type, and there is
-- no way to directly combine these two environments:
--   append :: Extend env env1 -> Extend env env2 -> Extend env ???
-- And hence, no way to combine the terms of the delayed representation.
-- The only way to bring terms into the same scope is to operate via the
-- manifest terms. This entails a great deal of conversion between delayed and
-- AST terms, but is certainly possible.
-- However, because of the limited scope into which this existential type is
-- available, we ultimately perform this process many times. In fact, complexity
-- of the fusion algorithm for an AST of N terms becomes O(r^n), where r is the
-- number of different rules we have for combining terms.
data Embed acc aenv a where
  Embed :: Extend     acc aenv aenv'
        -> Cunctation acc      aenv' a
        -> Embed      acc aenv       a

-- Cunctation (n): the action or an instance of delaying; a tardy action.
-- This describes the ways in which the fusion transformation represents
-- intermediate arrays. The fusion process operates by recasting producer array
-- computations in terms of a set of scalar functions used to construct an
-- element at each index, and fusing successive producers by combining these
-- scalar functions.
data Cunctation acc aenv a where

  -- The base case is just a real (manifest) array term. No fusion happens here.
  -- Note that the array is referenced by an index into the extended
  -- environment, ensuring that the array is manifest and making the term
  -- non-recursive in 'acc'. Also note that the return type is a general
  -- instance of Arrays and not restricted to a single Array.
  Done  :: Arrays a
        => Idx            aenv a
        -> Cunctation acc aenv a

  -- We can represent an array by its shape and a function to compute an element
  -- at each index.
  Yield :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
        => PreExp     acc aenv sh
        -> PreFun     acc aenv (sh -> e)
        -> Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh e)

  -- A more restrictive form than 'Yield' may afford greater opportunities for
  -- optimisation by a backend. This more structured form applies an index and
  -- value transform to an input array. Note that the transform is applied to an
  -- array stored as an environment index, so that the term is non-recursive and
  -- it is always possible to embed into a collective operation.
  Step  :: (Shape sh, Shape sh', Elt a, Elt b)
        => PreExp     acc aenv sh'
        -> PreFun     acc aenv (sh' -> sh)
        -> PreFun     acc aenv (a   -> b)
        -> Idx            aenv (Array sh  a)
        -> Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh' b)

instance Kit acc => Simplify (Cunctation acc aenv a) where
  simplify (Done v)        = Done v
  simplify (Yield sh f)    = Yield (simplify sh) (simplify f)
  simplify (Step sh p f v) = Step (simplify sh) (simplify p) (simplify f) v

-- Convert a real AST node into the internal representation
done :: (Arrays a, Kit acc) => PreOpenAcc acc aenv a -> Embed acc aenv a
done pacc
  | Avar v <- pacc      = Embed BaseEnv                         (Done v)
  | otherwise           = Embed (BaseEnv `PushEnv` inject pacc) (Done ZeroIdx)

-- Recast a cunctation into a mapping from indices to elements.
yield :: Kit acc
      => Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh e)
      -> Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh e)
yield cc =
  case cc of
    Yield{}                             -> cc
    Step sh p f v                       -> Yield sh (f `compose` indexArray v `compose` p)
    Done v
      | ArraysRarray <- accType cc      -> Yield (arrayShape v) (indexArray v)
      | otherwise                       -> error "yield: impossible case"

-- Recast a cunctation into transformation step form. Not possible if the source
-- was in the Yield formulation.
step :: Kit acc
     => Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh e)
     -> Maybe (Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh e))
step cc =
  case cc of
    Yield{}                             -> Nothing
    Step{}                              -> Just cc
    Done v
      | ArraysRarray <- accType cc      -> Just $ Step (arrayShape v) identity identity v
      | otherwise                       -> error "step: impossible case"

-- Get the shape of a delayed array
shape :: Kit acc => Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh e) -> PreExp acc aenv sh
shape cc
  | Just (Step sh _ _ _) <- step cc     = sh
  | Yield sh _           <- yield cc    = sh

-- Reified type of a delayed array representation.
accType :: forall acc aenv a. Arrays a => Cunctation acc aenv a -> ArraysR (ArrRepr a)
accType _ = arrays (undefined :: a)

-- Environment manipulation
-- ========================

instance Kit acc => Sink (Cunctation acc) where
  weaken k cc = case cc of
    Done v              -> Done (weaken k v)
    Step sh p f v       -> Step (weaken k sh) (weaken k p) (weaken k f) (weaken k v)
    Yield sh f          -> Yield (weaken k sh) (weaken k f)

-- prjExtend :: Kit acc => Extend acc env env' -> Idx env' t -> PreOpenAcc acc env' t
-- prjExtend (PushEnv _   v) ZeroIdx       = weakenA rebuildAcc SuccIdx v
-- prjExtend (PushEnv env _) (SuccIdx idx) = weakenA rebuildAcc SuccIdx $ prjExtend env idx
-- prjExtend _               _             = $internalError "prjExtend" "inconsistent valuation"

-- Rearrange type arguments to fit with Sink type class.
newtype SinkSeq acc senv aenv a = SinkSeq { unSinkSeq :: PreOpenSeq acc aenv senv a }

-- sink for sequences.
sinkSeq :: Kit acc => Extend acc aenv aenv' -> PreOpenSeq acc aenv senv a -> PreOpenSeq acc aenv' senv a
sinkSeq env s = unSinkSeq $ sink env (SinkSeq s)

instance Kit acc => Sink (SinkSeq acc senv) where
  weaken :: forall aenv aenv' arrs. aenv :> aenv' -> SinkSeq acc senv aenv arrs -> SinkSeq acc senv aenv' arrs
  weaken k (SinkSeq s) = SinkSeq $
    case s of
      Producer p s' -> Producer   (weakenP p) (weakenL s')
      Consumer c    -> Consumer   (weakenC c)
      Reify ix      -> Reify      ix

      weakenL :: forall senv' arrs'. PreOpenSeq acc aenv senv' arrs' -> PreOpenSeq acc aenv' senv' arrs'
      weakenL s' = unSinkSeq (weaken k (SinkSeq s'))

      weakenP :: forall a. Producer acc aenv senv a -> Producer acc aenv' senv a
      weakenP p =
        case p of
          StreamIn arrs        -> StreamIn arrs
          ToSeq slix sh a      -> ToSeq slix sh (weaken k a)
          MapSeq f x           -> MapSeq (weaken k f) x
          ChunkedMapSeq f x    -> ChunkedMapSeq (weaken k f) x
          ZipWithSeq f x y     -> ZipWithSeq (weaken k f) x y
          ScanSeq f a x        -> ScanSeq (weaken k f) (weaken k a) x

      weakenC :: forall a. Consumer acc aenv senv a -> Consumer acc aenv' senv a
      weakenC c =
        case c of
          FoldSeq f a x        -> FoldSeq (weaken k f) (weaken k a) x
          FoldSeqFlatten f a x -> FoldSeqFlatten (weaken k f) (weaken k a) x
          Stuple t             ->
            let wk :: Atuple (Consumer acc aenv senv) t -> Atuple (Consumer acc aenv' senv) t
                wk NilAtup        = NilAtup
                wk (SnocAtup t c) = wk t `SnocAtup` weakenC c
            Stuple (wk t)

-- Array fusion of a de Bruijn computation AST
-- ===========================================

-- Array computations
-- ------------------

-- Recast the internal representation of delayed arrays into a real AST node.
-- Use the most specific version of a combinator whenever possible.
compute :: (Kit acc, Arrays arrs) => Embed acc aenv arrs -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv arrs
compute (Embed env cc) = bind env (compute' cc)

compute' :: (Kit acc, Arrays arrs) => Cunctation acc aenv arrs -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv arrs
compute' cc = case simplify cc of
  Done v                                              -> Avar v
  Yield sh f                                          -> Generate sh f
  Step sh p f v
    | Just Refl <- match sh (simplify (arrayShape v))
    , Just Refl <- isIdentity p
    , Just Refl <- isIdentity f                       -> Avar v
    | Just Refl <- match sh (simplify (arrayShape v))
    , Just Refl <- isIdentity p                       -> Map f (avarIn v)
    | Just Refl <- isIdentity f                       -> Backpermute sh p (avarIn v)
    | otherwise                                       -> Transform sh p f (avarIn v)

-- Evaluate a delayed computation and tie the recursive knot
computeAcc :: (Kit acc, Arrays arrs) => Embed acc aenv arrs -> acc aenv arrs
computeAcc = inject . compute

-- Representation of a generator as a delayed array
generateD :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
          => PreExp acc aenv sh
          -> PreFun acc aenv (sh -> e)
          -> Embed  acc aenv (Array sh e)
generateD sh f
  = Stats.ruleFired "generateD"
  $ Embed BaseEnv (Yield sh f)

-- Fuse a unary function into a delayed array. Also looks for unzips which can
-- be executed in constant time; SEE [unzipD]
mapD :: (Kit acc, Shape sh, Elt a, Elt b)
     => PreFun acc aenv (a -> b)
     -> Embed  acc aenv (Array sh a)
     -> Embed  acc aenv (Array sh b)
mapD f (unzipD f -> Just a) = a
mapD f (Embed env cc)
  = Stats.ruleFired "mapD"
  $ Embed env (go cc)
    go (step  -> Just (Step sh ix g v)) = Step sh ix (sink env f `compose` g) v
    go (yield -> Yield sh g)            = Yield sh (sink env f `compose` g)

-- If we are unzipping a manifest array then force the term to be computed;
-- a backend will be able to execute this in constant time. This operations
-- looks for the right terms recursively, splitting operations such as:
-- > map (\x -> fst . fst ... x) arr
-- into multiple stages so that they can all be executed in constant time:
-- > map fst . map fst ... arr
-- Note that this is a speculative operation, since we could dig under several
-- levels of projection before discovering that the operation can not be
-- unzipped. This should be fine though because digging through the terms is
-- cheap; no environment changing operations are required.
    :: forall acc aenv sh a b. (Kit acc, Shape sh, Elt a, Elt b)
    => PreFun acc aenv (a -> b)
    -> Embed  acc aenv (Array sh a)
    -> Maybe (Embed acc aenv (Array sh b))
unzipD f (Embed env (Done v))
  | TypeRscalar VectorScalarType{} <- eltType (undefined::a)
  = Nothing

  | Lam (Body (Prj tix (Var ZeroIdx))) <- f
  = Stats.ruleFired "unzipD"
  $ let f' = Lam (Body (Prj tix (Var ZeroIdx)))
        a' = avarIn v
    Just $ Embed (env `PushEnv` inject (Map f' a')) (Done ZeroIdx)

  | Lam (Body (Prj tix p@Prj{}))       <- f
  , Just (Embed env' (Done v'))        <- unzipD (Lam (Body p)) (Embed env (Done v))
  = Stats.ruleFired "unzipD"
  $ let f' = Lam (Body (Prj tix (Var ZeroIdx)))
        a' = avarIn v'
    Just $ Embed (env' `PushEnv` inject (Map f' a')) (Done ZeroIdx)

unzipD _ _
  = Nothing

-- Fuse an index space transformation function that specifies where elements in
-- the destination array read there data from in the source array.
    :: (Kit acc, Shape sh')
    => PreExp     acc aenv sh'
    -> PreFun     acc aenv (sh' -> sh)
    -> Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh  e)
    -> Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh' e)
backpermuteD sh' p = Stats.ruleFired "backpermuteD" . go
    go (step  -> Just (Step _ q f v)) = Step sh' (q `compose` p) f v
    go (yield -> Yield _ g)           = Yield sh' (g `compose` p)

-- Transform as a combined map and backwards permutation
    :: (Kit acc, Shape sh, Shape sh', Elt a, Elt b)
    => PreExp acc aenv sh'
    -> PreFun acc aenv (sh' -> sh)
    -> PreFun acc aenv (a   -> b)
    -> Embed  acc aenv (Array sh  a)
    -> Embed  acc aenv (Array sh' b)
transformD sh' p f
  = Stats.ruleFired "transformD"
  . fuse (into2 backpermuteD sh' p)
  . mapD f
    fuse :: (forall aenv'. Extend acc aenv aenv' -> Cunctation acc aenv' as -> Cunctation acc aenv' bs)
         -> Embed acc aenv as
         -> Embed acc aenv bs
    fuse op (Embed env cc) = Embed env (op env cc)

    into2 :: (Sink f1, Sink f2)
          => (f1 env' a -> f2 env' b -> c) -> f1 env a -> f2 env b -> Extend acc env env' -> c
    into2 op a b env = op (sink env a) (sink env b)

-- Replicate as a backwards permutation
-- TODO: If we have a pattern such as `replicate sh (map f xs)` then in some
--       cases it might be beneficial to not fuse these terms, if `f` is
--       expensive and/or `sh` is large.
    :: (Kit acc, Shape sh, Shape sl, Elt slix)
    => SliceIndex (EltRepr slix) (EltRepr sl) co (EltRepr sh)
    -> PreExp     acc aenv slix
    -> Cunctation acc aenv (Array sl e)
    -> Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh e)
replicateD sliceIndex slix cc
  = Stats.ruleFired "replicateD"
  $ backpermuteD (IndexFull sliceIndex slix (shape cc)) (extend sliceIndex slix) cc

-- Dimensional slice as a backwards permutation
    :: (Kit acc, Shape sh, Shape sl, Elt slix)
    => SliceIndex (EltRepr slix) (EltRepr sl) co (EltRepr sh)
    -> PreExp     acc aenv slix
    -> Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh e)
    -> Cunctation acc aenv (Array sl e)
sliceD sliceIndex slix cc
  = Stats.ruleFired "sliceD"
  $ backpermuteD (IndexSlice sliceIndex slix (shape cc)) (restrict sliceIndex slix) cc

-- Reshape an array
-- For delayed arrays this is implemented as an index space transformation. For
-- manifest arrays this can be done with the standard Reshape operation in
-- constant time without executing any array operations. This does not affect
-- the fusion process since the term is already manifest.
-- TLM: there was a runtime check to ensure the old and new shapes contained the
--      same number of elements: this has been lost for the delayed cases!
    :: (Kit acc, Shape sh, Shape sl, Elt e)
    => Embed  acc aenv (Array sh e)
    -> PreExp acc aenv sl
    -> Embed  acc aenv (Array sl e)
reshapeD (Embed env cc) (sink env -> sl)
  | Done v      <- cc
  = Embed (env `PushEnv` inject (Reshape sl (avarIn v))) (Done ZeroIdx)

  | otherwise
  = Stats.ruleFired "reshapeD"
  $ Embed env (backpermuteD sl (reindex (shape cc) sl) cc)

-- Combine two arrays element-wise with a binary function to produce a delayed
-- array.
zipWithD :: (Kit acc, Shape sh, Elt a, Elt b, Elt c)
         => PreFun     acc aenv (a -> b -> c)
         -> Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh a)
         -> Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh b)
         -> Cunctation acc aenv (Array sh c)
zipWithD f cc1 cc0
  -- Two stepper functions identically accessing the same array can be kept in
  -- stepping form. This might yield a simpler final term.
  | Just (Step sh1 p1 f1 v1)    <- step cc1
  , Just (Step sh0 p0 f0 v0)    <- step cc0
  , Just Refl                   <- match v1 v0
  , Just Refl                   <- match p1 p0
  = Stats.ruleFired "zipWithD/step"
  $ Step (sh1 `Intersect` sh0) p0 (combine f f1 f0) v0

  -- Otherwise transform both delayed terms into (index -> value) mappings and
  -- combine the two indexing functions that way.
  | Yield sh1 f1                <- yield cc1
  , Yield sh0 f0                <- yield cc0
  = Stats.ruleFired "zipWithD"
  $ Yield (sh1 `Intersect` sh0) (combine f f1 f0)

    combine :: forall acc aenv a b c e. (Kit acc, Elt a, Elt b, Elt c)
            => PreFun acc aenv (a -> b -> c)
            -> PreFun acc aenv (e -> a)
            -> PreFun acc aenv (e -> b)
            -> PreFun acc aenv (e -> c)
    combine c ixa ixb
      | Lam (Lam (Body c'))     <- weakenE SuccIdx c   :: PreOpenFun acc ((),e) aenv (a -> b -> c)
      , Lam (Body ixa')         <- ixa                          -- else the skolem 'e' will escape
      , Lam (Body ixb')         <- ixb
      = Lam $ Body $ Let ixa' $ Let (weakenE SuccIdx ixb') c'

-- NOTE: [Sharing vs. Fusion]
-- The approach to array fusion is similar to that the first generation of Repa.
-- It was discovered that the most immediately pressing problem with delayed
-- arrays in Repa-1 was that it did not preserve sharing of collective
-- operations, leading to excessive recomputation and severe repercussions on
-- performance if the user did not explicitly intervene.
-- However, as we have explicit sharing information in the term tree, so it is
-- straightforward to respect sharing by not fusing let-bindings, as that
-- introduces work duplication. However, sometimes we can be cleverer.
-- let-floating:
-- -------------
-- If the binding is of manifest data, we can instead move the let-binding to a
-- different point in the program and then continue to fuse into the body. This
-- is done by adding the bound term to the Extend environment. In essence this
-- is covering a different occurrence of the same problem Extend was introduced
-- to handle: let bindings of manifest data unnecessarily get in the way of the
-- fusion process. For example:
--   map f (zipWith g xs (map h xs))
-- after sharing recovery results in:
--   map f (let a0 = xs in zipWith g a0 (map h a0))
-- Without allowing the binding for a0 to float outwards, `map f` will not be
-- fused into the rest of the program.
-- let-elimination:
-- ----------------
-- Array binding points appear in the program because the array data _or_ shape
-- was accessed multiple times in the source program. In general we want to fuse
-- arbitrary sequences of array _data_, irrespective of how the shape component
-- is used. For example, reverse is defined in the prelude as:
--   reverse xs = let len   = unindex1 (shape xs)
--                    pf i  = len - i - 1
--                in
--                backpermute (shape xs) (ilift1 pf) xs
-- Sharing recovery introduces a let-binding for the input `xs` since it is used
-- thrice in the definition, which impedes subsequent fusion. However the actual
-- array data is only accessed once, with the remaining two uses querying the
-- array shape. Since the delayed terms contain the shape of the array they
-- represent as a scalar term, if the data component otherwise satisfies the
-- rules for fusing terms, as it does in this example, we can eliminate the
-- let-binding by pushing the scalar shape and value generation terms directly
-- into the body.
-- Let-elimination can also be used to _introduce_ work duplication, which may
-- be beneficial if we can estimate that the cost of recomputation is less than
-- the cost of completely evaluating the array and subsequently retrieving the
-- data from memory.
-- let-binding:
-- ------------
-- Ultimately, we might not want to eliminate the binding. If so, evaluate it
-- and add it to a _clean_ Extend environment for the body. If not, the Extend
-- list effectively _flattens_ all bindings, so any terms required for the bound
-- term get lifted out to the same scope as the body. This increases their
-- lifetime and hence raises the maximum memory used. If we don't do this, we
-- get terms such as:
--   let a0  = <terms for binding> in
--   let bnd = <bound term> in
--   <body term>
-- rather than the following, where the scope of a0 is clearly only availably
-- when evaluating the bound term, as it should be:
--   let bnd =
--     let a0 = <terms for binding>
--     in <bound term>
--   in <body term>
aletD :: (Kit acc, Arrays arrs, Arrays brrs)
      => EmbedAcc acc
      -> ElimAcc  acc
      ->          acc aenv        arrs
      ->          acc (aenv,arrs) brrs
      -> Embed    acc aenv        brrs
aletD embedAcc elimAcc (embedAcc -> Embed env1 cc1) acc0

  -- let-floating
  -- ------------
  -- Immediately inline the variable referring to the bound expression into the
  -- body, instead of adding to the environments and creating an indirection
  -- that must be later eliminated by shrinking.
  | Done v1             <- cc1
  , Embed env0 cc0      <- embedAcc $ rebuildA (subAtop (Avar v1) . sink1 env1) acc0
  = Stats.ruleFired "aletD/float"
  $ Embed (env1 `append` env0) cc0

  -- Ensure we only call 'embedAcc' once on the body expression
  | otherwise
  = aletD' embedAcc elimAcc (Embed env1 cc1) (embedAcc acc0)

aletD' :: forall acc aenv arrs brrs. (Kit acc, Arrays arrs, Arrays brrs)
       => EmbedAcc acc
       -> ElimAcc  acc
       -> Embed    acc aenv         arrs
       -> Embed    acc (aenv, arrs) brrs
       -> Embed    acc aenv         brrs
aletD' embedAcc elimAcc (Embed env1 cc1) (Embed env0 cc0)

  -- let-binding
  -- -----------
  -- Check whether we can eliminate the let-binding. Note that we must inspect
  -- the entire term, not just the Cunctation that would be produced by
  -- embedAcc. If we don't we can be left with dead terms that don't get
  -- eliminated. This problem occurred in the canny program.
  | acc1                <- compute (Embed env1 cc1)
  , False               <- elimAcc (inject acc1) acc0
  = Stats.ruleFired "aletD/bind"
  $ Embed (BaseEnv `PushEnv` inject acc1 `append` env0) cc0

  -- let-elimination
  -- ---------------
  -- Handle the remaining cases in a separate function. It turns out that this
  -- is important so we aren't excessively sinking/delaying terms.
  | acc0'               <- sink1 env1 acc0
  = Stats.ruleFired "aletD/eliminate"
  $ case cc1 of
      Step{}    -> eliminate env1 cc1 acc0'
      Yield{}   -> eliminate env1 cc1 acc0'

    acc0 :: acc (aenv, arrs) brrs
    acc0 = computeAcc (Embed env0 cc0)

    -- The second part of let-elimination. Splitting into two steps exposes the
    -- extra type variables, and ensures we don't do extra work manipulating the
    -- body when not necessary (which can lead to a complexity blowup).
    eliminate :: forall aenv aenv' sh e brrs. (Shape sh, Elt e, Arrays brrs)
              => Extend     acc aenv aenv'
              -> Cunctation acc      aenv' (Array sh e)
              ->            acc     (aenv', Array sh e) brrs
              -> Embed      acc aenv                    brrs
    eliminate env1 cc1 body
      | Done v1           <- cc1 = elim (arrayShape v1) (indexArray v1)
      | Step sh1 p1 f1 v1 <- cc1 = elim sh1 (f1 `compose` indexArray v1 `compose` p1)
      | Yield sh1 f1      <- cc1 = elim sh1 f1
        bnd :: PreOpenAcc acc aenv' (Array sh e)
        bnd = compute' cc1

        elim :: PreExp acc aenv' sh -> PreFun acc aenv' (sh -> e) -> Embed acc aenv brrs
        elim sh1 f1
          | sh1'                <- weaken SuccIdx sh1
          , f1'                 <- weaken SuccIdx f1
          , Embed env0' cc0'    <- embedAcc $ rebuildA (subAtop bnd) $ kmap (replaceA sh1' f1' ZeroIdx) body
          = Embed (env1 `append` env0') cc0'

    -- As part of let-elimination, we need to replace uses of array variables in
    -- scalar expressions with an equivalent expression that generates the
    -- result directly
    -- TODO: when we inline bindings we ought to let bind at the first
    --       occurrence and use a variable at all subsequent locations. At the
    --       moment we are just hoping CSE in the simplifier phase does good
    --       things, but that is limited in what it looks for.
    replaceE :: forall env aenv sh e t. (Shape sh, Elt e)
             => PreOpenExp acc env aenv sh -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv (sh -> e) -> Idx aenv (Array sh e)
             -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t
             -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t
    replaceE sh' f' avar exp =
      case exp of
        Let x y                         -> Let (cvtE x) (replaceE (weakenE SuccIdx sh') (weakenE SuccIdx f') avar y)
        Var i                           -> Var i
        Foreign ff f e                  -> Foreign ff f (cvtE e)
        Const c                         -> Const c
        Undef                           -> Undef
        Tuple t                         -> Tuple (cvtT t)
        Prj ix e                        -> Prj ix (cvtE e)
        IndexNil                        -> IndexNil
        IndexCons sl sz                 -> IndexCons (cvtE sl) (cvtE sz)
        IndexHead sh                    -> IndexHead (cvtE sh)
        IndexTail sz                    -> IndexTail (cvtE sz)
        IndexAny                        -> IndexAny
        IndexSlice x ix sh              -> IndexSlice x (cvtE ix) (cvtE sh)
        IndexFull x ix sl               -> IndexFull x (cvtE ix) (cvtE sl)
        ToIndex sh ix                   -> ToIndex (cvtE sh) (cvtE ix)
        FromIndex sh i                  -> FromIndex (cvtE sh) (cvtE i)
        Cond p t e                      -> Cond (cvtE p) (cvtE t) (cvtE e)
        PrimConst c                     -> PrimConst c
        PrimApp g x                     -> PrimApp g (cvtE x)
        ShapeSize sh                    -> ShapeSize (cvtE sh)
        Intersect sh sl                 -> Intersect (cvtE sh) (cvtE sl)
        Union s t                       -> Union (cvtE s) (cvtE t)
        While p f x                     -> While (replaceF sh' f' avar p) (replaceF sh' f' avar f) (cvtE x)
        Coerce e                        -> Coerce (cvtE e)

        Shape a
          | Just Refl <- match a a'     -> Stats.substitution "replaceE/shape" sh'
          | otherwise                   -> exp

        Index a sh
          | Just Refl    <- match a a'
          , Lam (Body b) <- f'          -> Stats.substitution "replaceE/!" . cvtE $ Let sh b
          | otherwise                   -> Index a (cvtE sh)

        LinearIndex a i
          | Just Refl    <- match a a'
          , Lam (Body b) <- f'          -> Stats.substitution "replaceE/!!" . cvtE $ Let (Let i (FromIndex (weakenE SuccIdx sh') (Var ZeroIdx))) b
          | otherwise                   -> LinearIndex a (cvtE i)

        a' :: acc aenv (Array sh e)
        a' = avarIn avar

        cvtE :: PreOpenExp acc env aenv s -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv s
        cvtE = replaceE sh' f' avar

        cvtT :: Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) s -> Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) s
        cvtT NilTup        = NilTup
        cvtT (SnocTup t e) = cvtT t `SnocTup` cvtE e

    replaceF :: forall env aenv sh e t. (Shape sh, Elt e)
             => PreOpenExp acc env aenv sh -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv (sh -> e) -> Idx aenv (Array sh e)
             -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv t
             -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv t
    replaceF sh' f' avar fun =
      case fun of
        Body e          -> Body (replaceE sh' f' avar e)
        Lam f           -> Lam  (replaceF (weakenE SuccIdx sh') (weakenE SuccIdx f') avar f)

    replaceA :: forall aenv sh e a. (Shape sh, Elt e)
             => PreExp acc aenv sh -> PreFun acc aenv (sh -> e) -> Idx aenv (Array sh e)
             -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv a
             -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv a
    replaceA sh' f' avar pacc =
      case pacc of
        Avar v
          | Just Refl <- match v avar   -> Avar avar
          | otherwise                   -> Avar v

        Alet bnd body                   ->
          let sh'' = weaken SuccIdx sh'
              f''  = weaken SuccIdx f'
          Alet (cvtA bnd) (kmap (replaceA sh'' f'' (SuccIdx avar)) body)

        Use arrs                -> Use arrs
        Unit e                  -> Unit (cvtE e)
        Acond p at ae           -> Acond (cvtE p) (cvtA at) (cvtA ae)
        Aprj ix tup             -> Aprj ix (cvtA tup)
        Atuple tup              -> Atuple (cvtAT tup)
        Awhile p f a            -> Awhile (cvtAF p) (cvtAF f) (cvtA a)
        Apply f a               -> Apply (cvtAF f) (cvtA a)
        Aforeign ff f a         -> Aforeign ff f (cvtA a)       -- no sharing between f and a
        Generate sh f           -> Generate (cvtE sh) (cvtF f)
        Map f a                 -> Map (cvtF f) (cvtA a)
        ZipWith f a b           -> ZipWith (cvtF f) (cvtA a) (cvtA b)
        Backpermute sh p a      -> Backpermute (cvtE sh) (cvtF p) (cvtA a)
        Transform sh p f a      -> Transform (cvtE sh) (cvtF p) (cvtF f) (cvtA a)
        Slice slix a sl         -> Slice slix (cvtA a) (cvtE sl)
        Replicate slix sh a     -> Replicate slix (cvtE sh) (cvtA a)
        Reshape sl a            -> Reshape (cvtE sl) (cvtA a)
        Fold f z a              -> Fold (cvtF f) (cvtE z) (cvtA a)
        Fold1 f a               -> Fold1 (cvtF f) (cvtA a)
        FoldSeg f z a s         -> FoldSeg (cvtF f) (cvtE z) (cvtA a) (cvtA s)
        Fold1Seg f a s          -> Fold1Seg (cvtF f) (cvtA a) (cvtA s)
        Scanl f z a             -> Scanl (cvtF f) (cvtE z) (cvtA a)
        Scanl1 f a              -> Scanl1 (cvtF f) (cvtA a)
        Scanl' f z a            -> Scanl' (cvtF f) (cvtE z) (cvtA a)
        Scanr f z a             -> Scanr (cvtF f) (cvtE z) (cvtA a)
        Scanr1 f a              -> Scanr1 (cvtF f) (cvtA a)
        Scanr' f z a            -> Scanr' (cvtF f) (cvtE z) (cvtA a)
        Permute f d p a         -> Permute (cvtF f) (cvtA d) (cvtF p) (cvtA a)
        Stencil f x a           -> Stencil (cvtF f) (cvtB x) (cvtA a)
        Stencil2 f x a y b      -> Stencil2 (cvtF f) (cvtB x) (cvtA a) (cvtB y) (cvtA b)
        -- Collect seq             -> Collect (cvtSeq seq)

        cvtA :: acc aenv s -> acc aenv s
        cvtA = kmap (replaceA sh' f' avar)

        cvtE :: PreExp acc aenv s -> PreExp acc aenv s
        cvtE = replaceE sh' f' avar

        cvtF :: PreFun acc aenv s -> PreFun acc aenv s
        cvtF = replaceF sh' f' avar

        cvtB :: PreBoundary acc aenv s -> PreBoundary acc aenv s
        cvtB Clamp        = Clamp
        cvtB Mirror       = Mirror
        cvtB Wrap         = Wrap
        cvtB (Constant c) = Constant c
        cvtB (Function f) = Function (cvtF f)

        cvtAT :: Atuple (acc aenv) s -> Atuple (acc aenv) s
        cvtAT NilAtup          = NilAtup
        cvtAT (SnocAtup tup a) = cvtAT tup `SnocAtup` cvtA a

        cvtAF :: PreOpenAfun acc aenv s -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv s
        cvtAF = cvt sh' f' avar
            cvt :: forall aenv a.
                   PreExp acc aenv sh -> PreFun acc aenv (sh -> e) -> Idx aenv (Array sh e)
                -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv a
                -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv a
            cvt sh'' f'' avar' (Abody a) = Abody $ kmap (replaceA sh'' f'' avar') a
            cvt sh'' f'' avar' (Alam af) = Alam  $ cvt (weaken SuccIdx sh'')
                                                       (weaken SuccIdx f'')
                                                       (SuccIdx avar')

        cvtSeq :: PreOpenSeq acc aenv senv s -> PreOpenSeq acc aenv senv s
        cvtSeq s =
          case s of
            Producer p s' ->
                (case p of
                   StreamIn arrs        -> StreamIn arrs
                   ToSeq slix sh a      -> ToSeq slix sh (cvtA a)
                   MapSeq f x           -> MapSeq (cvtAF f) x
                   ChunkedMapSeq f x    -> ChunkedMapSeq (cvtAF f) x
                   ZipWithSeq f x y     -> ZipWithSeq (cvtAF f) x y
                   ScanSeq f e x        -> ScanSeq (cvtF f) (cvtE e) x)
                (cvtSeq s')
            Consumer c ->
              Consumer (cvtC c)
            Reify ix -> Reify ix

        cvtC :: Consumer acc aenv senv s -> Consumer acc aenv senv s
        cvtC c =
          case c of
            FoldSeq f e x        -> FoldSeq (cvtF f) (cvtE e) x
            FoldSeqFlatten f a x -> FoldSeqFlatten (cvtAF f) (cvtA a) x
            Stuple t             -> Stuple (cvtCT t)

        cvtCT :: Atuple (Consumer acc aenv senv) t -> Atuple (Consumer acc aenv senv) t
        cvtCT NilAtup        = NilAtup
        cvtCT (SnocAtup t c) = cvtCT t `SnocAtup` cvtC c

-- The apply operator, or (>->) in the surface language. This eliminates
-- redundant application to an identity function, instead lifting the argument
-- to a let-binding. This case arises in the use of pipe to avoid fusion and
-- force its argument to be evaluated, e.g.:
-- > compute :: Acc a -> Acc a
-- > compute = id >-> id
applyD :: (Kit acc, Arrays as, Arrays bs)
       => PreOpenAfun acc aenv (as -> bs)
       ->             acc aenv as
       -> Embed       acc aenv bs
applyD afun x
  | Alam (Abody body)   <- afun
  , Avar ZeroIdx        <- extract body
  = Stats.ruleFired "applyD/identity"
  $ done $ extract x

  | otherwise
  = done $ Apply afun x

-- Array conditionals, in particular eliminate branches when the predicate
-- reduces to a known constant.
-- Note that we take the raw unprocessed terms as input. If instead we had the
-- terms for each branch in the delayed representation, this would require that
-- each term has been sunk into a common environment, which implies the
-- conditional has been pushed underneath the intersection of bound terms for
-- both branches. This would result in redundant work processing the bindings
-- for the branch not taken.
acondD :: (Kit acc, Arrays arrs)
       => EmbedAcc acc
       -> PreExp   acc aenv Bool
       ->          acc aenv arrs
       ->          acc aenv arrs
       -> Embed    acc aenv arrs
acondD embedAcc p t e
  | Const True  <- p        = Stats.knownBranch "True"      $ embedAcc t
  | Const False <- p        = Stats.knownBranch "False"     $ embedAcc e
  | Just Refl <- match t e  = Stats.knownBranch "redundant" $ embedAcc e
  | otherwise               = done $ Acond p (computeAcc (embedAcc t))
                                             (computeAcc (embedAcc e))

-- Array tuple projection. Whenever possible we want to peek underneath the
-- tuple structure and continue the fusion process.
aprjD :: forall acc aenv arrs a. (Kit acc, IsAtuple arrs, Arrays arrs, Arrays a)
      => EmbedAcc acc
      -> TupleIdx (TupleRepr arrs) a
      ->       acc aenv arrs
      -> Embed acc aenv a
aprjD embedAcc ix a
  | Atuple tup <- extract a = Stats.ruleFired "aprj/Atuple" . embedAcc $ aprjAT ix tup
  | otherwise               = done $ Aprj ix (cvtA a)
    cvtA :: acc aenv arrs -> acc aenv arrs
    cvtA = computeAcc . embedAcc

    aprjAT :: TupleIdx atup a -> Atuple (acc aenv) atup -> acc aenv a
    aprjAT ZeroTupIdx      (SnocAtup _ a) = a
    aprjAT (SuccTupIdx ix) (SnocAtup t _) = aprjAT ix t

-- Scalar expressions
-- ------------------

isIdentity :: PreFun acc aenv (a -> b) -> Maybe (a :~: b)
isIdentity f
  | Lam (Body (Var ZeroIdx)) <- f       = Just Refl
  | otherwise                           = Nothing

identity :: Elt a => PreOpenFun acc env aenv (a -> a)
identity = Lam (Body (Var ZeroIdx))

toIndex :: (Kit acc, Shape sh) => PreOpenExp acc env aenv sh -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv (sh -> Int)
toIndex sh = Lam (Body (ToIndex (weakenE SuccIdx sh) (Var ZeroIdx)))

fromIndex :: (Kit acc, Shape sh) => PreOpenExp acc env aenv sh -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv (Int -> sh)
fromIndex sh = Lam (Body (FromIndex (weakenE SuccIdx sh) (Var ZeroIdx)))

reindex :: (Kit acc, Shape sh, Shape sh')
        => PreOpenExp acc env aenv sh'
        -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv sh
        -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv (sh -> sh')
reindex sh' sh
  | Just Refl <- match sh sh'   = identity
  | otherwise                   = fromIndex sh' `compose` toIndex sh

extend :: (Kit acc, Shape sh, Shape sl, Elt slix)
       => SliceIndex (EltRepr slix) (EltRepr sl) co (EltRepr sh)
       -> PreExp acc aenv slix
       -> PreFun acc aenv (sh -> sl)
extend sliceIndex slix = Lam (Body (IndexSlice sliceIndex (weakenE SuccIdx slix) (Var ZeroIdx)))

restrict :: (Kit acc, Shape sh, Shape sl, Elt slix)
         => SliceIndex (EltRepr slix) (EltRepr sl) co (EltRepr sh)
         -> PreExp acc aenv slix
         -> PreFun acc aenv (sl -> sh)
restrict sliceIndex slix = Lam (Body (IndexFull sliceIndex (weakenE SuccIdx slix) (Var ZeroIdx)))

arrayShape :: (Kit acc, Shape sh, Elt e) => Idx aenv (Array sh e) -> PreExp acc aenv sh
arrayShape = Shape . avarIn

indexArray :: (Kit acc, Shape sh, Elt e) => Idx aenv (Array sh e) -> PreFun acc aenv (sh -> e)
indexArray v = Lam (Body (Index (avarIn v) (Var ZeroIdx)))

linearIndex :: (Kit acc, Shape sh, Elt e) => Idx aenv (Array sh e) -> PreFun acc aenv (Int -> e)
linearIndex v = Lam (Body (LinearIndex (avarIn v) (Var ZeroIdx)))