{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Rattus.Plugin.Utils (

import ErrUtils
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
import GhcPlugins
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import MonadUtils

isType Type {} = True
isType (App e _) = isType e
isType (Cast e _) = isType e
isType (Tick _ e) = isType e
isType _ = False

printMessage :: (HasDynFlags m, MonadIO m) =>
                Severity -> SrcSpan -> MsgDoc -> m ()
printMessage sev loc doc = do
  dflags <- getDynFlags
  let sty = case sev of
                     SevError   -> defaultErrStyle dflags
                     SevWarning -> defaultErrStyle dflags
                     SevDump    -> defaultDumpStyle dflags
                     _          -> defaultUserStyle dflags
  liftIO $ putLogMsg dflags NoReason sev loc sty doc

rattModules :: Set FastString
rattModules = Set.fromList ["Rattus.Internal","Rattus.Primitives"
                           ,"Rattus.Stable", "Rattus.Arrow"]

isRattModule :: FastString -> Bool
isRattModule = (`Set.member` rattModules)

isGhcModule :: FastString -> Bool
isGhcModule = (== "GHC.Types")

getNameModule :: NamedThing a => a -> Maybe (FastString, FastString)
getNameModule v = do
  let name = getName v
  mod <- nameModule_maybe name
  return (getOccFS name,moduleNameFS (moduleName mod))

-- | The set of stable built-in types.
ghcStableTypes :: Set FastString
ghcStableTypes = Set.fromList ["Int","Bool","Float","Double","Char", "IO"]

newtype TypeCmp = TC Type

instance Eq TypeCmp where
  (TC t1) == (TC t2) = eqType t1 t2

instance Ord TypeCmp where
  compare (TC t1) (TC t2) = nonDetCmpType t1 t2

isTemporal :: Type -> Bool
isTemporal t = isTemporalRec 0 Set.empty t

isTemporalRec :: Int -> Set TypeCmp -> Type -> Bool
isTemporalRec d _ _ | d == 100 = False
isTemporalRec _ pr t | Set.member (TC t) pr = False
isTemporalRec d pr t = do
  let pr' = Set.insert (TC t) pr
  case splitTyConApp_maybe t of
    Nothing -> False
    Just (con,args) ->
      case getNameModule con of
        Nothing -> False
        Just (name,mod)
          -- If it's a Rattus type constructor check if it's a box
          | isRattModule mod && (name == "Box" || name == "O") -> True
          | isFunTyCon con -> or (map (isTemporalRec (d+1) pr') args)
          | isAlgTyCon con ->
            case algTyConRhs con of
              DataTyCon {data_cons = cons} -> or (map check cons)
                where check con = case dataConInstSig con args of
                        (_, _,tys) -> or (map (isTemporalRec (d+1) pr') tys)
              _ -> or (map (isTemporalRec (d+1) pr') args)
        _ -> False

-- | Check whether the given type is stable. This check may use
-- 'Stable' constraints from the context.

isStable :: Set Var -> Type -> Bool
isStable c t = isStableRec c 0 Set.empty t

-- | Check whether the given type is stable. This check may use
-- 'Stable' constraints from the context.

isStableRec :: Set Var -> Int -> Set TypeCmp -> Type -> Bool
-- To prevent infinite recursion (when checking recursive types) we
-- keep track of previously checked types. This, however, is not
-- enough for non-regular data types. Hence we also have a counter.
isStableRec _ d _ _ | d == 100 = True
isStableRec _ _ pr t | Set.member (TC t) pr = True
isStableRec c d pr t = do
  let pr' = Set.insert (TC t) pr
  case splitTyConApp_maybe t of
    Nothing -> case getTyVar_maybe t of
      Just v -> -- if it's a type variable, check the context
        v `Set.member` c
      Nothing -> False
    Just (con,args) ->
      case getNameModule con of
        Nothing -> False
        Just (name,mod)
          -- If it's a Rattus type constructor check if it's a box
          | isRattModule mod && name == "Box" -> True
            -- If its a built-in type check the set of stable built-in types
          | isGhcModule mod -> name `Set.member` ghcStableTypes
          {- deal with type synonyms (does not seem to be necessary (??))
           | Just (subst,ty,[]) <- expandSynTyCon_maybe con args ->
             isStableRec c (d+1) pr' (substTy (extendTvSubstList emptySubst subst) ty) -}
          | isAlgTyCon con ->
            case algTyConRhs con of
              DataTyCon {data_cons = cons, is_enum = enum}
                | enum -> True
                | and $ concatMap (map isSrcStrict'
                                   . dataConSrcBangs) $ cons ->
                  and  (map check cons)
                | otherwise -> False
                where check con = case dataConInstSig con args of
                        (_, _,tys) -> and (map (isStableRec c (d+1) pr') tys)
              TupleTyCon {} -> null args
              _ -> False
        _ -> False

isStrict :: Type -> Bool
isStrict t = isStrictRec 0 Set.empty t

-- | Check whether the given type is stable. This check may use
-- 'Stable' constraints from the context.

isStrictRec :: Int -> Set TypeCmp -> Type -> Bool
-- To prevent infinite recursion (when checking recursive types) we
-- keep track of previously checked types. This, however, is not
-- enough for non-regular data types. Hence we also have a counter.
isStrictRec d _ _ | d == 100 = True
isStrictRec _ pr t | Set.member (TC t) pr = True
isStrictRec d pr t = do
  let pr' = Set.insert (TC t) pr
  let (_,t') = splitForAllTys t
  let (c, tys) = repSplitAppTys t'
  if isJust (getTyVar_maybe c) then and (map (isStrictRec (d+1) pr') tys)
  else  case splitTyConApp_maybe t' of
    Nothing -> isJust (getTyVar_maybe t)
    Just (con,args) ->
      case getNameModule con of
        Nothing -> False
        Just (name,mod)
          -- If it's a Rattus type constructor check if it's a box
          | isRattModule mod && (name == "Box" || name == "O") -> True
            -- If its a built-in type check the set of stable built-in types
          | isGhcModule mod -> name `Set.member` ghcStableTypes
          {- deal with type synonyms (does not seem to be necessary (??))
           | Just (subst,ty,[]) <- expandSynTyCon_maybe con args ->
             isStrictRec c (d+1) pr' (substTy (extendTvSubstList emptySubst subst) ty) -}
          | isFunTyCon con -> True
          | isAlgTyCon con ->
            case algTyConRhs con of
              DataTyCon {data_cons = cons, is_enum = enum}
                | enum -> True
                | and $ (map (isSrcStrictOrDelay args)) $ cons ->
                  and  (map check cons)
                | otherwise -> False
                where check con = case dataConInstSig con args of
                        (_, _,tys) -> and (map (isStrictRec (d+1) pr') tys)
              TupleTyCon {} -> null args
              _ -> False
          | otherwise -> False

isSrcStrictOrDelay :: [Type] -> DataCon -> Bool
isSrcStrictOrDelay args con = and (zipWith check tys (dataConSrcBangs con))
  where (_, _,tys) = dataConInstSig con args
        check ty b = isSrcStrict' b || isDelay ty
        isDelay ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
                       Just (con,_) ->
                         case getNameModule con of
                           Just (name,mod) | isRattModule mod && name == "O" -> True
                           _ -> False
                       _ -> False

isSrcStrict' (HsSrcBang _ _ SrcStrict) = True
isSrcStrict' _ = False

userFunction :: Var -> Bool
userFunction v =
  case getOccString (getName v) of
    (c : _)
      | isUpper c || c == '$' || c == ':' -> False
      | otherwise -> True
    _ -> False