{-# OPTIONS -fplugin=Rattus.Plugin #-}

-- | Programing with many-shot events, i.e. events that may occur zero
-- or more times.

module Rattus.Events
  ( map
  , never
  , switch
  , switchTrans
  , Events
  , trigger
  , triggerMap


import Rattus
import Rattus.Stream hiding (map)
import qualified Rattus.Stream as S

import Prelude hiding ((<*>), map)

-- | Events are simply streams of 'Maybe''s.
type Events a = Str (Maybe' a)

-- all functions in this module are in Rattus 
{-# ANN module Rattus #-}

-- | Apply a function to the values of the event (every time it occurs).
map :: Box (a -> b) -> Events a -> Events b
map f (Just' x ::: xs) =  (Just' (unbox f x)) ::: delay (map f (adv xs))
map f (Nothing' ::: xs) = Nothing' ::: delay (map f (adv xs))

-- | An event that will never occur.
never :: Events a
never = Nothing' ::: delay never

-- | @switch s e@ will behave like @s@ but switches to @s'$ every time
-- the event 'e' occurs with some value @s'@.
switch :: Str a -> Events (Str a) -> Str a
switch (x ::: xs) (Nothing' ::: fas) = x ::: delay (switch (adv xs)  (adv fas))
switch  _xs       (Just' (a ::: as) ::: fas)   = a ::: (delay switch <*> as <*> fas)

-- | Like 'switch' but works on stream functions instead of
-- streams. That is, @switchTrans s e@ will behave like @s@ but
-- switches to @s'$ every time the event 'e' occurs with some value
-- @s'@.
switchTrans :: (Str a -> Str b) -> Events (Str a -> Str b) -> (Str a -> Str b)
switchTrans f es as = switchTrans' (f as) es as

-- | Helper function for 'switchTrans'.
switchTrans' :: Str b -> Events (Str a -> Str b) -> Str a -> Str b
switchTrans' (b ::: bs) (Nothing' ::: fs) (_:::as) = b ::: (delay switchTrans' <*> bs <*> fs <*> as)
switchTrans' _xs        (Just' f ::: fs)  as@(_:::as') = b' ::: (delay switchTrans' <*> bs' <*> fs <*> as')
  where (b' ::: bs') = f as

-- | Trigger an event as every time the given predicate turns true on
-- the given stream. The value of the event is the same as that of the
-- stream at that time.
trigger :: Box (a -> Bool) -> Str a -> Events a
trigger p (x ::: xs) = x' ::: (delay (trigger p) <*> xs)
  where x' = if unbox p x then Just' x else Nothing'

-- | Trigger an event every time the given function produces a 'Just''
-- value.
triggerMap :: Box (a -> Maybe' b) -> Str a -> Events b
triggerMap = S.map