LogicGrowsOnTrees-1.1: a parallel implementation of logic programming using distributed tree exploration

Safe HaskellNone




Basic functionality for building and exploring trees.


Tree types

The following are the tree types that are accepted by most of the functions in this package. You do not need to know the details of their definitions unless you intend to write your own custom routines for running and transforming trees, in which case the relevant information is at the bottom of this page in the Implementation section.

There is one type of pure tree and two types of impure trees. In general, your tree should nearly always be pure if you are planning to make use of checkpointing or parallel exploring, as parts of the tree may be explored multiple times, some parts may not be run at all on a given processor, and whenever a leaf is hit there will be a jump to a higher node, so if your tree is impure then the result needs to not depend on how the tree is explored; an example of an acceptable use of an inner monad is when you want to memoize a pure function using a stateful monad.

If you need something like state in your tree, then you should consider nesting the tree monad in the state monad rather than vice-versa, because this will do things like automatically erasing the change in state that happened between an inner node and a leaf when the tree jumps back up from the leaf to an inner node, which will usually be what you want.

type Tree = TreeT IdentitySource

A pure tree, which is what you should normally be using.

type TreeIO = TreeT IOSource

A tree running in the I/O monad, which you should only be using for doing things like reading data from an external file or database that will be constant for the entire run.

newtype TreeT m α Source

A tree run in an arbitrary monad.




MonadTrans TreeT 
Eq α => Eq (Tree α)

Two Trees are equal if they have the same structure.

Monad m => Monad (TreeT m) 
Monad m => Functor (TreeT m) 
Show α => Show (Tree α) 
Monad m => MonadPlus (TreeT m)

For this type, mplus creates a branch node with a choice between two subtrees and mzero signifies failure which results in backtracking up the tree.

Monad m => Applicative (TreeT m) 
Monad m => Alternative (TreeT m)

The Alternative instance functions just like the MonadPlus instance.

MonadIO m => MonadIO (TreeT m) 
Monad m => MonadExplorableTrans (TreeT m) 
Monad m => MonadExplorable (TreeT m) 
Monad m => Monoid (TreeT m α)

The Monoid instance acts like the MonadPlus instance.

Explorable class features

Trees are instances of MonadExplorable and MonadExplorableTrans, which are both subclasses of MonadPlus. The additional functionality offered by these type-classes is the ability to cache results so that a computation does not need to be repeated when a node is explored a second time, which can happen either when resuming from a checkpoint or when a workload has been stolen by another processor, as the first step is to retrace the path through the tree that leads to the stolen workload.

These features could have been provided as functions, but there are two reasons why they were subsumed into type-classes: first, because one might want to add another layer above the Tree monad transformers in the monad stack (as is the case in LogicGrowsOnTrees.Location), and second, because one might want to run a tree using a simpler monad such as List for testing purposes.

NOTE: Caching a computation takes space in the Checkpoint, so it is something you should only do when the result is relatively small and the computation is very expensive and is high enough in the search tree that it is likely to be repeated often. If the calculation is low enough in the search tree that it is unlikely to be repeated, is cheap enough so that repeating it is not a big deal, or produces a result with an incredibly large memory footprint, then you are probably better off not caching the result.

class MonadPlus m => MonadExplorable m whereSource

The MonadExplorable class provides caching functionality when exploring a tree, as well as a way to give a worker a chance to process any pending requests; at minimum cacheMaybe needs to be defined.


cache :: Serialize x => x -> m xSource

Cache a value in case we explore this node again.

cacheGuard :: Bool -> m ()Source

This does the same thing as guard but it caches the result.

cacheMaybe :: Serialize x => Maybe x -> m xSource

This function is a combination of the previous two; it performs a computation which might fail by returning Nothing, and if that happens it then backtracks; if it passes then the result is cached and returned.

Note that the previous two methods are essentially specializations of this method.

processPendingRequests :: m ()Source

This function tells the worker to take a break to process any pending requests; it does nothing if we are not in a parallel setting.

NOTE: You should normally never need to use this function, as requests are processed whenever a choice point, a cache point, mzero, or a leaf in the decision tree has been encountered. However, if you have noticed that workload steals are taking such a large amount of time that workers are spending too much time sitting idle while they wait for a workload, and you can trace this as being due to a computation that takes so much time that it almost never gives the worker a chance to process requests, then you can use this method to ensure that requests are given a chance to be processed.


MonadExplorable []

This instance performs no caching but is provided to make it easier to test running a tree using the List monad.

MonadExplorable Maybe

This instance performs no caching but is provided to make it easier to test running a tree using the Maybe monad.

Monad m => MonadExplorable (ListT m)

This instance performs no caching but is provided to make it easier to test running a tree using the ListT monad.

Monad m => MonadExplorable (MaybeT m)

This instance performs no caching but is provided to make it easier to test running a tree using the MaybeT monad.

Monad m => MonadExplorable (TreeT m) 

class (MonadPlus m, Monad (NestedMonad m)) => MonadExplorableTrans m whereSource

This class is like MonadExplorable, but it is designed to work with monad stacks; at minimum runAndCacheMaybe needs to be defined.

Associated Types

type NestedMonad m :: * -> *Source

The next layer down in the monad transformer stack.


runAndCache :: Serialize x => NestedMonad m x -> m xSource

Runs the given action in the nested monad and caches the result.

runAndCacheGuard :: NestedMonad m Bool -> m ()Source

Runs the given action in the nested monad and then does the equivalent of feeding it into guard, caching the result.

runAndCacheMaybe :: Serialize x => NestedMonad m (Maybe x) -> m xSource

Runs the given action in the nested monad; if it returns Nothing, then it acts like mzero, if it returns 'Just x', then it caches the result.


Monad m => MonadExplorableTrans (ListT m)

Like the MonadExplorable instance, this instance does no caching.

Monad m => MonadExplorableTrans (MaybeT m)

Like the MonadExplorable instance, this instance does no caching.

Monad m => MonadExplorableTrans (TreeT m) 
Monad m => MonadExplorableTrans (LocatableTreeT m) 
MonadExplorableTrans m => MonadExplorableTrans (LocatableT m) 


There are three kinds of functions in this module: functions that explore trees in various ways, functions that make it easier to build trees, and a function that changes the base monad of a pure tree.

...that explore trees

The following functions all take a tree as input and produce the result of exploring it as output. There are seven functions because there are two kinds of trees --- pure and impure --- and three ways of exploring a tree --- exploring everything and summing all results (i.e., in the leaves), exploring until the first result (i.e., in a leaf) is encountered and immediately returning, and gathering results (i.e., from the leaves) until they satisfy a condition and then returning --- plus a seventh function that explores a tree only for the side-effects.



:: Monoid α 
=> Tree α

the (pure) tree to be explored

-> α

the sum over all results

Explores all the nodes in a pure tree and sums over all the results in the leaves.



:: (Monad m, Monoid α) 
=> TreeT m α

the (impure) tree to be explored

-> m α

the sum over all results

Explores all the nodes in an impure tree and sums over all the results in the leaves.



:: Monad m 
=> TreeT m α

the (impure) tree to be explored

-> m () 

Explores a tree for its side-effects, ignoring all results.



:: Tree α

the (pure) tree to be explored

-> Maybe α

the first result found, if any

Explores all the nodes in a tree until a result (i.e., a leaf) has been found; if a result has been found then it is returned wrapped in Just, otherwise Nothing is returned.



:: Monad m 
=> TreeT m α

the (impure) tree to be explored

-> m (Maybe α)

the first result found, if any

Same as exploreTreeUntilFirst, but taking an impure tree instead of pure one.



:: Monoid α 
=> (α -> Bool)

a function that determines when the desired results have been found

-> Tree α

the (pure) tree to be explored

-> (α, Bool)

the result of the exploration, which includes the results that were found and a flag indicating if they matched the condition function

Explores all the nodes in a tree, summing all encountered results (i.e., in the leaves) until the current partial sum satisfies the condition provided by the first function. The returned value is a pair where the first component is all of the results that were found during the exploration and the second component is True if the exploration terminated early due to the condition being met and False otherwise.

NOTE: The condition function is assumed to have two properties: first, it is assumed to return False for mempty, and second, it is assumed that if it returns True for x then it also returns True for mappend x y and mappend y x for all values y. The reason for this is that the condition function is used to indicate when enough results have been found, and so it should not be True for mempty as nothing has been found and if it is True for x then it should not be False for the sum of y with x as this would mean that having more than enough results is no longer having enough results.



:: (Monad m, Monoid α) 
=> (α -> Bool)

a function that determines when the desired results have been found; it is assumed that this function is False for mempty

-> TreeT m α

the (impure) tree to be explored

-> m (α, Bool)

the result of the exploration, which includes the results that were found and a flag indicating if they matched the condition function

Same as exploreTreeUntilFound, but taking an impure tree instead of a pure tree.

...that help building trees

The following functions all create a tree from various inputs.



:: (Foldable t, Functor t, MonadPlus m) 
=> t α

the list (or some other Foldable) of results to generate

-> m α

a tree that generates the given list of results

Returns a tree (or some other MonadPlus) with all of the results in the input list.



:: (Enum n, MonadPlus m) 
=> n

the (inclusive) lower bound of the range

-> n

the (inclusive) upper bound of the range

-> m n

a tree (or other MonadPlus) that generates all the results in the range

Returns an optimally balanced tree (or some other MonadPlus) that generates all of the elements in the given (inclusive) range; if the lower bound is greater than the upper bound it returns mzero.

...that transform trees



:: Monad m 
=> Tree α

the pure tree to transformed into an impure tree

-> TreeT m α

the resulting impure tree

This function lets you take a pure tree and transform it into a tree with an arbitrary base monad.


The implementation of the Tree types uses the approach described in "The Operational Monad Tutorial", published in Issue 15 of The Monad.Reader; specifically it uses the operational package. The idea is that a list of instructions are provided in TreeTInstruction, and then the operational monad does all the heavy lifting of turning them into a monad.

data TreeTInstruction m α whereSource

The core of the implementation of Tree is mostly contained in this type, which provides a list of primitive instructions for trees: Cache, which caches a value, Choice, which signals a branch with two choices, Null, which indicates that there are no more results, and ProcessPendingRequests, which signals that a break should be taken from exploration to process any pending requests (only meant to be used in exceptional cases).


Cache :: Serialize α => m (Maybe α) -> TreeTInstruction m α 
Choice :: TreeT m α -> TreeT m α -> TreeTInstruction m α 
Null :: TreeTInstruction m α 
ProcessPendingRequests :: TreeTInstruction m () 

type TreeInstruction = TreeTInstruction IdentitySource

This is just a convenient alias for working with pure trees.