{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MagicHash,
             TypeFamilies #-}
-- | Colours and text attributes.
module Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Color
  ( -- * Colours
  , defFG, isBright, darkCol, brightCol, stdCol, legalFgCol, colorToRGB
    -- * Complete text attributes
  , Highlight (..), Attr(..)
  , highlightToColor, defAttr
    -- * Characters with attributes
  , AttrChar(..), AttrCharW32(..)
  , attrCharToW32, attrCharFromW32
  , fgFromW32, bgFromW32, charFromW32, attrFromW32, attrEnumFromW32
  , spaceAttrW32, retAttrW32, attrChar2ToW32, attrChar1ToW32
  ) where

import Prelude ()

import Game.LambdaHack.Core.Prelude

import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Data.Binary
import           Data.Bits (unsafeShiftL, unsafeShiftR, (.&.))
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import           Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import           Data.Word (Word32)
import           GHC.Exts (Int (I#))
import           GHC.Generics (Generic)
import           GHC.Prim (int2Word#)
import           GHC.Word (Word32 (W32#))

-- | Colours supported by the major frontends.
data Color =
  | Red
  | Green
  | Brown
  | Blue
  | Magenta
  | Cyan
  | White
  | AltWhite  -- only use for frontend hacks
  | BrBlack
  | BrRed
  | BrGreen
  | BrYellow
  | BrBlue
  | BrMagenta
  | BrCyan
  | BrWhite
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum, Generic)

instance Binary Color where
  put = putWord8 . toEnum . fromEnum
  get = fmap (toEnum . fromEnum) getWord8

instance Hashable Color

instance NFData Color

-- | The default colours, to optimize attribute setting.
defFG :: Color
defFG = White

-- | A helper for the terminal frontends that display bright via bold.
isBright :: Color -> Bool
isBright c = c > BrBlack

-- | Colour sets.
darkCol, brightCol, stdCol, legalFgCol :: [Color]
darkCol = [Red .. Cyan]
brightCol = [BrRed .. BrCyan]  -- BrBlack is not really that bright
stdCol = darkCol ++ brightCol
legalFgCol = White : BrWhite : BrBlack : stdCol

-- | Translationg to heavily modified Linux console color RGB values.
-- Warning: SDL frontend sadly duplicates this code.
colorToRGB :: Color -> Text
colorToRGB Black     = "#000000"
colorToRGB Red       = "#D50505"
colorToRGB Green     = "#059D05"
colorToRGB Brown     = "#CA4A05"
colorToRGB Blue      = "#0556F4"
colorToRGB Magenta   = "#AF0EAF"
colorToRGB Cyan      = "#059696"
colorToRGB White     = "#B8BFCB"
colorToRGB AltWhite  = "#C4BEB1"
colorToRGB BrBlack   = "#6F5F5F"
colorToRGB BrRed     = "#FF5555"
colorToRGB BrGreen   = "#65F136"
colorToRGB BrYellow  = "#EBD642"
colorToRGB BrBlue    = "#4D98F4"
colorToRGB BrMagenta = "#FF77FF"
colorToRGB BrCyan    = "#52F4E5"
colorToRGB BrWhite   = "#FFFFFF"

-- | For reference, the original Linux console colors.
-- Good old retro feel and more useful than xterm (e.g. brown).
_olorToRGB :: Color -> Text
_olorToRGB Black     = "#000000"
_olorToRGB Red       = "#AA0000"
_olorToRGB Green     = "#00AA00"
_olorToRGB Brown     = "#AA5500"
_olorToRGB Blue      = "#0000AA"
_olorToRGB Magenta   = "#AA00AA"
_olorToRGB Cyan      = "#00AAAA"
_olorToRGB White     = "#AAAAAA"
_olorToRGB AltWhite  = "#AAAAAA"
_olorToRGB BrBlack   = "#555555"
_olorToRGB BrRed     = "#FF5555"
_olorToRGB BrGreen   = "#55FF55"
_olorToRGB BrYellow  = "#FFFF55"
_olorToRGB BrBlue    = "#5555FF"
_olorToRGB BrMagenta = "#FF55FF"
_olorToRGB BrCyan    = "#55FFFF"
_olorToRGB BrWhite   = "#FFFFFF"

-- | Additional map cell highlight, e.g., a colorful square around the cell
-- or a colorful background.
-- Note: the highlight underscored by the terminal cursor is
-- the maximal element of this type present of this screen.
data Highlight =
  | HighlightGreen
  | HighlightBlue
  | HighlightGrey
  | HighlightWhite
  | HighlightMagenta
  | HighlightRed
  | HighlightYellow
  | HighlightYellowAim
  | HighlightRedAim
  | HighlightNoneCursor
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Generic)

highlightToColor :: Highlight -> Color
highlightToColor hi = case hi of
  HighlightNone -> Black  -- should be transparent, but is OK in web frontend
  HighlightGreen -> Green
  HighlightBlue -> Blue
  HighlightGrey -> BrBlack
  HighlightWhite -> White  -- bright, but no saturation, so doesn't obscure
  HighlightMagenta -> BrMagenta  -- usually around white, so bright is fine
  HighlightRed -> Red
  HighlightYellow -> BrYellow  -- obscures, but mostly used around bright white
  HighlightYellowAim -> BrYellow
  HighlightRedAim -> Red
  HighlightNoneCursor -> Black

-- | Text attributes: foreground color and highlight.
data Attr = Attr
  { fg :: Color      -- ^ foreground colour
  , bg :: Highlight  -- ^ highlight
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | The default attribute, to optimize attribute setting.
defAttr :: Attr
defAttr = Attr defFG HighlightNone

-- | Character to display, with its attribute.
data AttrChar = AttrChar
  { acAttr :: Attr
  , acChar :: Char
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- This implementation is faster than @Int@, because some vector updates
-- can be done without going to and from @Int@.
-- | Optimized representation of 'AttrChar'.
newtype AttrCharW32 = AttrCharW32 {attrCharW32 :: Word32}
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Binary)

attrCharToW32 :: AttrChar -> AttrCharW32
attrCharToW32 AttrChar{acAttr=Attr{..}, acChar} = AttrCharW32 $ toEnum $
  unsafeShiftL (fromEnum fg) 8 + fromEnum bg + unsafeShiftL (Char.ord acChar) 16

attrCharFromW32 :: AttrCharW32 -> AttrChar
attrCharFromW32 !w = AttrChar (attrFromW32 w) (charFromW32 w)

fgFromW32 :: AttrCharW32 -> Color
{-# INLINE fgFromW32 #-}
fgFromW32 w =
  toEnum $ unsafeShiftR (fromEnum $ attrCharW32 w) 8 .&. (2 ^ (8 :: Int) - 1)

bgFromW32 :: AttrCharW32 -> Highlight
{-# INLINE bgFromW32 #-}
bgFromW32 w =
  toEnum $ fromEnum $ attrCharW32 w .&. (2 ^ (8 :: Int) - 1)

charFromW32 :: AttrCharW32 -> Char
{-# INLINE charFromW32 #-}
charFromW32 w =
  Char.chr $ unsafeShiftR (fromEnum $ attrCharW32 w) 16

attrFromW32 :: AttrCharW32 -> Attr
{-# INLINE attrFromW32 #-}
attrFromW32 w = Attr (fgFromW32 w) (bgFromW32 w)

attrEnumFromW32 :: AttrCharW32 -> Int
{-# INLINE attrEnumFromW32 #-}
attrEnumFromW32 !w = fromEnum $ attrCharW32 w .&. (2 ^ (16 :: Int) - 1)

spaceAttrW32 :: AttrCharW32
spaceAttrW32 = attrCharToW32 $ AttrChar defAttr ' '

retAttrW32 :: AttrCharW32
retAttrW32 = attrCharToW32 $ AttrChar defAttr '\n'

attrChar2ToW32 :: Color -> Char -> AttrCharW32
{-# INLINE attrChar2ToW32 #-}
attrChar2ToW32 fg acChar =
  case unsafeShiftL (fromEnum fg) 8 + unsafeShiftL (Char.ord acChar) 16 of
    I# i -> AttrCharW32 $ W32# (int2Word# i)
{- the hacks save one allocation (?) (before fits-in-32bits check) compared to
  AttrCharW32 $ toEnum
  $ unsafeShiftL (fromEnum fg) 8 + unsafeShiftL (Char.ord acChar) 16

attrChar1ToW32 :: Char -> AttrCharW32
{-# INLINE attrChar1ToW32 #-}
attrChar1ToW32 =
  let fgNum = unsafeShiftL (fromEnum White) 8
  in \acChar ->
    case fgNum + unsafeShiftL (Char.ord acChar) 16 of
      I# i -> AttrCharW32 $ W32# (int2Word# i)