{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.ActorUI
( ActorUI(..), ActorDictUI
, keySelected, partActor, partPronoun
, ppContainer, ppCStore, ppCStoreIn, ppCStoreWownW
, ppContainerWownW, verbCStore, tryFindActor, tryFindHeroK
) where
import Prelude ()
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Prelude
import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified NLP.Miniutter.English as MU
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Actor
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Color as Color
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Faction
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Misc
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.State
data ActorUI = ActorUI
{ bsymbol :: Char
, bname :: Text
, bpronoun :: Text
, bcolor :: Color.Color
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Binary ActorUI
type ActorDictUI = EM.EnumMap ActorId ActorUI
keySelected :: (ActorId, Actor, ActorUI)
-> (Bool, Bool, Char, Color.Color, ActorId)
keySelected (aid, Actor{bhp}, ActorUI{bsymbol, bcolor}) =
(bhp > 0, bsymbol /= '@', bsymbol, bcolor, aid)
partActor :: ActorUI -> MU.Part
partActor b = MU.Text $ bname b
partPronoun :: ActorUI -> MU.Part
partPronoun b = MU.Text $ bpronoun b
ppContainer :: Container -> Text
ppContainer CFloor{} = "nearby"
ppContainer CEmbed{} = "embedded nearby"
ppContainer (CActor _ cstore) = ppCStoreIn cstore
ppContainer c@CTrunk{} = error $ "" `showFailure` c
ppCStore :: CStore -> (Text, Text)
ppCStore CGround = ("on", "the ground")
ppCStore COrgan = ("in", "body")
ppCStore CEqp = ("in", "equipment")
ppCStore CInv = ("in", "pack")
ppCStore CSha = ("in", "shared stash")
ppCStoreIn :: CStore -> Text
ppCStoreIn c = let (tIn, t) = ppCStore c in tIn <+> t
ppCStoreWownW :: Bool -> CStore -> MU.Part -> [MU.Part]
ppCStoreWownW addPrepositions store owner =
let (preposition, noun) = ppCStore store
prep = [MU.Text preposition | addPrepositions]
in prep ++ case store of
CGround -> [MU.Text noun, "under", owner]
CSha -> [MU.Text noun]
_ -> [MU.WownW owner (MU.Text noun) ]
ppContainerWownW :: (ActorId -> MU.Part) -> Bool -> Container -> [MU.Part]
ppContainerWownW ownerFun addPrepositions c = case c of
CFloor{} -> ["nearby"]
CEmbed{} -> ["embedded nearby"]
CActor aid store -> let owner = ownerFun aid
in ppCStoreWownW addPrepositions store owner
CTrunk{} -> error $ "" `showFailure` c
verbCStore :: CStore -> Text
verbCStore CGround = "drop"
verbCStore COrgan = "implant"
verbCStore CEqp = "equip"
verbCStore CInv = "pack"
verbCStore CSha = "stash"
tryFindActor :: State -> (ActorId -> Actor -> Bool) -> Maybe (ActorId, Actor)
tryFindActor s p = find (uncurry p) $ EM.assocs $ sactorD s
tryFindHeroK :: ActorDictUI -> FactionId -> Int -> State
-> Maybe (ActorId, Actor)
tryFindHeroK d fid k s =
let c | k == 0 = '@'
| k > 0 && k < 10 = Char.intToDigit k
| otherwise = ' '
in tryFindActor s (\aid body ->
maybe False ((== c) . bsymbol) (EM.lookup aid d)
&& bfid body == fid)