Kawaii-Parser-0.0.0: A simple parsing library.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



  • Tokeniser
  • A data structure representing a sequence of tokens, for internal use in the parser


data Tokeniser' char token err t Source #

A tokeniser that works with any kind of custom characters, tokens and errors. The custom character type is necessary if you want to classify characters according to their behavior before tokenisation - for example, wrap all operators, letters, delimiters or digits in the same constructor to simplify pattern matching.


Instances details
Monad (Tokeniser' char token err) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Parser.Tokeniser


(>>=) :: Tokeniser' char token err a -> (a -> Tokeniser' char token err b) -> Tokeniser' char token err b #

(>>) :: Tokeniser' char token err a -> Tokeniser' char token err b -> Tokeniser' char token err b #

return :: a -> Tokeniser' char token err a #

Functor (Tokeniser' char token err) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Parser.Tokeniser


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Tokeniser' char token err a -> Tokeniser' char token err b #

(<$) :: a -> Tokeniser' char token err b -> Tokeniser' char token err a #

Applicative (Tokeniser' char token err) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Parser.Tokeniser


pure :: a -> Tokeniser' char token err a #

(<*>) :: Tokeniser' char token err (a -> b) -> Tokeniser' char token err a -> Tokeniser' char token err b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Tokeniser' char token err a -> Tokeniser' char token err b -> Tokeniser' char token err c #

(*>) :: Tokeniser' char token err a -> Tokeniser' char token err b -> Tokeniser' char token err b #

(<*) :: Tokeniser' char token err a -> Tokeniser' char token err b -> Tokeniser' char token err a #

data Tokens' token Source #

A sequence of tokens with locations. For internal use in the parser.


Instances details
Show token => Show (Tokens' token) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Parser.Tokeniser


showsPrec :: Int -> Tokens' token -> ShowS #

show :: Tokens' token -> String #

showList :: [Tokens' token] -> ShowS #

add_token :: Line_and_char -> token -> Tokeniser' char token err () Source #

Add the token to the output. Note that the order of adding tokens is important.

current_line_and_char :: Tokens' token -> Line_and_char Source #

Get the location of the first token or, if there are none, the end of file. For internal use in the parser.

delete_char :: Tokeniser' char token err () Source #

Delete the first character from the remaining text. Automatically updates the location.

gather_token :: (char -> Maybe Char) -> (String -> token) -> Tokeniser' char token err () Source #

Add a token that consists of several characters - for example, an operator, a word or a natural number. You have to provide a function that recognises suitable characters and a function that transforms the resulting string into a token.

get_char :: Int -> Tokeniser' char token err (Maybe char) Source #

Take a look at a character without deleting it. Returns Nothing if the index is negative or if the remaining text is too short.

get_line_and_char :: Tokeniser' char token err Line_and_char Source #

Get the current location of the tokeniser.

get_token :: Tokens' token -> Maybe token Source #

Get the first token without deleting it. For internal use in the parser.

take_token :: (token -> Maybe t) -> Tokens' token -> Maybe (t, Tokens' token) Source #

Recognises tokens that fit a certain pattern and transforms them into something more useful - for example, a string or an integer. Returns Nothing if the first token does not fit the pattern, and returns the transformed token and the rest of the sequence if it does fit. For internal use in the parser.

tokenisation_error :: (Line_and_char -> err) -> Tokeniser' char token err t Source #

Throw a tokenisation error at the current location.

tokenise :: (Char -> char) -> (char -> Line_and_char -> Line_and_char) -> Tokeniser' char token err () -> String -> Either Error (Either err (Tokens' token)) Source #

Tokenise the text. For internal use in the parser.

tokens_ended :: Tokens' token -> Bool Source #

Check whether the sequence of tokens has ended. For internal use in the parser.