{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module Data.YAML.Dumper
( encodeNode
, encodeNode'
) where
import Data.YAML.Event.Internal as YE
import Data.YAML.Event.Writer (writeEvents)
import Data.YAML.Internal as YI
import Data.YAML.Schema.Internal as YS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS.L
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
type EvList = [Either String Event]
type Node2EvList = [Node ()] -> EvList
encodeNode :: [Doc (Node ())] -> BS.L.ByteString
encodeNode = encodeNode' coreSchemaEncoder UTF8
encodeNode' :: SchemaEncoder -> Encoding -> [Doc (Node ())] -> BS.L.ByteString
encodeNode' SchemaEncoder{..} encoding nodes = writeEvents encoding $ map getEvent (dumpEvents (map docRoot nodes))
getEvent :: Either String Event -> Event
getEvent = \x -> case x of
Right ev -> ev
Left str -> error str
dumpEvents :: Node2EvList
dumpEvents nodes' = Right StreamStart: go0 nodes'
go0 :: [Node ()] -> EvList
go0 [] = [Right StreamEnd]
go0 n = Right (DocumentStart NoDirEndMarker): goNode (0 :: Int) n (\ev -> go0 ev)
goNode :: Int -> [Node ()] -> Node2EvList -> EvList
goNode _ [] _ = [Left "Dumper: unexpected pattern in goNode"]
goNode lvl (node: rest) cont = case node of
YI.Scalar _ scalar -> goScalar scalar Nothing: isDocEnd lvl rest cont
Mapping _ tag m -> Right (MappingStart Nothing (getTag schemaEncoderMapping tag) Block) : goMap (lvl + 1) m rest cont
Sequence _ tag s -> Right (SequenceStart Nothing (getTag schemaEncoderSequence tag) Block) : goSeq (lvl + 1) s rest cont
Anchor _ nid n -> goAnchor lvl nid n rest cont
goScalar :: YS.Scalar -> Maybe Anchor -> Either String Event
goScalar s anc = case schemaEncoderScalar s of
Right (t, sty, text) -> Right (YE.Scalar anc t sty text)
Left err -> Left err
goMap :: Int -> Mapping () -> [Node ()] -> Node2EvList -> EvList
goMap lvl m rest cont = case (mapToList m) of
[] -> Right MappingEnd : isDocEnd (lvl - 1) rest cont
list -> goNode lvl list g
g [] = Right MappingEnd : isDocEnd (lvl - 1) rest cont
g rest' = goNode lvl rest' g
mapToList = Map.foldrWithKey (\k v a -> k : v : a) []
goSeq :: Int -> [Node ()] -> [Node ()] -> Node2EvList -> EvList
goSeq lvl [] rest cont = Right SequenceEnd : isDocEnd (lvl - 1) rest cont
goSeq lvl nod rest cont = goNode lvl nod g
g [] = Right SequenceEnd : isDocEnd (lvl - 1) rest cont
g rest' = goNode lvl rest' g
goAnchor :: Int -> NodeId -> Node () -> [Node ()] -> Node2EvList -> EvList
goAnchor lvl nid nod rest cont = case nod of
YI.Scalar _ scalar -> goScalar scalar (ancName nid): isDocEnd lvl rest cont
Mapping _ tag m -> Right (MappingStart (ancName nid) (getTag schemaEncoderMapping tag) Block) : goMap (lvl + 1) m rest cont
Sequence _ tag s -> Right (SequenceStart (ancName nid) (getTag schemaEncoderSequence tag) Block) : goSeq (lvl + 1) s rest cont
Anchor _ _ _ -> Left "Anchor has a anchor node" : (cont rest)
isDocEnd :: Int -> [Node ()] -> Node2EvList -> EvList
isDocEnd lvl rest cont = if lvl == 0 then Right (DocumentEnd (rest /= [])): (cont rest) else (cont rest)
ancName :: NodeId -> Maybe Anchor
ancName nid
| nid == (0-1) = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $! T.pack ("a" ++ show nid)
getTag :: (Tag -> Either String Tag) -> Tag -> Tag
getTag f tag = case f tag of
Right t -> t
Left err -> error err