- newtype TH1 = TH1 (ForeignPtr RawTH1)
- class (ITNamed a, ITAttLine a, ITAttFill a, ITAttMarker a) => ITH1 a where
- add :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> Double -> IO ()
- addBinContent :: a -> Int -> Double -> IO ()
- chi2Test :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> String -> [Double] -> IO Double
- computeIntegral :: a -> IO Double
- directoryAutoAdd :: (ITDirectory c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> IO ()
- divide :: (ITH2 c1, FPtr c1, ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> c1 -> Double -> Double -> String -> IO ()
- drawCopyTH1 :: a -> String -> IO a
- drawNormalized :: a -> String -> Double -> IO (Exist TH1)
- drawPanelTH1 :: a -> IO ()
- bufferEmpty :: a -> Int -> IO Int
- evalF :: (ITF1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> String -> IO ()
- fFT :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> String -> IO (Exist TH1)
- fill1 :: a -> Double -> IO Int
- fill1w :: a -> Double -> Double -> IO Int
- fillN1 :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Int -> IO ()
- fillRandom :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> Int -> IO ()
- findBin :: a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO Int
- findFixBin :: a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO Int
- findFirstBinAbove :: a -> Double -> Int -> IO Int
- findLastBinAbove :: a -> Double -> Int -> IO Int
- fitPanelTH1 :: a -> IO ()
- getNdivisionA :: a -> String -> IO Int
- getAxisColorA :: a -> String -> IO Int
- getLabelColorA :: a -> String -> IO Int
- getLabelFontA :: a -> String -> IO Int
- getLabelOffsetA :: a -> String -> IO Double
- getLabelSizeA :: a -> String -> IO Double
- getTitleFontA :: a -> String -> IO Int
- getTitleOffsetA :: a -> String -> IO Double
- getTitleSizeA :: a -> String -> IO Double
- getTickLengthA :: a -> String -> IO Double
- getBarOffset :: a -> IO Double
- getBarWidth :: a -> IO Double
- getContour :: a -> [Double] -> IO Int
- getContourLevel :: a -> Int -> IO Double
- getContourLevelPad :: a -> Int -> IO Double
- getBin :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
- getBinCenter :: a -> Int -> IO Double
- getBinContent1 :: a -> Int -> IO Double
- getBinContent2 :: a -> Int -> Int -> IO Double
- getBinContent3 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Double
- getBinError1 :: a -> Int -> IO Double
- getBinError2 :: a -> Int -> Int -> IO Double
- getBinError3 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Double
- getBinLowEdge :: a -> Int -> IO Double
- getBinWidth :: a -> Int -> IO Double
- getCellContent :: a -> Int -> Int -> IO Double
- getCellError :: a -> Int -> Int -> IO Double
- getEntries :: a -> IO Double
- getEffectiveEntries :: a -> IO Double
- getFunction :: a -> String -> IO (Exist TF1)
- getDimension :: a -> IO Int
- getKurtosis :: a -> Int -> IO Double
- getLowEdge :: a -> [Double] -> IO ()
- getMaximumTH1 :: a -> Double -> IO Double
- getMaximumBin :: a -> IO Int
- getMaximumStored :: a -> IO Double
- getMinimumTH1 :: a -> Double -> IO Double
- getMinimumBin :: a -> IO Int
- getMinimumStored :: a -> IO Double
- getMean :: a -> Int -> IO Double
- getMeanError :: a -> Int -> IO Double
- getNbinsX :: a -> IO Double
- getNbinsY :: a -> IO Double
- getNbinsZ :: a -> IO Double
- getQuantilesTH1 :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> [Double] -> IO Int
- getRandom :: a -> IO Double
- getStats :: a -> [Double] -> IO ()
- getSumOfWeights :: a -> IO Double
- getSumw2 :: a -> IO (Exist TArrayD)
- getSumw2N :: a -> IO Int
- getRMS :: a -> Int -> IO Double
- getRMSError :: a -> Int -> IO Double
- getSkewness :: a -> Int -> IO Double
- integral1 :: a -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO Double
- interpolate1 :: a -> Double -> IO Double
- interpolate2 :: a -> Double -> Double -> IO Double
- interpolate3 :: a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO Double
- kolmogorovTest :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> String -> IO Double
- labelsDeflate :: a -> String -> IO ()
- labelsInflate :: a -> String -> IO ()
- labelsOption :: a -> String -> String -> IO ()
- multiflyF :: (ITF1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> Double -> IO ()
- multiply :: (ITH1 c1, FPtr c1, ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> c1 -> Double -> Double -> String -> IO ()
- putStats :: a -> [Double] -> IO ()
- rebin :: a -> Int -> String -> [Double] -> IO (Exist TH1)
- rebinAxis :: (ITAxis c0, FPtr c0) => a -> Double -> c0 -> IO ()
- rebuild :: a -> String -> IO ()
- reset :: a -> String -> IO ()
- resetStats :: a -> IO ()
- scale :: a -> Double -> String -> IO ()
- setAxisColorA :: a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- setAxisRange :: a -> Double -> Double -> String -> IO ()
- setBarOffset :: a -> Double -> IO ()
- setBarWidth :: a -> Double -> IO ()
- setBinContent1 :: a -> Int -> Double -> IO ()
- setBinContent2 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()
- setBinContent3 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()
- setBinError1 :: a -> Int -> Double -> IO ()
- setBinError2 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()
- setBinError3 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()
- setBins1 :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> IO ()
- setBins2 :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> Int -> [Double] -> IO ()
- setBins3 :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> Int -> [Double] -> Int -> [Double] -> IO ()
- setBinsLength :: a -> Int -> IO ()
- setBuffer :: a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- setCellContent :: a -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()
- setContent :: a -> [Double] -> IO ()
- setContour :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> IO ()
- setContourLevel :: a -> Int -> Double -> IO ()
- setDirectory :: (ITDirectory c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> IO ()
- setEntries :: a -> Double -> IO ()
- setError :: a -> [Double] -> IO ()
- setLabelColorA :: a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- setLabelSizeA :: a -> Double -> String -> IO ()
- setLabelFontA :: a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- setLabelOffsetA :: a -> Double -> String -> IO ()
- setMaximum :: a -> Double -> IO ()
- setMinimum :: a -> Double -> IO ()
- setNormFactor :: a -> Double -> IO ()
- setStats :: a -> Int -> IO ()
- setOption :: a -> String -> IO ()
- setXTitle :: a -> String -> IO ()
- setYTitle :: a -> String -> IO ()
- setZTitle :: a -> String -> IO ()
- showBackground :: a -> Int -> String -> IO (Exist TH1)
- showPeaks :: a -> Double -> String -> Double -> IO Int
- smooth :: a -> Int -> String -> IO ()
- sumw2 :: a -> IO ()
- upcastTH1 :: (FPtr a, ITH1 a) => a -> TH1
TH1 (ForeignPtr RawTH1) |
Eq TH1 | |
Ord TH1 | |
Show TH1 | |
ITH1 TH1 | |
ITAttMarker TH1 | |
ITAttLine TH1 | |
ITAttFill TH1 | |
ITNamed TH1 | |
ITObject TH1 | |
IDeletable TH1 | |
Existable TH1 | |
FPtr TH1 | |
GADTTypeable TH1 | |
ITH1 (Exist TH1) | |
ITAttMarker (Exist TH1) | |
ITAttLine (Exist TH1) | |
ITAttFill (Exist TH1) | |
ITNamed (Exist TH1) | |
ITObject (Exist TH1) | |
IDeletable (Exist TH1) | |
FPtr (Exist TH1) |
class (ITNamed a, ITAttLine a, ITAttFill a, ITAttMarker a) => ITH1 a whereSource
the TH1 class : the mother class of all histogram classes
class TH1 : TNamed, TAttLine, TAttFill, TAttMarker
add :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> Double -> IO ()Source
void TH1::Add( TH1* h1, Double_t c1 )
addBinContent :: a -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source
void TH1::AddBinContent( Int_t bin, Double_t w )
chi2Test :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> String -> [Double] -> IO DoubleSource
Double_t TH1::Chi2Test( const TH1* h2, Option_t* option="UU", Double_t* res=0 ) const
computeIntegral :: a -> IO DoubleSource
Double_t TH1::ComputeIntegral ()
directoryAutoAdd :: (ITDirectory c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> IO ()Source
void TH1::DirectoryAutoAdd(TDirectory* )
divide :: (ITH2 c1, FPtr c1, ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> c1 -> Double -> Double -> String -> IO ()Source
void TH1::Divide(const TH1* h1, const TH1* h2, Double_t c1=1, Double_t c2=1, Option_t* option="")
drawCopyTH1 :: a -> String -> IO aSource
drawNormalized :: a -> String -> Double -> IO (Exist TH1)Source
TH1* TH1::DrawNormalized (Option_t* option="", Double_t norm=1) const
drawPanelTH1 :: a -> IO ()Source
bufferEmpty :: a -> Int -> IO IntSource
evalF :: (ITF1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> String -> IO ()Source
fFT :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> String -> IO (Exist TH1)Source
fill1 :: a -> Double -> IO IntSource
fill1w :: a -> Double -> Double -> IO IntSource
fillN1 :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Int -> IO ()Source
fillRandom :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> Int -> IO ()Source
findBin :: a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO IntSource
findFixBin :: a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO IntSource
findFirstBinAbove :: a -> Double -> Int -> IO IntSource
findLastBinAbove :: a -> Double -> Int -> IO IntSource
fitPanelTH1 :: a -> IO ()Source
getNdivisionA :: a -> String -> IO IntSource
getAxisColorA :: a -> String -> IO IntSource
getLabelColorA :: a -> String -> IO IntSource
getLabelFontA :: a -> String -> IO IntSource
getLabelOffsetA :: a -> String -> IO DoubleSource
getLabelSizeA :: a -> String -> IO DoubleSource
getTitleFontA :: a -> String -> IO IntSource
getTitleOffsetA :: a -> String -> IO DoubleSource
getTitleSizeA :: a -> String -> IO DoubleSource
getTickLengthA :: a -> String -> IO DoubleSource
getBarOffset :: a -> IO DoubleSource
getBarWidth :: a -> IO DoubleSource
getContour :: a -> [Double] -> IO IntSource
getContourLevel :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getContourLevelPad :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getBin :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO IntSource
getBinCenter :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getBinContent1 :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getBinContent2 :: a -> Int -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getBinContent3 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getBinError1 :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getBinError2 :: a -> Int -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getBinError3 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getBinLowEdge :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getBinWidth :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getCellContent :: a -> Int -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getCellError :: a -> Int -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getEntries :: a -> IO DoubleSource
getEffectiveEntries :: a -> IO DoubleSource
getFunction :: a -> String -> IO (Exist TF1)Source
getDimension :: a -> IO IntSource
getKurtosis :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getLowEdge :: a -> [Double] -> IO ()Source
getMaximumTH1 :: a -> Double -> IO DoubleSource
getMaximumBin :: a -> IO IntSource
getMaximumStored :: a -> IO DoubleSource
getMinimumTH1 :: a -> Double -> IO DoubleSource
getMinimumBin :: a -> IO IntSource
getMinimumStored :: a -> IO DoubleSource
getMean :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getMeanError :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getNbinsX :: a -> IO DoubleSource
getNbinsY :: a -> IO DoubleSource
getNbinsZ :: a -> IO DoubleSource
getQuantilesTH1 :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> [Double] -> IO IntSource
getRandom :: a -> IO DoubleSource
getStats :: a -> [Double] -> IO ()Source
void GetStats(Double_t *stats) const;
getSumOfWeights :: a -> IO DoubleSource
getSumw2 :: a -> IO (Exist TArrayD)Source
getSumw2N :: a -> IO IntSource
getRMS :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getRMSError :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
getSkewness :: a -> Int -> IO DoubleSource
integral1 :: a -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO DoubleSource
interpolate1 :: a -> Double -> IO DoubleSource
Double_t Interpolate(Double_t x)
interpolate2 :: a -> Double -> Double -> IO DoubleSource
Double_t Interpolate(Double_t x, Double_t y)
interpolate3 :: a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO DoubleSource
Double_t Interpolate(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
kolmogorovTest :: (ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> String -> IO DoubleSource
Double_t KolmogorovTest(const TH1 *h2, Option_t *option="") const
labelsDeflate :: a -> String -> IO ()Source
void LabelsDeflate(Option_t *axis="X")
labelsInflate :: a -> String -> IO ()Source
void LabelsInflate(Option_t *axis="X")
labelsOption :: a -> String -> String -> IO ()Source
void LabelsOption(Option_t *option="h", Option_t *axis="X")
multiflyF :: (ITF1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> Double -> IO ()Source
multiply :: (ITH1 c1, FPtr c1, ITH1 c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> c1 -> Double -> Double -> String -> IO ()Source
void Multiply(const TH1 *h1, const TH1 *h2, Double_t c1=1, Double_t c2=1, Option_t *option=""); // *MENU*
putStats :: a -> [Double] -> IO ()Source
void PutStats(Double_t *stats)
rebin :: a -> Int -> String -> [Double] -> IO (Exist TH1)Source
TH1 *Rebin(Int_t ngroup=2, const char*newname="", const Double_t *xbins=0); // *MENU*
rebinAxis :: (ITAxis c0, FPtr c0) => a -> Double -> c0 -> IO ()Source
void RebinAxis(Double_t x, TAxis *axis)
rebuild :: a -> String -> IO ()Source
void Rebuild(Option_t *option="")
reset :: a -> String -> IO ()Source
void Reset(Option_t *option="")
resetStats :: a -> IO ()Source
void ResetStats()
scale :: a -> Double -> String -> IO ()Source
void Scale(Double_t c1=1, Option_t *option="")
setAxisColorA :: a -> Int -> String -> IO ()Source
void SetAxisColor(Color_t color=1, Option_t *axis="X")
setAxisRange :: a -> Double -> Double -> String -> IO ()Source
void SetAxisRange(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Option_t *axis="X")
setBarOffset :: a -> Double -> IO ()Source
void SetBarOffset(Float_t offset=0.25)
setBarWidth :: a -> Double -> IO ()Source
void SetBarWidth(Float_t width=0.5)
setBinContent1 :: a -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source
void SetBinContent(Int_t bin, Double_t content)
setBinContent2 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source
void SetBinContent(Int_t binx, Int_t biny, Double_t content)
setBinContent3 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source
void SetBinContent(Int_t binx, Int_t biny, Int_t binz, Double_t content)
setBinError1 :: a -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source
setBinError2 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source
setBinError3 :: a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source
setBins1 :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> IO ()Source
setBins2 :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> Int -> [Double] -> IO ()Source
setBins3 :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> Int -> [Double] -> Int -> [Double] -> IO ()Source
setBinsLength :: a -> Int -> IO ()Source
setBuffer :: a -> Int -> String -> IO ()Source
setCellContent :: a -> Int -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source
setContent :: a -> [Double] -> IO ()Source
setContour :: a -> Int -> [Double] -> IO ()Source
setContourLevel :: a -> Int -> Double -> IO ()Source
setDirectory :: (ITDirectory c0, FPtr c0) => a -> c0 -> IO ()Source
setEntries :: a -> Double -> IO ()Source
setError :: a -> [Double] -> IO ()Source
setLabelColorA :: a -> Int -> String -> IO ()Source
setLabelSizeA :: a -> Double -> String -> IO ()Source
setLabelFontA :: a -> Int -> String -> IO ()Source
setLabelOffsetA :: a -> Double -> String -> IO ()Source
setMaximum :: a -> Double -> IO ()Source
setMinimum :: a -> Double -> IO ()Source
setNormFactor :: a -> Double -> IO ()Source
setStats :: a -> Int -> IO ()Source
setOption :: a -> String -> IO ()Source
setXTitle :: a -> String -> IO ()Source
setYTitle :: a -> String -> IO ()Source
setZTitle :: a -> String -> IO ()Source
showBackground :: a -> Int -> String -> IO (Exist TH1)Source
TH1 *ShowBackground(Int_t niter=20, Option_t *option="same");
showPeaks :: a -> Double -> String -> Double -> IO IntSource
Int_t ShowPeaks(Double_t sigma=2, Option_t *option="", Double_t threshold=0.05); // *MENU*
smooth :: a -> Int -> String -> IO ()Source
void Smooth(Int_t ntimes=1, Option_t *option=""); // *MENU*
ITH1 TH3S | |
ITH1 TH3I | |
ITH1 TH3F | |
ITH1 TH3D | |
ITH1 TH3C | |
ITH1 TH2S | |
ITH1 TH2Poly | |
ITH1 TH2I | |
ITH1 TH2F | |
ITH1 TH2D | |
ITH1 TH2C | |
ITH1 TH1S | |
ITH1 TH1I | |
ITH1 TH1F | |
ITH1 TH1D | |
ITH1 TH1C | |
ITH1 TH3 | |
ITH1 TH2 | |
ITH1 TH1 | |
ITH1 (Exist TH3S) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH3I) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH3F) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH3D) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH3C) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH2S) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH2Poly) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH2I) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH2F) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH2D) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH2C) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH1S) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH1I) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH1F) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH1D) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH1C) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH3) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH2) | |
ITH1 (Exist TH1) |