ClustalParser-1.0.1: Libary for parsing Clustal tools output

Safe HaskellSafe



Parse Clustal output For more information on Clustal tools consult:



parseClustalAlignment :: String -> Either ParseError ClustalAlignment Source

Parse Clustal alignment (.aln) from String

readClustalAlignment :: String -> IO (Either ParseError ClustalAlignment) Source

Parse Clustal alignment (.aln) from filehandle

parseStructuralClustalAlignment :: String -> Either ParseError StructuralClustalAlignment Source

Parse Clustal alignment (.aln) with secondary structure in dot-bracket notation from String (as produced by mlocarna)

readStructuralClustalAlignment :: String -> IO (Either ParseError StructuralClustalAlignment) Source

Parse Clustal alignment (.aln) with secondary structure in dot-bracket notation from filehandle (as produced by mlocarna)

parseClustalSummary :: String -> Either ParseError ClustalSummary Source

Parse Clustal summary (printed to STDOUT) from String

readClustalSummary :: String -> IO (Either ParseError ClustalSummary) Source

Parse Clustal summary (printed to STDOUT) from file

data ClustalAlignment Source

Data structure for Clustal alignment format