ChristmasTree-0.1: Changing Haskell's Read Implementation Such That by Mainpulating Abstract Syntax Trees it Reads Expressions EfficientlySource codeContentsIndex
Class Gram
Typed Grammar Representations for Data Types
Smart Constructors
Typed Grammar Representations
Smart Constructors
Representation of Data Type Grammars.
class Gram a where
grammar :: DGrammar a
data DGrammar a = forall env . DGrammar (Ref a env) (Env DGram env env)
data DGram a env
= DGD (DLNontDefs a env)
| DGG (DGrammar a)
newtype DRef a env = DRef (Ref a env, Int)
newtype DLNontDefs a env = DLNontDefs [(DRef a env, DProductions a env)]
newtype DProductions a env = DPS {
unDPS :: [DProd a env]
data DProd a env where
DSeq :: DSymbol b env -> DProd (b -> a) env -> DProd a env
DEnd :: a -> DProd a env
data DSymbol a env where
DNont :: DRef a env -> DSymbol a env
DTerm :: Token -> DSymbol Token env
(.#.) :: DSymbol b env -> DProd (b -> a) env -> DProd a env
consG :: DGrammar a -> Env DGram use def' -> Env DGram use (def', a)
consD :: DLNontDefs a env -> Env DGram env def' -> Env DGram env (def', a)
dNont :: (Ref a env, Int) -> DSymbol a env
dTerm :: [Char] -> DSymbol Token env
dEnd :: a -> DProd a env
parenT :: t -> t1 -> t2 -> t1
data Grammar a = forall env . Grammar (Ref a env) (Env Productions env env)
newtype Productions a env = PS {
unPS :: [Prod a env]
data Prod a env where
Seq :: Symbol b env -> Prod (b -> a) env -> Prod a env
End :: a -> Prod a env
data Symbol a env where
Nont :: Ref a env -> Symbol a env
Term :: Token -> Symbol Token env
data Token
= Keyw String
| Open
| Close
ext :: Env Productions env def' -> [Prod a env] -> Env Productions env (def', a)
(.*.) :: Symbol b env -> Prod (b -> a) env -> Prod a env
matchSym :: Symbol a env -> Symbol b env -> Maybe (Equal a b)
append :: (a -> b -> c) -> Prod a env -> Symbol b env -> Prod c env
Class Gram
class Gram a whereSource

Class of data types with typed grammar representation. It has to be instantiated in order to use the function Text.GRead.gread.

Instances can be derived automatically using the functions defined in the module Text.GRead.Derive.

For example, given the declarations

 infixl 5 :<:
 infixr 6 :>:, :*:
 data T1  =  T1 :<: T1
          |  T1 :>: T1
          |  C1
 data T2 a  =  a :*: T2 a
            |  C2

the instances of Gram can be

 _0 = Zero
 _1 = Suc _0
 instance Gram T1 where
  grammar = DGrammar   _0 envT1
 envT1 :: Env DGram ((),T1) ((),T1) 
 envT1 =  consD (nonts _0) Empty 
       nonts _T1 = DLNontDefs
        [  (  DRef (_T1, 5) 
           ,  DPS  [  dNont (_T1, 5) .#. dTerm ":<:" .#.
                      dNont (_T1, 6) .#. dEnd infixL ]
        ,  (  DRef (_T1, 6) 
           ,  DPS  [  dNont (_T1, 7) .#. dTerm ":>:" .#.
                      dNont (_T1, 6) .#. dEnd infixR ] 
        ,  (  DRef (_T1,10) 
           ,  DPS  [  dTerm "C1"   .#. dEnd (const C1)
                   ,  dTerm "(" .#. dNont (_T1,0) .#. 
                      dTerm ")" .#. dEnd parenT ] 
       infixL e1 _ e2   = e2 :<: e1
       infixR e1 _ e2   = e2 :>: e1 
 instance Gram a => Gram (T2 a) where
  grammar = DGrammar   _0  envT2 
 envT2 :: (Gram a) => Env DGram  (((),a),T2 a)
                                 (((),a),T2 a)
 envT2 =  consD (nonts  _0 _1) $ 
          consG grammar Empty
       nonts _T2 _A = DLNontDefs
        [  (  DRef (_T2, 6)
           ,  DPS  [  dNont (_A,   7)  .#. dTerm ":*:" .#. 
                      dNont (_T2,  7)  .#. dEnd infixT ] 
        ,  (  DRef (_T2,10) 
           ,  DPS  [  dTerm "C2"   .#. dEnd (const C2)
                   ,  dTerm "("    .#. dNont (_T2,0) .#. 
                      dTerm ")"    .#. dEnd parenT ] 
       infixP   e1 _ e2  = e2 :+: e1
       infixT   e1 _ e2  = e2 :*: e1 

In case of mutually recursive datatypes, their definitions have to be tupled together into a single environment.

grammar :: DGrammar aSource
The function grammar returns the grammar representation of the data type.
Typed Grammar Representations for Data Types
data DGrammar a Source
Data type describing grammatical structures of data types, including information about precedences. The type DGrammar a describes the grammar of the data type a.
forall env . DGrammar (Ref a env) (Env DGram env env)A grammar consists of an environment (Env) with the defined non-terminals and a reference (Ref) to the main non-terminal in the environment.
data DGram a env Source
DGD (DLNontDefs a env)
DGG (DGrammar a)
newtype DRef a env Source
DRef (Ref a env, Int)
newtype DLNontDefs a env Source
DLNontDefs [(DRef a env, DProductions a env)]
newtype DProductions a env Source
unDPS :: [DProd a env]
data DProd a env whereSource
DSeq :: DSymbol b env -> DProd (b -> a) env -> DProd a env
DEnd :: a -> DProd a env
data DSymbol a env whereSource
DNont :: DRef a env -> DSymbol a env
DTerm :: Token -> DSymbol Token env
Smart Constructors
(.#.) :: DSymbol b env -> DProd (b -> a) env -> DProd a envSource
consG :: DGrammar a -> Env DGram use def' -> Env DGram use (def', a)Source
consD :: DLNontDefs a env -> Env DGram env def' -> Env DGram env (def', a)Source
dNont :: (Ref a env, Int) -> DSymbol a envSource
dTerm :: [Char] -> DSymbol Token envSource
dEnd :: a -> DProd a envSource
parenT :: t -> t1 -> t2 -> t1Source
Typed Grammar Representations
data Grammar a Source
forall env . Grammar (Ref a env) (Env Productions env env)
newtype Productions a env Source
unPS :: [Prod a env]
data Prod a env whereSource
Seq :: Symbol b env -> Prod (b -> a) env -> Prod a env
End :: a -> Prod a env
data Symbol a env whereSource
Nont :: Ref a env -> Symbol a env
Term :: Token -> Symbol Token env
data Token Source
Keyw String
show/hide Instances
Smart Constructors
ext :: Env Productions env def' -> [Prod a env] -> Env Productions env (def', a)Source
(.*.) :: Symbol b env -> Prod (b -> a) env -> Prod a envSource
matchSym :: Symbol a env -> Symbol b env -> Maybe (Equal a b)Source
append :: (a -> b -> c) -> Prod a env -> Symbol b env -> Prod c envSource
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