module HSP.XMLGenerator (
        -- * Type classes
--        IsXML(..), 
--        IsXMLs(..), 
--        IsAttribute(..),
        module HSX.XMLGenerator, HSX.genElement, HSX.genEElement

    ) where

import HSP.Monad
import HSP.XML hiding (Name)

import HSX.XMLGenerator hiding (XMLGen(..))
import qualified HSX.XMLGenerator as HSX (XMLGen(..))

--import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)

--import Data.List (intersperse)

-- Instantiating XMLGenerator for the HSP monad.

-- | We can use literal XML syntax to generate values of type XML in the HSP monad.
instance Monad m => HSX.XMLGen (HSPT' m) where
 type HSX.XML (HSPT' m) = XML
 newtype HSX.Attribute (HSPT' m) = HSPAttr Attribute 
 newtype HSX.Child     (HSPT' m) = HSPChild XML
 xmlToChild = HSPChild
 genElement = element
 genEElement = eElement

instance Monad m => XMLGenerator (HSPT' m)

instance (Monad m,  m c) => EmbedAsChild (HSPT' m) c where
 asChild = liftM (map HSX.xmlToChild) . toXMLs
-- Type classes

-- IsXML
-- | Instantiate this class to enable values of the given type
-- to appear as XML elements.
class IsXML a where
 toXML :: a -> HSP XML

-- | XML can naturally be represented as XML.
instance IsXML XML where
 toXML = return

-- | Strings should be represented as PCDATA.
instance IsXML String where
 toXML = return . pcdata

-- | Anything that can be shown can always fall back on
-- that as a default behavior.
instance (Show a) => IsXML a where
 toXML = toXML . show 

-- | An IO computation returning something that can be represented
-- as XML can be lifted into an analogous HSP computation.
instance (IsXML a) => IsXML (IO a) where
 toXML = toXML . doIO

-- | An HSP computation returning something that can be represented
-- as XML simply needs to turn the produced value into XML.
instance (IsXML a) => IsXML (HSP a) where
 toXML hspa = hspa >>= toXML

-- IsXMLs
-- | Instantiate this class to enable values of the given type
-- to be represented as a list of XML elements. Note that for
-- any given type, only one of the two classes IsXML and IsXMLs
-- should ever be instantiated. Values of types that instantiate 
-- IsXML can automatically be represented as a (singleton) list 
-- of XML children.
class Monad m => IsXMLs m a where
 toXMLs :: a -> HSPT m [XML]

-- | Anything that can be represented as a single XML element
-- can of course be represented as a (singleton) list of XML
-- elements.
--instance (IsXML a) => IsXMLs a where
-- toXMLs a = do xml <- toXML a
--             return [xml]

-- | XML can naturally be represented as XML.
instance Monad m => IsXMLs m XML where
 toXMLs = return . return

-- | We must specify an extra rule for Strings even though the previous
-- rule would apply, because the rule for [a] would also apply and
-- would be more specific.
--instance Monad m => IsXMLs m String where
-- toXMLs s = return [pcdata s]

instance Monad m => EmbedAsChild (HSPT' m) String where
 asChild = asChild . pcdata

instance Monad m => EmbedAsChild (HSPT' m) Char where
 asChild = asChild . (:[])

-- | If something can be represented as a list of XML, then a list of 
-- that something can also be represented as a list of XML.
instance (IsXMLs m a, Monad m) => IsXMLs m [a] where
 toXMLs as = do xmlss <- mapM toXMLs as
                return $ concat xmlss

-- | An IO computation returning something that can be represented
-- as a list of XML can be lifted into an analogous HSP computation.
--instance (IsXMLs IO a) => IsXMLs IO (IO a) where
-- toXMLs ma = lift (lift ma) >>= toXMLs

instance (EmbedAsChild (HSPT' IO) a) => EmbedAsChild (HSPT' IO) (IO a) where
  asChild ma = lift (lift ma) >>= asChild
-- | Any child elements that arise through the use of literal syntax should be of the same
-- type as the parent element, unless explicitly given a different type. We use TypeCast
-- to accomplish this. This also captures the case when the embedded value is an HSP computation.
instance (IsXMLs m1 x, TypeCast (m x) (HSPT' m1 x)) => IsXMLs m1 (XMLGenT m x) where
 toXMLs (XMLGenT x) = (XMLGenT $ typeCast x) >>= toXMLs

-- | Of the base types, () stands out as a type that can only be
-- represented as a (empty) list of XML.
--instance Monad m => IsXMLs m () where
-- toXMLs _ = return []

instance Monad m => EmbedAsChild (HSPT' m) () where
  asChild () = return []

-- | Maybe types are handy for cases where you might or might not want
-- to generate XML, such as null values from databases
--instance (IsXMLs m a, Monad m) => IsXMLs m (Maybe a) where
-- toXMLs Nothing = return []
-- toXMLs (Just a) = toXMLs a

instance (Monad m, EmbedAsChild (HSPT' m) a) => EmbedAsChild (HSPT' m) (Maybe a) where
  asChild Nothing  = return []
  asChild (Just a) = asChild a

instance Monad m => IsXMLs m (HSX.Child (HSPT' m)) where
 toXMLs (HSPChild x) = toXMLs x

-- This instance should already be there, probably doesn't work due
-- to type families not being fully supported yet.
instance Monad m => EmbedAsChild (HSPT' m) XML where
 asChild = return . return . HSX.xmlToChild
-- IsAttrValue

-- | Instantiate this class to enable values of the given type
-- to appear as XML attribute values.
class Monad m => IsAttrValue m a where
 toAttrValue :: a -> HSPT m AttrValue

-- | An AttrValue is trivial.
instance Monad m => IsAttrValue m AttrValue where
 toAttrValue = return

-- | Strings can be directly represented as values.
instance Monad m => IsAttrValue m String where
 toAttrValue = return . pAttrVal

instance Monad m => IsAttrValue m Int where
 toAttrValue = toAttrValue . show

-- Yeah yeah, map toLower . show, but I'm too
-- lazy to go import Data.Char
instance Monad m => IsAttrValue m Bool where
 toAttrValue True = toAttrValue "true"
 toAttrValue False = toAttrValue "false"

-- | Anything that can be shown can always fall back on
-- that as a default behavior.
--instance (Monad m, Show a) => IsAttrValue m a where
-- toAttrValue = toAttrValue . show

-- | An IO computation returning something that can be represented
-- as an attribute value can be lifted into an analogous HSP computation.
instance IsAttrValue IO a => IsAttrValue IO (IO a) where
 toAttrValue ma = lift (lift ma) >>= toAttrValue

-- | An HSP computation returning something that can be represented
-- as a list of XML simply needs to turn the produced value into 
-- a list of XML.
instance IsAttrValue m a => IsAttrValue m (HSPT m a) where
 toAttrValue hspa = hspa >>= toAttrValue

{-- | The common way to present list data in attributes is as
-- a comma separated, unbracketed sequence
instance (Monad m, IsAttrValue m a) => IsAttrValue m [a] where
 toAttrValue as = do [/ (Value vs)* /] <- mapM toAttrValue as
                     return . Value $ concat $ intersperse "," vs
-- Manipulating attributes
-- | Just like with XML children, we want to conveniently allow values of various
-- types to appear as attributes. 
class Monad m => IsAttribute m a where
 toAttribute :: a -> HSPT m Attribute
-- | Attributes can represent attributes. 
--instance Monad m => IsAttribute m Attribute where
-- toAttribute = return

instance Monad m => EmbedAsAttr (HSPT' m) Attribute where
  asAttr = return . return . HSPAttr

-- | Values of the Attr type, constructed with :=, can represent attributes.
--instance (IsName n, IsAttrValue m a) 
--        => IsAttribute m (Attr n a) where
-- toAttribute (n := a) = do av <- toAttrValue a
--                           return $ MkAttr (toName n, av)

instance (IsName n, IsAttrValue m a) => EmbedAsAttr (HSPT' m) (Attr n a) where
  asAttr (n := a) = do
            av <- toAttrValue a
            asAttr $ MkAttr (toName n, av)

-- | Attributes can be the result of an HSP computation.
instance IsAttribute m a => IsAttribute m (HSPT m a) where
 toAttribute hspa = hspa >>= toAttribute

-- | ... or of an IO computation.
--instance IsAttribute IO a => IsAttribute IO (IO a) where
-- toAttribute ma = lift (lift ma) >>= toAttribute

instance (EmbedAsAttr (HSPT' IO) a) => EmbedAsAttr (HSPT' IO) (IO a) where
  asAttr ma = lift (lift ma) >>= asAttr

instance Monad m => IsAttribute m (HSX.Attribute (HSPT' m)) where
 toAttribute (HSPAttr a) = toAttribute a

-- | Anything that can represent an attribute can also be embedded as attributes
-- using the literal XML syntax.
instance (IsAttribute m a) => EmbedAsAttr (HSPT' m) a where
 asAttr = fmap HSPAttr . toAttribute

-- SetAttr and AppendChild

-- | Set attributes.
instance Monad m => SetAttr (HSPT' m) XML where
 setAll xml hats = do
        attrs <- hats
        case xml of
         CDATA _         -> return xml
         Element n as cs -> return $ Element n (foldr insert as (map stripAttr attrs)) cs

instance (Monad m1, TypeCast (m x) (HSPT' m1 XML))
                => SetAttr (HSPT' m1) (XMLGenT m x) where
 setAll (XMLGenT hxml) ats = (XMLGenT $ typeCast hxml) >>= \xml -> setAll xml ats

-- | Append children.
instance Monad m => AppendChild (HSPT' m) XML where
 appAll xml children = do
        chs <- children
        case xml of
         CDATA _         -> return xml
         Element n as cs -> return $ Element n as (cs ++ (map stripChild chs))

instance (Monad m1, TypeCast (m x) (HSPT' m1 XML))
                => AppendChild (HSPT' m1) (XMLGenT m x) where
 appAll (XMLGenT hxml) chs = (XMLGenT $ typeCast hxml) >>= (flip appAll) chs
-- GetAttrValue

-- | Instantiate this class to enable values of the given type
-- to be retrieved through attribute patterns.
class GetAttrValue a where
 fromAttrValue :: AttrValue -> a

-- | An AttrValue is trivial.
instance GetAttrValue AttrValue where
 fromAttrValue = id

-- | Strings can be directly taken from values.
instance GetAttrValue String where
 fromAttrValue (Value s) = s
-- | Anything that can be read can always fall back on
-- that as a default behavior.
instance (Read a) => GetAttrValue a where
 fromAttrValue = read . fromAttrValue

-- | An IO computation returning something that can be represented
-- as an attribute value can be lifted into an analogous HSP computation.
--instance (GetAttrValue a, Monad m) => GetAttrValue (m a) where
-- fromAttrValue = return . fromAttrValue

-- | The common way to present list data in attributes is as
-- a comma separated, unbracketed sequence
instance (GetAttrValue a) => GetAttrValue [a] where
 fromAttrValue v@(Value str) = case str of
        [ v1+, (| ',', vs@:(_+) |)+ ] -> 
                map (fromAttrValue . Value) (v1:vs)
        _ -> [fromAttrValue v]

-- All that for these two functions
extract :: (GetAttrValue a) => Name -> Attributes -> (Maybe a, Attributes)
extract _ [] = (Nothing, [])
extract name (p@(MkAttr (n, v)):as) 
        | name == n = (Just $ fromAttrValue v, as)
        | otherwise = let (val, attrs) = extract name as
                       in (val, p:attrs)

-- The base XML generation, corresponding to the use of the literal
-- XML syntax.

--  | Generate an XML element from its components.
element :: (IsName n, 
            EmbedAsChild (HSPT' m) xmls, 
            EmbedAsAttr (HSPT' m) at) 
         => n -> [at] -> xmls -> HSPT m XML
element n attrs xmls = do
        cxml <- asChild xmls
        attribs <- asAttr attrs
        return $ Element (toName n) 
                   (foldr insert eAttrs $ map stripAttr attribs)
                   (flattenCDATA $ map stripChild cxml)
  where flattenCDATA :: [XML] -> [XML]
        flattenCDATA cxml = 
                case flP cxml [] of
                 [] -> []
                 [CDATA ""] -> []
                 xs -> xs                       
        flP :: [XML] -> [XML] -> [XML]
        flP [] bs = reverse bs
        flP [x] bs = reverse (x:bs)
        flP (x:y:xs) bs = case (x,y) of
                           (CDATA s1, CDATA s2) -> flP (CDATA (s1++s2) : xs) bs
                           _ -> flP (y:xs) (x:bs)

stripAttr :: HSX.Attribute (HSPT' m) -> Attribute
stripAttr  (HSPAttr a) = a
stripChild :: HSX.Child (HSPT' m) -> XML
stripChild (HSPChild c) = c

eAttrs :: Attributes
eAttrs = []
insert :: Attribute -> Attributes -> Attributes
insert = (:)

-- | Generate an empty XML element.
eElement :: (IsName n, Monad m, EmbedAsAttr (HSPT' m) at) => n -> [at] -> HSPT m XML
eElement n attrs = element n attrs ([] :: [XML])