{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables
           , GADTs
           , KindSignatures
           , FlexibleInstances
           , MultiParamTypeClasses
           , TypeFamilies
           , UndecidableInstances

-- The UndecidableInstances flag is needed under 6.12.3 for the
-- HasStyle (a,b) instance.

-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams.Style
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2011 diagrams-core team (see LICENSE)
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  diagrams-discuss@googlegroups.com
-- A definition of /styles/ for diagrams as extensible, heterogeneous
-- collections of attributes.

module Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams.Style
       ( -- * Attributes
         -- $attr

       , Attribute(..)
       , mkAttr, mkTAttr, unwrapAttr
       , applyAttr, applyTAttr

         -- * Styles
         -- $style

       , Style(..)
       , attrToStyle, tAttrToStyle
       , getAttr, setAttr, addAttr, combineAttr

       , HasStyle(..)

       ) where

import Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams.V
import Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams.Transform
import Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams.Monoids

import Data.Typeable

import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S

--  Attributes  --------------------------------------------

-- $attr
-- An /attribute/ is anything that determines some aspect of a
-- diagram's rendering.  The standard diagrams library defines several
-- standard attributes (line color, line width, fill color, etc.) but
-- additional attributes may easily be created.  Additionally, a given
-- backend need not handle (or even know about) attributes used in
-- diagrams it renders.
-- The attribute code is inspired by xmonad's @Message@ type, which
-- was in turn based on ideas in:
-- Simon Marlow.
-- /An Extensible Dynamically-Typed Hierarchy of Exceptions/.
-- Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on
-- Haskell. <http://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/default.aspx?id=67968>.

-- | Every attribute must be an instance of @AttributeClass@, which
--   simply guarantees 'Typeable' and 'Semigroup' constraints.  The
--   'Semigroup' instance for an attribute determines how it will combine
--   with other attributes of the same type.
class (Typeable a, Semigroup a) => AttributeClass a where

-- | An existential wrapper type to hold attributes.  Some attributes
--   are affected by transformations and some are not.
data Attribute v :: * where
  Attribute  :: AttributeClass a => a -> Attribute v
  TAttribute :: (AttributeClass a, Transformable a, V a ~ v) => a -> Attribute v

type instance V (Attribute v) = v

-- | Wrap up an attribute.
mkAttr :: AttributeClass a => a -> Attribute v
mkAttr = Attribute

-- | Wrap up a transformable attribute.
mkTAttr :: (AttributeClass a, Transformable a, V a ~ v) => a -> Attribute v
mkTAttr = TAttribute

-- | Unwrap an unknown 'Attribute' type, performing a dynamic (but
--   safe) check on the type of the result.  If the required type
--   matches the type of the attribute, the attribute value is
--   returned wrapped in @Just@; if the types do not match, @Nothing@
--   is returned.
unwrapAttr :: AttributeClass a => Attribute v -> Maybe a
unwrapAttr (Attribute a)  = cast a
unwrapAttr (TAttribute a) = cast a

-- | Attributes form a semigroup, where the semigroup operation simply
--   returns the right-hand attribute when the types do not match, and
--   otherwise uses the semigroup operation specific to the (matching)
--   types.
instance Semigroup (Attribute v) where
  (Attribute a1) <> a2 =
    case unwrapAttr a2 of
      Nothing  -> a2
      Just a2' -> Attribute (a1 <> a2')
  (TAttribute a1) <> a2 =
    case unwrapAttr a2 of
      Nothing  -> a2
      Just a2' -> TAttribute (a1 <> a2')

instance HasLinearMap v => Transformable (Attribute v) where
  transform _ (Attribute  a) = Attribute a
  transform t (TAttribute a) = TAttribute (transform t a)

--  Styles  ------------------------------------------------

-- $style
-- A 'Style' is a heterogeneous collection of attributes, containing
-- at most one attribute of any given type.  This is also based on
-- ideas stolen from xmonad, specifically xmonad's implementation of
-- user-extensible state.

-- | A @Style@ is a heterogeneous collection of attributes, containing
--   at most one attribute of any given type.
newtype Style v = Style (M.Map String (Attribute v))
  -- The String keys are serialized TypeRep values, corresponding to
  -- the type of the stored attribute.

type instance V (Style v) = v

-- | Helper function for operating on styles.
inStyle :: (M.Map String (Attribute v) -> M.Map String (Attribute v))
        -> Style v -> Style v
inStyle f (Style s) = Style (f s)

-- | Extract an attribute from a style of a particular type.  If the
--   style contains an attribute of the requested type, it will be
--   returned wrapped in @Just@; otherwise, @Nothing@ is returned.
getAttr :: forall a v. AttributeClass a => Style v -> Maybe a
getAttr (Style s) = M.lookup ty s >>= unwrapAttr
  where ty = show . typeOf $ (undefined :: a)
  -- the unwrapAttr should never fail, since we maintain the invariant
  -- that attributes of type T are always stored with the key "T".

-- | Create a style from a single attribute.
attrToStyle :: forall a v. AttributeClass a => a -> Style v
attrToStyle a = Style (M.singleton (show . typeOf $ (undefined :: a)) (mkAttr a))

-- | Create a style from a single transformable attribute.
tAttrToStyle :: forall a v. (AttributeClass a, Transformable a, V a ~ v) => a -> Style v
tAttrToStyle a = Style (M.singleton (show . typeOf $ (undefined :: a)) (mkTAttr a))

-- | Add a new attribute to a style, or replace the old attribute of
--   the same type if one exists.
setAttr :: forall a v. AttributeClass a => a -> Style v -> Style v
setAttr a = inStyle $ M.insert (show . typeOf $ (undefined :: a)) (mkAttr a)

-- | Attempt to add a new attribute to a style, but if an attribute of
--   the same type already exists, do not replace it.
addAttr :: AttributeClass a => a -> Style v -> Style v
addAttr a s = attrToStyle a <> s

-- | Add a new attribute to a style that does not already contain an
--   attribute of this type, or combine it on the left with an existing
--   attribute.
combineAttr :: AttributeClass a => a -> Style v -> Style v
combineAttr a s =
  case getAttr s of
    Nothing -> setAttr a s
    Just a' -> setAttr (a <> a') s

instance Semigroup (Style v) where
  Style s1 <> Style s2 = Style $ M.unionWith (<>) s1 s2

-- | The empty style contains no attributes; composition of styles is
--   a union of attributes; if the two styles have attributes of the
--   same type they are combined according to their semigroup
--   structure.
instance Monoid (Style v) where
  mempty = Style M.empty
  mappend = (<>)

instance HasLinearMap v => Transformable (Style v) where
  transform t = inStyle $ M.map (transform t)

-- | Styles have no action on other monoids.
instance Action (Style v) m

-- | Type class for things which have a style.
class HasStyle a where
  -- | /Apply/ a style by combining it (on the left) with the
  --   existing style.
  applyStyle :: Style (V a) -> a -> a

instance HasStyle (Style v) where
  applyStyle = mappend

instance (HasStyle a, HasStyle b, V a ~ V b) => HasStyle (a,b) where
  applyStyle s = applyStyle s *** applyStyle s

instance HasStyle a => HasStyle [a] where
  applyStyle = fmap . applyStyle

instance HasStyle b => HasStyle (a -> b) where
  applyStyle = fmap . applyStyle

instance HasStyle a => HasStyle (M.Map k a) where
  applyStyle = fmap . applyStyle

instance (HasStyle a, Ord a) => HasStyle (S.Set a) where
  applyStyle = S.map . applyStyle

-- | Apply an attribute to an instance of 'HasStyle' (such as a
--   diagram or a style).  If the object already has an attribute of
--   the same type, the new attribute is combined on the left with the
--   existing attribute, according to their semigroup structure.
applyAttr :: (AttributeClass a, HasStyle d) => a -> d -> d
applyAttr = applyStyle . attrToStyle

-- | Apply a transformable attribute to an instance of 'HasStyle'
--   (such as a diagram or a style).  If the object already has an
--   attribute of the same type, the new attribute is combined on the
--   left with the existing attribute, according to their semigroup
--   structure.
applyTAttr :: (AttributeClass a, Transformable a, V a ~ V d, HasStyle d) => a -> d -> d
applyTAttr = applyStyle . tAttrToStyle