0.6.2 Herbert Valerio Riedel March 2018 * New cabal flag 'pkg-config' for discovering 'zlib` via pkg-config(1) (#16) * Use CApiFFI where available for cross-compile friendliness (#14) * Change the window bits range from 8..15 to 9..15 (#11) Herbert Valerio Riedel October 2016 * Fix a segfault when reading the stream multithreaded, #7 * New experimental cabal flag 'non-blocking-ffi' for 'safe' ffi calls Duncan Coutts April 2015 * Fixed building with GHC 7.0 and 7.2 Duncan Coutts April 2015 * Fixed building with GHC 7.0 and 7.2 Duncan Coutts April 2015 * Support for concatenated gzip files (multiple back-to-back streams) Duncan Coutts April 2015 * Fixed building with older GHC * Fixed warnings with new GHC * Fixed building on Windows * Fixed testsuite Duncan Coutts April 2015 * New incremental interface for compression and decompression * Provide access to unconsumed trailing data * Simplified structured error type, and instance of Exception * Updated bundled zlib C code to 1.2.8 (used on Windows) * Fixed memory leak of zlib z_stream C structure * More derivied instances (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic) Duncan Coutts November 2014 * Builds with GHC 7.10 Duncan Coutts February 2013 * Force tail of input when finished decompressing, to help lazy IO Duncan Coutts September 2012 * New support for zlib custom dictionaries