-- |
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2006-2008 Duncan Coutts
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  duncan@haskell.org
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (H98 + FFI)
-- Compression and decompression of data streams in the gzip format.
-- The format is described in detail in RFC #1952:
-- <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1952.txt>
-- See also the zlib home page: <http://zlib.net/>
module Codec.Compression.GZip (

  -- | This module provides pure functions for compressing and decompressing
  -- streams of data in the gzip format and represented by lazy 'ByteString's.
  -- This makes it easy to use either in memory or with disk or network IO.
  -- For example a simple gzip compression program is just:
  -- > import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as ByteString
  -- > import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip
  -- >
  -- > main = ByteString.interact GZip.compress
  -- Or you could lazily read in and decompress a @.gz@ file using:
  -- > content <- fmap GZip.decompress (readFile file)

  -- * Simple compression and decompression

  -- * Extended api with control over compression parameters

  CompressParams(..), defaultCompressParams,
  DecompressParams(..), defaultDecompressParams,

  -- ** The compression parameter types

  ) where

import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)

import qualified Codec.Compression.Zlib.Internal as Internal
import Codec.Compression.Zlib.Internal hiding (compress, decompress)

-- | Decompress a stream of data in the gzip format.
-- There are a number of errors that can occur. In each case an exception will
-- be thrown. The possible error conditions are:
-- * if the stream does not start with a valid gzip header
-- * if the compressed stream is corrupted
-- * if the compressed stream ends permaturely
-- Note that the decompression is performed /lazily/. Errors in the data stream
-- may not be detected until the end of the stream is demanded (since it is
-- only at the end that the final checksum can be checked). If this is
-- important to you, you must make sure to consume the whole decompressed
-- stream before doing any IO action that depends on it.
decompress :: ByteString -> ByteString
decompress = Internal.decompress GZip defaultDecompressParams

-- | Like 'decompress' but with the ability to specify various decompression
-- parameters. Typical usage:
-- > decompressWith defaultCompressParams { ... }
decompressWith :: DecompressParams -> ByteString -> ByteString
decompressWith = Internal.decompress GZip

-- | Compress a stream of data into the gzip format.
-- This uses the default compression parameters. In partiular it uses the
-- default compression level which favours a higher compression ratio over
-- compression speed, though it does not use the maximum compression level.
-- Use 'compressWith' to adjust the compression level or other compression
-- parameters.
compress :: ByteString -> ByteString
compress = Internal.compress GZip defaultCompressParams

-- | Like 'compress' but with the ability to specify various compression
-- parameters. Typical usage:
-- > compressWith defaultCompressParams { ... }
-- In particular you can set the compression level:
-- > compressWith defaultCompressParams { compressLevel = BestCompression }
compressWith :: CompressParams -> ByteString -> ByteString
compressWith = Internal.compress GZip