{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

#ifndef MIN_VERSION_base
#define MIN_VERSION_base(x,y,z) 1

-- |
-- Module      :  Control.Zipper.Internal
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2012-2013 Edward Kmett
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- This module provides internal types and functions used in the implementation
-- of @Control.Zipper@. You shouldn't need to import it directly, and the
-- exported types can be used to break 'Zipper' invariants.
module Control.Zipper.Internal where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Lens.Getter
import Control.Lens.Indexed
import Control.Lens.Internal.Context
import Control.Lens.Internal.Indexed
import Control.Lens.Lens
import Control.Lens.Setter
import Control.Lens.Traversal
import Control.Lens.Type
import Data.Functor.Apply
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), Last(..))
import Data.Profunctor.Unsafe

#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0))
import Data.Foldable

#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XNoOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Control.Lens
-- >>> import Data.Char

{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use foldl" #-}

-- * Jacket

-- | A 'Jacket' is used to store the contents of a 'Traversal' in a way
-- that we do not have to re-asocciate the elements. This enables us to
-- more gracefully deal with infinite traversals.
data Jacket i a
  = Ap Int         -- size
       Bool        -- left-to-right null check
       Bool        -- right-to-left null check
       (Last i)
       (Jacket i a) -- left
       (Jacket i a) -- right
  | Leaf i a
  | Pure
  deriving Show

-- | Return the number of children in a jacket
size :: Jacket i a -> Int
size (Ap s _ _ _ _ _) = s
size Leaf{}           = 1
size Pure             = 0
{-# INLINE size #-}

-- | This is an internal function used to check from left-to-right if a 'Jacket' has any 'Leaf' nots or not.
nullLeft :: Jacket i a -> Bool
nullLeft (Ap _ nl _ _ _ _) = nl
nullLeft (Leaf _ _)        = False
nullLeft Pure              = True
{-# INLINE nullLeft #-}

-- | This is an internal function used to check from right-to-left if a 'Jacket' has any 'Leaf' nots or not.
nullRight :: Jacket i a -> Bool
nullRight (Ap _ _ nr _ _ _) = nr
nullRight (Leaf _ _)        = False
nullRight Pure              = True
{-# INLINE nullRight #-}

-- | This is used to extract the maximal key from a 'Jacket'. This is used by 'moveTo' and 'moveToward' to
-- seek specific keys, borrowing the asympotic guarantees of the original structure in many cases!
maximal :: Jacket i a -> Last i
maximal (Ap _ _ _ li _ _) = li
maximal (Leaf i _)        = Last (Just i)
maximal Pure              = Last Nothing
{-# INLINE maximal #-}

instance Functor (Jacket i) where
  fmap f (Ap m nl nr li l r) = Ap m nl nr li (fmap f l) (fmap f r)
  fmap f (Leaf i a)          = Leaf i (f a)
  fmap _ Pure                = Pure
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}

instance Foldable (Jacket i) where
  foldMap f (Ap _ _ _ _ l r) = foldMap f l `mappend` foldMap f r
  foldMap f (Leaf _ a)       = f a
  foldMap _ Pure             = mempty
  {-# INLINE foldMap #-}

instance Traversable (Jacket i) where
  traverse f (Ap m nl nr li l r) = Ap m nl nr li <$> traverse f l <*> traverse f r
  traverse f (Leaf i a)          = Leaf i <$> f a
  traverse _ Pure                = pure Pure
  {-# INLINE traverse #-}

instance FunctorWithIndex i (Jacket i) where
  imap f = go where
    go (Ap m nl nr li l r) = Ap m nl nr li (go l) (go r)
    go (Leaf i a)          = Leaf i (f i a)
    go Pure                = Pure
  {-# INLINE imap #-}

instance FoldableWithIndex i (Jacket i) where
  ifoldMap f = go where
    go (Ap _ _ _ _ l r) = go l `mappend` go r
    go (Leaf i a)       = f i a
    go Pure             = mempty
  {-# INLINE ifoldMap #-}

instance TraversableWithIndex i (Jacket i) where
  itraverse f = go where
    go (Ap m nl nr li l r) = Ap m nl nr li <$> go l <*> go r
    go (Leaf i a)          = Leaf i <$> f i a
    go Pure                = pure Pure
  {-# INLINE itraverse #-}

instance Semigroup (Jacket i a) where
  l <> r = Ap (size l + size r) (nullLeft l && nullLeft r) (nullRight r && nullRight l) (maximal l <> maximal r) l r
  {-# INLINE (<>) #-}

-- | This is an illegal 'Monoid'.
instance Monoid (Jacket i a) where
  mempty = Pure
  {-# INLINE mempty #-}

#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
  mappend = (<>)
  {-# INLINE mappend #-}

-- | Construct a 'Jacket' from a 'Bazaar'
jacketIns :: Bazaar (Indexed i) a b t -> Jacket i a
jacketIns (Bazaar bz) = getConst $ bz $ Indexed (\i -> Const #. Leaf i)
{-# INLINE jacketIns #-}

-- * Flow

-- | Once we've updated a 'Zipper' we need to put the values back into the original
-- shape. 'Flow' is an illegal 'Applicative' that is used to put the values back.
newtype Flow i b a = Flow { runFlow :: Jacket i b -> a }

instance Functor (Flow i b) where
  fmap f (Flow g) = Flow (f . g)
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}

instance Apply (Flow i b) where
  (<.>) = (<*>)
  {- INLINE (<.>) #-}

-- | This is an illegal 'Applicative'.
instance Applicative (Flow i b) where
  pure a = Flow (const a)
  {-# INLINE pure #-}
  Flow mf <*> Flow ma = Flow $ \ s -> case s of
    Ap _ _ _ _ l r -> mf l (ma r)
    _              -> mf s (ma s)
  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}

-- | Given a 'Bazaar' and a 'Jacket' build from that 'Bazaar' with 'jacketIns',
-- refill the 'Bazaar' with its new contents.
jacketOuts :: Bazaar (Indexed i) a b t -> Jacket j b -> t
jacketOuts bz = runFlow $ runBazaar bz $ Indexed $ \ _ _ -> Flow $ \ t -> case t of
  Leaf _ a -> a
  _        -> error "jacketOuts: wrong shape"
{-# INLINE jacketOuts #-}

-- | This is only a valid 'Lens' if you don't change the shape of the 'Jacket'!
jacket :: AnIndexedTraversal i s t a b -> Lens s t (Jacket i a) (Jacket j b)
jacket l f s = jacketOuts bz <$> f (jacketIns bz) where
  bz = l sell s
{-# INLINE jacket #-}

-- * Paths

-- | A 'Path' into a 'Jacket' that ends at a 'Leaf'.
data Path i a
  = ApL Int Bool Bool (Last i) !(Path i a) !(Jacket i a)
  | ApR Int Bool Bool (Last i) !(Jacket i a) !(Path i a)
  | Start
  deriving Show

instance Functor (Path i) where
  fmap f (ApL m nl nr li p q) = ApL m nl nr li (fmap f p) (fmap f q)
  fmap f (ApR m nl nr li p q) = ApR m nl nr li (fmap f p) (fmap f q)
  fmap _ Start = Start
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}

-- | Calculate the absolute position of the 'Leaf' targeted by a 'Path'.
-- This can be quite expensive for right-biased traversals such as you
-- receive from a list.
offset :: Path i a -> Int
offset Start           = 0
offset (ApL _ _ _ _ q _) = offset q
offset (ApR _ _ _ _ l q) = size l + offset q
{-# INLINE offset #-}

-- | Return the total number of children in the 'Jacket' by walking the
-- 'Path' to the root.
pathsize :: Path i a -> Int
pathsize = go 1 where
  go n Start = n
  go _ (ApL n _ _ _ p _) = go n p
  go _ (ApR n _ _ _ _ p) = go n p
{-# INLINE pathsize #-}

-- * Recursion
-- For several operations, we unroll the first step of the recursion (or part
-- of it) so GHC can inline better. There are two specific cases that we care
-- about: The "lens case", where the entire tree is just (Leaf (Identity x)), and the
-- "list case", where the traversal tree is right-biased, as in (Ap (Leaf (Identity x))
-- (Ap (Leaf (Identity y)) ...)). It should be safe to delete any of these cases.

-- | Reconstruct a 'Jacket' from a 'Path'.
recompress :: Path i a -> i -> a -> Jacket i a
recompress Start i a = Leaf i a -- Unrolled: The lens case.
recompress (ApL m _ _ li Start r) i a = Ap m False False li (Leaf i a) r -- Unrolled: The list case. In particular, a right-biased tree that we haven't moved rightward in.
recompress p i a = go p (Leaf i a) where
  go Start              q = q
  go (ApL m _ _ li q r) l = go q (Ap m False False li l r)
  go (ApR m _ _ li l q) r = go q (Ap m False False li l r)
{-# INLINE recompress #-}

-- | Walk down the tree to the leftmost child.
startl :: Path i a -> Jacket i a -> r -> (Path i a -> i -> a -> r) -> r
startl p0 (Leaf i a) _ kp = kp p0 i a -- Unrolled: The lens case.
startl p0 (Ap m nl nr li (Leaf i a) r) _ kp = kp (ApL m nl nr li p0 r) i a -- Unrolled: The list case. (Is this one a good idea?)
startl p0 c0 kn kp = go p0 c0 where
  go p (Ap m nl nr li l r)
    | nullLeft l  = go (ApR m nl nr li Pure p) r
    | otherwise   = go (ApL m nl nr li p r) l
  go p (Leaf i a) = kp p i a
  go _ Pure       = kn
{-# INLINE startl #-}

-- | Walk down the tree to the rightmost child.
startr :: Path i a -> Jacket i a -> r -> (Path i a -> i -> a -> r) -> r
startr p0 (Leaf i a) _ kp = kp p0 i a -- Unrolled: The lens case.
startr p0 c0 kn kp = go p0 c0 where
  go p (Ap m nl nr li l r)
     | nullRight r = go (ApL m nl nr li p Pure) l
     | otherwise   = go (ApR m nl nr li l p) r
  go p (Leaf i a)  = kp p i a
  go _ Pure        = kn
{-# INLINE startr #-}

-- | Move left one 'Leaf'.
movel :: Path i a -> Jacket i a -> r -> (Path i a -> i -> a -> r) -> r
movel p0 c0 kn kp = go p0 c0 where
  go Start _ = kn
  go (ApR m _ _ li l q) r
    | nullRight l = go q (Ap m False False li Pure r)
    | otherwise   = startr (ApL m False False li q r) l kn kp
  go (ApL m _ _ li p r) l = go p (Ap m False False li l r)
{-# INLINE movel #-}

-- | Move right one 'Leaf'.
mover :: Path i a -> Jacket i a -> r -> (Path i a -> i -> a -> r) -> r
mover p0 c0 kn kp = go p0 c0 where
  go Start _ = kn
  go (ApL m _ _ li q r) l
    | nullLeft r  = go q (Ap m False False li l Pure)
    | otherwise   = startl (ApR m False False li l q) r kn kp
  go (ApR m _ _ li l p) r = go p (Ap m False False li l r)
{-# INLINE mover #-}

-- * Zippers

-- | This is used to represent the 'Top' of the 'Zipper'.
-- Every 'Zipper' starts with 'Top'.
-- /e.g./ @'Top' ':>>' a@ is the type of the trivial 'Zipper'.
data Top

-- | This is the type of a 'Zipper'. It visually resembles a \"breadcrumb trail\" as
-- used in website navigation. Each breadcrumb in the trail represents a level you
-- can move up to.
-- This type operator associates to the left, so you can use a type like
-- @'Top' ':>>' ('String','Double') ':>>' 'String' ':>>' 'Char'@
-- to represent a 'Zipper' from @('String','Double')@ down to 'Char' that has an intermediate
-- crumb for the 'String' containing the 'Char'.
-- You can construct a 'Zipper' into *any* data structure with 'zipper'.
-- You can repackage up the contents of a 'Zipper' with 'rezip'.
-- >>> rezip $ zipper 42
-- 42
-- The combinators in this module provide lot of things you can do to the
-- 'Zipper' while you have it open.
-- Note that a value of type @h ':>' s ':>' a@ doesn't actually contain a value
-- of type @h ':>' s@ -- as we descend into a level, the previous level is
-- unpacked and stored in 'Coil' form. Only one value of type @_ ':>' _@ exists
-- at any particular time for any particular 'Zipper'.

data Zipper h i a = Ord i => Zipper !(Coil h i a) Int !Int !(Path i a) i a

-- Top :>> Map String Int :> Int :@ String :>> Bool

infixr 9 :@
-- | An empty data type, used to represent the pairing of a position in
-- a 'Zipper' with an index. See ':>'.
data (:@) a i

infixl 8 :>
-- | This type family represents a 'Zipper' with the @p@ variable
-- abstracting over the position and the index, in terms of ':@'. You
-- can visually see it in type signatures as:
-- @
-- h ':>' (a ':@' i) = 'Zipper' h i a
-- @
type family (:>) h p
type instance h :> (a :@ i) = Zipper h i a

infixl 8 :>>
-- | Many zippers are indexed by Int keys. This type alias is convenient for reducing syntactic noise for talking about these boring indices.
type h :>> a = Zipper h Int a

-- | This represents the type a 'Zipper' will have when it is fully 'Zipped' back up.
type family Zipped h a
type instance Zipped Top a            = a
type instance Zipped (Zipper h i a) s = Zipped h a

-- | A 'Coil' is a linked list of the levels above the current one. The length
-- of a 'Coil' is known at compile time.
-- This is part of the internal structure of a 'Zipper'. You shouldn't need to manipulate this directly.
#ifndef HLINT
data Coil t i a where
  Coil :: Coil Top Int a
  Snoc :: Ord i => !(Coil h j s) -> AnIndexedTraversal' i s a -> Int -> !Int -> !(Path j s) -> j -> (Jacket i a -> s) -> Coil (Zipper h j s) i a

-- | This 'Lens' views the current target of the 'Zipper'.
focus :: IndexedLens' i (Zipper h i a) a
focus f (Zipper h t o p i a) = Zipper h t o p i <$> indexed f i a
{-# INLINE focus #-}

-- | Construct a 'Zipper' that can explore anything, and start it at the 'Top'.
zipper :: a -> Top :>> a
zipper = Zipper Coil 0 0 Start 0
{-# INLINE zipper #-}

-- | Return the index of the focus.
focalPoint :: Zipper h i a -> i
focalPoint (Zipper _ _ _ _ i _) = i
{-# INLINE focalPoint #-}

-- | Return the index into the current 'Traversal' within the current level of the 'Zipper'.
-- @'jerkTo' ('tooth' l) l = 'Just'@
-- Mnemonically, zippers have a number of 'teeth' within each level. This is which 'tooth' you are currently at.
-- This is based on ordinal position regardless of the underlying index type. It may be excessively expensive for a list.
-- 'focalPoint' may be much cheaper if you have a 'Traversal' indexed by ordinal position!
tooth :: Zipper h i a -> Int
tooth (Zipper _ t o _ _ _) = t + o
{-# INLINE tooth #-}

-- | Move the 'Zipper' 'upward', closing the current level and focusing on the parent element.
-- NB: Attempts to move upward from the 'Top' of the 'Zipper' will fail to typecheck.
upward :: Ord j => h :> s:@j :> a:@i -> h :> s:@j
upward (Zipper (Snoc h _ t o p j k) _ _ q i x) = Zipper h t o p j $ k $ recompress q i x
{-# INLINE upward #-}

-- | Jerk the 'Zipper' one 'tooth' to the 'rightward' within the current 'Lens' or 'Traversal'.
-- Attempts to move past the start of the current 'Traversal' (or trivially, the current 'Lens')
-- will return 'mzero'.
-- >>> isNothing $ zipper "hello" & rightward
-- True
-- >>> zipper "hello" & fromWithin traverse & rightward <&> view focus
-- 'e'
-- >>> zipper "hello" & fromWithin traverse & rightward <&> focus .~ 'u' <&> rezip
-- "hullo"
-- >>> rezip $ zipper (1,2) & fromWithin both & tug rightward & focus .~ 3
-- (1,3)
rightward :: MonadPlus m => h :> a:@i -> m (h :> a:@i)
rightward (Zipper h t o p i a) = mover p (Leaf i a) mzero $ \q j b -> return $ Zipper h t (o + 1) q j b
{-# INLINE rightward #-}

-- | Jerk the 'Zipper' 'leftward' one 'tooth' within the current 'Lens' or 'Traversal'.
-- Attempts to move past the end of the current 'Traversal' (or trivially, the current 'Lens')
-- will return 'mzero'.
-- >>> isNothing $ zipper "hello" & leftward
-- True

-- >>> isNothing $ zipper "hello" & within traverse >>= leftward
-- True
-- >>> zipper "hello" & within traverse <&> tug leftward
-- Just 'h'
-- >>> zipper "hello" & fromWithin traverse & tug rightward & tug leftward & view focus
-- 'h'
leftward :: MonadPlus m => h :> a:@i -> m (h :> a:@i)
leftward (Zipper h t o p i a) = movel p (Leaf i a) mzero $ \q j b -> return $ Zipper h t (o - 1) q j b
{-# INLINE leftward #-}

-- | Move to the leftmost position of the current 'Traversal'.
-- This is just a convenient alias for @'farthest' 'leftward'@.
-- >>> zipper "hello" & fromWithin traverse & leftmost & focus .~ 'a' & rezip
-- "aello"
leftmost :: a :> b:@i -> a :> b:@i
leftmost (Zipper h _ _ p i a) = startl Start (recompress p i a) (error "leftmost: bad Jacket structure") (Zipper h 0 0)
{-# INLINE leftmost #-}

-- | Move to the rightmost position of the current 'Traversal'.
-- This is just a convenient alias for @'farthest' 'rightward'@.
-- >>> zipper "hello" & fromWithin traverse & rightmost & focus .~ 'y' & leftmost & focus .~ 'j' & rezip
-- "jelly"
rightmost :: a :> b:@i -> a :> b:@i
rightmost (Zipper h _ _ p i a) = startr Start (recompress p i a) (error "rightmost: bad Jacket structure") (\q -> Zipper h (offset q) 0 q)
{-# INLINE rightmost #-}

-- | This allows you to safely 'tug' 'leftward' or 'tug' 'rightward' on a
-- 'Zipper'. This will attempt the move, and stay where it was if it fails.
-- The more general signature allows its use in other circumstances, however.
-- @'tug' f x ≡ 'fromMaybe' a (f a)@
-- >>> fmap rezip $ zipper "hello" & within traverse <&> tug leftward <&> focus .~ 'j'
-- "jello"
-- >>> fmap rezip $ zipper "hello" & within traverse <&> tug rightward <&> focus .~ 'u'
-- "hullo"
tug :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> a
tug f a = fromMaybe a (f a)
{-# INLINE tug #-}

-- | This allows you to safely @'tug' 'leftward'@ or @'tug' 'rightward'@
-- multiple times on a 'Zipper', moving multiple steps in a given direction
-- and stopping at the last place you couldn't move from. This lets you safely
-- move a 'Zipper', because it will stop at either end.
-- >>> fmap rezip $ zipper "stale" & within traverse <&> tugs rightward 2 <&> focus .~ 'y'
-- "style"
-- >>> rezip $ zipper "want" & fromWithin traverse & tugs rightward 2 & focus .~ 'r' & tugs leftward 100 & focus .~ 'c'
-- "cart"
tugs :: (a -> Maybe a) -> Int -> a -> a
tugs f n0
  | n0 < 0    = error "tugs: negative tug count"
  | otherwise = go n0
    go 0 a = a
    go n a = maybe a (go (n - 1)) (f a)
{-# INLINE tugs #-}

-- | Move in a direction as far as you can go, then stop there.
-- This repeatedly applies a function until it returns 'Nothing', and then returns the last answer.
-- >>> fmap rezip $ zipper ("hello","world") & downward _1 & within traverse <&> rightmost <&> focus .~ 'a'
-- ("hella","world")
-- >>> rezip $ zipper ("hello","there") & fromWithin (both.traverse) & rightmost & focus .~ 'm'
-- ("hello","therm")
farthest :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> a
farthest f = go where
  go a = maybe a go (f a)
{-# INLINE farthest #-}

-- | This allows for you to repeatedly pull a 'Zipper' in a given direction, failing if it falls off the end.
-- >>> isNothing $ zipper "hello" & within traverse >>= jerks rightward 10
-- True
-- >>> fmap rezip $ zipper "silly" & within traverse >>= jerks rightward 3 <&> focus .~ 'k'
-- "silky"
jerks :: Monad m => (a -> m a) -> Int -> a -> m a
jerks f n0
  | n0 < 0    = fail "jerks: negative jerk count"
  | otherwise = go n0
    go 0 a = return a
    go n a = f a >>= go (n - 1)
{-# INLINE jerks #-}

-- | Returns the number of siblings at the current level in the 'Zipper'.
-- @'teeth' z '>=' 1@
-- /NB:/ If the current 'Traversal' targets an infinite number of elements then this may not terminate.
-- This is also a particularly expensive operation to perform on an unbalanced tree.
-- >>> zipper ("hello","world") & teeth
-- 1
-- >>> zipper ("hello","world") & fromWithin both & teeth
-- 2
-- >>> zipper ("hello","world") & downward _1 & teeth
-- 1
-- >>> zipper ("hello","world") & downward _1 & fromWithin traverse & teeth
-- 5
-- >>> zipper ("hello","world") & fromWithin (_1.traverse) & teeth
-- 5
-- >>> zipper ("hello","world") & fromWithin (both.traverse) & teeth
-- 10
teeth :: h :> a:@i -> Int
teeth (Zipper _ _ _ p _ _) = pathsize p
{-# INLINE teeth #-}

-- | Move the 'Zipper' horizontally to the element in the @n@th position in the
-- current level, absolutely indexed, starting with the 'farthest' 'leftward' as @0@.
-- This returns 'mzero' if the target element doesn't exist.
-- @'jerkTo' n ≡ 'jerks' 'rightward' n '.' 'farthest' 'leftward'@
-- >>> isNothing $ zipper "not working." & jerkTo 20
-- True

-- >>> isNothing $ zipper "not working." & fromWithin traverse & jerkTo 20
-- True
-- >>> fmap rezip $ zipper "not working" & within traverse >>= jerkTo 2 <&> focus .~ 'w'
-- Just "now working"
jerkTo :: MonadPlus m => Int -> (h :> a:@i) -> m (h :> a:@i)
jerkTo n z = case compare k n of
  LT -> jerks rightward (n - k) z
  EQ -> return z
  GT -> jerks leftward (k - n) z
  where k = tooth z
{-# INLINE jerkTo #-}

-- | Move the 'Zipper' horizontally to the element in the @n@th position of the
-- current level, absolutely indexed, starting with the 'farthest' 'leftward' as @0@.
-- If the element at that position doesn't exist, then this will clamp to the range @0 '<=' n '<' 'teeth'@.
-- @'tugTo' n ≡ 'tugs' 'rightward' n '.' 'farthest' 'leftward'@
-- >>> rezip $ zipper "not working." & fromWithin traverse & tugTo 100 & focus .~ '!' & tugTo 1 & focus .~ 'u'
-- "nut working!"
tugTo :: Int -> h :> a:@i -> h :> a:@i
tugTo n z = case compare k n of
  LT -> tugs rightward (n - k) z
  EQ -> z
  GT -> tugs leftward (k - n) z
  where k = tooth z
{-# INLINE tugTo #-}

-- | Move towards a particular index in the current 'Traversal'.
moveToward :: i -> h :> a:@i -> h :> a:@i
moveToward i z@(Zipper h _ _ p0 j s0)
  | i == j   = z
  | otherwise = go Start (recompress p0 j s0)
    go _ Pure = z
    go p (Ap m nl nr li l r)
      | Last (Just k) <- maximal l, k >= i = go (ApL m nl nr li p r) l
      | otherwise      = go (ApR m nl nr li l p) r
    go p (Leaf k a) = Zipper h (offset p) 0 p k a
{-# INLINE moveToward #-}

-- | Move horizontally to a particular index @i@ in the current
-- 'Traversal'. In the case of simple zippers, the index is 'Int' and
-- we can move between traversals fairly easily:
-- >>> zipper (42, 32) & fromWithin both & moveTo 0 <&> view focus
-- 42
-- >>> zipper (42, 32) & fromWithin both & moveTo 1 <&> view focus
-- 32
moveTo :: MonadPlus m => i -> h :> a:@i -> m (h :> a:@i)
moveTo i z = case moveToward i z of
  z'@(Zipper _ _ _ _ j _)
    | i == j    -> return z'
    | otherwise -> mzero
{-# INLINE moveTo #-}

-- | Construct an 'IndexedLens' from 'ALens' where the index is fixed to @0@.
lensed :: ALens' s a -> IndexedLens' Int s a
lensed l f = cloneLens l (indexed f (0 :: Int))
{-# INLINE lensed #-}

-- | Step down into a 'Lens'. This is a constrained form of 'fromWithin' for when you know
-- there is precisely one target that can never fail.
-- @
-- 'downward' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (h ':>' s) -> h ':>' s ':>' a
-- 'downward' :: 'Iso'' s a  -> (h ':>' s) -> h ':>' s ':>' a
-- @
downward :: forall j h s a. ALens' s a -> h :> s:@j -> h :> s:@j :>> a
downward l (Zipper h t o p j s) = Zipper (Snoc h l' t o p j go) 0 0 Start 0 (s^.l')
  where l' :: IndexedLens' Int s a
        l' = lensed l
        go (Leaf _ b) = set l' b s
        go _ = error "downward: rezipping"
{-# INLINE downward #-}

-- | Step down into a 'IndexedLens'. This is a constrained form of 'ifromWithin' for when you know
-- there is precisely one target that can never fail.
-- @
-- 'idownward' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> h ':>' s:\@j ':>' a:\@i
-- @
idownward :: forall i j h s a. Ord i => AnIndexedLens' i s a -> h :> s:@j -> h :> s:@j :> a:@i
idownward l (Zipper h t o p j s) = Zipper (Snoc h l' t o p j go) 0 0 Start i a
  where l' :: IndexedLens' i s a
        l' = cloneIndexedLens l
        (i, a) = iview l' s
        go (Leaf _ b) = set l' b s
        go _ = error "idownward: rezipping"
{-# INLINE idownward #-}

-- | Step down into the 'leftmost' entry of a 'Traversal'.
-- @
-- 'within' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> 'Maybe' (h ':>' s:\@j ':>>' a)
-- 'within' :: 'Prism'' s a     -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> 'Maybe' (h ':>' s:\@j ':>>' a)
-- 'within' :: 'Lens'' s a      -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> 'Maybe' (h ':>' s:\@j ':>>' a)
-- 'within' :: 'Iso'' s a       -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> 'Maybe' (h ':>' s:\@j ':>>' a)
-- @
-- @
-- 'within' :: 'MonadPlus' m => 'ATraversal'' s a -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> m (h ':>' s:\@j ':>>' a)
-- @
within :: MonadPlus m => LensLike' (Indexing (Bazaar' (Indexed Int) a)) s a -> (h :> s:@j) -> m (h :> s:@j :>> a)
within = iwithin . indexing
{-# INLINE within #-}

-- | Step down into the 'leftmost' entry of an 'IndexedTraversal'.
-- /Note:/ The index is assumed to be ordered and must increase monotonically or else you cannot (safely) 'moveTo' or 'moveToward' or use tapes.
-- @
-- 'iwithin' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> 'Maybe' (h ':>' s:\@j ':>' a:\@i)
-- 'iwithin' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a      -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> 'Maybe' (h ':>' s:\@j ':>' a:\@i)
-- @
-- @
-- 'iwithin' :: 'MonadPlus' m => 'ATraversal'' s a -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> m (h ':>' s:\@j ':>>' a)
-- @
iwithin :: (MonadPlus m, Ord i) => AnIndexedTraversal' i s a -> (h :> s:@j) -> m (h :> s:@j :> a:@i)
iwithin l (Zipper h t o p j s) = case jacket l (Context id) s of
  Context k xs -> startl Start xs mzero $ \q i a -> return $ Zipper (Snoc h l t o p j k) 0 0 q i a
{-# INLINE iwithin #-}

-- | Step down into every entry of a 'Traversal' simultaneously.
-- >>> zipper ("hello","world") & withins both >>= leftward >>= withins traverse >>= rightward <&> focus %~ toUpper <&> rezip :: [(String,String)]
-- [("hEllo","world"),("heLlo","world"),("helLo","world"),("hellO","world")]
-- @
-- 'withins' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> [h ':>' s:\@j ':>>' a]
-- 'withins' :: 'Lens'' s a      -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> [h ':>' s:\@j ':>>' a]
-- 'withins' :: 'Iso'' s a       -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> [h ':>' s:\@j ':>>' a]
-- @
withins :: MonadPlus m => LensLike' (Indexing (Bazaar' (Indexed Int) a)) s a -> (h :> s:@j) -> m (h :> s:@j :>> a)
withins = iwithins . indexing
{-# INLINE withins #-}

-- | Step down into every entry of an 'IndexedTraversal' simultaneously.
-- /Note:/ The index is assumed to be ordered and must increase monotonically or else you cannot (safely) 'moveTo' or 'moveToward' or use tapes.
-- @
-- 'iwithins' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> [h ':>' s:\@j ':>' a:\@i]
-- 'iwithins' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a      -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> [h ':>' s:\@j ':>' a:\@i]
-- @
iwithins :: (MonadPlus m, Ord i) => AnIndexedTraversal' i s a -> (h :> s:@j) -> m (h :> s:@j :> a:@i)
iwithins z (Zipper h t o p j s) = case jacket z (Context id) s of
  Context k xs -> let up = Snoc h z t o p j k
                      go q (Ap m nl nr li l r) = go (ApL m nl nr li q r) l `mplus` go (ApR m nl nr li l q) r
                      go q (Leaf i a)       = return $ Zipper up (offset q) 0 q i a
                      go _ Pure             = mzero
                  in  go Start xs
{-# INLINE iwithins #-}

-- | Unsafely step down into a 'Traversal' that is /assumed/ to be non-empty.
-- If this invariant is not met then this will usually result in an error!
-- @
-- 'fromWithin' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> h ':>' s:\@j ':>>' a
-- 'fromWithin' :: 'Lens'' s a      -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> h ':>' s:\@j ':>>' a
-- 'fromWithin' :: 'Iso'' s a       -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> h ':>' s:\@j ':>>' a
-- @
-- You can reason about this function as if the definition was:
-- @
-- 'fromWithin' l ≡ 'fromJust' '.' 'within' l
-- @
fromWithin :: LensLike' (Indexing (Bazaar' (Indexed Int) a)) s a -> (h :> s:@j) -> h :> s:@j :>> a
fromWithin = ifromWithin . indexing
{-# INLINE fromWithin #-}

-- | Unsafey step down into an 'IndexedTraversal' that is /assumed/ to be non-empty
-- If this invariant is not met then this will usually result in an error!
-- @
-- 'ifromWithin' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> h ':>' s:\@j ':>' a:\@i
-- 'ifromWithin' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a      -> (h ':>' s:\@j) -> h ':>' s:\@j ':>' a:\@i
-- @
-- You can reason about this function as if the definition was:
-- @
-- 'fromWithin' l ≡ 'fromJust' '.' 'within' l
-- @
ifromWithin :: Ord i => AnIndexedTraversal' i s a -> (h :> s:@j) -> h :> s:@j :> a:@i
ifromWithin l (Zipper h t o p j s) = case jacket l (Context id) s of
  Context k xs -> let up = Snoc h l t o p j k in
    startl Start xs (Zipper up 0 0 Start (error "fromWithin an empty Traversal")
                                         (error "fromWithin an empty Traversal"))
                    (Zipper up 0 0)
{-# INLINE ifromWithin #-}

-- | This enables us to pull the 'Zipper' back up to the 'Top'.
class Zipping h a where
  recoil :: Coil h i a -> Jacket i a -> Zipped h a

instance Zipping Top a where
  recoil Coil (Leaf _ a) = a
  recoil Coil _ = error "recoil: expected Leaf"
  {-# INLINE recoil #-}

instance Zipping h s => Zipping (Zipper h i s) a where
  recoil (Snoc h _ _ _ p i k) as = recoil h $ recompress p i (k as)
  {-# INLINE recoil #-}

-- | Close something back up that you opened as a 'Zipper'.
rezip :: Zipping h a => (h :> a:@i) -> Zipped h a
rezip (Zipper h _ _ p i a) = recoil h (recompress p i a)
{-# INLINE rezip #-}

-- | Extract the current 'focus' from a 'Zipper' as a 'Pretext', with access to the current index.
focusedContext :: (Indexable i p, Zipping h a) => (h :> a:@i) -> Pretext p a a (Zipped h a)
focusedContext (Zipper h t o p i a) = Pretext (\f -> rezip . Zipper h t o p i <$> indexed f i a)
{-# INLINE focusedContext #-}

-- * Tapes

-- | A 'Tape' is a recorded path through the (indexed) 'Traversal' chain of a 'Zipper'.
data Tape h i a where
  Tape :: Track h i a -> i -> Tape h i a

-- | Save the current path as as a 'Tape' we can play back later.
saveTape :: Zipper h i a -> Tape h i a
saveTape (Zipper h _ _ _ i _) = Tape (peel h) i
{-# INLINE saveTape #-}

-- | Restore ourselves to a previously recorded position precisely.
-- If the position does not exist, then fail.
restoreTape :: MonadPlus m => Tape h i a -> Zipped h a -> m (Zipper h i a)
restoreTape (Tape h n) = restoreTrack h >=> moveTo n
{-# INLINE restoreTape #-}

-- | Restore ourselves to a location near our previously recorded position.
-- When moving left to right through a 'Traversal', if this will clamp at each
-- level to the range @0 '<=' k '<' 'teeth'@, so the only failures will occur
-- when one of the sequence of downward traversals find no targets.
restoreNearTape :: MonadPlus m => Tape h i a -> Zipped h a -> m (Zipper h i a)
restoreNearTape (Tape h n) a = liftM (moveToward n) (restoreNearTrack h a)
{-# INLINE restoreNearTape #-}

-- | Restore ourselves to a previously recorded position.
-- This *assumes* that nothing has been done in the meantime to affect the existence of anything on the entire path.
-- Motions 'leftward' or 'rightward' are clamped, but all traversals included on the 'Tape' are assumed to be non-empty.
-- Violate these assumptions at your own risk!
unsafelyRestoreTape :: Tape h i a -> Zipped h a -> Zipper h i a
unsafelyRestoreTape (Tape h n) = unsafelyRestoreTrack h >>> moveToward n
{-# INLINE unsafelyRestoreTape #-}

-- * Tracks

-- | This is used to peel off the path information from a 'Coil' for use when saving the current path for later replay.
peel :: Coil h i a -> Track h i a
peel Coil             = Track
peel (Snoc h l _ _ _ i _) = Fork (peel h) i l
{-# INLINE peel #-}

-- | The 'Track' forms the bulk of a 'Tape'.
data Track t i a where
  Track :: Track Top Int a
  Fork  :: Ord i => Track h j s -> j -> AnIndexedTraversal' i s a -> Track (Zipper h j s) i a

-- | Restore ourselves to a previously recorded position precisely.
-- If the position does not exist, then fail.
restoreTrack :: MonadPlus m => Track h i a -> Zipped h a -> m (Zipper h i a)
restoreTrack Track        = return . zipper
restoreTrack (Fork h n l) = restoreTrack h >=> moveTo n >=> iwithin l

-- | Restore ourselves to a location near our previously recorded position.
-- When moving 'leftward' to 'rightward' through a 'Traversal', if this will clamp at each level to the range @0 '<=' k '<' 'teeth'@,
-- so the only failures will occur when one of the sequence of downward traversals find no targets.
restoreNearTrack :: MonadPlus m => Track h i a -> Zipped h a -> m (Zipper h i a)
restoreNearTrack Track        = return . zipper
restoreNearTrack (Fork h n l) = restoreNearTrack h >=> moveToward n >>> iwithin l

-- | Restore ourselves to a previously recorded position.
-- This *assumes* that nothing has been done in the meantime to affect the existence of anything on the entire 'Path'.
-- Motions 'leftward' or 'rightward' are clamped, but all traversals included on the 'Tape' are assumed to be non-empty.
-- Violate these assumptions at your own risk!
unsafelyRestoreTrack :: Track h i a -> Zipped h a -> Zipper h i a
unsafelyRestoreTrack Track = zipper
unsafelyRestoreTrack (Fork h n l) = unsafelyRestoreTrack h >>> moveToward n >>> ifromWithin l