{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- | The main 'Zifter' module.
-- In most cases this should be the only module you import to start writing a
-- @zift.hs@ script. You will most likely want to import the appropriate
-- modules from the 'zifter-*' companion packages.
module Zifter
    ( ziftWith
    , ziftWithSetup
      -- * Defining your own zift scripts
    , preprocessor
    , prechecker
    , checker
    , ziftP
    , mapZ
    , mapZ_
    , forZ
    , forZ_
    , recursiveZift
    , ZiftScript
    , renderZiftSetup
      -- * Defining your own zift actions
    , Zift
    , getRootDir
    , getTmpDir
    , getSettings
    , getSetting
    , Settings(..)
      -- ** Console outputs of a zift action
      -- | Because 'Zift' actions are automatically parallelised, it is important
      -- that they do not arbitrarily output data to the console.
      -- Instead, you should use these functions to output to the console.
      -- The 'ziftWith' and 'ziftWithSetup' functions will take care of ensuring
      -- that the output appears linear.
    , printZift
    , printZiftMessage
    , printPreprocessingDone
    , printPreprocessingError
    , printWithColors
      -- * Utilities
      -- | You will most likely not need these
    , runZiftAuto
    , runZift
    ) where

import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, wait)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
       (newTChanIO, tryReadTChan, readTChan, writeTChan, atomically,
        orElse, takeTMVar, putTMVar, newEmptyTMVar)
import Control.Monad
import Path
import Path.IO
import Safe
import System.Console.ANSI
import qualified System.Directory as D
       (canonicalizePath, setPermissions, getPermissions,
import System.Environment (getProgName)
import System.Exit
import qualified System.FilePath as FP (splitPath, joinPath)
import System.IO
       (hSetBuffering, BufferMode(NoBuffering), stderr, stdout, hFlush)

import Zifter.OptParse
import Zifter.Recurse
import Zifter.Script
import Zifter.Setup
import Zifter.Zift

-- | Run a 'ZiftScript' to create the 'ZiftSetup', and then use 'ziftWithSetup'
-- > ziftWith = renderZiftSetup >=> ziftWithSetup
ziftWith :: ZiftScript () -> IO ()
ziftWith = renderZiftSetup >=> ziftWithSetup

-- | Build a zifter using a 'ZiftSetup'.
-- A zifter has the capabilities that you would expect from a 'zift.hs' file:
-- * @zift.hs run@:         Run the @zift.hs@ script as a pre-commit hook.
-- * @zift.hs preprocess@:  Run the preprocessor
-- * @zift.hs precheck@:    Run the prechecker
-- * @zift.hs check@:       Run the checker
-- * @zift.hs install@:     Install the @zift.hs@ script as a pre-commit hook.
ziftWithSetup :: ZiftSetup -> IO ()
ziftWithSetup setup = do
    hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
    hSetBuffering stderr NoBuffering
    (d, sets) <- getInstructions
    case d of
        DispatchRun -> run setup sets
        DispatchPreProcess -> runPreProcessor setup sets
        DispatchPreCheck -> runPreChecker setup sets
        DispatchCheck -> runChecker setup sets
        DispatchInstall r -> install r sets

run :: ZiftSetup -> Settings -> IO ()
run ZiftSetup {..} =
    runZiftAuto $ \_ -> do
        runAsPreProcessor ziftPreprocessor
        runAsPreChecker ziftPreChecker
        runAsChecker ziftChecker

runPreProcessor :: ZiftSetup -> Settings -> IO ()
runPreProcessor ZiftSetup {..} =
    runZiftAuto $ \_ -> runAsPreProcessor ziftPreprocessor

runPreChecker :: ZiftSetup -> Settings -> IO ()
runPreChecker ZiftSetup {..} =
    runZiftAuto $ \_ -> runAsPreChecker ziftPreChecker

runChecker :: ZiftSetup -> Settings -> IO ()
runChecker ZiftSetup {..} = runZiftAuto $ \_ -> runAsChecker ziftChecker

runZiftAuto :: (ZiftContext -> Zift ()) -> Settings -> IO ()
runZiftAuto func sets = do
    rd <- autoRootDir
    td <- resolveDir rd ".zifter"
    pchan <- newTChanIO
    let ctx =
            { rootdir = rd
            , tmpdir = td
            , settings = sets
            , printChan = pchan
            , recursionList = []
    runZift ctx (func ctx) >>= exitWith

runZift :: ZiftContext -> Zift () -> IO ExitCode
runZift ctx zfunc = do
    let pchan = printChan ctx
        sets = settings ctx
    fmvar <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
    let runner =
            withSystemTempDir "zifter" $ \d ->
                withCurrentDir d $ do
                    (r, zs) <- zift zfunc ctx mempty
                    result <-
                        case r of
                            ZiftFailed err -> do
                                atomically $
                                    writeTChan pchan $
                                        [SetColor Foreground Dull Red]
                                pure $ ExitFailure 1
                            ZiftSuccess () -> pure ExitSuccess
                    void $ tryFlushZiftBuffer ctx zs
                    atomically $ putTMVar fmvar ()
                    pure result
    let outputOne :: ZiftOutput -> IO ()
        outputOne (ZiftOutput commands str) = do
            let color = setsOutputColor sets
            when color $ setSGR commands
            putStr str
            when color $ setSGR [Reset]
            putStr "\n" -- Because otherwise it doesn't work?
            hFlush stdout
    let outputAll = do
            mout <- atomically $ tryReadTChan pchan
            case mout of
                Nothing -> pure ()
                Just output -> do
                    outputOne output
    let printer = do
            mdone <-
                atomically $
                (Left <$> takeTMVar fmvar) `orElse` (Right <$> readTChan pchan)
            case mdone of
                Left () -> outputAll
                Right output -> do
                    outputOne output
    printerAsync <- async printer
    runnerAsync <- async runner
    result <- wait runnerAsync
    wait printerAsync
    pure result

runAsPreProcessor :: Zift () -> Zift ()
runAsPreProcessor func = do
    printZiftMessage "PREPROCESSOR STARTING"
    printZiftMessage "PREPROCESSOR DONE"

runAsPreChecker :: Zift () -> Zift ()
runAsPreChecker func = do
    printZiftMessage "PRECHECKER STARTING"
    printZiftMessage "PRECHECKER DONE"

runAsChecker :: Zift () -> Zift ()
runAsChecker func = do
    printZiftMessage "CHECKER STARTING"
    printZiftMessage "CHECKER DONE"

autoRootDir :: IO (Path Abs Dir)
autoRootDir = do
    pn <- getProgName
    here <- getCurrentDir
    (_, fs) <- listDir here
    unless (pn `elem` map (toFilePath . filename) fs) $
        die $
            [ pn
            , "not found at"
            , toFilePath here
            , "the zift script must be run in the right directory."
    pure here

install :: Bool -> Settings -> IO ()
install recursive sets = do
    autoRootDir >>= installIn
    if recursive
        then flip runZiftAuto sets $ \_ ->
                 recursively $ \ziftFile -> liftIO $ installIn $ parent ziftFile
        else pure ()

installIn :: Path Abs Dir -> IO ()
installIn rootdir = do
    let gitdir = rootdir </> dotGitDir
    gd <- doesDirExist gitdir
    let gitfile = rootdir </> dotGitFile
    gf <- doesFileExist gitfile
    ghd <-
        case (gd, gf) of
            (True, True) -> die "The .git dir is both a file and a directory?"
            (False, False) ->
                    "The .git dir is nor a file nor a directory, I don't know what to do."
            (True, False) -> pure $ gitdir </> hooksDir
            (False, True) -> do
                contents <- readFile $ toFilePath gitfile
                case splitAt (length "gitdir: ") contents of
                    ("gitdir: ", rest) ->
                        case initMay rest of
                            Just gitdirref -> do
                                sp <-
                                    D.canonicalizePath $
                                    toFilePath rootdir ++ gitdirref
                                let figureOutDoubleDots =
                                        FP.joinPath . go [] . FP.splitPath
                                        go acc [] = reverse acc
                                        go (_:acc) ("../":xs) = go acc xs
                                        go acc (x:xs) = go (x : acc) xs
                                realgitdir <-
                                    parseAbsDir $ figureOutDoubleDots sp
                                pure $ realgitdir </> hooksDir
                            Nothing ->
                                die "no gitdir reference found in .git file."
                    _ ->
                            "Found weird contents of the .git file. It is a file but does not start with 'gitdir: '. I don't know what to do."
    let preComitFile = ghd </> $(mkRelFile "pre-commit")
    mc <- forgivingAbsence $ readFile $ toFilePath preComitFile
    let hookContents = "./zift.hs run\n"
    let justDoIt = do
            writeFile (toFilePath preComitFile) hookContents
            pcf <- D.getPermissions (toFilePath preComitFile)
            D.setPermissions (toFilePath preComitFile) $
                D.setOwnerExecutable True pcf
            putStrLn $
                    ["Installed pre-commit script in", toFilePath preComitFile]
    case mc of
        Nothing -> justDoIt
        Just "" -> justDoIt
        Just c ->
            if c == hookContents
                then putStrLn $
                     unwords ["Hook already installed for", toFilePath rootdir]
                else die $
                         [ "Not installing, a pre-commit hook already exists:"
                         , show c

dotGitDir :: Path Rel Dir
dotGitDir = $(mkRelDir ".git")

dotGitFile :: Path Rel File
dotGitFile = $(mkRelFile ".git")

hooksDir :: Path Rel Dir
hooksDir = $(mkRelDir "hooks")