{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} module Test.Generators where import Data.List (foldl') import Data.String (IsString (..)) import Test.QuickCheck import Language.PureScript.Names (Ident (..), ModuleName (..), ProperName (..), Qualified (..)) import Language.PureScript.PSString (PSString) import Language.PureScript.AST.SourcePos (SourceSpan (..), SourcePos (..)) import Language.PureScript.AST (Literal (..)) import Language.PureScript.CoreFn (Ann, Bind (..), Binder (..), CaseAlternative (..), Expr (..), Guard, ssAnn) import qualified Language.PureScript.DCE.Constants as C ann :: Ann ann = ssAnn (SourceSpan "src/Test.purs" (SourcePos 0 0) (SourcePos 0 0)) genPSString :: Gen PSString genPSString = fromString <$> elements ["a", "b", "c", "d", "value0"] genProperName :: Gen (ProperName a) genProperName = ProperName <$> elements ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"] genIdent :: Gen Ident genIdent = Ident <$> elements ["value0", "value1", "value2"] unusedIdents :: [Ident] unusedIdents = Ident <$> ["u1", "u2", "u3", "u4", "u5"] genUnusedIdent :: Gen Ident genUnusedIdent = elements unusedIdents genModuleName :: Gen ModuleName genModuleName = elements [ ModuleName "Data.Eq" , ModuleName "Data.Array" , ModuleName "Data.Maybe" , C.semigroup , C.unsafeCoerce , C.unit , C.semiring ] genQualifiedIdent :: Gen (Qualified Ident) genQualifiedIdent = oneof [ Qualified <$> liftArbitrary genModuleName <*> genIdent , return (Qualified (Just C.unit) (Ident "unit")) , return (Qualified (Just C.semiring) (Ident "add")) , return (Qualified (Just C.semiring) (Ident "semiringInt")) , return (Qualified (Just C.semiring) (Ident "semiringUnit")) , return (Qualified (Just C.maybeMod) (Ident "Just")) , return (Qualified (Just C.eqMod) (Ident "eq")) , return (Qualified (Just C.ring) (Ident "negate")) , return (Qualified (Just C.ring) (Ident "ringNumber")) , return (Qualified (Just C.ring) (Ident "unitRing")) ] genQualified :: Gen a -> Gen (Qualified a) genQualified gen = Qualified <$> liftArbitrary genModuleName <*> gen genLiteral :: Gen (Literal (Expr Ann)) genLiteral = oneof [ NumericLiteral <$> arbitrary , StringLiteral <$> genPSString , CharLiteral <$> arbitrary , BooleanLiteral <$> arbitrary , ArrayLiteral . map unPSExpr <$> arbitrary , ObjectLiteral . map (\(k, v) -> (fromString k, unPSExpr v)) <$> arbitrary ] genLiteral' :: Gen (Expr Ann) genLiteral' = oneof [ Literal ann . NumericLiteral <$> arbitrary , Literal ann . StringLiteral <$> genPSString , Literal ann . BooleanLiteral <$> arbitrary , Literal ann . CharLiteral <$> arbitrary ] -- TODO: this generator is very frigile with size and at times can generate -- huge data. We use size 4. In particual it is very sensitive on the -- frequency of generating let expressions. genExpr :: Gen (Expr Ann) genExpr = sized go where go :: Int -> Gen (Expr Ann) go 0 = oneof [ Literal ann <$> genLiteral , Constructor ann <$> genProperName <*> genProperName <*> listOf genIdent , Var ann <$> genQualifiedIdent ] go n = frequency [ (3, Literal ann <$> genLiteral) , (3, Constructor ann <$> genProperName <*> genProperName <*> listOf genIdent) , (3, Var ann <$> genQualifiedIdent) , (4, Accessor ann <$> genPSString <*> scale succ genExpr) , (1, ObjectUpdate ann <$> genExpr <*> resize (max 3 (n - 1)) (listOf ((,) <$> genPSString <*> genExpr))) , (2, Abs ann <$> genIdent <*> scale succ genExpr) , (1, App ann <$> scale succ genExpr <*> scale succ genExpr) , (4, genApp) , (1, Case ann <$> resize (max 3 (n `div` 2)) (listOf genExpr) <*> resize (max 2 (n `div` 2)) (listOf (scale succ genCaseAlternative))) , (2, Let ann <$> listOf genBind <*> scale (`div` 2) genExpr) ] genCaseAlternative :: Gen (CaseAlternative Ann) genCaseAlternative = sized $ \n -> CaseAlternative <$> vectorOf n genBinder <*> genCaseAlternativeResult n where genCaseAlternativeResult :: Int -> Gen (Either [(Guard Ann, Expr Ann)] (Expr Ann)) genCaseAlternativeResult n = oneof [ Left <$> vectorOf n ((,) <$> resize n genExpr <*> resize n genExpr) , Right <$> resize n genExpr ] newtype PSBinder = PSBinder { unPSBinder :: Binder Ann } deriving Show genBinder :: Gen (Binder Ann) genBinder = sized go where go :: Int -> Gen (Binder Ann) go 0 = oneof [ return $ NullBinder ann , VarBinder ann <$> genIdent ] go _ = frequency [ (1, return $ NullBinder ann) , (2, LiteralBinder ann . ArrayLiteral <$> listOf (scale succ genBinder)) , (2, LiteralBinder ann . ObjectLiteral <$> listOf ((,) <$> genPSString <*> (scale succ genBinder))) , (3, ConstructorBinder ann <$> genQualified genProperName <*> genQualified genProperName <*> listOf (scale succ genBinder)) , (3, NamedBinder ann <$> genIdent <*> scale succ genBinder) ] instance Arbitrary PSBinder where arbitrary = PSBinder <$> resize 5 genBinder shrink (PSBinder (LiteralBinder _ (ArrayLiteral bs))) = (PSBinder . LiteralBinder ann . ArrayLiteral . map unPSBinder <$> (shrinkList shrink (PSBinder <$> bs))) ++ map PSBinder bs shrink (PSBinder (LiteralBinder _ (ObjectLiteral o))) = (PSBinder . LiteralBinder ann . ObjectLiteral <$> shrinkList (\(n, b) -> (n,) . unPSBinder <$> shrink (PSBinder b)) o) ++ map (PSBinder . snd) o shrink (PSBinder (ConstructorBinder _ tn cn bs)) = (PSBinder . ConstructorBinder ann tn cn . map unPSBinder <$> (shrinkList shrink (PSBinder <$> bs))) ++ map PSBinder bs shrink (PSBinder (NamedBinder _ n b)) = PSBinder b : (PSBinder . NamedBinder ann n . unPSBinder <$> shrink (PSBinder b)) shrink _ = [] prop_binderDistribution :: PSBinder -> Property prop_binderDistribution (PSBinder c) = classify True (show . depth $ c) $ tabulate "Binders" (cls c) True where cls NullBinder{} = ["NullBinder"] cls LiteralBinder{} = ["LiteralBinder"] cls VarBinder{} = ["VarBinder"] cls (ConstructorBinder _ _ _ bs) = "ConstructorBinder" : concatMap cls bs cls (NamedBinder _ _ b) = "NamedBinder" : cls b depth :: Binder a -> Int depth NullBinder{} = 1 depth (LiteralBinder _ (ArrayLiteral bs)) = foldr (\b x -> depth b `max` x) 1 bs + 1 depth (LiteralBinder _ (ObjectLiteral o)) = foldr (\(_, b) x -> depth b `max` x) 0 o + 1 depth LiteralBinder{} = 1 depth VarBinder{} = 1 depth (ConstructorBinder _ _ _ bs) = foldr (\b x -> depth b `max` x) 1 bs + 1 depth (NamedBinder _ _ b) = depth b genBind :: Gen (Bind Ann) genBind = frequency [ (3, NonRec ann <$> gen <*> (scale (`div` 2) genExpr)) , (1, Rec <$> listOf ((\i e -> ((ann, i), e)) <$> gen <*> (scale (`div` 2) genExpr))) ] where gen = frequency [(3, genIdent), (2, genUnusedIdent)] newtype PSExpr a = PSExpr { unPSExpr :: Expr a } deriving Show -- Generate simple curried functions genApp :: Gen (Expr Ann) genApp = App ann <$> frequency [ (1, genApp) , (2, Var ann <$> genQualifiedIdent) ] <*> frequency [ (2, Var ann <$> genQualifiedIdent) , (3, genLiteral') ] instance Arbitrary (PSExpr Ann) where arbitrary = PSExpr <$> resize 4 genExpr shrink (PSExpr expr) = map PSExpr $ go expr where go :: Expr Ann -> [Expr Ann] go (Literal ann' (ArrayLiteral es)) = (Literal ann' . ArrayLiteral <$> shrinkList shrinkExpr es) ++ es go (Literal ann' (ObjectLiteral o)) = (Literal ann' . ObjectLiteral <$> shrinkList (\(n, e) -> (n,) <$> shrinkExpr e) o) ++ map snd o go (Accessor ann' n e) = e : (Accessor ann' n <$> shrinkExpr e) go (ObjectUpdate ann' e es) = e : map snd es ++ [ ObjectUpdate ann' e' es | e' <- shrinkExpr e ] ++ [ ObjectUpdate ann' e es' | es' <- shrinkList (\(n, f) -> map (n,) $ shrinkExpr f) es ] go (Abs ann' n e) = let es = shrinkExpr e in e : es ++ map (Abs ann' n) es go (App ann' e f) = e : f : [ App ann' e' f | e' <- shrinkExpr e ] ++ [ App ann' e f' | f' <- shrinkExpr f ] go Var{} = [] go (Case ann' es cs) = [ Case ann' es cs' | cs' <- shrinkList shrinkCaseAlternative cs ] ++ [ Case ann' es' cs | es' <- shrinkList shrinkExpr es ] ++ es ++ concatMap (\(CaseAlternative _ r) -> either (\es' -> map fst es' ++ map snd es') (\e' -> [e']) r ) cs go (Let ann' bs e) = e : [ Let ann' bs e' | e' <- shrinkExpr e ] ++ [ Let ann' bs' e | bs' <- shrinkList shrinkBind bs ] go _ = [] shrinkCaseAlternative :: CaseAlternative Ann -> [CaseAlternative Ann] shrinkCaseAlternative (CaseAlternative bs r) = [ CaseAlternative bs r' | r' <- case r of Right e -> Right <$> shrinkExpr e Left es' -> Left <$> shrinkList (\(g, f) -> [(g, f') | f' <- shrinkExpr f] ++ [(g', f) | g' <- shrinkExpr g]) es' ] ++ [ CaseAlternative bs' r | bs' <- shrinkList (\x -> [x]) bs ] shrinkExpr :: Expr Ann -> [Expr Ann] shrinkExpr = map unPSExpr . shrink . PSExpr shrinkBind :: Bind Ann -> [Bind Ann] shrinkBind (NonRec ann' n e) = NonRec ann' n <$> shrinkExpr e shrinkBind (Rec as) = Rec <$> shrinkList (\(x, e) -> map (x,) $ shrinkExpr e) as exprDepth :: Expr a -> Int exprDepth (Literal _ (ArrayLiteral es)) = foldl' (\x e -> exprDepth e `max` x) 1 es + 1 exprDepth (Literal _ (ObjectLiteral o)) = foldl' (\x (_, e) -> exprDepth e `max` x) 1 o + 1 exprDepth (Literal{}) = 1 exprDepth Constructor{} = 1 exprDepth (Accessor _ _ e) = 1 + exprDepth e exprDepth (ObjectUpdate _ e es) = 1 + exprDepth e + foldl' (\x (_, f) -> exprDepth f `max` x) 1 es exprDepth (Abs _ _ e) = 1 + exprDepth e exprDepth (App _ e f) = 1 + exprDepth e `max` exprDepth f exprDepth Var{} = 1 exprDepth (Case _ es cs) = 1 + foldl' (\x f -> exprDepth f `max` x) cdepth es where cdepth = foldl' (\x (CaseAlternative _ r) -> either (foldl' (\y (g, e) -> exprDepth g `max` exprDepth e `max` y) 1) exprDepth r `max` x) 1 cs exprDepth (Let _ bs e) = 1 + exprDepth e `max` foldl' (\x b -> binderExprDepth b `max` x) 0 bs where binderExprDepth :: Bind a -> Int binderExprDepth (NonRec _ _ e') = exprDepth e' binderExprDepth (Rec es') = foldl' (\x (_, e') -> x `max` exprDepth e') 0 es' prop_exprDistribution :: PSExpr Ann -> Property prop_exprDistribution (PSExpr e) = collect d $ tabulate "classify expressions" (cls e) True where d = exprDepth' e cls :: Expr a -> [String] cls Literal{} = ["Literal"] cls Constructor{} = ["Constructor"] cls Accessor{} = ["Accessor"] cls ObjectUpdate{} = ["ObjectUpdate"] cls Abs{} = ["Abs"] cls App{} = ["App"] cls Var{} = ["Var"] cls (Case _ _ cs) = "Case" : foldl' (\x c -> clsCaseAlternative c ++ x) [] cs where clsCaseAlternative (CaseAlternative {caseAlternativeResult}) = either (foldl' (\x (g, f) -> cls g ++ cls f ++ x) []) cls caseAlternativeResult cls Let{} = ["Let"] exprDepth' expr = case exprDepth expr of n | n < 10 -> n | n < 100 -> 10 * (n `div` 10) | n < 1000 -> 25 * (n `div` 25) | otherwise -> 100 * (n `div` 100)