# Revision history for zeolite-lang ## -- 2020-08-07 ### Language * **[breaking]** Makes the semantics of `cleanup` more consistent: * **[breaking]** Disallows statements that modify `return` values within `cleanup` blocks, i.e., `return` with values and assigning named returns. * **[new]** Allows `cleanup` to access named returns that are initialized within the corresponding `in` statement. Previously, access required initialization *before* the `in` statement. * **[new]** An explicit *positional* return (e.g., `return 1, 2`) will assign the values to the respective named returns, if applicable. This will make the actual return values available within `cleanup`. ```text @type get () -> (Int) get () (foo) { // foo is the name of the return variable cleanup { \ bar(foo) // foo has been initialized by the time this is called } in return 1 // 1 is assigned to foo here } ``` * **[fix]** Adds unwinding of `cleanup` blocks when used with `break` and `continue`, respecting loop boundaries. Previously, `cleanup` was ignored. * **[breaking]** Skips compilation of unreachable statements. The target use-case is temporary changes to code that circumvent parts of a procedure, e.g., an early `return` for the purposes of debugging. * **[breaking]** Marks statements following `break` and `continue` as unreachable. ### Compiler CLI * **[behavior]** Adds a compiler warning for `public_deps` that are not required by public `.0rp` sources within the same module, since they are potentially just cluttering the public namespace of the module. ## -- 2020-07-13 ### Language * **[new]** Adds the `$SourceContext$` macro, which inserts a `String` with info about source file and code location. * **[fix]** Adds context to error messages related to inherited functions that have not been overridden. ## -- 2020-05-21 ### Language * **[fix]** Improves the likelihood of successful type inference when unions, intersections, or filters are combined with inheritance and type nesting. ## -- 2020-05-20 ### Language * **[fix]** Fixes an edge-case where type-inference can be influenced by a param filter for a param with the same name in the scope that is calling the function. (For example, having `#x requires Foo` in scope while calling a function that also happens to have a param named `#x`.) * **[fix]** Fixes an edge-case where parameter substitution at the type level can clash with a type parameter scoped to a function. (Related to the above, but actually a separate issue discovered while solving the former.) * **[behavior]** Shows inferred-type assignments in error messages related to expressions containing inferred types. ## -- 2020-05-19 ### Language * **[new]** Adds limited inference of type parameters in function calls. The new syntax is `call(foo,bar)`, where `?` designates that inference is requested for the first position. * **[behavior]** Reduces the memory cost of `$TraceCreation$` by avoiding storing the entire trace text. ### Compiler CLI * **[behavior]** Improves handling of I/O errors when calling `zeolite`, and allows compilation to continue in `-r`/`-R` modes if compilation of one module fails. ## -- 2020-05-14 ### Compiler CLI * **[behavior]** Improves error messages for type mismatches and return-count mismatches. * **[behavior]** Improves the efficiency of loading metadata for dependencies. * **[breaking]** Fixes module-staleness check when running tests (`-t`). * **[breaking]** Prevents binaries from being created from main categories that are defined in `$TestsOnly$` sources. (This was the original intention, but it was missed the first time around.) ### Language * **[new]** Allows `@category` members in `concrete` categories to refer to each other during initialization. * **[new]** Adds the `$ExprLookup[`*`MACRO_NAME`*`]$` pragma, which allows the user to define expression substitutions in `.zeolite-module`. * **[new]** Adds the `$NoTrace$` pragma, which skips generating stack-trace information for specific functions. This is useful for deeply-recursive functions whose full trace would not be useful. * **[new]** Adds the `$TraceCreation$` pragma, which appends a trace for the creation of a value when there is a crash in one of its functions. This is useful when the crash stems from value initialization. * **[fix]** Fixes parsing of the `'"'` `Char`-literal. ### Libraries * **[new]** Adds the `ErrorOr<#x>` category to `lib/util`. This allows functions to return either the expected type or an error message. * **[new]** Adds the `Void` category to `lib/util`. This can be used to ignore type parameters when a value still needs to be instantiated. * **[new]** Adds the `readAll` function to `TextReader` (in `lib/util`) to support reading an entire file at once. * **[breaking]** Adds crashes when attempting to read `RawFileReader` or write `RawFileWriter` if there is a preexisting file error. ## -- 2020-05-12 * **[new]** Adds compiler support for pragmas, which will allow compiler features that aren't a part of the language: - **[new]** `$ModuleOnly$` pragma for `.0rp` files, which limits their visibility to the modules that own them. - **[new]** `$TestsOnly$` pragma for `.0rp` files, which limits their visibility to `.0rt` files, and `.0rx` files that also use `$TestsOnly$`. * **[new]** Adds support for global seach paths for dependencies via a plain-text file at `$(zeolite --get-path)/global-paths`. This can be used to set up a separate directory for general-use Zeolite modules. * **[breaking]** Better handling of symbols from dependencies. This might break code that inavertently relied on broken visibility. In particular, `..` in a dependency path precludes it from resolving to a system module. ## -- 2020-05-05 * **[new]** Adds a compiler mode (`--show-deps`) to display the symbolic dependencies of a module. * **[new]** Adds a compiler mode (`--fast`) to quickly compile a binary from a single source file without needing to create a module. * **[new]** Adds a compiler mode (`-R`) to recursively recompile modules. * **[new]** Improves thread-safety of internal code so that thread support can be safely added later. (Probably via a library.) * **[new]** Adds the `Builder` interface to make `String` concatenation more efficient. * **[new]** Adds support for basic mathematical `Float` operations, such as `sin`, `exp`, and `sqrt`. * **[new]** Adds support for bitwise `Int` operations. * **[fix]** Fixes broken `--templates` mode when builtin types are used. ## -- 2020-05-05 * **[new]** Allows modules to specify custom linker flags and private include paths in `.zeolite-module`. This lets categories written in C++ depend on external libraries written in other languages. * **[behavior]** Adds optimization of dependency inclusion for categories that are defined in C++ sources. This should eliminate linking in object files that are not needed by the binary. * **[behavior]** Adds checks to prevent a module from defining a category that was declared in another module. * **[breaking]** Updates the `.zeolite-module` format to require associating externally-defined categories with the source files that define them. This allows finer-grained linking of binaries and tests. ## -- 2020-05-03 * **[breaking]** Updates syntax for discarding all returns to use `\` instead of `~`. This will allow `~` to be used for bitwise-not later on. (Not to mention that `~` was kind of ugly in that context.) * **[breaking]** Cleans up multiple-`return` syntax by removing `{}`. This applies to *both* the `return` and the assignment. ## -- 2020-05-03 * **[breaking]** Requires that `concrete` categories defined in `.cpp` files be listed as `external` in `.zeolite-module`. This allows the compiler to ensure that all categories have a definition, which helps avoid linker errors. * **[breaking]** Gives `.zeolite-module` configs a proper file format. * **[new]** Adds version checking to cached module data. ## -- 2020-05-01 * **[new]** Adds support for more versions of GHC. ## -- 2020-04-28 * **[fix]** Fixes a parser issue with empty `{}` blocks following `scoped`. * **[behavior]** Updates `cleanup` procedures to allow setting named-return values. Previously, initializing a named return in `cleanup` was not sufficient. * **[behavior]** Updates `zeolite-setup` to unconditionally rebuild supporting libraries. Incidentally, this causes all existing user modules to be out of date. ## -- 2020-04-27 * **[behavior]** Set the default output path for binaries to the module's path rather than the current directory. * **[new]** Allows a base path (`-p`) with recompile mode (`-r`). ## -- 2020-04-27 * First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.