{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2019-2020 Kevin P. Barry Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -} -- Author: Kevin P. Barry [ta0kira@gmail.com] {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module Parser.TypeInstance ( ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Base.GeneralType import Base.Mergeable (mergeAll,mergeAny) import Base.Positional import Parser.Common import Parser.TextParser hiding ((<|>),single) import Types.TypeInstance instance ParseFromSource GeneralInstance where sourceParser = single <|> allT <|> anyT <|> intersectOrUnion where allT = labeled "all" $ do kwAll return minBound anyT = labeled "any" $ do kwAny return maxBound intersectOrUnion = labeled "union or intersection" $ do sepAfter $ string_ "[" t1 <- labeled "type" $ sourceParser t <- intersect t1 <|> union t1 sepAfter $ string_ "]" return t intersect t1 = do ts <- some (sepAfter (string_ "&") >> labeled "type" sourceParser) return $ mergeAll (t1:ts) union t1 = do ts <- some (sepAfter (string_ "|") >> labeled "type" sourceParser) return $ mergeAny (t1:ts) single = fmap singleType sourceParser instance ParseFromSource ValueType where sourceParser = do r <- getWeak <|> getOptional <|> getRequired t <- sourceParser return $ ValueType r t where getWeak = labeled "weak" $ do kwWeak return WeakValue getOptional = labeled "optional" $ do kwOptional return OptionalValue getRequired = return RequiredValue instance ParseFromSource CategoryName where sourceParser = labeled "type name" $ do noKeywords b <- upperChar e <- sepAfter $ many alphaNumChar return $ box (b:e) where box n | n == "Bool" = BuiltinBool | n == "Char" = BuiltinChar | n == "CharBuffer" = BuiltinCharBuffer | n == "Int" = BuiltinInt | n == "Float" = BuiltinFloat | n == "String" = BuiltinString | n == "Formatted" = BuiltinFormatted | otherwise = CategoryName n instance ParseFromSource ParamName where sourceParser = labeled "param name" $ self <|> custom where self = do paramSelf return ParamSelf custom = do noKeywords char_ '#' b <- lowerChar e <- sepAfter $ many alphaNumChar return $ ParamName ('#':b:e) instance ParseFromSource TypeInstance where sourceParser = labeled "type instance" $ do n <- sourceParser as <- labeled "type args" $ args <|> return [] return $ TypeInstance n (Positional as) where args = between (sepAfter $ string "<") (sepAfter $ string ">") (sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string ",")) instance ParseFromSource DefinesInstance where sourceParser = labeled "type instance" $ do n <- sourceParser as <- labeled "type args" $ args <|> return [] return $ DefinesInstance n (Positional as) where args = between (sepAfter $ string "<") (sepAfter $ string ">") (sepBy sourceParser (sepAfter $ string ",")) instance ParseFromSource TypeInstanceOrParam where sourceParser = inst <|> param where param = labeled "param" $ fmap (JustParamName False) sourceParser inst = labeled "type instance" $ fmap JustTypeInstance sourceParser instance ParseFromSource TypeFilter where sourceParser = requires <|> allows <|> defines <|> immutable where requires = labeled "requires filter" $ do kwRequires t <- sourceParser return $ TypeFilter FilterRequires t allows = labeled "allows filter" $ do kwAllows t <- sourceParser return $ TypeFilter FilterAllows t defines = labeled "defines filter" $ do kwDefines t <- sourceParser return $ DefinesFilter t immutable = labeled "immutable filter" $ do kwImmutable return ImmutableFilter