{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2020-2021 Kevin P. Barry Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -} -- Author: Kevin P. Barry [ta0kira@gmail.com] module Cli.TestRunner ( runSingleTest, ) where import Control.Arrow (second) import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.List (intercalate,isSuffixOf,nub,sort) import System.Directory import System.IO import System.Posix.Temp (mkdtemp) import System.FilePath import Text.Regex.TDFA import qualified Data.Map as Map import Base.CompilerError import Base.TrackedErrors import Cli.Programs import CompilerCxx.CxxFiles import CompilerCxx.LanguageModule import CompilerCxx.Naming import Module.CompileMetadata import Module.Paths import Module.ProcessMetadata import Parser.SourceFile import Parser.TextParser (SourceContext) import Types.IntegrationTest import Types.Procedure import Types.TypeCategory runSingleTest :: CompilerBackend b => b -> FilePath -> LanguageModule SourceContext -> [FilePath] -> [CompileMetadata] -> (String,String) -> TrackedErrorsIO ((Int,Int),TrackedErrors ()) runSingleTest b cl cm paths deps (f,s) = do errorFromIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "\nExecuting tests from " ++ f allResults <- checkAndRun (parseTestSource (f,s)) return $ second (("\nIn test file " ++ f) ??>) allResults where checkAndRun ts | isCompilerError ts = do errorFromIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Failed to parse tests in " ++ f return ((0,1),ts >> return ()) | otherwise = do let (_,ts') = getCompilerSuccess ts allResults <- mapCompilerM runSingle ts' let passed = sum $ map (fst . fst) allResults let failed = sum $ map (snd . fst) allResults let result = collectAllM_ $ map snd allResults return ((passed,failed),result) runSingle t = do let name = "\"" ++ ithTestName (itHeader t) ++ "\" (from " ++ f ++ ")" let context = formatFullContextBrace (ithContext $ itHeader t) let scope = "\nIn testcase \"" ++ ithTestName (itHeader t) ++ "\"" ++ context warnUnused (itHeader t) (result >> return ())) else do let allResults = getCompilerSuccess result let passed = length $ filter (not . isCompilerError) allResults let failed = length $ filter isCompilerError allResults let combined = scope ??> collectAllM_ allResults if failed > 0 then errorFromIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "*** Some tests in testcase " ++ name ++ " failed ***" else errorFromIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "*** All tests in testcase " ++ name ++ " passed ***" return ((passed,failed),combined) warnUnused (IntegrationTestHeader _ _ args timeout ex) = check where check = case ex of (ExpectCompilerError _ _ _) -> do warnArgs "error" warnTimeout "error" (ExpectCompiles _ _ _) -> do warnArgs "compiles" warnTimeout "compiles" _ -> return () warnArgs ex2 = case args of [] -> return () _ -> compilerWarningM $ "Explicit args are ignored in " ++ ex2 ++ " tests: " ++ intercalate ", " (map show args) warnTimeout ex2 = case timeout of Nothing -> return () Just t -> compilerWarningM $ "Explicit timeouts are ignored in " ++ ex2 ++ " tests: " ++ show t run (ExpectCompilerError _ rs es) _ _ cs ds ts = do result <- toTrackedErrors $ compileAll [] cs ds ts if not $ isCompilerError result then compilerErrorM "Expected compilation failure" else fmap (:[]) $ return $ do let warnings = show $ getCompilerWarnings result let errors = show $ getCompilerError result checkContent rs es (lines warnings ++ lines errors) [] [] run (ExpectCompiles _ rs es) _ _ cs ds ts = do result <- toTrackedErrors $ compileAll [] cs ds ts if isCompilerError result then fromTrackedErrors result >> return [] else fmap (:[]) $ return $ do let warnings = show $ getCompilerWarnings result checkContent rs es (lines warnings) [] [] run (ExpectRuntimeError _ rs es) args timeout cs ds ts = do when (length ts /= 1) $ compilerErrorM "Exactly one unittest is required when crash is expected" uniqueTestNames ts execute False rs es args timeout cs ds ts run (ExpectRuntimeSuccess _ rs es) args timeout cs ds ts = do when (null ts) $ compilerErrorM "At least one unittest is required when success is expected" uniqueTestNames ts execute True rs es args timeout cs ds ts checkContent rs es comp err out = do let cr = checkRequired rs comp err out let ce = checkExcluded es comp err out let compError = if null comp then return () else (mapCompilerM_ compilerErrorM comp) (tpName t,[t])) ts mapCompilerM_ testClash $ Map.toList ts' testClash (_,[_]) = return () testClash (n,ts) = "unittest " ++ show n ++ " is defined multiple times" !!> (mapCompilerM_ (compilerErrorM . ("Defined at " ++) . formatFullContext) $ sort $ map tpContext ts) execute s2 rs es args timeout cs ds ts = do result <- toTrackedErrors $ compileAll args cs ds ts if isCompilerError result then return [result >> return ()] else do let (xx,main,fs) = getCompilerSuccess result (dir,binaryName) <- createBinary main timeout xx results <- liftIO $ sequence $ map (toTrackedErrors . executeTest binaryName rs es result s2) fs when (not $ any isCompilerError results) $ errorFromIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir return results executeTest binary rs es res s2 (f2,c) = printOutcome $ context ??> do let command = TestCommand binary (takeDirectory binary) [show f2,cl] resetBackgroundM $ do compilerBackgroundM $ "See output files for testcase in " ++ (takeDirectory binary) (TestCommandResult s2' out err) <- runTestCommand b command case (s2,s2') of (True,False) -> collectAllM_ $ (asCompilerError res):(map compilerErrorM $ err ++ out) (False,True) -> collectAllM_ [compilerErrorM "Expected runtime failure", asCompilerError res fromTrackedErrors $ checkContent rs es (lines $ show $ getCompilerWarnings res) err out where context = "\nIn unittest " ++ show f2 ++ formatFullContextBrace c printOutcome outcome = ifElseSuccessT outcome (hPutStrLn stderr $ "--- unittest " ++ show f2 ++ " passed ---") (hPutStrLn stderr $ "--- unittest " ++ show f2 ++ " failed ---") compileAll args cs ds ts = do let ns1 = StaticNamespace $ privateNamespace s let cs' = map (setCategoryNamespace ns1) cs fromTrackedErrors $ compileTestsModule cm ns1 args cs' ds ts checkRequired rs comp err out = mapCompilerM_ (checkSubsetForRegex True comp err out) rs checkExcluded es comp err out = mapCompilerM_ (checkSubsetForRegex False comp err out) es checkSubsetForRegex expected comp err out (OutputPattern OutputAny r) = checkForRegex expected (comp ++ err ++ out) r "compiler output or test output" checkSubsetForRegex expected comp _ _ (OutputPattern OutputCompiler r) = checkForRegex expected comp r "compiler output" checkSubsetForRegex expected _ err _ (OutputPattern OutputStderr r) = checkForRegex expected err r "test stderr" checkSubsetForRegex expected _ _ out (OutputPattern OutputStdout r) = checkForRegex expected out r "test stdout" checkForRegex :: Bool -> [String] -> String -> String -> TrackedErrors () checkForRegex expected ms r n = do let found = any (=~ r) ms when (found && not expected) $ compilerErrorM $ "Pattern \"" ++ r ++ "\" present in " ++ n when (not found && expected) $ compilerErrorM $ "Pattern \"" ++ r ++ "\" missing from " ++ n createBinary (CxxOutput _ f2 _ _ _ _ content) timeout xx = do dir <- errorFromIO $ mkdtemp "/tmp/ztest_" errorFromIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Writing temporary files to " ++ dir sources <- mapCompilerM (writeSingleFile dir) xx let main = dir f2 let binary = dir "testcase" errorFromIO $ writeFile main $ concat $ map (++ "\n") content let flags = getLinkFlagsForDeps deps let paths' = nub $ map fixPath (dir:paths) let libraries = getLibrariesForDeps deps macro <- timeoutMacro timeout let command = CompileToBinary main (concat (map fst sources) ++ libraries) macro binary paths' flags file <- runCxxCommand b command return (dir,file) timeoutMacro (Just 0) = return [] -- No timeout. timeoutMacro Nothing = return [(testTimeoutMacro,Just "30")] -- Default timeout. timeoutMacro (Just t) | t < 0 || t > 65535 = compilerErrorM $ "Invalid testcase timeout " ++ show t ++ " => use timeout 0 for unlimited time" | otherwise = return [(testTimeoutMacro,Just (show t))] -- Custom timeout. writeSingleFile d ca@(CxxOutput _ f2 _ _ _ _ content) = do errorFromIO $ writeFile (d f2) $ concat $ map (++ "\n") content if isSuffixOf ".cpp" f2 then return ([d f2],ca) else return ([],ca)