{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2020-2021 Kevin P. Barry Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -} -- Author: Kevin P. Barry [ta0kira@gmail.com] module Cli.RunCompiler ( TraceEntry(..), parseTracesFile, runCompiler, ) where import Control.Monad (foldM,when) import Data.List (intercalate,isSuffixOf,nub) import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.Posix.Temp (mkdtemp) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Base.CompilerError import Base.TrackedErrors import Cli.CompileOptions import Cli.Compiler import Cli.Programs import Module.CompileMetadata import Module.Paths import Module.ProcessMetadata import Parser.Common import Parser.TextParser runCompiler :: (PathIOHandler r, CompilerBackend b) => r -> b -> CompileOptions -> TrackedErrorsIO () runCompiler resolver backend (CompileOptions _ _ _ ds _ _ p (ExecuteTests tp cl) f) = do base <- resolveBaseModule resolver ts <- fmap snd $ foldM preloadTests (Map.empty,[]) ds checkTestFilters ts cl2 <- prepareCallLog cl allResults <- fmap concat $ mapCompilerM (runModuleTests resolver backend cl2 base tp) ts let passed = sum $ map (fst . fst) allResults let failed = sum $ map (snd . fst) allResults processResults passed failed (mapCompilerM_ snd allResults) where prepareCallLog (Just cl2) = do clFull <- errorFromIO $ canonicalizePath (p cl2) compilerWarningM $ "Logging calls to " ++ clFull errorFromIO $ writeFile clFull (intercalate "," (map show tracesLogHeader) ++ "\n") return clFull prepareCallLog _ = return "" preloadTests (ca,ms) d = do compilerHash <- getCompilerHash backend m <- loadModuleMetadata compilerHash f ca (p d) let ca2 = ca `Map.union` mapMetadata [m] rm <- loadRecompile (p d) let ca3 = ca2 `Map.union` mapMetadata [] deps1 <- loadTestingDeps compilerHash f ca3 m let ca4 = ca3 `Map.union` mapMetadata deps1 deps2 <- loadPrivateDeps compilerHash f ca4 ([m]++deps1) let ca5 = ca4 `Map.union` mapMetadata deps2 em <- getExprMap (p d) rm return (ca5,ms ++ [LoadedTests m em (deps1) deps2]) checkTestFilters ts = do let possibleTests = concat $ map (cmTestFiles . ltMetadata) ts let remaining = filter (not . flip any (map (flip isSuffixOf) possibleTests). flip ($)) tp case remaining of [] -> return () fs -> compilerErrorM $ "Some test files do not occur in the selected modules: " ++ intercalate ", " (map show fs) ++ "\n" processResults passed failed rs | isCompilerError rs = (fromTrackedErrors rs) f2) let rm = ModuleConfig { mcRoot = "", mcPath = ".", mcExtra = [], mcExprMap = [], mcPublicDeps = [], mcPrivateDeps = [], mcExtraFiles = [], mcExtraPaths = [], mcMode = CompileUnspecified } em <- getExprMap p rm let spec = ModuleSpec { msRoot = absolute, msPath = dir, msExtra = [], msExprMap = em, msPublicDeps = is, msPrivateDeps = is2, msPublicFiles = [], msPrivateFiles = [f2'], msTestFiles = [], msExtraFiles = [], msExtraPaths = [], msMode = (CompileBinary c fn LinkStatic (absolute show c) []), msForce = f } compileModule resolver backend spec d) (ep,is',is2') <- maybeUseConfig d' as <- fmap fixPaths $ mapCompilerM (resolveModule resolver d') is' as2 <- fmap fixPaths $ mapCompilerM (resolveModule resolver d') is2' isBase <- isBaseModule resolver d' deps1 <- if isBase then loadPublicDeps compilerHash f Map.empty as else do base <- resolveBaseModule resolver loadPublicDeps compilerHash f Map.empty (base:as) deps2 <- loadPublicDeps compilerHash f (mapMetadata deps1) as2 path <- errorFromIO $ canonicalizePath p createModuleTemplates resolver path d ep deps1 deps2 ) ep,nub $ is ++ is3,nub $ is2 ++ is4) runCompiler resolver _ (CompileOptions _ is is2 ds es ep p m f) = mapM_ compileSingle ds where compileSingle d = do as <- fmap fixPaths $ mapCompilerM (autoDep (p d)) is as2 <- fmap fixPaths $ mapCompilerM (autoDep (p d)) is2 isConfigured <- isPathConfigured p d when (isConfigured && f == DoNotForce) $ do compilerErrorM $ "Module " ++ d ++ " has an existing configuration. " ++ "Recompile with -r or use -f to overwrite the config." absolute <- errorFromIO $ canonicalizePath p let rm = ModuleConfig { mcRoot = absolute, mcPath = d, mcExtra = [], mcExprMap = [], mcPublicDeps = as, mcPrivateDeps = as2, mcExtraFiles = es, mcExtraPaths = ep, mcMode = m } writeRecompile (p d) rm config <- getRecompilePath (p d) errorFromIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "*** Setup complete. Please edit " ++ config ++ " and recompile with zeolite -r. ***" autoDep p2 i = do isSystem <- isSystemModule resolver p2 i if isSystem then return i else resolveModule resolver p2 i data TraceEntry = TraceEntry { teMicroseconds :: Integer, teProcess :: Integer, teFunction :: String, teContext :: String } tracesLogHeader :: [String] tracesLogHeader = ["microseconds","pid","function","context"] parseTracesFile :: (FilePath,String) -> TrackedErrorsIO [TraceEntry] parseTracesFile (f,s) = runTextParser (between nullParse endOfDoc tracesFile) f s where tracesFile = do parseHeader many parseSingle parseHeader = do sequence_ $ intercalate [string_ ","] $ map ((:[]) . parseColTitle) tracesLogHeader some (char '\n' <|> char '\r') >> return () parseSingle = do ms <- parseDec string_ "," pid <- parseDec string_ "," func <- quotedString string_ "," c <- quotedString some (char '\n' <|> char '\r') >> return () return $ TraceEntry ms pid func c parseColTitle expected = do title <- quotedString when (expected /= title) $ compilerErrorM $ "Expected column named \"" ++ expected ++ "\" but found \"" ++ title ++ "\"" runRecompileCommon :: (PathIOHandler r, CompilerBackend b) => r -> b -> ForceMode -> Bool -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> TrackedErrorsIO () runRecompileCommon resolver backend f rec p ds = do explicit <- fmap Set.fromList $ mapCompilerM (errorFromIO . canonicalizePath . (p )) ds foldM (recursive resolver explicit) Set.empty (map ((,) p) ds) >> return () where recursive r explicit da (p2,d0) = do d <- resolveModule r p2 d0 isSystem <- isSystemModule r p2 d0 let process = if rec then d `Set.member` explicit || not isSystem else d `Set.member` explicit if not process || d `Set.member` da then return da else do rm <- loadRecompile d let ds3 = map ((,) d) (mcPublicDeps rm ++ mcPrivateDeps rm) da' <- foldM (recursive r explicit) (d `Set.insert` da) ds3 recompile d return da' recompile d = do compilerHash <- getCompilerHash backend upToDate <- isPathUpToDate compilerHash f d if f < ForceAll && upToDate then compilerWarningM $ "Path " ++ d ++ " is up to date" else do rm@(ModuleConfig p2 d2 ee _ is is2 es ep m) <- loadRecompile d let fixed = fixPath (d p2) (ps,xs,ts) <- findSourceFiles fixed (d2:ee) em <- getExprMap d rm let spec = ModuleSpec { msRoot = fixed, msPath = d2, msExtra = ee, msExprMap = em, msPublicDeps = is, msPrivateDeps = is2, msPublicFiles = ps, msPrivateFiles = xs, msTestFiles = ts, msExtraFiles = es, msExtraPaths = ep, msMode = m, msForce = f } compileModule resolver backend spec