{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2020-2021 Kevin P. Barry Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -} -- Author: Kevin P. Barry [ta0kira@gmail.com] module Cli.Compiler ( LoadedTests(..), ModuleSpec(..), compileModule, createModuleTemplates, runModuleTests, ) where import Control.Monad (foldM,when) import Data.Either (partitionEithers) import Data.List (isSuffixOf,nub,sort) import Data.Time.LocalTime (getZonedTime) import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.IO import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Base.CompilerError import Base.TrackedErrors import Cli.CompileOptions import Cli.Programs import Cli.TestRunner import Compilation.ProcedureContext (ExprMap) import CompilerCxx.CxxFiles import CompilerCxx.LanguageModule import CompilerCxx.Naming import Module.CompileMetadata import Module.Paths import Module.ProcessMetadata import Parser.SourceFile import Parser.TextParser (SourceContext) import Types.Builtin import Types.DefinedCategory import Types.TypeCategory import Types.TypeInstance data ModuleSpec = ModuleSpec { msRoot :: FilePath, msPath :: FilePath, msExtra :: [FilePath], msExprMap :: ExprMap SourceContext, msPublicDeps :: [FilePath], msPrivateDeps :: [FilePath], msPublicFiles :: [FilePath], msPrivateFiles :: [FilePath], msTestFiles :: [FilePath], msExtraFiles :: [ExtraSource], msExtraPaths :: [FilePath], msMode :: CompileMode, msForce :: ForceMode } deriving (Show) data LoadedTests = LoadedTests { ltMetadata :: CompileMetadata, ltExprMap :: ExprMap SourceContext, ltPublicDeps :: [CompileMetadata], ltPrivateDeps :: [CompileMetadata] } deriving (Show) compileModule :: (PathIOHandler r, CompilerBackend b) => r -> b -> ModuleSpec -> TrackedErrorsIO () compileModule resolver backend (ModuleSpec p d ee em is is2 ps xs ts es ep m f) = do as <- fmap fixPaths $ mapCompilerM (resolveModule resolver (p d)) is as2 <- fmap fixPaths $ mapCompilerM (resolveModule resolver (p d)) is2 let ca0 = Map.empty compilerHash <- getCompilerHash backend deps1 <- loadPublicDeps compilerHash f ca0 as let ca1 = ca0 `Map.union` mapMetadata deps1 deps2 <- loadPublicDeps compilerHash f ca1 as2 let ca2 = ca1 `Map.union` mapMetadata deps2 base <- resolveBaseModule resolver actual <- resolveModule resolver p d isBase <- isBaseModule resolver actual -- Lazy dependency loading, in case we're compiling base. deps1' <- if isBase then return deps1 else do bpDeps <- loadPublicDeps compilerHash f ca2 [base] return $ bpDeps ++ deps1 time <- errorFromIO getZonedTime root <- errorFromIO $ canonicalizePath p path <- errorFromIO $ canonicalizePath (p d) extra <- errorFromIO $ sequence $ map (canonicalizePath . (p)) ee -- NOTE: Making the public namespace deterministic allows freshness checks to -- skip checking all inputs/outputs for each dependency. let ns0 = StaticNamespace $ publicNamespace $ show compilerHash ++ path let ns1 = StaticNamespace . privateNamespace $ show time ++ show compilerHash ++ path let extensions = concat $ map getSourceCategories es (cs,private) <- loadModuleGlobals resolver p (ns0,ns1) ps Nothing deps1' deps2 let cm = createLanguageModule extensions em cs let cs2 = filter (not . hasCodeVisibility FromDependency) cs let pc = map (getCategoryName . wvData) $ filter (not . hasCodeVisibility ModuleOnly) cs2 let tc = map (getCategoryName . wvData) $ filter (hasCodeVisibility ModuleOnly) cs2 let dc = map (getCategoryName . wvData) $ filter (hasCodeVisibility FromDependency) $ filter (not . hasCodeVisibility ModuleOnly) cs xa <- mapCompilerM (loadPrivateSource resolver compilerHash p) xs fs <- compileLanguageModule cm xa mf <- maybeCreateMain cm xa m eraseCachedData (p d) pps <- fmap (zip ps) $ mapCompilerM (errorFromIO . canonicalizePath . (p)) ps let ps2 = map fst $ filter (not . ((`Set.member` private) . snd)) pps let xs2 = xs ++ (map fst $ filter ((`Set.member` private) . snd) pps) let ts2 = ts let paths = map (\ns -> getCachedPath (p d) ns "") $ nub $ filter (not . null) $ map show $ map coNamespace fs paths' <- mapM (errorFromIO . canonicalizePath) paths s0 <- errorFromIO $ canonicalizePath $ getCachedPath (p d) (show ns0) "" s1 <- errorFromIO $ canonicalizePath $ getCachedPath (p d) (show ns1) "" let paths2 = base:s0:s1:(getIncludePathsForDeps (deps1' ++ deps2)) ++ ep' ++ paths' let hxx = filter (isSuffixOf ".hpp" . coFilename) fs let other = filter (not . isSuffixOf ".hpp" . coFilename) fs os1 <- mapCompilerM (writeOutputFile paths2) $ hxx ++ other let files = map (\f2 -> getCachedPath (p d) (show $ coNamespace f2) (coFilename f2)) fs ++ map (\f2 -> p getSourceFile f2) es files' <- mapCompilerM checkOwnedFile files let ca = Map.fromList $ map (\c -> (getCategoryName c,getCategoryNamespace c)) $ map wvData cs2 os2 <- fmap concat $ mapCompilerM (compileExtraSource (ns0,ns1) ca paths2) es let (hxx',cxx,os') = sortCompiledFiles files' let (osCat,osOther) = partitionEithers os2 let os1' = resolveObjectDeps (deps1' ++ deps2) path path (os1 ++ osCat) warnPublic resolver (p d) pc dc os1' is let allObjects = os1' ++ osOther ++ map OtherObjectFile os' createCachePath (p d) let libraryName = getCachedPath (p d) "" (show ns0 ++ ".so") ls <- createLibrary libraryName (getLinkFlags m) (deps1' ++ deps2) allObjects let cm2 = CompileMetadata { cmVersionHash = compilerHash, cmRoot = root, cmPath = path, cmExtra = extra, cmPublicNamespace = ns0, cmPrivateNamespace = ns1, cmPublicDeps = as, cmPrivateDeps = if isBase then as2 else (base:as2), cmPublicCategories = sort pc, cmPrivateCategories = sort tc, cmPublicSubdirs = [s0], cmPrivateSubdirs = [s1], cmPublicFiles = sort ps2, cmPrivateFiles = sort xs2, cmTestFiles = sort ts2, cmHxxFiles = sort hxx', cmCxxFiles = sort cxx, cmLibraries = ls, cmBinaries = [], cmLinkFlags = getLinkFlags m, cmObjectFiles = os1' ++ osOther ++ map OtherObjectFile os' } bs <- createBinary compilerHash paths' (cm2:(deps1' ++ deps2)) m mf let cm2' = CompileMetadata { cmVersionHash = cmVersionHash cm2, cmRoot = cmRoot cm2, cmPath = cmPath cm2, cmExtra = cmExtra cm2, cmPublicNamespace = cmPublicNamespace cm2, cmPrivateNamespace = cmPrivateNamespace cm2, cmPublicDeps = cmPublicDeps cm2, cmPrivateDeps = cmPrivateDeps cm2, cmPublicCategories = cmPublicCategories cm2, cmPrivateCategories = cmPrivateCategories cm2, cmPublicSubdirs = cmPublicSubdirs cm2, cmPrivateSubdirs = cmPrivateSubdirs cm2, cmPublicFiles = cmPublicFiles cm2, cmPrivateFiles = cmPrivateFiles cm2, cmTestFiles = cmTestFiles cm2, cmHxxFiles = cmHxxFiles cm2, cmCxxFiles = cmCxxFiles cm2, cmBinaries = bs, cmLibraries = cmLibraries cm2, cmLinkFlags = cmLinkFlags cm2, cmObjectFiles = cmObjectFiles cm2 } writeMetadata (p d) cm2' let traces = Set.unions $ map coPossibleTraces $ hxx ++ other writePossibleTraces (p d) traces where ep' = fixPaths $ map (p ) ep writeOutputFile paths ca@(CxxOutput _ f2 ns _ _ _ content) = do errorFromIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Writing file " ++ f2 writeCachedFile (p d) (show ns) f2 $ concat $ map (++ "\n") content if isSuffixOf ".cpp" f2 || isSuffixOf ".cc" f2 then do let f2' = getCachedPath (p d) (show ns) f2 let p0 = getCachedPath (p d) "" "" let p1 = getCachedPath (p d) (show ns) "" createCachePath (p d) let ms = [] let command = CompileToObject f2' (getCachedPath (p d) (show ns) "") ms (p0:p1:paths) False o2 <- runCxxCommand backend command return $ ([o2],ca) else return ([],ca) compileExtraSource (ns0,ns1) ca paths (CategorySource f2 cs ds2) = do f2' <- compileExtraFile False (ns0,ns1) paths f2 case f2' of Nothing -> return [] Just o -> return $ map (\c -> Left $ ([o],fakeCxx c)) cs where allDeps = Set.fromList (cs ++ ds2) fakeCxx c = CxxOutput { coCategory = Just c, coFilename = "", coNamespace = case c `Map.lookup` ca of Just ns2 -> ns2 Nothing -> NoNamespace, coUsesNamespace = Set.fromList [ns0,ns1], coUsesCategory = c `Set.delete` allDeps, coPossibleTraces = Set.empty, coOutput = [] } compileExtraSource (ns0,ns1) _ paths (OtherSource f2) = do f2' <- compileExtraFile True (ns0,ns1) paths f2 case f2' of Just o -> return [Right $ OtherObjectFile o] Nothing -> return [] checkOwnedFile f2 = do exists <- errorFromIO $ doesFileExist f2 when (not exists) $ compilerErrorM $ "Owned file " ++ f2 ++ " does not exist." errorFromIO $ canonicalizePath f2 compileExtraFile e (ns0,ns1) paths f2 | isSuffixOf ".cpp" f2 || isSuffixOf ".cc" f2 = do let f2' = p f2 createCachePath (p d) let ms = [(publicNamespaceMacro,Just $ show ns0),(privateNamespaceMacro,Just $ show ns1)] let command = CompileToObject f2' (getCachedPath (p d) (show ns0) "") ms paths e fmap Just $ runCxxCommand backend command | isSuffixOf ".a" f2 || isSuffixOf ".o" f2 = return (Just f2) | otherwise = return Nothing createBinary compilerHash paths deps (CompileBinary n _ lm o lf) [CxxOutput _ _ _ ns2 req _ content] = do f0 <- if null o then errorFromIO $ canonicalizePath $ p d show n else errorFromIO $ canonicalizePath $ p d o let main = takeFileName f0 ++ ".cpp" errorFromIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Writing file " ++ main let mainAbs = getCachedPath (p d) "main" main writeCachedFile (p d) "main" main $ concat $ map (++ "\n") content base <- resolveBaseModule resolver deps2 <- loadPrivateDeps compilerHash f (mapMetadata deps) deps let paths' = fixPaths $ paths ++ base:(getIncludePathsForDeps deps) command <- getCommand lm mainAbs f0 deps2 paths' errorFromIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Creating binary " ++ f0 f1 <- runCxxCommand backend command return [f1] where getCommand LinkStatic mainAbs f0 deps2 paths2 = do let lf' = lf ++ getLinkFlagsForDeps deps2 let os = getObjectFilesForDeps deps2 let ofr = getObjectFileResolver os let objects = ofr ns2 req return $ CompileToBinary mainAbs objects [] f0 paths2 lf' getCommand LinkDynamic mainAbs f0 deps2 paths2 = do let objects = getLibrariesForDeps deps2 return $ CompileToBinary mainAbs objects [] f0 paths2 [] createBinary _ _ _ (CompileBinary n _ _ _ _) [] = compilerErrorM $ "Main category " ++ show n ++ " not found." createBinary _ _ _ (CompileBinary n _ _ _ _) _ = compilerErrorM $ "Multiple matches for main category " ++ show n ++ "." createBinary _ _ _ _ _ = return [] createLibrary _ _ [] [] = return [] createLibrary name lf deps os = do let flags = lf ++ getLinkFlagsForDeps deps -- NOTE: nub is needed because an extension that defines multiple -- categories will show up more than once in getObjectFiles. let objects = (nub $ concat $ map getObjectFiles os) ++ getLibrariesForDeps deps let command = CompileToShared objects name flags fmap (:[]) $ runCxxCommand backend command maybeCreateMain cm2 xs2 (CompileBinary n f2 _ _ _) = fmap (:[]) $ compileModuleMain cm2 xs2 n f2 maybeCreateMain _ _ _ = return [] createModuleTemplates :: PathIOHandler r => r -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> [CompileMetadata] -> [CompileMetadata] -> TrackedErrorsIO () createModuleTemplates resolver p d ds deps1 deps2 = do (ps,xs,_) <- findSourceFiles p (d:ds) (LanguageModule _ _ _ cs0 ps0 ts0 cs1 ps1 ts1 _ _) <- fmap (createLanguageModule [] Map.empty . fst) $ loadModuleGlobals resolver p (PublicNamespace,PrivateNamespace) ps Nothing deps1 deps2 xs' <- zipWithContents resolver p xs ds2 <- mapCompilerM parseInternalSource xs' let ds3 = concat $ map (\(_,_,d2) -> d2) ds2 tm <- foldM includeNewTypes defaultCategories [cs0,cs1,ps0,ps1,ts0,ts1] let cs = filter isValueConcrete $ cs1++ps1++ts1 let ca = Set.fromList $ map getCategoryName $ filter isValueConcrete cs let ca' = foldr Set.delete ca $ map dcName ds3 let testingCats = Set.fromList $ map getCategoryName ts1 ts <- fmap concat $ mapCompilerM (\n -> generate (n `Set.member` testingCats) tm n) $ Set.toList ca' mapCompilerM_ writeTemplate ts where generate testing tm n = do (_,t) <- getConcreteCategory tm ([],n) generateStreamlinedTemplate testing tm t writeTemplate (CxxOutput _ n _ _ _ _ content) = do let n' = p d n exists <- errorFromIO $ doesFileExist n' if exists then compilerWarningM $ "Skipping existing file " ++ n else do errorFromIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Writing file " ++ n errorFromIO $ writeFile n' $ concat $ map (++ "\n") content runModuleTests :: (PathIOHandler r, CompilerBackend b) => r -> b -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> LoadedTests -> TrackedErrorsIO [((Int,Int),TrackedErrors ())] runModuleTests resolver backend cl base tp (LoadedTests m em deps1 deps2) = do let paths = base:(cmPublicSubdirs m ++ cmPrivateSubdirs m ++ getIncludePathsForDeps deps1) mapCompilerM_ showSkipped $ filter (not . isTestAllowed) $ cmTestFiles m ts' <- zipWithContents resolver (cmRoot m) $ filter isTestAllowed $ cmTestFiles m let path = cmPath m cm <- fmap (createLanguageModule [] em . fst) $ loadModuleGlobals resolver path (NoNamespace,NoNamespace) [] (Just m) deps1 [] mapCompilerM (runSingleTest backend cl cm paths (m:deps2)) ts' where allowTests = Set.fromList tp isTestAllowed t | null allowTests = True | otherwise = any (`isSuffixOf` t) allowTests showSkipped f = compilerWarningM $ "Skipping tests in " ++ f ++ " due to explicit test filter." loadPrivateSource :: PathIOHandler r => r -> VersionHash -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TrackedErrorsIO (PrivateSource SourceContext) loadPrivateSource resolver h p f = do [f'] <- zipWithContents resolver p [f] time <- errorFromIO getZonedTime path <- errorFromIO $ canonicalizePath (p f) let ns = StaticNamespace $ privateNamespace $ show time ++ show h ++ path (pragmas,cs,ds) <- parseInternalSource f' let cs' = map (setCategoryNamespace ns) cs let testing = any isTestsOnly pragmas return $ PrivateSource ns testing cs' ds createLanguageModule :: [CategoryName] -> ExprMap c -> [WithVisibility (AnyCategory c)] -> LanguageModule c createLanguageModule ss em cs = lm where lm = LanguageModule { lmPublicNamespaces = Set.fromList $ map wvData $ apply ns [with FromDependency,without ModuleOnly], lmPrivateNamespaces = Set.fromList $ map wvData $ apply ns [with FromDependency,with ModuleOnly], lmLocalNamespaces = Set.fromList $ map wvData $ apply ns [without FromDependency], lmPublicDeps = map wvData $ apply cs [with FromDependency,without ModuleOnly,without TestsOnly], lmPrivateDeps = map wvData $ apply cs [with FromDependency,with ModuleOnly,without TestsOnly], lmTestingDeps = map wvData $ apply cs [with FromDependency,with TestsOnly], lmPublicLocal = map wvData $ apply cs [without FromDependency,without ModuleOnly,without TestsOnly], lmPrivateLocal = map wvData $ apply cs [without FromDependency,with ModuleOnly,without TestsOnly], lmTestingLocal = map wvData $ apply cs [without FromDependency,with TestsOnly], lmStreamlined = ss, lmExprMap = em } ns = map (mapCodeVisibility getCategoryNamespace) cs with v = hasCodeVisibility v without v = not . hasCodeVisibility v apply = foldr filter warnPublic :: PathIOHandler r => r -> FilePath -> [CategoryName] -> [CategoryName] -> [ObjectFile] -> [FilePath] -> TrackedErrorsIO () warnPublic resolver p pc dc os = mapCompilerM_ checkPublic where checkPublic d = do d2 <- resolveModule resolver p d when (not $ d2 `Set.member` neededPublic) $ compilerWarningM $ "Dependency \"" ++ d ++ "\" does not need to be public" pc' = Set.fromList pc dc' = Set.fromList dc neededPublic = Set.fromList $ concat $ map checkDep os checkDep (CategoryObjectFile (CategoryIdentifier _ n _) ds _) | n `Set.member` pc' = map ciPath $ filter ((`Set.member` dc') . ciCategory) ds checkDep _ = []