{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2019-2020 Kevin P. Barry Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -} -- Author: Kevin P. Barry [ta0kira@gmail.com] {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} module CompilerCxx.Category ( CategoryModule(..), CxxOutput(..), PrivateSource(..), createMainFile, createTestFile, compileCategoryDeclaration, compileCategoryModule, compileConcreteDefinition, compileConcreteTemplate, compileInterfaceDefinition, compileModuleMain, ) where import Data.List (intercalate,sortBy) import Prelude hiding (pi) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Base.CompileError import Base.Mergeable import Compilation.CompilerState import Compilation.ScopeContext import CompilerCxx.CategoryContext import CompilerCxx.Code import CompilerCxx.Naming import CompilerCxx.Procedure import Types.DefinedCategory import Types.GeneralType import Types.Positional import Types.Procedure import Types.TypeCategory import Types.TypeInstance import Types.Variance data CxxOutput = CxxOutput { coCategory :: Maybe CategoryName, coFilename :: String, coNamespace :: Namespace, coUsesNamespace :: [Namespace], coUsesCategory :: [CategoryName], coOutput :: [String] } data CategoryModule c = CategoryModule { cnBase :: CategoryMap c, cnNamespaces :: [Namespace], cnPublic :: [AnyCategory c], cnPrivate :: [PrivateSource c] } data PrivateSource c = PrivateSource { psNamespace :: Namespace, psCategory :: [AnyCategory c], psDefine :: [DefinedCategory c] } compileCategoryModule :: (Show c, CompileErrorM m, MergeableM m) => CategoryModule c -> m [CxxOutput] compileCategoryModule (CategoryModule tm ns cs xa) = do tm' <- includeNewTypes tm cs hxx <- collectAllOrErrorM $ map (compileCategoryDeclaration tm') cs let interfaces = filter (not . isValueConcrete) cs cxx <- collectAllOrErrorM $ map compileInterfaceDefinition interfaces xa2 <- collectAllOrErrorM $ map compileInternal xa let xx = concat $ map snd xa2 let dm = Map.fromListWith (++) $ map (\d -> (dcName d,[d])) $ concat $ map fst xa2 checkDuplicates dm cs return $ hxx ++ cxx ++ xx where compileInternal (PrivateSource ns1 cs2 ds) = do let cs' = cs++cs2 tm' <- includeNewTypes tm cs' hxx <- collectAllOrErrorM $ map (compileCategoryDeclaration tm') cs2 let interfaces = filter (not . isValueConcrete) cs2 cxx1 <- collectAllOrErrorM $ map compileInterfaceDefinition interfaces cxx2 <- collectAllOrErrorM $ map (compileDefinition tm' (ns1:ns)) ds return (ds,hxx ++ cxx1 ++ cxx2) compileDefinition tm2 ns2 d = do tm2' <- mergeInternalInheritance tm2 d compileConcreteDefinition tm2' ns2 d checkDuplicates dm = mergeAllM . map (check dm) check dm t = case getCategoryName t `Map.lookup` dm of Nothing -> return () Just [_] -> return () Just ds -> flip reviseError ("Public category " ++ show (getCategoryName t) ++ formatFullContextBrace (getCategoryContext t) ++ " is defined " ++ show (length ds) ++ " times") $ mergeAllM $ map (\d -> compileError $ "Defined at " ++ formatFullContext (dcContext d)) ds compileModuleMain :: (Show c, CompileErrorM m, MergeableM m) => CategoryModule c -> CategoryName -> FunctionName -> m CxxOutput compileModuleMain (CategoryModule tm _ cs xa) n f = do xx <- fmap concat $ collectAllOrErrorM $ filter (not . isCompileError) $ map maybeCompileMain xa reconcile xx where maybeCompileMain (PrivateSource _ cs2 ds) = do let cs' = cs++cs2 tm' <- includeNewTypes tm cs' let dm = Set.fromList $ map dcName ds if n `Set.member` dm then do (ns2,main) <- createMainFile tm' n f return [CxxOutput Nothing mainFilename NoNamespace [ns2] [n] main] else return [] reconcile [x] = return x reconcile [] = compileErrorM $ "No matches for main category " ++ show n reconcile _ = compileErrorM $ "Multiple matches for main category " ++ show n compileCategoryDeclaration :: (Show c, CompileErrorM m, MergeableM m) => CategoryMap c -> AnyCategory c -> m CxxOutput compileCategoryDeclaration _ t = return $ CxxOutput (Just $ getCategoryName t) (headerFilename name) (getCategoryNamespace t) [getCategoryNamespace t] (filter (not . isBuiltinCategory) $ Set.toList $ cdRequired file) (cdOutput file) where file = mergeAll $ [ CompiledData depends [], onlyCodes guardTop, onlyCodes baseHeaderIncludes, addNamespace t content, onlyCodes guardBottom ] depends = getCategoryDeps t content = onlyCodes $ collection ++ labels ++ getCategory2 ++ getType name = getCategoryName t guardTop = ["#ifndef " ++ guardName,"#define " ++ guardName] guardBottom = ["#endif // " ++ guardName] guardName = "HEADER_" ++ guardNamespace ++ show name guardNamespace | isStaticNamespace $ getCategoryNamespace t = show (getCategoryNamespace t) ++ "_" | otherwise = "" labels = map label $ filter ((== name) . sfType) $ getCategoryFunctions t label f = "extern " ++ functionLabelType f ++ " " ++ functionName f ++ ";" collection | isValueConcrete t = [] | otherwise = ["extern const void* const " ++ collectionName name ++ ";"] getCategory2 | isInstanceInterface t = [] | otherwise = declareGetCategory t getType | isInstanceInterface t = [] | otherwise = declareGetType t compileInterfaceDefinition :: MergeableM m => AnyCategory c -> m CxxOutput compileInterfaceDefinition t = do te <- typeConstructor commonDefineAll t [] emptyCode emptyCode emptyCode te [] where typeConstructor = do let ps = map vpParam $ getCategoryParams t let argParent = categoryName (getCategoryName t) ++ "& p" let argsPassed = "Params<" ++ show (length ps) ++ ">::Type params" let allArgs = intercalate ", " [argParent,argsPassed] let initParent = "parent(p)" let initPassed = map (\(i,p) -> paramName p ++ "(*std::get<" ++ show i ++ ">(params))") $ zip ([0..] :: [Int]) ps let allInit = intercalate ", " $ initParent:initPassed return $ onlyCode $ typeName (getCategoryName t) ++ "(" ++ allArgs ++ ") : " ++ allInit ++ " {}" compileConcreteTemplate :: (Show c, CompileErrorM m, MergeableM m) => CategoryMap c -> CategoryName -> m CxxOutput compileConcreteTemplate ta n = do (_,t) <- getConcreteCategory ta ([],n) compileConcreteDefinition ta [] (defined t) `reviseError` ("In generated template for " ++ show n) where defined t = DefinedCategory { dcContext = [], dcName = getCategoryName t, dcParams = [], dcRefines = [], dcDefines = [], dcParamFilter = [], dcMembers = [], dcProcedures = map defaultFail (getCategoryFunctions t), dcFunctions = [] } defaultFail f = ExecutableProcedure { epContext = [], epEnd = [], epName = sfName f, epArgs = ArgValues [] $ Positional $ map createArg [1..(length $ pValues $ sfArgs f)], epReturns = UnnamedReturns [], epProcedure = failProcedure f } createArg = InputValue [] . VariableName . ("arg" ++) . show failProcedure f = Procedure [] [ NoValueExpression [] $ LineComment $ "// TODO: Implement " ++ funcName f ++ ".", FailCall [] (Literal (StringLiteral [] $ funcName f ++ " is not implemented")) ] funcName f = show (sfType f) ++ "." ++ show (sfName f) compileConcreteDefinition :: (Show c, CompileErrorM m, MergeableM m) => CategoryMap c -> [Namespace] -> DefinedCategory c -> m CxxOutput compileConcreteDefinition ta ns dd@(DefinedCategory c n pi _ _ fi ms _ fs) = do (_,t) <- getConcreteCategory ta (c,n) let r = CategoryResolver ta [cp,tp,vp] <- getProcedureScopes ta dd cf <- collectAllOrErrorM $ applyProcedureScope compileExecutableProcedure cp tf <- collectAllOrErrorM $ applyProcedureScope compileExecutableProcedure tp vf <- collectAllOrErrorM $ applyProcedureScope compileExecutableProcedure vp -- Functions explicitly declared externally. let externalFuncs = Set.fromList $ map sfName $ filter ((== n) . sfType) $ getCategoryFunctions t -- Functions explicitly declared internally. let overrideFuncs = Map.fromList $ map (\f -> (sfName f,f)) fs -- Functions only declared internally. let internalFuncs = Map.filter (not . (`Set.member` externalFuncs) . sfName) overrideFuncs let (cm,tm,vm) = partitionByScope dmScope ms disallowTypeMembers tm let internalCount = length pi let memberCount = length vm let fe = Map.elems internalFuncs let allFuncs = getCategoryFunctions t ++ fe let filters = getCategoryFilters t let filters2 = fi let allFilters = getFilterMap (getCategoryParams t ++ pi) $ filters ++ filters2 top <- mergeAllM [ return $ onlyCode $ "class " ++ valueName n ++ ";", declareInternalValue n internalCount memberCount ] defineValue <- mergeAllM [ return $ onlyCode $ "struct " ++ valueName n ++ " : public " ++ valueBase ++ " {", fmap indentCompiled $ valueConstructor vm, fmap indentCompiled $ valueDispatch allFuncs, return $ indentCompiled $ defineCategoryName2 n, return $ indentCompiled $ mergeAll $ map fst vf, fmap indentCompiled $ mergeAllM $ map (createMember r allFilters) vm, fmap indentCompiled $ createParams, return $ indentCompiled $ onlyCode $ typeName n ++ "& parent;", return $ onlyCode "};" ] bottom <- mergeAllM $ [ return $ defineValue, defineInternalValue n internalCount memberCount ] ++ map (return . snd) (cf ++ tf ++ vf) ce <- mergeAllM [ categoryConstructor t cm, categoryDispatch allFuncs, return $ mergeAll $ map fst cf, mergeAllM $ map (createMemberLazy r allFilters) cm ] te <- mergeAllM [ typeConstructor t tm, typeDispatch allFuncs, return $ mergeAll $ map fst tf, mergeAllM $ map (createMember r allFilters) tm ] commonDefineAll t ns top bottom ce te fe where disallowTypeMembers :: (Show c, CompileErrorM m, MergeableM m) => [DefinedMember c] -> m () disallowTypeMembers tm = mergeAllM $ flip map tm (\m -> compileError $ "Member " ++ show (dmName m) ++ " is not allowed to be @type-scoped" ++ formatFullContextBrace (dmContext m)) createParams = mergeAllM $ map createParam pi createParam p = return $ onlyCode $ paramType ++ " " ++ paramName (vpParam p) ++ ";" -- TODO: Can probably remove this if @type members are disallowed. Or, just -- skip it if there are no @type members. getCycleCheck n2 = [ "CycleCheck<" ++ n2 ++ ">::Check();", "CycleCheck<" ++ n2 ++ "> marker(*this);" ] categoryConstructor t ms2 = do ctx <- getContextForInit ta t dd CategoryScope initMembers <- runDataCompiler (sequence $ map compileLazyInit ms2) ctx let initMembersStr = intercalate ", " $ cdOutput initMembers let initColon = if null initMembersStr then "" else " : " mergeAllM [ return $ onlyCode $ categoryName n ++ "()" ++ initColon ++ initMembersStr ++ " {", return $ indentCompiled $ onlyCodes $ getCycleCheck (categoryName n), return $ indentCompiled $ onlyCode $ startFunctionTracing $ show n ++ " (init @category)", return $ onlyCode "}", return $ clearCompiled initMembers -- Inherit required types. ] typeConstructor t ms2 = do let ps2 = map vpParam $ getCategoryParams t let argParent = categoryName n ++ "& p" let paramsPassed = "Params<" ++ show (length ps2) ++ ">::Type params" let allArgs = intercalate ", " [argParent,paramsPassed] let initParent = "parent(p)" let initPassed = map (\(i,p) -> paramName p ++ "(*std::get<" ++ show i ++ ">(params))") $ zip ([0..] :: [Int]) ps2 let allInit = intercalate ", " $ initParent:initPassed ctx <- getContextForInit ta t dd TypeScope initMembers <- runDataCompiler (sequence $ map initMember ms2) ctx mergeAllM [ return $ onlyCode $ typeName n ++ "(" ++ allArgs ++ ") : " ++ allInit ++ " {", return $ indentCompiled $ onlyCodes $ getCycleCheck (typeName n), return $ indentCompiled $ onlyCode $ startFunctionTracing $ show n ++ " (init @type)", return $ indentCompiled $ initMembers, return $ onlyCode "}" ] valueConstructor ms2 = do let argParent = typeName n ++ "& p" let paramsPassed = "const ParamTuple& params" let argsPassed = "const ValueTuple& args" let allArgs = intercalate ", " [argParent,paramsPassed,argsPassed] let initParent = "parent(p)" let initParams = map (\(i,p) -> paramName (vpParam p) ++ "(*params.At(" ++ show i ++ "))") $ zip ([0..] :: [Int]) pi let initArgs = map (\(i,m) -> variableName (dmName m) ++ "(" ++ unwrappedArg i m ++ ")") $ zip ([0..] :: [Int]) ms2 let allInit = intercalate ", " $ initParent:(initParams ++ initArgs) return $ onlyCode $ valueName n ++ "(" ++ allArgs ++ ") : " ++ allInit ++ " {}" unwrappedArg i m = writeStoredVariable (dmType m) (UnwrappedSingle $ "args.At(" ++ show i ++ ")") createMember r filters m = do validateGeneralInstance r filters (vtType $ dmType m) `reviseError` ("In creation of " ++ show (dmName m) ++ " at " ++ formatFullContext (dmContext m)) return $ onlyCode $ variableStoredType (dmType m) ++ " " ++ variableName (dmName m) ++ ";" createMemberLazy r filters m = do validateGeneralInstance r filters (vtType $ dmType m) `reviseError` ("In creation of " ++ show (dmName m) ++ " at " ++ formatFullContext (dmContext m)) return $ onlyCode $ variableLazyType (dmType m) ++ " " ++ variableName (dmName m) ++ ";" initMember (DefinedMember _ _ _ _ Nothing) = return mergeDefault initMember (DefinedMember c2 s t n2 (Just e)) = do csAddVariable c2 n2 (VariableValue c2 s t True) let assign = Assignment c2 (Positional [ExistingVariable (InputValue c2 n2)]) e compileStatement assign categoryDispatch fs2 = return $ onlyCodes $ [ "ReturnTuple Dispatch(" ++ "const CategoryFunction& label, " ++ "const ParamTuple& params, " ++ "const ValueTuple& args) final {" ] ++ createFunctionDispatch n CategoryScope fs2 ++ ["}"] typeDispatch fs2 = return $ onlyCodes $ [ "ReturnTuple Dispatch(" ++ "const TypeFunction& label, " ++ "const ParamTuple& params, " ++ "const ValueTuple& args) final {" ] ++ createFunctionDispatch n TypeScope fs2 ++ ["}"] valueDispatch fs2 = return $ onlyCodes $ [ "ReturnTuple Dispatch(" ++ "const S& self, " ++ "const ValueFunction& label, " ++ "const ParamTuple& params," ++ "const ValueTuple& args) final {" ] ++ createFunctionDispatch n ValueScope fs2 ++ ["}"] commonDefineAll :: MergeableM m => AnyCategory c -> [Namespace] -> CompiledData [String] -> CompiledData [String] -> CompiledData [String] -> CompiledData [String] -> [ScopedFunction c] -> m CxxOutput commonDefineAll t ns top bottom ce te fe = do let filename = sourceFilename name (CompiledData req out) <- fmap (addNamespace t) $ mergeAllM $ [ return $ CompiledData (Set.fromList [name]) [], return $ mergeAll [createCollection,createAllLabels] ] ++ conditionalContent let inherited = Set.fromList $ (map (tiName . vrType) $ getCategoryRefines t) ++ (map (diName . vdType) $ getCategoryDefines t) let includes = map (\i -> "#include \"" ++ headerFilename i ++ "\"") $ filter (not . isBuiltinCategory) $ Set.toList $ Set.union req inherited return $ CxxOutput (Just $ getCategoryName t) filename (getCategoryNamespace t) ((getCategoryNamespace t):ns) (filter (not . isBuiltinCategory) $ Set.toList req) (baseSourceIncludes ++ includes ++ out) where conditionalContent | isInstanceInterface t = [] | otherwise = [ return $ onlyCode $ "namespace {", declareTypes, declareInternalType name paramCount, return top, commonDefineCategory t ce, return $ onlyCodes getInternal, commonDefineType t te, defineInternalType name paramCount, return bottom, return $ onlyCode $ "} // namespace", return $ onlyCodes $ getCategory2 ++ getType ] declareTypes = return $ onlyCodes $ map (\f -> "class " ++ f name ++ ";") [categoryName,typeName] paramCount = length $ getCategoryParams t name = getCategoryName t createCollection = onlyCodes [ "namespace {", "const int " ++ collectionValName ++ " = 0;", "} // namespace", "const void* const " ++ collectionName name ++ " = &" ++ collectionValName ++ ";" ] collectionValName = "collection_" ++ show name (fc,ft,fv) = partitionByScope sfScope $ getCategoryFunctions t ++ fe createAllLabels = onlyCodes $ concat $ map createLabels [fc,ft,fv] createLabels = map (uncurry createLabelForFunction) . zip [0..] . sortBy compareName . filter ((== name) . sfType) getInternal = defineInternalCategory t getCategory2 = defineGetCatetory t getType = defineGetType t compareName x y = sfName x `compare` sfName y addNamespace :: AnyCategory c -> CompiledData [String] -> CompiledData [String] addNamespace t cs | isStaticNamespace $ getCategoryNamespace t = mergeAll [ onlyCode $ "namespace " ++ show (getCategoryNamespace t) ++ " {", cs, onlyCode $ "} // namespace " ++ show (getCategoryNamespace t), onlyCode $ "using namespace " ++ show (getCategoryNamespace t) ++ ";" ] | isDynamicNamespace $ getCategoryNamespace t = mergeAll [ onlyCode $ "#ifdef " ++ dynamicNamespaceName, onlyCode $ "namespace " ++ dynamicNamespaceName ++ " {", onlyCode $ "#endif // " ++ dynamicNamespaceName, cs, onlyCode $ "#ifdef " ++ dynamicNamespaceName, onlyCode $ "} // namespace " ++ dynamicNamespaceName, onlyCode $ "using namespace " ++ dynamicNamespaceName ++ ";", onlyCode $ "#endif // " ++ dynamicNamespaceName ] | otherwise = cs createLabelForFunction :: Int -> ScopedFunction c -> String createLabelForFunction i f = functionLabelType f ++ " " ++ functionName f ++ " = " ++ newFunctionLabel i f ++ ";" createFunctionDispatch :: CategoryName -> SymbolScope -> [ScopedFunction c] -> [String] createFunctionDispatch n s fs = [typedef] ++ concat (map table $ byCategory) ++ concat (map dispatch $ byCategory) ++ [fallback] where filtered = filter ((== s) . sfScope) fs flatten f = f:(concat $ map flatten $ sfMerges f) flattened = concat $ map flatten filtered byCategory = Map.toList $ Map.fromListWith (++) $ map (\f -> (sfType f,[f])) flattened typedef | s == CategoryScope = " using CallType = ReturnTuple(" ++ categoryName n ++ "::*)(const ParamTuple&, const ValueTuple&);" | s == TypeScope = " using CallType = ReturnTuple(" ++ typeName n ++ "::*)(const ParamTuple&, const ValueTuple&);" | s == ValueScope = " using CallType = ReturnTuple(" ++ valueName n ++ "::*)(const S&, const ParamTuple&, const ValueTuple&);" | otherwise = undefined name f | s == CategoryScope = categoryName n ++ "::" ++ callName f | s == TypeScope = typeName n ++ "::" ++ callName f | s == ValueScope = valueName n ++ "::" ++ callName f | otherwise = undefined table (n2,fs2) = [" static const CallType " ++ tableName n2 ++ "[] = {"] ++ map (\f -> " &" ++ name f ++ ",") (Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ map sfName fs2) ++ [" };"] dispatch (n2,fs2) = [ " if (label.collection == " ++ collectionName n2 ++ ") {", " if (label.function_num < 0 || label.function_num >= " ++ show (length fs2) ++ ") {", " FAIL() << \"Bad function call \" << label;", " }", " return (this->*" ++ tableName n2 ++ "[label.function_num])(" ++ args ++ ");", " }" ] args | s == CategoryScope = "params, args" | s == TypeScope = "params, args" | s == ValueScope = "self, params, args" | otherwise = undefined fallback | s == CategoryScope = " return TypeCategory::Dispatch(label, params, args);" | s == TypeScope = " return TypeInstance::Dispatch(label, params, args);" | s == ValueScope = " return TypeValue::Dispatch(self, label, params, args);" | otherwise = undefined commonDefineCategory :: MergeableM m => AnyCategory c -> CompiledData [String] -> m (CompiledData [String]) commonDefineCategory t extra = do mergeAllM $ [ return $ onlyCode $ "struct " ++ categoryName name ++ " : public " ++ categoryBase ++ " {", return $ indentCompiled $ defineCategoryName name, return $ indentCompiled extra, return $ onlyCode "};" ] where name = getCategoryName t commonDefineType :: MergeableM m => AnyCategory c -> CompiledData [String] -> m (CompiledData [String]) commonDefineType t extra = do mergeAllM [ return $ CompiledData depends [], return $ onlyCode $ "struct " ++ typeName (getCategoryName t) ++ " : public " ++ typeBase ++ " {", return $ indentCompiled $ defineCategoryName2 name, return $ indentCompiled $ defineTypeName name (map vpParam $ getCategoryParams t), return $ indentCompiled $ onlyCode $ categoryName (getCategoryName t) ++ "& parent;", return $ indentCompiled createParams, return $ indentCompiled canConvertFrom, return $ indentCompiled typeArgsForParent, return $ indentCompiled extra, return $ onlyCode "};" ] where name = getCategoryName t depends = getCategoryDeps t createParams = mergeAll $ map createParam $ getCategoryParams t createParam p = onlyCode $ paramType ++ " " ++ paramName (vpParam p) ++ ";" canConvertFrom | isInstanceInterface t = emptyCode | otherwise = onlyCodes $ [ "bool CanConvertFrom(const TypeInstance& from) const final {", -- TODO: This should be a typedef. " std::vector args;", " if (!from.TypeArgsForParent(parent, args)) return false;", -- TODO: Create a helper function for this error. " if(args.size() != " ++ show (length params) ++ ") {", " FAIL() << \"Wrong number of args (\" << args.size() << \") for \" << CategoryName();", " }" ] ++ checks ++ [" return true;","}"] params = map (\p -> (vpParam p,vpVariance p)) $ getCategoryParams t checks = concat $ map singleCheck $ zip ([0..] :: [Int]) params singleCheck (i,(p,Covariant)) = [ " if (!TypeInstance::CanConvert(*args[" ++ show i ++ "], " ++ paramName p ++ ")) return false;" ] singleCheck (i,(p,Contravariant)) = [ " if (!TypeInstance::CanConvert(" ++ paramName p ++ ", *args[" ++ show i ++ "])) return false;" ] singleCheck (i,(p,Invariant)) = [ " if (!TypeInstance::CanConvert(*args[" ++ show i ++ "], " ++ paramName p ++ ")) return false;", " if (!TypeInstance::CanConvert(" ++ paramName p ++ ", *args[" ++ show i ++ "])) return false;" ] typeArgsForParent | isInstanceInterface t = emptyCode | otherwise = onlyCodes $ [ "bool TypeArgsForParent(" ++ "const TypeCategory& category, " ++ "std::vector& args) const final {" ] ++ allCats ++ [" return false;","}"] myType = (getCategoryName t,map (SingleType . JustParamName . fst) params) refines = map (\r -> (tiName r,pValues $ tiParams r)) $ map vrType $ getCategoryRefines t allCats = concat $ map singleCat (myType:refines) singleCat (t2,ps) = [ " if (&category == &" ++ categoryGetter t2 ++ "()) {", " args = std::vector{" ++ expanded ++ "};", " return true;", " }" ] where expanded = intercalate "," $ map ('&':) $ map expandLocalType ps -- Similar to Procedure.expandGeneralInstance but doesn't account for scope. expandLocalType :: GeneralInstance -> String expandLocalType (TypeMerge MergeUnion []) = allGetter ++ "()" expandLocalType (TypeMerge MergeIntersect []) = anyGetter ++ "()" expandLocalType (TypeMerge m ps) = getter m ++ "(L_get<" ++ typeBase ++ "*>(" ++ intercalate "," (map ("&" ++) ps') ++ "))" where ps' = map expandLocalType ps getter MergeUnion = unionGetter getter MergeIntersect = intersectGetter expandLocalType (SingleType (JustTypeInstance (TypeInstance t ps))) = typeGetter t ++ "(T_get(" ++ intercalate "," (map ("&" ++) ps') ++ "))" where ps' = map expandLocalType $ pValues ps expandLocalType (SingleType (JustParamName p)) = paramName p defineCategoryName :: CategoryName -> CompiledData [String] defineCategoryName t = onlyCode $ "std::string CategoryName() const final { return \"" ++ show t ++ "\"; }" defineCategoryName2 :: CategoryName -> CompiledData [String] defineCategoryName2 _ = onlyCode $ "std::string CategoryName() const final { return parent.CategoryName(); }" defineTypeName :: CategoryName -> [ParamName] -> CompiledData [String] defineTypeName _ ps = onlyCodes [ "void BuildTypeName(std::ostream& output) const final {", " return TypeInstance::TypeNameFrom(output, parent" ++ concat (map ((", " ++) . paramName) ps) ++ ");", "}" ] declareGetCategory :: AnyCategory c -> [String] declareGetCategory t = [categoryBase ++ "& " ++ categoryGetter (getCategoryName t) ++ "();"] defineGetCatetory :: AnyCategory c -> [String] defineGetCatetory t = [ categoryBase ++ "& " ++ categoryGetter (getCategoryName t) ++ "() {", " return " ++ categoryCreator (getCategoryName t) ++ "();", "}" ] declareGetType :: AnyCategory c -> [String] declareGetType t = [typeBase ++ "& " ++ typeGetter (getCategoryName t) ++ "(Params<" ++ show (length $getCategoryParams t) ++ ">::Type params);"] defineGetType :: AnyCategory c -> [String] defineGetType t = [ typeBase ++ "& " ++ typeGetter (getCategoryName t) ++ "(Params<" ++ show (length $ getCategoryParams t) ++ ">::Type params) {", " return " ++ typeCreator (getCategoryName t) ++ "(params);", "}" ] defineInternalCategory :: AnyCategory c -> [String] defineInternalCategory t = [ internal ++ "& " ++ categoryCreator (getCategoryName t) ++ "() {", " static auto& category = *new " ++ internal ++ "();", " return category;", "}" ] where internal = categoryName (getCategoryName t) declareInternalType :: Monad m => CategoryName -> Int -> m (CompiledData [String]) declareInternalType t n = return $ onlyCode $ typeName t ++ "& " ++ typeCreator t ++ "(Params<" ++ show n ++ ">::Type params);" defineInternalType :: Monad m => CategoryName -> Int -> m (CompiledData [String]) defineInternalType t n = return $ onlyCodes [ typeName t ++ "& " ++ typeCreator t ++ "(Params<" ++ show n ++ ">::Type params) {", " static auto& cache = *new InstanceMap<" ++ show n ++ "," ++ typeName t ++ ">();", " auto& cached = cache[params];", " if (!cached) { cached = R_get(new " ++ typeName t ++ "(" ++ categoryCreator t ++ "(), params)); }", " return *cached;", "}" ] declareInternalValue :: Monad m => CategoryName -> Int -> Int -> m (CompiledData [String]) declareInternalValue t _ _ = return $ onlyCodes [ "S " ++ valueCreator t ++ "(" ++ typeName t ++ "& parent, " ++ "const ParamTuple& params, const ValueTuple& args);" ] defineInternalValue :: Monad m => CategoryName -> Int -> Int -> m (CompiledData [String]) defineInternalValue t _ _ = return $ onlyCodes [ "S " ++ valueCreator t ++ "(" ++ typeName t ++ "& parent, " ++ "const ParamTuple& params, const ValueTuple& args) {", " return S_get(new " ++ valueName t ++ "(parent, params, args));", "}" ] createMainCommon :: String -> CompiledData [String] -> [String] createMainCommon n (CompiledData req out) = baseSourceIncludes ++ mainSourceIncludes ++ depIncludes req ++ [ "int main(int argc, const char** argv) {", " SetSignalHandler();", " ProgramArgv program_argv(argc, argv);", " " ++ startFunctionTracing n ] ++ out ++ ["}"] where depIncludes req2 = map (\i -> "#include \"" ++ headerFilename i ++ "\"") $ filter (not . isBuiltinCategory) $ Set.toList req2 createMainFile :: (Show c, CompileErrorM m, MergeableM m) => CategoryMap c -> CategoryName -> FunctionName -> m (Namespace,[String]) createMainFile tm n f = flip reviseError ("In the creation of the main binary procedure") $ do ca <- fmap indentCompiled (compileMainProcedure tm expr) let file = createMainCommon "main" ca (_,t) <- getConcreteCategory tm ([],n) return (getCategoryNamespace t,file) where funcCall = FunctionCall [] f (Positional []) (Positional []) mainType = JustTypeInstance $ TypeInstance n (Positional []) expr = Expression [] (TypeCall [] mainType funcCall) [] createTestFile :: (Show c, CompileErrorM m, MergeableM m) => CategoryMap c -> Expression c -> m ([CategoryName],[String]) createTestFile tm e = flip reviseError ("In the creation of the test binary procedure") $ do ca@(CompiledData req _) <- fmap indentCompiled (compileMainProcedure tm e) let file = createMainCommon "main" ca return (filter (not . isBuiltinCategory) $ Set.toList req,file)